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Arfiano MV

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Everything posted by Arfiano MV

  1. Version v2.3.4 NULLED


    TruelySell provides a multiple on-demand service based on nearby locations, by using this web application simply you view and book a service or provide a service to the customers. Amazing Features for Professionals: Quick Signup/Login: Professional can sign up/login with registered mobile number. Category List: Service Provider can choose your category and subcategory list. Subscription: While posting a service, Provider must choose the subscription. Post a Service: Professionals can post your services in detailed information about what you are going to provide the services. Service Locations: Professionals can set service locations in single click. Chat System: After booking, confirmed customers and providers can communicate via chat system. My Service: Here a provider has an option to view our own service, also able to active/inactive the services. Booking List: Professionals can check booking status whether it is completed or in-progress or cancelled. Notifications: Once the customer is booked the service, Provider will receive the notifications. Wallet/Amount Withdraw: At any time Service providers are able to withdraw the payment from wallet to stripe account. And much more….. Booking for Users: Location Based Search: Users can book service nearby locations. Choose Category: Customers can choose the relevant category based on your service needs. OTP based Signup/Login: Customers can Sign Up/login with a registered mobile number. Time Slots: Here customer can see the service provider’s availability timing; based on your convenience time, we can book service Notifications: Once the service has finished, you will receive the notifications in your dashboard. Chat System: Once the booking is confirmed you can communicate to the service provider via chat system. Booking Status: In this menu, customers can easily check the booking status. Wallet Transaction: If a customer wants to book a service, the customer must add the payment, that payment will be credited to the customer’s wallet. Payment Gateway: We have integrated the stripe payment gateway. Customer can make the payment through stripe, after detecting the stripe’s charges remaining payment will be credited to the customer’s wallet. And much more… Admin Features: Category/Sub Category: Admin can add multiple category and sub category list. Subscription: Admin can add/Edit the multiple subscription lists. Users List: Admin has an option to view all customer lists, also he is able to block the customers. Service Provider List: Admin can view all the service provider’s list and detailed information like subscription plan, Reg date and etc., Service List: Admin can view all service lists, also you are able to make active/inactive the service. Payment Transaction: Admin can track all the payment transaction details. Wallet Transaction: Admin has an option to view all the wallet transaction history.
  2. View File FMovies WordPress Clone Theme FMovies PHP Script Tema WordPress FMovies Klon Tema WordPress FMovies didasarkan pada desain situs populer FMovies. Mungkin Anda harus menciptakan pesaing yang layak dan menjadi situs terbesar? Kalau begitu mari kita mulai! Demo Theme : Demo Fitur Dibuat dengan pustaka bootstrap 4.5, template ramah seluler, sederhana, cepat, ringan, dan fungsional serta memungkinkan Anda membuat database film, serial TV & anime, seperti Flixhq , FMovies, Himovies, 123movies, Moviestars, dll… WordPress asli Tema WordPress asli yang ekstra kuat, tajam, dan beragam dengan desain bersih dan rapi yang dibuat dengan pustaka bootstrap terbaru. Kode yang Valid Pengkodean yang solid dan berpengalaman, praktik terbaik yang digunakan, teruji dengan baik! Anda akan mendapatkan produk yang aman dan terjamin. Sepenuhnya Responsif Tema ini tampak luar biasa baik di ponsel, pc, tablet, dan konsol, jadi Anda tidak perlu khawatir. Seo Dioptimalkan Tema WordPress FMovies dikembangkan dengan mempertimbangkan praktik terbaik dan SEO. Tema ini sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan plugin seperti Yoast SEO untuk meningkatkan peringkat Google Anda! Kompatibilitas peramban Tema ini mendukung semua browser utama dan akan berperilaku sama di Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera, dan Microsoft Edge. Kecepatan yang Dioptimalkan Tema telah dioptimalkan, dengan kecepatan lebih baik daripada tema film dan serial lainnya, untuk memberikan pengalaman yang baik kepada pengunjung Anda. Panel admin Opsi tema yang kaya untuk menyesuaikan situs Anda sesuai kebutuhan Anda, Anda dapat mengubah dan memodifikasi pengaturan sebanyak yang Anda suka dengan panel admin canggih yang ada di dalam tema. Dapat diterjemahkan Anda dapat menerjemahkan tema ke dalam bahasa apa pun di dunia dalam hitungan detik berkat fungsi terjemahan tema. Modul penyaring Kami juga memperkenalkan fitur seperti mengurutkan berdasarkan: genre, tahun, negara, bahasa, jenis, dan banyak lagi… Modul video Laporan Ajax Biarkan pengunjung Anda melaporkan video yang rusak atau hilang! Favorit pengguna Pengguna dapat menambahkan film dan acara TV ke favorit mereka tanpa registrasi. Pencarian Langsung AJAX Tingkat Lanjut Cari film, serial TV, aktor, sutradara, dan lainnya dengan teknologi caching canggih dan pra-cache gambar poster. Impor film, serial TV & anime secara massal Tema WordPress FMovies memiliki plugin importir premium bawaan baru yang disertakan dalam tema, Anda dapat langsung mengimpor film dan serial dari database film online terbesar, hanya dengan satu klik, tanpa sistem kredit, tanpa koneksi ke server mana pun (seperti dbmvs misalnya ), kapan pun Anda mau dan sebanyak yang Anda mau, selamanya. Generator data satu klik Jika Anda ingin menambahkan film, layanan secara manual, Anda dapat membuatnya dengan satu klik mouse! Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang apa pun, cukup masukkan id IMDb film atau id TMDb acara TV dan postingan akan otomatis dibuat dalam hitungan detik. Penyematan otomatis Sematkan otomatis ribuan film & acara TV yang tersedia di banyak server. Memungkinkan pengunjung Anda memilih dari server streaming video populer. Dengan modul autoembed Anda tidak perlu repot mengunggah film atau mencari tautan. Menyediakan video segar dan berfungsi dengan kualitas terbaik yang tersedia dari beberapa server dengan berbagai subtitle dan bahasa. Admin Posting TMDB ajax search Generator Film & Acara TV (BARU!) Cari dan buat film dan serial TV secara otomatis langsung dari editor postingan menggunakan generator pencarian ajax TMDB yang baru, hanya membutuhkan waktu kurang dari satu detik, cukup ketik judul film atau serial TV dan klik hasilnya. Modul saklar manual (BARU!) Pilih apakah akan menggunakan penyematan otomatis untuk setiap postingan atau mengaktifkan mode manual dan memasukkan tautan video Anda. 9 gaya warna CSS yang berbeda (BARU!) Anda dapat mengubah warna tema dengan memilih dari 9 warna yang tersedia, cukup pilih warna tema dari panel admin dan pilih opsi yang paling Anda sukai hanya dalam satu klik, tanpa modifikasi apa pun pada kode css, dan jadikan tema Anda unik dan berbeda dari semua yang lain. Bagian film & serial terbaru di halaman beranda (BARU!) Dengan opsi baru ini Anda dapat mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan bagian yang ingin Anda tampilkan di halaman beranda langsung dari panel administrasi, hanya dalam satu klik. Iklan tombol Putar/Unduh palsu (BARU!) Dengan opsi baru ini Anda dapat mengaktifkan modul untuk menambahkan tombol palsu ke setiap posting dan mendapatkan uang dengan pengiklan Anda, melakukannya dengan sangat sederhana. Formulir komentar baru dengan tata letak minimal dan responsif (BARU!) Pilih apakah akan mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan formulir komentar default wordpress dengan tata letak minimal dan responsif dalam 9 warna berbeda atau menggunakan komentar disqus langsung dari panel admin. Aktifkan atau nonaktifkan server pilihan Anda (BARU!) Dengan opsi baru ini Anda dapat menonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan server autoembed dan memilih mana yang ingin Anda gunakan, Anda juga dapat mengganti namanya sesuka Anda tanpa menyentuh kode apa pun, Anda dapat melakukannya dari panel administrasi dalam hitungan detik. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/08/2023 Category Themes
  3. Version v3.0.3 Free


