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Arfiano MV

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Everything posted by Arfiano MV

  1. View File CLEVER - HTML5 Radio Player With History WordPress Plugin Download CLEVER - HTML5 Radio Player With History WordPress Plugin Free A smooth and efficient radio player with history support which will play ShoutCast and IceCast streams. It can be used as fixed width & centered player, as a full width player or as footer & sticky player. FEATURES: Shoutcast & Icecast Support It supports Shoutcast and Icecast radio streaming. The radio stream should be MP3 type. It will also play AAC streams but only on browsers which support AAC Only Radio Stream Needed Just add the radio stream and the player will get the current playing song and artist photo. Responsive Design The radio player can be used in websites which are responsive. Full Width Option The radio player width can cover the full width of the parent div. Mobile Compatible It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems. Artist Image The player will display the photo of the current playing singer, if is present in the database. Highly Customizable Over 35 parameters from where you can customize the player, having the possibility to integrate it in any design. Sticky Version Parameter to set the radio player in sticky version. History It will automatically get the history for ShoutCast streams. For IceCast streams it will generate the history as the radio plays. Show/Hide History Parameter to load the player with history or without history. Multiple Instances You can insert multiple radio players on your website or on the same page (maximum 2 on the same page). Only one can be set as ‘sticky’. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 02/15/2024 Category Plugins File Size 327.95 KB Demo http://cleverradioplayer.audioplayerhtml5.com/
  2. Version v2.6