    Tema WordPress FMovies Klon Tema WordPress FMovies didasarkan pada desain situs populer FMovies. Mungkin Anda harus menciptakan pesaing yang layak dan menjadi situs terbesar? Kalau begitu mari kita mulai! Demo Theme : Demo Fitur Dibuat dengan pustaka bootstrap 4.5, template ramah seluler, sederhana, cepat, ringan, dan fungsional serta memungkinkan Anda membuat database film, serial TV & anime, seperti Flixhq , FMovies, Himovies, 123movies, Moviestars, dll… WordPress asli Tema WordPress asli yang ekstra kuat, tajam, dan beragam dengan desain bersih dan rapi yang dibuat dengan pustaka bootstrap terbaru. Kode yang Valid Pengkodean yang solid dan berpengalaman, praktik terbaik yang digunakan, teruji dengan baik! Anda akan mendapatkan produk yang aman dan terjamin. Sepenuhnya Responsif Tema ini tampak luar biasa baik di ponsel, pc, tablet, dan konsol, jadi Anda tidak perlu khawatir. Seo Dioptimalkan Tema WordPress FMovies dikembangkan dengan mempertimbangkan praktik terbaik dan SEO. Tema ini sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan plugin seperti Yoast SEO untuk meningkatkan peringkat Google Anda! Kompatibilitas peramban Tema ini mendukung semua browser utama dan akan berperilaku sama di Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera, dan Microsoft Edge. Kecepatan yang Dioptimalkan Tema telah dioptimalkan, dengan kecepatan lebih baik daripada tema film dan serial lainnya, untuk memberikan pengalaman yang baik kepada pengunjung Anda. Panel admin Opsi tema yang kaya untuk menyesuaikan situs Anda sesuai kebutuhan Anda, Anda dapat mengubah dan memodifikasi pengaturan sebanyak yang Anda suka dengan panel admin canggih yang ada di dalam tema. Dapat diterjemahkan Anda dapat menerjemahkan tema ke dalam bahasa apa pun di dunia dalam hitungan detik berkat fungsi terjemahan tema. Modul penyaring Kami juga memperkenalkan fitur seperti mengurutkan berdasarkan: genre, tahun, negara, bahasa, jenis, dan banyak lagi… Modul video Laporan Ajax Biarkan pengunjung Anda melaporkan video yang rusak atau hilang! Favorit pengguna Pengguna dapat menambahkan film dan acara TV ke favorit mereka tanpa registrasi. Pencarian Langsung AJAX Tingkat Lanjut Cari film, serial TV, aktor, sutradara, dan lainnya dengan teknologi caching canggih dan pra-cache gambar poster. Impor film, serial TV & anime secara massal Tema WordPress FMovies memiliki plugin importir premium bawaan baru yang disertakan dalam tema, Anda dapat langsung mengimpor film dan serial dari database film online terbesar, hanya dengan satu klik, tanpa sistem kredit, tanpa koneksi ke server mana pun (seperti dbmvs misalnya ), kapan pun Anda mau dan sebanyak yang Anda mau, selamanya. Generator data satu klik Jika Anda ingin menambahkan film, layanan secara manual, Anda dapat membuatnya dengan satu klik mouse! Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang apa pun, cukup masukkan id IMDb film atau id TMDb acara TV dan postingan akan otomatis dibuat dalam hitungan detik. Penyematan otomatis Sematkan otomatis ribuan film & acara TV yang tersedia di banyak server. Memungkinkan pengunjung Anda memilih dari server streaming video populer. Dengan modul autoembed Anda tidak perlu repot mengunggah film atau mencari tautan. Menyediakan video segar dan berfungsi dengan kualitas terbaik yang tersedia dari beberapa server dengan berbagai subtitle dan bahasa. Admin Posting TMDB ajax search Generator Film & Acara TV (BARU!) Cari dan buat film dan serial TV secara otomatis langsung dari editor postingan menggunakan generator pencarian ajax TMDB yang baru, hanya membutuhkan waktu kurang dari satu detik, cukup ketik judul film atau serial TV dan klik hasilnya. Modul saklar manual (BARU!) Pilih apakah akan menggunakan penyematan otomatis untuk setiap postingan atau mengaktifkan mode manual dan memasukkan tautan video Anda. 9 gaya warna CSS yang berbeda (BARU!) Anda dapat mengubah warna tema dengan memilih dari 9 warna yang tersedia, cukup pilih warna tema dari panel admin dan pilih opsi yang paling Anda sukai hanya dalam satu klik, tanpa modifikasi apa pun pada kode css, dan jadikan tema Anda unik dan berbeda dari semua yang lain. Bagian film & serial terbaru di halaman beranda (BARU!) Dengan opsi baru ini Anda dapat mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan bagian yang ingin Anda tampilkan di halaman beranda langsung dari panel administrasi, hanya dalam satu klik. Iklan tombol Putar/Unduh palsu (BARU!) Dengan opsi baru ini Anda dapat mengaktifkan modul untuk menambahkan tombol palsu ke setiap posting dan mendapatkan uang dengan pengiklan Anda, melakukannya dengan sangat sederhana. Formulir komentar baru dengan tata letak minimal dan responsif (BARU!) Pilih apakah akan mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan formulir komentar default wordpress dengan tata letak minimal dan responsif dalam 9 warna berbeda atau menggunakan komentar disqus langsung dari panel admin. Aktifkan atau nonaktifkan server pilihan Anda (BARU!) Dengan opsi baru ini Anda dapat menonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan server autoembed dan memilih mana yang ingin Anda gunakan, Anda juga dapat mengganti namanya sesuka Anda tanpa menyentuh kode apa pun, Anda dapat melakukannya dari panel administrasi dalam hitungan detik.
  4. View File Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme Download free latest update Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup] NULLED. Betheme is the best product we ever did. This is more than just WordPress theme. Such advanced Theme Options panel and the Muffin Builder tool give unlimited possibilities. To show you how theme works, we have created 650+ thematic websites so you can see how amazing this product is. It can not be described with any words. You must see it! Betheme is full of different pre-built websites so you can easily import any demo website within seconds at 1 click. Constantly we add new demos at users requests. So far we created websites for: electric, veterinarian, loan agency, charity agency, sitter, moving company, barber, health magazine, book writer, plumber, art agency, interior design company, webmaster, application, seo agency, university, event company, developer, car rental, band, gym, designer, marketing agency, hosting company, travel agency, real estate company, photographer, renovator, small business company, hotel, mechanic, lawyer, school, shop and much more. If you have own idea for great homepage, please do not hestitate and tell us about that. We consider all your ideas! Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/07/2023 Category Themes File Size 9.57 MB Demo https://themeforest.net/item/betheme-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/7758048
  5. Version v27.5.2.1 NULLED


    Download free latest update Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup] NULLED. Betheme is the best product we ever did. This is more than just WordPress theme. Such advanced Theme Options panel and the Muffin Builder tool give unlimited possibilities. To show you how theme works, we have created 650+ thematic websites so you can see how amazing this product is. It can not be described with any words. You must see it! Betheme is full of different pre-built websites so you can easily import any demo website within seconds at 1 click. Constantly we add new demos at users requests. So far we created websites for: electric, veterinarian, loan agency, charity agency, sitter, moving company, barber, health magazine, book writer, plumber, art agency, interior design company, webmaster, application, seo agency, university, event company, developer, car rental, band, gym, designer, marketing agency, hosting company, travel agency, real estate company, photographer, renovator, small business company, hotel, mechanic, lawyer, school, shop and much more. If you have own idea for great homepage, please do not hestitate and tell us about that. We consider all your ideas!
  6. View File Gamma Osclass Theme Tema osclass premium yang intuitif dan ramah pengguna yang memberikan tampilan unik, integrasi mendalam dengan banyak plugin osclass dan desain yang mudah digunakan. Anda tidak akan pernah bisa menemukan tema yang lebih baik untuk iklan baris! Tema osclass ramah UX Tema Gamma dibangun di atas tema Beta, mengambil fungsionalitas terbaik, termasuk berbagai fungsi dari tema Alpha dan Veronika. Tema ini dioptimalkan untuk Firefox dan Chrome, sangat ringan dan cepat dengan kode yang sangat terstruktur. Tema sangat cepat - Alat Skor Pingdom 83/100 (waktu muat 740 ms), Google PageSpeed 67/89 - tanpa cache, cdn, atau peningkatan lainnya Pencarian berbasis Ajax yang memungkinkan untuk menyaring hasil pencarian tanpa memuat ulang halaman Desain header yang menarik terintegrasi dengan banyak plugin Menggunakan Font Awesome 5 Gratis Tata letak baru untuk drop down kategori & lokasi di halaman publikasi Bilah pencarian utama di halaman pencarian Slider untuk konten luas (yaitu listingan premium di halaman pencarian akan meluncur bersebelahan, alih-alih menampilkannya per beberapa baris) Pengaturan warna yang dapat disesuaikan (terdiri dari 3 warna) 12 ruang spanduk yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya Tema siap RTL Responsif - ponsel/tablet/laptop FITUR DAN FUNGSIONALITAS PRODUK Tema menggunakan font khusus Tema memiliki konfigurator Fitur pencarian Ajax (langsung). Pengiriman formulir melalui Ajax Fungsionalitas pop-up Dioptimalkan untuk berbagai bahasa RTL siap (Arab, Ibrani, ...) SEO dioptimalkan Struktur header yang dioptimalkan (h1, h2, ...) Tampilan Galeri & Daftar Kotak header yang lengket Pratinjau daftar cepat Latar belakang dan warna khusus Efek transisi dan animasi Hasilkan data cuplikan kaya Google Tata letak responsif Dioptimalkan untuk perangkat seluler Integrasi Font Awesome (ikon). Efek beban lambat Tombol berbagi sosial Dokumentasi dasar disertakan Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/07/2023 Category Themes
  7. Version v1.6.0 Free