    1 download

    Download CLEVER - HTML5 Radio Player With History WordPress Plugin Free A smooth and efficient radio player with history support which will play ShoutCast and IceCast streams. It can be used as fixed width & centered player, as a full width player or as footer & sticky player. FEATURES: Shoutcast & Icecast Support It supports Shoutcast and Icecast radio streaming. The radio stream should be MP3 type. It will also play AAC streams but only on browsers which support AAC Only Radio Stream Needed Just add the radio stream and the player will get the current playing song and artist photo. Responsive Design The radio player can be used in websites which are responsive. Full Width Option The radio player width can cover the full width of the parent div. Mobile Compatible It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems. Artist Image The player will display the photo of the current playing singer, if is present in the database. Highly Customizable Over 35 parameters from where you can customize the player, having the possibility to integrate it in any design. Sticky Version Parameter to set the radio player in sticky version. History It will automatically get the history for ShoutCast streams. For IceCast streams it will generate the history as the radio plays. Show/Hide History Parameter to load the player with history or without history. Multiple Instances You can insert multiple radio players on your website or on the same page (maximum 2 on the same page). Only one can be set as ‘sticky’.
  3. View File User Extra Fields - WordPress Plugin Download Free User Extra Fields - WordPress Plugin Wordpress User Extra Field plugin enhances your WordPress installation by allowing to associate extra user profile fields for registered users. Fields can be optionally showed on the register page, account page and more! HOW TO AUTOMATICALLY UPDATE THE PLUGIN To receive automatic updates just install and configure the Envato updater plugin: httpss://goo.gl/pkJS33 .The official guide that explains how to configure it can be found in the following link: httpss://envato.com/market-plugin . CUSTOMIZE REGISTER PAGE Wordpress User Extra Field lets site admin to easily add new fields to the user register page. This can be done using a nice visual composer. Fields that can be added are: File Text Textarea Number Email Site url Date Time Multiple choice Single choice Dropdown menu Coutry & state (available only for WooCommerce. State field can be optionally hidden) All fields can be optionally setted as required field during registration. Furthermore, for Date and Time fields the plugin uses nice calendar and time jquery componets to help users in selecting right values. FILE UPLOAD With the file extra field, you can let you users/customers to attach files to their profile! This can be done during registration process or even during WooCommerce checkout process! Site admin can also limit file size and file types allowed to upload. Any file of any size can be uploaded! Give a try on the demo site! VISIBILITY ACCORDING USER ROLE Would you like to show extra fields only for some user roles? you can! just enable the special option while configuring the field! USER PROFILE EDIT PAGE WPUEF extends the user profile page adding the extra fields created. In this way every user (or site admin) can edit his info. DISPLAY FIELDS IN USERS TABLE / WOOCOMMERCE CUSTOMERS MANAGER TABLE For each fiend is also possible show its content directly in the embeded Users table and in the WooCommerce Customer Manager customers table, each field in its own column. WPML COMPATIBLE WPUEF is wpml compatible. Create as many fields you want, then translate labels and description using the WPML -> String translation menu WOOCOMMERCE COMPATIBLE WPUEF supports WooCommerce. Automatically adds extra field on the registration (optionally can be hidden). Your customers, by default, will be able to edit extra fields on their “My Account” page but, optionally, the Shop admin can configure every field to be editable only in “Shipping Address” or “Billing Address” edit pages! Furthermore, Shop admin can also trace this extra info directly on the backend order detais page. Infact WPUEF adds a new meta box containing the extra user fields box next the customer info box. In this way you can have all the user and order infos under controll in one place! In addition, every extra field can be optionally (or ONLY) displayed and edited also on the Checkout page. This can be usefull during user registration on checkout step. Note however that Extra fields will not be showed if the guest checkout option is enabled. In this case fields will be automatically displayed only if the ‘create account’ checkbox is checked by the user. The admin can also display two custom HTML snippets before and after the checkout extra fields form. Go to Settings -> Extra fields menu to configure those fields. WOOCOMMERCE COPY EXTRA FIELDS CONTENT AS ORDER CUSTOM FIELDS Fields content can be optionally copied to order meta as custom fields. To do that the Shop admin has to enable the visible during the Checkout process and the Save as order extra field options for the fields he need. In this way, after the order is placed, field contents are copied to order meta as custom fields. Extra order field values are showed under the Billing details and can be edited and deleted using the native WordPress Custom fields meta box. In case of files, they will be deleted on order delete or if the custom field containing the file path is deleted. In this way each order will store the extra fields content submitted by the user during the checkout process independently by the actual values stored in the user profile! WOOCOMMERCE FIELDS OVERWRITE WPUEF gives you the possibility to store field content into the default WooCommerce billing and shipping fields. All the fields can be overwritten. To overwrite a field you have just to create a new text/country & state field (or email field in case you would like to overwrite the billing email address field) and then on the overwrite options selction select in which field the content has to be stored. You can optionally assign to Billing name, Shipping name and user first name (same thing can be done for last name) the same value. Just select one of the Multiple overwrite options in the dropdown menu. WOOCOMMERCE EMAILS SUPPORT Optionally, all the users extra fields can be reported directly into the WooCommerce emails, in this way you can keep an eye on all the user extra info at once! WOOCOMMERCE FIELD ROW SIZE You can optionally set fild row size: half-size (left/right) or full width size! NOTE: this option cannot be applied to the “Country & State” and “Title” fields. It will have the full-width size. TITLE FIELD Title field are separator that can be used to separate fields in the register form. Title can be customized using the following options: tag to use: label, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 custom margin custom classes PASSWORD OVERWRITE AND WEAK PASSWORD USAGE Optionally you can overwrite password field too. This can be useful if you want to allow weak password usage. Enabling this special option your customers will be able to register (and reset password on woocommerce reset password page) using any password, the plugin will override the default woocommerce password weakness check. This special field will be visible ONLY in the register page, checkout register form and optionally in the My account page. BUDDYPRESS COMPATIBLE WPUEF is BuddyPress compatible. This means that fields are automatically added in the user register page (optionally can be hidden to be diplayed in that page) and will be public viable in the user profile. Every user can edit those extra fields using their own edit profile page. FIELDS CAN BE EDITABLE ONLY BY ADMIN Shop admin can choose to create fields to be editable only by him and visible on user profile page CUSTOM FORM SHORTCODE WPUEF allows you to render custom forms with the selected extra fields on any page supporting wordpress shortcode system. To that use the [wpuef_extra_fields_custom_form field_ids=”“] where the field_ids parameter specifies the id of the fields that will be displayed. Ex.: [wpuef_extra_fields_custom_form field_ids=”c2,c5,c6,c18,c20”] WORDPRESS FIREST AND LAST NAME FIELDS OVERWRITE WPUEF gives you the possibility to store text field content into the default Name and Lastname wordpress fields. To that you have just to create a text field and then check the First/Last name overwrite option. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 02/15/2024 Category Plugins File Size 783.77 KB Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/user-extra-fields/12949844
  4. Version v16.7