    1 download

    Tema osclass premium yang intuitif dan ramah pengguna yang memberikan tampilan unik, integrasi mendalam dengan banyak plugin osclass dan desain yang mudah digunakan. Anda tidak akan pernah bisa menemukan tema yang lebih baik untuk iklan baris! Tema osclass ramah UX Tema Gamma dibangun di atas tema Beta, mengambil fungsionalitas terbaik, termasuk berbagai fungsi dari tema Alpha dan Veronika. Tema ini dioptimalkan untuk Firefox dan Chrome, sangat ringan dan cepat dengan kode yang sangat terstruktur. Tema sangat cepat - Alat Skor Pingdom 83/100 (waktu muat 740 ms), Google PageSpeed 67/89 - tanpa cache, cdn, atau peningkatan lainnya Pencarian berbasis Ajax yang memungkinkan untuk menyaring hasil pencarian tanpa memuat ulang halaman Desain header yang menarik terintegrasi dengan banyak plugin Menggunakan Font Awesome 5 Gratis Tata letak baru untuk drop down kategori & lokasi di halaman publikasi Bilah pencarian utama di halaman pencarian Slider untuk konten luas (yaitu listingan premium di halaman pencarian akan meluncur bersebelahan, alih-alih menampilkannya per beberapa baris) Pengaturan warna yang dapat disesuaikan (terdiri dari 3 warna) 12 ruang spanduk yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya Tema siap RTL Responsif - ponsel/tablet/laptop FITUR DAN FUNGSIONALITAS PRODUK Tema menggunakan font khusus Tema memiliki konfigurator Fitur pencarian Ajax (langsung). Pengiriman formulir melalui Ajax Fungsionalitas pop-up Dioptimalkan untuk berbagai bahasa RTL siap (Arab, Ibrani, ...) SEO dioptimalkan Struktur header yang dioptimalkan (h1, h2, ...) Tampilan Galeri & Daftar Kotak header yang lengket Pratinjau daftar cepat Latar belakang dan warna khusus Efek transisi dan animasi Hasilkan data cuplikan kaya Google Tata letak responsif Dioptimalkan untuk perangkat seluler Integrasi Font Awesome (ikon). Efek beban lambat Tombol berbagi sosial Dokumentasi dasar disertakan
  8. View File Mailwizz AI Kit - Spam and Subject Line Scoring with AI Content Generator supporting chatGPT Rasakan tingkat keterlibatan email yang lebih tinggi dengan MailWizz AI Kit. Ekstensi canggih ini membantu Anda meningkatkan upaya pemasaran email dengan penilaian spam dan baris subjek yang akurat. Dengan algoritme AI termasuk chatGPT, Anda dapat dengan percaya diri membuat konten email menarik yang disukai pelanggan Anda. Generator konten multi-model memastikan email Anda menonjol di kotak masuk yang ramai, meningkatkan rasio buka dan klik-tayang. Ucapkan selamat tinggal pada tingkat keterlibatan yang rendah dan sambut kesuksesan dengan MailWizz AI Kit! Buka kekuatan AI dengan Mailwizz AI Kit! Perlengkapan kami mencakup fitur penilaian spam dan baris subjek tingkat lanjut untuk memastikan email Anda masuk ke kotak masuk, bukan folder spam. Selain itu, pembuat konten AI kami, yang didukung oleh model GPT termasuk chatGPT, membantu Anda membuat email yang menarik dan dipersonalisasi dalam hitungan menit. Jangan lewatkan alat pengubah permainan ini untuk strategi pemasaran email Anda. FITUR Kampanye bertenaga AI dan skor spam template menggunakan mail-tester.com Penilaian baris subjek yang komprehensif menggunakan sendcheckit.com Generator konten multi-model (email dan subjek) menggunakan model Open AI Mendukung teks-davinci-003, teks-davinci-002 dan gpt-3.5-turbo Kustomisasi cepat yang mudah dari pengaturan ekstensi Ringkasan laporan sebaris yang mudah dengan presentasi hebat untuk setiap laporan lengkap Dapat dibatasi pada kelompok pelanggan Ini adalah fitur utama yang ditawarkan ekstensi dan memberi Anda manfaat keseluruhan dari Peningkatan tingkat keterlibatan email serta peningkatan rasio buka dan klik-tayang . Ini adalah alat yang hebat jika Anda ingin membawa pemasaran email Anda ke tingkat berikutnya. View full documentation here DEMO https://mailwizz.turnsaas.com Admin panel: https://mailwizz.turnsaas.com/backend/index.php/guest/index Email: [email protected] Password: 123456 Customer panel. https://mailwizz.turnsaas.com/customer/index.php/guest/index Email: [email protected] Password: 123456 Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/07/2023 Category Scripts
  9. Version v0.0.1 Free


    Rasakan tingkat keterlibatan email yang lebih tinggi dengan MailWizz AI Kit. Ekstensi canggih ini membantu Anda meningkatkan upaya pemasaran email dengan penilaian spam dan baris subjek yang akurat. Dengan algoritme AI termasuk chatGPT, Anda dapat dengan percaya diri membuat konten email menarik yang disukai pelanggan Anda. Generator konten multi-model memastikan email Anda menonjol di kotak masuk yang ramai, meningkatkan rasio buka dan klik-tayang. Ucapkan selamat tinggal pada tingkat keterlibatan yang rendah dan sambut kesuksesan dengan MailWizz AI Kit! Buka kekuatan AI dengan Mailwizz AI Kit! Perlengkapan kami mencakup fitur penilaian spam dan baris subjek tingkat lanjut untuk memastikan email Anda masuk ke kotak masuk, bukan folder spam. Selain itu, pembuat konten AI kami, yang didukung oleh model GPT termasuk chatGPT, membantu Anda membuat email yang menarik dan dipersonalisasi dalam hitungan menit. Jangan lewatkan alat pengubah permainan ini untuk strategi pemasaran email Anda. FITUR Kampanye bertenaga AI dan skor spam template menggunakan mail-tester.com Penilaian baris subjek yang komprehensif menggunakan sendcheckit.com Generator konten multi-model (email dan subjek) menggunakan model Open AI Mendukung teks-davinci-003, teks-davinci-002 dan gpt-3.5-turbo Kustomisasi cepat yang mudah dari pengaturan ekstensi Ringkasan laporan sebaris yang mudah dengan presentasi hebat untuk setiap laporan lengkap Dapat dibatasi pada kelompok pelanggan Ini adalah fitur utama yang ditawarkan ekstensi dan memberi Anda manfaat keseluruhan dari Peningkatan tingkat keterlibatan email serta peningkatan rasio buka dan klik-tayang . Ini adalah alat yang hebat jika Anda ingin membawa pemasaran email Anda ke tingkat berikutnya. View full documentation here DEMO https://mailwizz.turnsaas.com Admin panel: https://mailwizz.turnsaas.com/backend/index.php/guest/index Email: [email protected] Password: 123456 Customer panel. https://mailwizz.turnsaas.com/customer/index.php/guest/index Email: [email protected] Password: 123456
  10. View File Sendy - Send newsletters, 100x cheaper Stuck between a rock and a hard place Your customer base grows and so do your monthly costs. You waste more money if you don't send newsletters often enough. You're trapped. The larger your customer base, the more you will have to pay each month. What if you could relieve that pressure? Meet Sendy Sendy is a self-hosted email newsletter application that allows you to send bulk emails via the Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) . No monthly fees. You only pay for what you send. How much can you save? Stacks! How much do you usually send? Pull the slider down: email serviceCost per 10,000 emails Letter Chimp$ 200 Campaign Monitor$ 105 Amazon SES$ 1 A penny saved is a penny earned. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/07/2023 Category PHP Scripts File Size 10.71 MB Demo https://sendy.co/demo/login  
  11. Version 6.1.1 NULLED


    Stuck between a rock and a hard place Your customer base grows and so do your monthly costs. You waste more money if you don't send newsletters often enough. You're trapped. The larger your customer base, the more you will have to pay each month. What if you could relieve that pressure? Meet Sendy Sendy is a self-hosted email newsletter application that allows you to send bulk emails via the Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) . No monthly fees. You only pay for what you send. How much can you save? Stacks! How much do you usually send? Pull the slider down: email serviceCost per 10,000 emails Letter Chimp$ 200 Campaign Monitor$ 105 Amazon SES$ 1 A penny saved is a penny earned.
  12. View File PicoMSG - Phone As an SMS Gateway For Bulk SMS Marketing PicoMSG sangat sederhana & mudah digunakan. Ini adalah alat pemasaran SMS massal berfitur lengkap menggunakan ponsel Android Anda. Anda tidak perlu membayar biaya bulanan, cukup download dan install di hosting Anda. Anda dapat menggunakan PicoMSG untuk keperluan pribadi dan juga bisnis. Anda tidak perlu mengintegrasikan gateway SMS pihak ketiga mana pun untuk mengirim SMS massal menggunakan PicoMSG yang akan mengurangi biaya besar untuk pemasaran Anda. Cukup gunakan ponsel Android Anda sebagai SMS gateway dan kirim sms massal menggunakan nomor ponsel Anda sendiri. Manfaat Admin Perjamuan Cukup unduh dan mulai bisnis berlangganan dalam beberapa menit. Solusi lengkap, tidak perlu membayar biaya bulanan atau biaya apa pun. Sepenuhnya otomatis, Anda dapat segera memulai bisnis. Tagih pelanggan Anda sesuai dengan paket Anda. Tidak perlu mengkonfigurasi/membayar ke penyedia gateway SMS pihak ketiga. Manfaat Pelanggan Solusi bersih dan mudah bagi pelanggan. Pelanggan dapat mengirim SMS massal menggunakan ponsel Android mereka. Pelanggan akan membeli paket SMS menggunakan SIM miliknya. Dapat mengurangi biaya tambahan saat membeli SMS. APK tersedia untuk pelanggan. Dokumentasi : Demo : Admin Login : URL: https://gateway.picotech.app/admin/login Username: [email protected] Password: 123456 Customer Login : URL: https://gateway.picotech.app/login Username: [email protected] Password: 123456 Gerbang Pembayaran yang Tersedia Paypal Garis Pembayaran Mollie Tumpukan Pembayaran gelombang bergetar VoguePay Iyzico Otorisasi Net Coinbase Fitur : Kirim SMS Menggunakan Beberapa Perangkat Didukung SIM ganda Pembuat Kampanye Pembuat Daftar Grup Kirim SMS Cepat SMS masuk SMS keluar Draf SMS SMS sampah Daftar kontak Manajemen pelanggan Label Sistem Respons Obrolan Daftar Obrolan Tagihan Manajemen Tiket Pembuat Templat SMS Manajemen Rencana Pengaturan Pengiriman Batas Pengiriman Pesan Hari libur Pengaturan Profil pemberitahuan email Recaptcha Paket Pengguna Pengaturan Situs Pendaftaran Pelanggan Aktif/Nonaktifkan Pengaturan SMTP Pembuat Templat Email Gerbang pembayaran Unggah kontak menggunakan file CSV Pengaturan lokal Banyak bahasa Pengaturan Mata Uang Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/07/2023 Category Scripts
  13. Version v1.4.7 Free

    1 download

    PicoMSG sangat sederhana & mudah digunakan. Ini adalah alat pemasaran SMS massal berfitur lengkap menggunakan ponsel Android Anda. Anda tidak perlu membayar biaya bulanan, cukup download dan install di hosting Anda. Anda dapat menggunakan PicoMSG untuk keperluan pribadi dan juga bisnis. Anda tidak perlu mengintegrasikan gateway SMS pihak ketiga mana pun untuk mengirim SMS massal menggunakan PicoMSG yang akan mengurangi biaya besar untuk pemasaran Anda. Cukup gunakan ponsel Android Anda sebagai SMS gateway dan kirim sms massal menggunakan nomor ponsel Anda sendiri. Manfaat Admin Perjamuan Cukup unduh dan mulai bisnis berlangganan dalam beberapa menit. Solusi lengkap, tidak perlu membayar biaya bulanan atau biaya apa pun. Sepenuhnya otomatis, Anda dapat segera memulai bisnis. Tagih pelanggan Anda sesuai dengan paket Anda. Tidak perlu mengkonfigurasi/membayar ke penyedia gateway SMS pihak ketiga. Manfaat Pelanggan Solusi bersih dan mudah bagi pelanggan. Pelanggan dapat mengirim SMS massal menggunakan ponsel Android mereka. Pelanggan akan membeli paket SMS menggunakan SIM miliknya. Dapat mengurangi biaya tambahan saat membeli SMS. APK tersedia untuk pelanggan. Dokumentasi : Demo : Admin Login : URL: https://gateway.picotech.app/admin/login Username: [email protected] Password: 123456 Customer Login : URL: https://gateway.picotech.app/login Username: [email protected] Password: 123456 Gerbang Pembayaran yang Tersedia Paypal Garis Pembayaran Mollie Tumpukan Pembayaran gelombang bergetar VoguePay Iyzico Otorisasi Net Coinbase Fitur : Kirim SMS Menggunakan Beberapa Perangkat Didukung SIM ganda Pembuat Kampanye Pembuat Daftar Grup Kirim SMS Cepat SMS masuk SMS keluar Draf SMS SMS sampah Daftar kontak Manajemen pelanggan Label Sistem Respons Obrolan Daftar Obrolan Tagihan Manajemen Tiket Pembuat Templat SMS Manajemen Rencana Pengaturan Pengiriman Batas Pengiriman Pesan Hari libur Pengaturan Profil pemberitahuan email Recaptcha Paket Pengguna Pengaturan Situs Pendaftaran Pelanggan Aktif/Nonaktifkan Pengaturan SMTP Pembuat Templat Email Gerbang pembayaran Unggah kontak menggunakan file CSV Pengaturan lokal Banyak bahasa Pengaturan Mata Uang
  14. View File Cargo Pro - Courier System Download free latest update Cargo Pro - Courier System by Bdaia. Cargo Pro It is a software designed for companies that handle packages to monitor the logistics of storage and cargo handling to their final destination and managing employees and drivers so you can track all of your company. This system is based on Laravel, the advantage of this software is that it is a web system, allowing it to be accessed from a PC, Tablet or Smartphone possessing an Internet connection and a webservices api’s ready (only for cargo mobile applications, until now we don’t have documenation for them). The client have the ability to login and request or track his packages. FEATURES SMS Notificaitions: ready to be integrated with your account on clickatell directly to send sms for whatever you needs. Dynamic Workflow: in every step you can choose which one will receive the notification and what he can do too Multilingual System: you can add any language you need and have the ability to translate it directly from your dashbaord Multi Currency: you can add any currency you need directly from your dashbaord Homepage Builder: Control how your homepage will look like Multi Themes: Choose one theme from our multiple themes or create your own theme Blog: use our blog module to add posts about your company and get more visitors directly to your website alot more … Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/07/2023 Category PHP Scripts File Size 206.03 MB Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/cargo-pro-courier-system/25100228
  15. Version 7.8.0 Free