    1 download

    Download Free User Extra Fields - WordPress Plugin Wordpress User Extra Field plugin enhances your WordPress installation by allowing to associate extra user profile fields for registered users. Fields can be optionally showed on the register page, account page and more! HOW TO AUTOMATICALLY UPDATE THE PLUGIN To receive automatic updates just install and configure the Envato updater plugin: httpss://goo.gl/pkJS33 .The official guide that explains how to configure it can be found in the following link: httpss://envato.com/market-plugin . CUSTOMIZE REGISTER PAGE Wordpress User Extra Field lets site admin to easily add new fields to the user register page. This can be done using a nice visual composer. Fields that can be added are: File Text Textarea Number Email Site url Date Time Multiple choice Single choice Dropdown menu Coutry & state (available only for WooCommerce. State field can be optionally hidden) All fields can be optionally setted as required field during registration. Furthermore, for Date and Time fields the plugin uses nice calendar and time jquery componets to help users in selecting right values. FILE UPLOAD With the file extra field, you can let you users/customers to attach files to their profile! This can be done during registration process or even during WooCommerce checkout process! Site admin can also limit file size and file types allowed to upload. Any file of any size can be uploaded! Give a try on the demo site! VISIBILITY ACCORDING USER ROLE Would you like to show extra fields only for some user roles? you can! just enable the special option while configuring the field! USER PROFILE EDIT PAGE WPUEF extends the user profile page adding the extra fields created. In this way every user (or site admin) can edit his info. DISPLAY FIELDS IN USERS TABLE / WOOCOMMERCE CUSTOMERS MANAGER TABLE For each fiend is also possible show its content directly in the embeded Users table and in the WooCommerce Customer Manager customers table, each field in its own column. WPML COMPATIBLE WPUEF is wpml compatible. Create as many fields you want, then translate labels and description using the WPML -> String translation menu WOOCOMMERCE COMPATIBLE WPUEF supports WooCommerce. Automatically adds extra field on the registration (optionally can be hidden). Your customers, by default, will be able to edit extra fields on their “My Account” page but, optionally, the Shop admin can configure every field to be editable only in “Shipping Address” or “Billing Address” edit pages! Furthermore, Shop admin can also trace this extra info directly on the backend order detais page. Infact WPUEF adds a new meta box containing the extra user fields box next the customer info box. In this way you can have all the user and order infos under controll in one place! In addition, every extra field can be optionally (or ONLY) displayed and edited also on the Checkout page. This can be usefull during user registration on checkout step. Note however that Extra fields will not be showed if the guest checkout option is enabled. In this case fields will be automatically displayed only if the ‘create account’ checkbox is checked by the user. The admin can also display two custom HTML snippets before and after the checkout extra fields form. Go to Settings -> Extra fields menu to configure those fields. WOOCOMMERCE COPY EXTRA FIELDS CONTENT AS ORDER CUSTOM FIELDS Fields content can be optionally copied to order meta as custom fields. To do that the Shop admin has to enable the visible during the Checkout process and the Save as order extra field options for the fields he need. In this way, after the order is placed, field contents are copied to order meta as custom fields. Extra order field values are showed under the Billing details and can be edited and deleted using the native WordPress Custom fields meta box. In case of files, they will be deleted on order delete or if the custom field containing the file path is deleted. In this way each order will store the extra fields content submitted by the user during the checkout process independently by the actual values stored in the user profile! WOOCOMMERCE FIELDS OVERWRITE WPUEF gives you the possibility to store field content into the default WooCommerce billing and shipping fields. All the fields can be overwritten. To overwrite a field you have just to create a new text/country & state field (or email field in case you would like to overwrite the billing email address field) and then on the overwrite options selction select in which field the content has to be stored. You can optionally assign to Billing name, Shipping name and user first name (same thing can be done for last name) the same value. Just select one of the Multiple overwrite options in the dropdown menu. WOOCOMMERCE EMAILS SUPPORT Optionally, all the users extra fields can be reported directly into the WooCommerce emails, in this way you can keep an eye on all the user extra info at once! WOOCOMMERCE FIELD ROW SIZE You can optionally set fild row size: half-size (left/right) or full width size! NOTE: this option cannot be applied to the “Country & State” and “Title” fields. It will have the full-width size. TITLE FIELD Title field are separator that can be used to separate fields in the register form. Title can be customized using the following options: tag to use: label, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 custom margin custom classes PASSWORD OVERWRITE AND WEAK PASSWORD USAGE Optionally you can overwrite password field too. This can be useful if you want to allow weak password usage. Enabling this special option your customers will be able to register (and reset password on woocommerce reset password page) using any password, the plugin will override the default woocommerce password weakness check. This special field will be visible ONLY in the register page, checkout register form and optionally in the My account page. BUDDYPRESS COMPATIBLE WPUEF is BuddyPress compatible. This means that fields are automatically added in the user register page (optionally can be hidden to be diplayed in that page) and will be public viable in the user profile. Every user can edit those extra fields using their own edit profile page. FIELDS CAN BE EDITABLE ONLY BY ADMIN Shop admin can choose to create fields to be editable only by him and visible on user profile page CUSTOM FORM SHORTCODE WPUEF allows you to render custom forms with the selected extra fields on any page supporting wordpress shortcode system. To that use the [wpuef_extra_fields_custom_form field_ids=”“] where the field_ids parameter specifies the id of the fields that will be displayed. Ex.: [wpuef_extra_fields_custom_form field_ids=”c2,c5,c6,c18,c20”] WORDPRESS FIREST AND LAST NAME FIELDS OVERWRITE WPUEF gives you the possibility to store text field content into the default Name and Lastname wordpress fields. To that you have just to create a text field and then check the First/Last name overwrite option.
  5. View File WP Schema Pro - Best Add Schema With Out Writing Code Download WP Schema Pro - Best Add Schema With Out Writing Code Automatically markup your website with ease Creating a schema markup is no longer a task! With a simple click and select interface you can set up a markup in minutes. All the markup configurations you will set are automatically applied to all selected pages & posts. EYE CATCHING RESULTS Additional information like reviews, ratings, time, etc. will make your snippet stand out from the rest. POTENTIAL INCREASE IN CTR Displaying positive information including ratings and votes encourages users visit your page. ALL POST TYPES With a large number of schema types, you get complete freedom to use them on all your website post types. Latest & Up-to-date With Google JSON-LD IMPLEMENTATION We've implemented JSON-LD in Schema Pro, keeping up with the latest trend and technology. HIGHLY OPTIMIZED CODE With a clean and minimalist code, Schema Pro surely meets Google guidelines. Revolutionary and intuitive CUSTOM FIELD SUPPORT Schema Pro gives you complete freedom to map required fields with existing values or add custom values to them. EASILY EXTENDABLE With easy to use filters, you can add additional fields and extend the markup with details that you wish to display. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 02/15/2024 Category Plugins File Size 1.50 MB Demo https://wpschema.com/
  6. Version v2.7.15