    Download free latest update Cargo Pro - Courier System by Bdaia. Cargo Pro It is a software designed for companies that handle packages to monitor the logistics of storage and cargo handling to their final destination and managing employees and drivers so you can track all of your company. This system is based on Laravel, the advantage of this software is that it is a web system, allowing it to be accessed from a PC, Tablet or Smartphone possessing an Internet connection and a webservices api’s ready (only for cargo mobile applications, until now we don’t have documenation for them). The client have the ability to login and request or track his packages. FEATURES SMS Notificaitions: ready to be integrated with your account on clickatell directly to send sms for whatever you needs. Dynamic Workflow: in every step you can choose which one will receive the notification and what he can do too Multilingual System: you can add any language you need and have the ability to translate it directly from your dashbaord Multi Currency: you can add any currency you need directly from your dashbaord Homepage Builder: Control how your homepage will look like Multi Themes: Choose one theme from our multiple themes or create your own theme Blog: use our blog module to add posts about your company and get more visitors directly to your website alot more …
  16. View File Pharmacare - Pharmacy Software Made Easy Pharmacare adalah perangkat lunak farmasi yang memiliki desain modern responsif untuk semua jenis apotek. Software apotek ini sebenarnya digunakan untuk pengelolaan data apotek. Demo links : Super admin : https://pharmacaredemo.bdtask-demo.com/pharmacare-9.4_demo Perangkat lunak sistem manajemen apotek ini dikembangkan dengan framework PHP dan Codeigniter. Ini dirancang dan dikembangkan untuk apotek, toko obat, department store dan toko obat. Tangani semua data apotek Anda dengan mudah. Di sini Anda dapat menangani semua pengelolaan akun apotek, pembuatan faktur, analisis pengguna dan data, pengelolaan stok, pengelolaan toko, riwayat pembelian, riwayat pendapatan, pos, dan banyak lagi. Login Details : Admin User : [email protected] Password : 123456 User : [email protected] Password : 123456 Fitur utama : Modul Manajemen Pelanggan Modul Pasokan & Pembelian Instalasi Satu Klik Modul Inventaris Sistem Faktur yang Mudah Modul Keuangan Modul Manajemen Produk Kode Segar dan Bersih Laporan Penjualan Harian, Bulanan, Tahunan, Laba dan Pengeluaran Manajemen Pembayaran Jatuh Tempo Pilih Mata Uang Apa Pun Kedokteran, Obat-obatan, Pelanggan, Karyawan, Klien, pemasok dan manajemen Pengguna Manajemen POS (Tempat Penjualan). Cari Obat, Pelanggan, Pembelian, Faktur dengan Huruf Pertama Grafik Penjualan Cetak Faktur Hasilkan Laporan Berdasarkan Rentang Tanggal dan Banyak Lagi. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/07/2023 Category Scripts
  17. Version v9.4 Free


    Pharmacare adalah perangkat lunak farmasi yang memiliki desain modern responsif untuk semua jenis apotek. Software apotek ini sebenarnya digunakan untuk pengelolaan data apotek. Demo links : Super admin : https://pharmacaredemo.bdtask-demo.com/pharmacare-9.4_demo Perangkat lunak sistem manajemen apotek ini dikembangkan dengan framework PHP dan Codeigniter. Ini dirancang dan dikembangkan untuk apotek, toko obat, department store dan toko obat. Tangani semua data apotek Anda dengan mudah. Di sini Anda dapat menangani semua pengelolaan akun apotek, pembuatan faktur, analisis pengguna dan data, pengelolaan stok, pengelolaan toko, riwayat pembelian, riwayat pendapatan, pos, dan banyak lagi. Login Details : Admin User : [email protected] Password : 123456 User : [email protected] Password : 123456 Fitur utama : Modul Manajemen Pelanggan Modul Pasokan & Pembelian Instalasi Satu Klik Modul Inventaris Sistem Faktur yang Mudah Modul Keuangan Modul Manajemen Produk Kode Segar dan Bersih Laporan Penjualan Harian, Bulanan, Tahunan, Laba dan Pengeluaran Manajemen Pembayaran Jatuh Tempo Pilih Mata Uang Apa Pun Kedokteran, Obat-obatan, Pelanggan, Karyawan, Klien, pemasok dan manajemen Pengguna Manajemen POS (Tempat Penjualan). Cari Obat, Pelanggan, Pembelian, Faktur dengan Huruf Pertama Grafik Penjualan Cetak Faktur Hasilkan Laporan Berdasarkan Rentang Tanggal dan Banyak Lagi.
  18. View File Premium URL Shortener - Link Shortener, Bio Pages & QR Codes PHP-based Premium URL Shortener is a comprehensive script that offers an array of distinct features. It enables users to transform lengthy hyperlinks into smart, condensed links while monitoring clicks and perfecting marketing endeavors. With various innovative tools at your disposal, you can rapidly create your own shortening website- including geotargeting, device targeting, premium membership options and robust administrative dashboards. Additionally furnished with CMS instruments to generate optimal outcomes - this software has remained in continual development for over 9 years guaranteeing progressive advancements (remarkable value!). URL Shortener Live Demo You can test the script using the following credentials. These are admin and user accounts. Once logged in, simply click “Admin” at the top to access the admin panel. Please note that the demo will reset every week. Admin Account Email/Username: [email protected] / admin Password: adminpass Login Page | Overlay Page | Sample Stat Page Sample Short URL with Frame | Sample Short URL with Splash Custom Splash | Custom Page Some Amazing Features Bio Profile/Link in Bio Generator Generate a beautiful bio profile, share one link, and monitor traffic. Add widgets and links to social media accounts and customize profile bios with stunning colors. Advanced QR Generator Generate unique QR codes and share them publicly. Use different types of QR codes, customize colors, add your logo, choose from various shapes, and track scans. Software as a Service (SaaS) With an extended license, the script turns into a SaaS platform and automatically manages all payments via Stripe, PayPal and Bank Transfer. Team Features The new teams feature lets you invite members to your group and operate the same account as a team. It's perfect for collaboration! Custom Domains This script supports custom domains for users and admins. If your users want to use their own domain, they can simply add it and start using it. Admins can also add additional domains for customers to use. This is perfect if you don't want customers to use your main domain name. Campaigns & Link Rotator The campaign feature allows you to regroup some links and will generate custom links that you can send to people. The custom link will allow them to see all the links in the campaign and use them. Campaigns also collect statistics for all links in the campaign Spark Pages & Overlays The script now automatically creates custom pages for media URLs like Youtube, Vine, Dailymotion, etc ( Demo ). Users can now create custom splash pages and this can be a paid feature. Various CTA popups are also available as overlays. Geo Targeting & Device Targeting System Users can choose to direct visitors to other pages using their location based on country and state or their device . This option can be disabled from the admin panel or per package. Custom & UTM Parameters Users can add custom parameters such as affiliate tags or use the system to add UTMs . Pixel Tracking Users can add over 15 providers including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Bing, Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Snapchat, Reddit, Quora, Pinterest and many more. Slack, WordPress & Zapier integration Set up Slack and allow your users to shorten links directly from Slack using custom commands! Your users can set up Zapier and the script will notify Zapier when a new link has been shortened or when someone clicks on a link! This script also includes a wordpress plugin for your customers so they can easily use the platform to shorten links. Personal Service Do you want to use this script for your own purposes? Does not matter. Just enable the private option in the admin panel and only you and all the accounts you create can access the site and use its features. Anonymous User History Anonymous users can now track their last 10 URLs without having to register. This option can be easily enabled or disabled from the admin panel. Social Login Users can now log in instantly using their Facebook, Twitter or Google accounts. Easy Translation You can easily translate this script to any language you want by using the built-in language manager. Create new translations, edit old ones, or even delete them with the click of a button. Everything is now automatic, meaning languages will be added to the menu immediately. Full Featured Blog Easily create your own blog directly from the admin panel. No third party software required. Dedicated Help Center Create your own help center with the click of a button and add questions & answers to help your customers. No need for third party service providers! Advanced API System A robust API system requires users to authenticate using the unique API key associated with them upon registration. All URLs generated by registered users are automatically saved in their accounts. URL Validation & reCaptcha Plugin Extensive validation and URL filtering system gives you peace of mind. Several built-in options to automatically disable “inappropriate” URLs or domain names (including tlds) from being processed by the system. The script also includes reCaptcha and SolveMedia Captcha. If enabled, the Captcha system will only be displayed to anonymous users (unregistered users). Full Featured Administration Panel A powerful administration panel gives you complete control over your website. It gives you the ability to manage URLs, users, and custom pages. You can also control all features from the admin panel by enabling or disabling them with the click of a button. You can control Ads, Various Captcha Systems, Frames, API System, User Registration, URL Filtration, Themes and Maintenance and much more. Responsive Template with 3 Schemes including Dark Mode with built-in Template Editor The default theme comes with 3 schemes (default, light and dark). You can easily edit layouts and themes to suit your needs with the new in-script editor. Script now supports child themes so you can easily customize your theme without worrying about updates overwriting it. Quick & Easy Installer Powerful, fast and easy installer sets up your website in a minute. You don't have to bother dumping SQL files and editing PHP files. It provides step by step installation of this software. 1-Click Updater Update scripts directly from the admin panel with the click of a button. Hassle free! Requirements PHP 7.4+ and PDO Module Mod Rewrite Enabled Curl Enabled ImageMagick with RSVG for advanced QR designs Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/07/2023 Category PHP Scripts File Size 55.83 MB Demo https://demo.gempixel.com/short/  
  19. Version 7.4.4 NULLED Extended


    PHP-based Premium URL Shortener is a comprehensive script that offers an array of distinct features. It enables users to transform lengthy hyperlinks into smart, condensed links while monitoring clicks and perfecting marketing endeavors. With various innovative tools at your disposal, you can rapidly create your own shortening website- including geotargeting, device targeting, premium membership options and robust administrative dashboards. Additionally furnished with CMS instruments to generate optimal outcomes - this software has remained in continual development for over 9 years guaranteeing progressive advancements (remarkable value!). URL Shortener Live Demo You can test the script using the following credentials. These are admin and user accounts. Once logged in, simply click “Admin” at the top to access the admin panel. Please note that the demo will reset every week. Admin Account Email/Username: [email protected] / admin Password: adminpass Login Page | Overlay Page | Sample Stat Page Sample Short URL with Frame | Sample Short URL with Splash Custom Splash | Custom Page Some Amazing Features Bio Profile/Link in Bio Generator Generate a beautiful bio profile, share one link, and monitor traffic. Add widgets and links to social media accounts and customize profile bios with stunning colors. Advanced QR Generator Generate unique QR codes and share them publicly. Use different types of QR codes, customize colors, add your logo, choose from various shapes, and track scans. Software as a Service (SaaS) With an extended license, the script turns into a SaaS platform and automatically manages all payments via Stripe, PayPal and Bank Transfer. Team Features The new teams feature lets you invite members to your group and operate the same account as a team. It's perfect for collaboration! Custom Domains This script supports custom domains for users and admins. If your users want to use their own domain, they can simply add it and start using it. Admins can also add additional domains for customers to use. This is perfect if you don't want customers to use your main domain name. Campaigns & Link Rotator The campaign feature allows you to regroup some links and will generate custom links that you can send to people. The custom link will allow them to see all the links in the campaign and use them. Campaigns also collect statistics for all links in the campaign Spark Pages & Overlays The script now automatically creates custom pages for media URLs like Youtube, Vine, Dailymotion, etc ( Demo ). Users can now create custom splash pages and this can be a paid feature. Various CTA popups are also available as overlays. Geo Targeting & Device Targeting System Users can choose to direct visitors to other pages using their location based on country and state or their device . This option can be disabled from the admin panel or per package. Custom & UTM Parameters Users can add custom parameters such as affiliate tags or use the system to add UTMs . Pixel Tracking Users can add over 15 providers including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Bing, Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Snapchat, Reddit, Quora, Pinterest and many more. Slack, WordPress & Zapier integration Set up Slack and allow your users to shorten links directly from Slack using custom commands! Your users can set up Zapier and the script will notify Zapier when a new link has been shortened or when someone clicks on a link! This script also includes a wordpress plugin for your customers so they can easily use the platform to shorten links. Personal Service Do you want to use this script for your own purposes? Does not matter. Just enable the private option in the admin panel and only you and all the accounts you create can access the site and use its features. Anonymous User History Anonymous users can now track their last 10 URLs without having to register. This option can be easily enabled or disabled from the admin panel. Social Login Users can now log in instantly using their Facebook, Twitter or Google accounts. Easy Translation You can easily translate this script to any language you want by using the built-in language manager. Create new translations, edit old ones, or even delete them with the click of a button. Everything is now automatic, meaning languages will be added to the menu immediately. Full Featured Blog Easily create your own blog directly from the admin panel. No third party software required. Dedicated Help Center Create your own help center with the click of a button and add questions & answers to help your customers. No need for third party service providers! Advanced API System A robust API system requires users to authenticate using the unique API key associated with them upon registration. All URLs generated by registered users are automatically saved in their accounts. URL Validation & reCaptcha Plugin Extensive validation and URL filtering system gives you peace of mind. Several built-in options to automatically disable “inappropriate” URLs or domain names (including tlds) from being processed by the system. The script also includes reCaptcha and SolveMedia Captcha. If enabled, the Captcha system will only be displayed to anonymous users (unregistered users). Full Featured Administration Panel A powerful administration panel gives you complete control over your website. It gives you the ability to manage URLs, users, and custom pages. You can also control all features from the admin panel by enabling or disabling them with the click of a button. You can control Ads, Various Captcha Systems, Frames, API System, User Registration, URL Filtration, Themes and Maintenance and much more. Responsive Template with 3 Schemes including Dark Mode with built-in Template Editor The default theme comes with 3 schemes (default, light and dark). You can easily edit layouts and themes to suit your needs with the new in-script editor. Script now supports child themes so you can easily customize your theme without worrying about updates overwriting it. Quick & Easy Installer Powerful, fast and easy installer sets up your website in a minute. You don't have to bother dumping SQL files and editing PHP files. It provides step by step installation of this software. 1-Click Updater Update scripts directly from the admin panel with the click of a button. Hassle free! Requirements PHP 7.4+ and PDO Module Mod Rewrite Enabled Curl Enabled ImageMagick with RSVG for advanced QR designs
  20. Ultimate SMS - Bulk SMS Application For Marketing Ultimate SMS v3.10.0 Nulled is a powerful, flexible and easy to use Bulk SMS Marketing Application. It is also a complete solution for your SMS marketing. Very easy to use & install. Demo The demo gets reset every 1 hour. https://ultimatesms.codeglen.com/demo/login Admin Login: Email: [email protected] Password: 12345678 https://ultimatesms.codeglen.com/demo/login Client Login: Email: [email protected] Password: 12345678 Feature Client Management Clients are the most important people for any organization. Ultimate SMS is an application that allows you to maintain customer focus in a faster and simpler way. Campaign Builder Send your sms to customers using Contact Groups or upload CSV files. Ultimate SMS automatically queues your messages, sending them to your subscribers one by one. Send Schedule SMS With Scheduled Messages, you can contact yourself or many people at once whenever you want. Just select your client group or upload a CSV file and choose your time. Messages will be sent at the right time. Send Repeated SMS With Recurring Messages, you can contact yourself or multiple people at once whenever you want with repeat times. Just select your client group or upload a CSV file and choose your time. Messages will be sent at the right time. Two-way SMS Two-way SMS is where you can send and receive text messages so you can have a conversation with the recipient. You can send and receive text messages to your clients using Ultimate SMS. Clean SMS Report Ultimate SMS gives you a clean, minimal & attractive SMS history report. You will get your sms history like mobile inbox. Custom SMS Templates Create completely secure custom SMS templates that will help you reduce your time. Just create your template, save it in the system, and finally use it when needed. Contact Group/Contact List Contact groups are a useful feature that will help you save, search and view contacts, as well as edit and delete contact information. The main purpose of the Contact groups feature is to manage contact details efficiently using a fully automated system. You can set opt-in and opt-out keywords to save or remove phone numbers from your list. And More... Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/07/2023 Category PHP Scripts File Size 134.80 MB Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/ultimate-sms-bulk-sms-application-for-marketing/20062631
  21. Version 3.10.0 NULLED