    1 download

    Download WP Schema Pro - Best Add Schema With Out Writing Code Automatically markup your website with ease Creating a schema markup is no longer a task! With a simple click and select interface you can set up a markup in minutes. All the markup configurations you will set are automatically applied to all selected pages & posts. EYE CATCHING RESULTS Additional information like reviews, ratings, time, etc. will make your snippet stand out from the rest. POTENTIAL INCREASE IN CTR Displaying positive information including ratings and votes encourages users visit your page. ALL POST TYPES With a large number of schema types, you get complete freedom to use them on all your website post types. Latest & Up-to-date With Google JSON-LD IMPLEMENTATION We've implemented JSON-LD in Schema Pro, keeping up with the latest trend and technology. HIGHLY OPTIMIZED CODE With a clean and minimalist code, Schema Pro surely meets Google guidelines. Revolutionary and intuitive CUSTOM FIELD SUPPORT Schema Pro gives you complete freedom to map required fields with existing values or add custom values to them. EASILY EXTENDABLE With easy to use filters, you can add additional fields and extend the markup with details that you wish to display.
  7. View File Thrive Architect - Builder Thrive Architect is one of the fastest and most customizable page builder or visual editor available for Wordpress. It comes with 224 beautifully designed and 100% conversion-focused landing page templates. In addition, it has more than 12 elements that can be used to build a powerful sales or landing page with ease. It does not require any coding knowledge and is fully responsive and mobile friendl Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 02/15/2024 Category Plugins File Size 16.65 MB Demo https://thrivethemes.com/architect/
  8. Version v3.2.9

    1 download

    Thrive Architect is one of the fastest and most customizable page builder or visual editor available for Wordpress. It comes with 224 beautifully designed and 100% conversion-focused landing page templates. In addition, it has more than 12 elements that can be used to build a powerful sales or landing page with ease. It does not require any coding knowledge and is fully responsive and mobile friendl
  9. View File WordPress Webinar Plugin - WebinarPress Webinarpress is the ultimate webinar solution designed exclusively for WordPress, rich with beginner-friendly features you can use to host free webinars that serve as a powerful tool for generating leads and sales. Designed with simplicity in mind, our WordPress plugin empowers you to effortlessly host live webinars, automate pre-recorded sessions, and even offer on-demand replays, ensuring maximum reach and flexibility for your audience. Interact with your attendees by letting them ask questions and answer them during the webinar either in your video or with a question and answer feature. Fully responsive pages so visitors can attend a webinar from every mobile device or tablet. Collect attendees’ name and email address and import them into your third party email provider. Fully customizable email reminders so your attendees so they don’t miss the webinar. Optional replays so attendees who missed the timeslot get a second chance. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 02/15/2024 Category Plugins File Size 12.98 MB Demo https://webinarpress.com/
  10. Version v2.27.1

    1 download

    Webinarpress is the ultimate webinar solution designed exclusively for WordPress, rich with beginner-friendly features you can use to host free webinars that serve as a powerful tool for generating leads and sales. Designed with simplicity in mind, our WordPress plugin empowers you to effortlessly host live webinars, automate pre-recorded sessions, and even offer on-demand replays, ensuring maximum reach and flexibility for your audience. Interact with your attendees by letting them ask questions and answer them during the webinar either in your video or with a question and answer feature. Fully responsive pages so visitors can attend a webinar from every mobile device or tablet. Collect attendees’ name and email address and import them into your third party email provider. Fully customizable email reminders so your attendees so they don’t miss the webinar. Optional replays so attendees who missed the timeslot get a second chance.
  11. View File Divi Booster WordPress Plugin Are you looking for an easy way to give your Elegant Themes' Divi Theme a boost? Maybe you've seen the many Divi customization tips I share online, but don’t have the coding skills needed to implement them, or just plain don't have time to? Divi Booster Features Divi Booster is my new WordPress plugin which makes customizing Divi a breeze. Divi Booster adds 100s of new configuration options to Divi – Want to change the height of your slider? Or stop the header from shrinking? Or change the look of just one page? It's all in there. I'm constantly adding new options and with free updates for life you'll get them as soon as they're ready. I even take requests – just let me know what you'd like to see added in the comments. Divi Booster is incredibly easy to use – The majority of the tips can be turned on and off just by ticking a box. And as it's a plugin, you don't need to know about implementing child themes. But it's also fully compatible with child themes if you are using one. Divi Booster is fast – Plugins get a bad rap for slowing your site down. But that's only true if the plugin is poorly written. Divi booster pre-compiles and minifies the CSS and JavaScript code it generates when you save the configuration, not when your user visits your site. This means that it loads as fast, or faster, than the equivalent code placed in a child theme. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 02/15/2024 Category Plugins File Size 1.06 MB Demo https://divibooster.com/divi-booster-the-easy-way-to-customize-divi/
  12. Version v4.4.2 NULLED


    Are you looking for an easy way to give your Elegant Themes' Divi Theme a boost? Maybe you've seen the many Divi customization tips I share online, but don’t have the coding skills needed to implement them, or just plain don't have time to? Divi Booster Features Divi Booster is my new WordPress plugin which makes customizing Divi a breeze. Divi Booster adds 100s of new configuration options to Divi – Want to change the height of your slider? Or stop the header from shrinking? Or change the look of just one page? It's all in there. I'm constantly adding new options and with free updates for life you'll get them as soon as they're ready. I even take requests – just let me know what you'd like to see added in the comments. Divi Booster is incredibly easy to use – The majority of the tips can be turned on and off just by ticking a box. And as it's a plugin, you don't need to know about implementing child themes. But it's also fully compatible with child themes if you are using one. Divi Booster is fast – Plugins get a bad rap for slowing your site down. But that's only true if the plugin is poorly written. Divi booster pre-compiles and minifies the CSS and JavaScript code it generates when you save the configuration, not when your user visits your site. This means that it loads as fast, or faster, than the equivalent code placed in a child theme.
  13. View File Free Download Gravity Forms | The Best WordPress Form Plugin | Form Builder Gravity Forms is the Easiest Tool to Create Advanced Forms for Your WordPress-Powered Website. Build Amazing Forms in Just Minutes Packed with tons of time-saving features… Gravity Forms is the only WordPress form tool you will ever need. Build and publish your WordPress forms in just minutes. No drudgery, just quick and easy form-building. Select your fields, configure your options and easily embed forms on your WordPress-powered site using the built-in tools. Integrations: The Gravity Forms Add-Ons It's Easy to Integrate Gravity Forms with Several Popular Web Applications and Online Services Gravity Forms allows you to quickly and easily integrate with a variety of third party services such as PayPal and provides for even deeper integration with WordPress through our collection of optional Add-Ons. Hot stuff! Gravity Forms is hands down the best contact form plugin for WordPress-powered websites. Oh yeah, we said it! Don't just take our word for it, listen to what Gravity Forms users are saying. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 02/15/2024 Category Plugins File Size 4.19 MB Demo https://www.gravityforms.com/
  14. Version v2.8.4.4

    1 download

    Gravity Forms is the Easiest Tool to Create Advanced Forms for Your WordPress-Powered Website. Build Amazing Forms in Just Minutes Packed with tons of time-saving features… Gravity Forms is the only WordPress form tool you will ever need. Build and publish your WordPress forms in just minutes. No drudgery, just quick and easy form-building. Select your fields, configure your options and easily embed forms on your WordPress-powered site using the built-in tools. Integrations: The Gravity Forms Add-Ons It's Easy to Integrate Gravity Forms with Several Popular Web Applications and Online Services Gravity Forms allows you to quickly and easily integrate with a variety of third party services such as PayPal and provides for even deeper integration with WordPress through our collection of optional Add-Ons. Hot stuff! Gravity Forms is hands down the best contact form plugin for WordPress-powered websites. Oh yeah, we said it! Don't just take our word for it, listen to what Gravity Forms users are saying.
  15. View File Divi Recipe Module Download - Divi Recipe Module Free The Divi Recipe Module is crafted for food bloggers, chefs, or any culinary enthusiast looking to display stylish and organised recipes on their website. This module lets you present your recipes with appealing visuals and a clear, easy-to-follow format. You have the flexibility to customize the layout and design of the recipe module, ensuring it seamlessly matches your site’s overall aesthetic. Additionally, the module is structured to be SEO-friendly, essential for increasing your recipes’ visibility on search engines. It also includes interactive features such as user ratings, comments, and social sharing options, encouraging engagement and interaction from your site visitors. Adds a Divi Recipe Module With Divi Recipe Module, you will get a new "Recipe" module in the Divi Builder. This module allows you to easily add, customize, and showcase your favorite recipes on your website. It includes fields for ingredients, preparation steps, cooking time, and nutritional information, all in an attractive, user-friendly format. Unlike the standard Divi text or Image modules, which require manual styling and formatting for every recipe, the Divi Recipe Module provides a dedicated, feature-rich platform for your culinary content. It is especially handy for food bloggers, chefs, and any food enthusiast interested in sharing their gastronomic explorations with the world. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 02/15/2024 Category Plugins File Size 101.32 KB Demo https://divibooster.com/divi-recipe-module/
  16. Version v1.1

    1 download

    Download - Divi Recipe Module Free The Divi Recipe Module is crafted for food bloggers, chefs, or any culinary enthusiast looking to display stylish and organised recipes on their website. This module lets you present your recipes with appealing visuals and a clear, easy-to-follow format. You have the flexibility to customize the layout and design of the recipe module, ensuring it seamlessly matches your site’s overall aesthetic. Additionally, the module is structured to be SEO-friendly, essential for increasing your recipes’ visibility on search engines. It also includes interactive features such as user ratings, comments, and social sharing options, encouraging engagement and interaction from your site visitors. Adds a Divi Recipe Module With Divi Recipe Module, you will get a new "Recipe" module in the Divi Builder. This module allows you to easily add, customize, and showcase your favorite recipes on your website. It includes fields for ingredients, preparation steps, cooking time, and nutritional information, all in an attractive, user-friendly format. Unlike the standard Divi text or Image modules, which require manual styling and formatting for every recipe, the Divi Recipe Module provides a dedicated, feature-rich platform for your culinary content. It is especially handy for food bloggers, chefs, and any food enthusiast interested in sharing their gastronomic explorations with the world.
  17. View File TotalPoll Pro Responsive WordPress Poll Plugin Download Free TotalPoll Pro - Responsive WordPress Poll Plugin Premium TotalPoll is a powerful WordPress plugin that lets you create and integrate polls easily. It provides several options and features to enable you have full control over the polls, and has been made very easier for you to use. Demo Url : User Friendly With TotalPoll, you can now create polls within 60 seconds! Its user friendly interface was expertly designed to make poll creation hassle-free. Mobile-first With Totalpoll, you gain more engagement with an optimal viewing experience for your visitors. And your polls will always look amazingwhether in a laptop, tablet or a smartphone. SEO Friendly Search Engine Optimization is a very key factor for every website. Thus, TotalPoll makes polls more search-engine friendly in order to get more search traffic. Customization Do you need “Welcome message” or “Thank you message”? We have got your back! With over 5 customization settings, you definitely have the total control. Custom Fields Collecting additional information from voters has never been that easy. With our unique 5 different field types, you can absolutely collect everything. Statistics Regalar vote tracking has been made easy. You can now track votes daily, weekly and monthly. Even, you can track custom field values with votes. Performance TotalPoll was developed with performance in mind! It functions without a glitch with WordPress. Choices Give your polls more attraction with Text, image, video, audio, shortcode or even HTML. Integration Totalpoll integrates your polls everywhere like with a shortcode, widget or even a direct link. Logs Trace back every vote, with an informative log (status, IP, browser and time) to identify any cheating attempts. Voting Limitations The ability of Totalpoll to reduce votes and results makes it easy for you to specify conditions under which visitors can vote in a poll or see its results. Extensible The extensibility of TotalPoll makes such extensions and templates possible. Developers can certainly make TotalPoll a step further to suit your needs. Migration Are you planning to switch? You can migrate from WP-Polls and YOP polleasily (and many more plugins are coming). Compatibility TotalPoll is compatible with other plugins and technologies like WPML, Polylang, ACF, WP SUPER CACHE, Varnish, HHVM, W3 Total Cache and others. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 02/15/2024 Category Plugins File Size 2.09 MB Demo https://totalsuite.net/product/totalpoll/demo?utm_source=codecanyon&utm_medium=description&utm_campaign=totalpoll-demo
  18. Version v4.10.1

    1 download

    Download Free TotalPoll Pro - Responsive WordPress Poll Plugin Premium TotalPoll is a powerful WordPress plugin that lets you create and integrate polls easily. It provides several options and features to enable you have full control over the polls, and has been made very easier for you to use. Demo Url : User Friendly With TotalPoll, you can now create polls within 60 seconds! Its user friendly interface was expertly designed to make poll creation hassle-free. Mobile-first With Totalpoll, you gain more engagement with an optimal viewing experience for your visitors. And your polls will always look amazingwhether in a laptop, tablet or a smartphone. SEO Friendly Search Engine Optimization is a very key factor for every website. Thus, TotalPoll makes polls more search-engine friendly in order to get more search traffic. Customization Do you need “Welcome message” or “Thank you message”? We have got your back! With over 5 customization settings, you definitely have the total control. Custom Fields Collecting additional information from voters has never been that easy. With our unique 5 different field types, you can absolutely collect everything. Statistics Regalar vote tracking has been made easy. You can now track votes daily, weekly and monthly. Even, you can track custom field values with votes. Performance TotalPoll was developed with performance in mind! It functions without a glitch with WordPress. Choices Give your polls more attraction with Text, image, video, audio, shortcode or even HTML. Integration Totalpoll integrates your polls everywhere like with a shortcode, widget or even a direct link. Logs Trace back every vote, with an informative log (status, IP, browser and time) to identify any cheating attempts. Voting Limitations The ability of Totalpoll to reduce votes and results makes it easy for you to specify conditions under which visitors can vote in a poll or see its results. Extensible The extensibility of TotalPoll makes such extensions and templates possible. Developers can certainly make TotalPoll a step further to suit your needs. Migration Are you planning to switch? You can migrate from WP-Polls and YOP polleasily (and many more plugins are coming). Compatibility TotalPoll is compatible with other plugins and technologies like WPML, Polylang, ACF, WP SUPER CACHE, Varnish, HHVM, W3 Total Cache and others.
  19. View File Nokri - Job Board WordPress Theme Download Free Nokri - Job Board WordPress Theme Nokri – Job Board WordPress Theme is advanced job board WordPress theme. It contains all required features for creating successful job portal website. Nokri is a complete and easy to use job listings website. Using Nokri WordPress Theme you can create a complete & fully Responsive job portal, career platform to run human resource management, recruitment, freelancing or job posting website.A complete job board WordPress theme loaded with separate panels for employer and candidates. Panels are with convenient search filters both can managed each and every thing easily. Nokri WordPress theme has both android and IOS application available. Get apps and take a step ahead from your competitors. DEMO LOGIN ACCOUNTS Demo Site URL: https://jobs.nokriwp.com Company Demo Account: Email: [email protected] Password: company123 Candidate Demo Account: Email: [email protected] Password: candidate123 Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 02/15/2024 Category Themes File Size 48.38 MB Demo https://jobs.nokriwp.com
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  21. View File Barn2 Media WooCommerce Wholesale Pro Download Barn2 Media WooCommerce Bulk Variations Premium WooCommerce Bulk Variations makes it easy to display product variations in a user-friendly grid or price matrix. SELL MORE VARIATIONS Display all attributes and options for a product in a clear table Customers enter quantities and quickly add multiple variations at once Perfect for clothing wholesale/B2B large volumes and more 2 MODES: ORDER FORM OR PRICE MATRIX List variations with quantity boxes or in price-only mode Replace the default variation dropdowns or add the variations grid anywhere on your site 100% flexible and customizable EASY 2-MINUTE SETUP Create flexible grids for any or all of your variable products Designed for beginners or developers Quickly list bulk variations anywhere on your site Demo Link : https://barn2.co.uk/wordpress-plugins/woocommerce-bulk-variations/ Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 02/15/2024 Category Plugins File Size 671.28 KB Demo https://barn2.co.uk/wordpress-plugins/woocommerce-bulk-variations/
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  23. View File AdsRock - Ads Network & Digital Marketing Platform Free Download latest update AdsRock - Ads Network & Digital Marketing Platform Script NULLED. AdsRock, a cutting-edge Ads Network & Digital Marketing Solution designed for entrepreneurs eager to embark on their own Ads network venture. With AdsRock, both advertisers and publishers can thrive, as advertisers effortlessly upload their paid promotional banners (PPC/CPM), while publishers effectively monetize their websites by showcasing these enticing ads. Drawing inspiration from renowned ad networks like adward, adchoice, adroll, perfect audience, and bidvertiser, AdsRock embodies a sophisticated concept. The platform boasts top-notch anti-fraud protection, distinct panels catering to advertisers and publishers, easily implementable codes for publishers, instantaneous click and impression tracking, precision GEO targeting, and an array of additional features to maximize success. Discover AdsRock, the ultimate Ads network solution for your business. Say goodbye to expensive developer fees as AdsRock can handle unlimited advertisers and publishers. Accept payments effortlessly through cards, cryptocurrencies, and mobile money. With our ready-to-go solution, setting up your website with AdsRock takes just a few minutes. Plus, we’re here to offer top-notch support, installation, and customization whenever you need it. Don’t wait any longer – get your copy of AdsRock now and launch your digital marketing website in no time! Hurry and seize this opportunity! Demo Access: Frontend: https://script.viserlab.com/adsrock/ Admin Access: https://script.viserlab.com/adsrock/admin Highlighted Features A clean and modern Advertiser interface. A clean and modern Publisher interface. A strong and powerful admin interface. Multiple size ad posting forms. 20+ Payment Gateway and 250+ currencies setup. Functionality is Simple and all Dynamic Features. Easy Documentation. Support modern browser and cross-browser compatibility. Regular updates facilities. Premium and quick support. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 02/15/2024 Category PHP Scripts File Size 32.12 MB Demo https://script.viserlab.com/adsrock/  
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  25. View File Product Labels For Woocommerce (Sale Badges) WooCommerce Product Labels let you include custom product labels or product badges for the Woocommerce products. Woocommerce product label plugin provides you with different label styles and customizations for labels. Woocommerce sale badges can create easy-to-use UI to add labels to the selected products or categories. Create & Manage badges with simple UI Live Preview feature for easy styling Customize the features of the badge Enable Hide/ show badges WooCommerce Product labels (WooCommerce Sale Badges) helps to create product labels or product badges easily. This plugin provides an easy to use user interface to create custom product labels for woocommerce products. You can add labels to a set of selected products / categories or can replace default Woocommerce On Sale badges. Try the Demo | Documentation DEMO – CHECK THIS OUT IN REAL Check how the Woocommerce Product labels are created! Front end Demo Backend Demo Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 02/15/2024 Category Plugins File Size 15.19 MB Demo http://plw-free.demo.acowebs.com/
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