    Ultimate SMS v3.10.0 Nulled is a powerful, flexible and easy to use Bulk SMS Marketing Application. It is also a complete solution for your SMS marketing. Very easy to use & install. Demo The demo gets reset every 1 hour. https://ultimatesms.codeglen.com/demo/login Admin Login: Email: [email protected] Password: 12345678 https://ultimatesms.codeglen.com/demo/login Client Login: Email: [email protected] Password: 12345678 Feature Client Management Clients are the most important people for any organization. Ultimate SMS is an application that allows you to maintain customer focus in a faster and simpler way. Campaign Builder Send your sms to customers using Contact Groups or upload CSV files. Ultimate SMS automatically queues your messages, sending them to your subscribers one by one. Send Schedule SMS With Scheduled Messages, you can contact yourself or many people at once whenever you want. Just select your client group or upload a CSV file and choose your time. Messages will be sent at the right time. Send Repeated SMS With Recurring Messages, you can contact yourself or multiple people at once whenever you want with repeat times. Just select your client group or upload a CSV file and choose your time. Messages will be sent at the right time. Two-way SMS Two-way SMS is where you can send and receive text messages so you can have a conversation with the recipient. You can send and receive text messages to your clients using Ultimate SMS. Clean SMS Report Ultimate SMS gives you a clean, minimal & attractive SMS history report. You will get your sms history like mobile inbox. Custom SMS Templates Create completely secure custom SMS templates that will help you reduce your time. Just create your template, save it in the system, and finally use it when needed. Contact Group/Contact List Contact groups are a useful feature that will help you save, search and view contacts, as well as edit and delete contact information. The main purpose of the Contact groups feature is to manage contact details efficiently using a fully automated system. You can set opt-in and opt-out keywords to save or remove phone numbers from your list. And More...
  22. View File WhatsBox - The WhatsApp Marketing - Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS WhatsBox Nulled – WhatsApp Marketing – Bulk Sender, Chat, Bot, SaaS – is one type of script that you can use to automate your WhatsApp marketing, offer support and interact with your clients even when you are not around, using reply bots. Demo & Documentation Files: - NOTE – Unlike before, get access to the Official WhatsApp Cloud API, open to the public for every business. There is no review or acceptance process. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/07/23 Category PHP Scripts File Size 51.99 MB Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/whatsbox-the-whatsapp-marketing-bulk-sender-chat-bots-saas/48623156  
  23. Version 3.2.1 NULLED


    WhatsBox Nulled – WhatsApp Marketing – Bulk Sender, Chat, Bot, SaaS – is one type of script that you can use to automate your WhatsApp marketing, offer support and interact with your clients even when you are not around, using reply bots. Demo & Documentation Files: - NOTE – Unlike before, get access to the Official WhatsApp Cloud API, open to the public for every business. There is no review or acceptance process.
  24. View File ViserBank - Digital Banking System ViserBank, Professional digital banking solution equipped with PHP laravel. It is developed for people who want to start their Digital Banking Wallet website. Globally, 69% of adults, or 3.8 billion people, now have an account with a bank or mobile money provider, an important step towards escaping poverty. This number has increased from 62% in 2014 and only 51% in 2011. This is an industry and today we keep our footprint in this industry with our ViserBank, a complete solution for Banking businesses. here, users can join easily, can manage profile, deposit, FDR, DPS, Loans, can choose packages, transfer to other banks, transfer to other people's accounts, Manage Beneficiaries, withdraw earnings and much more. Are you looking for a complete Digital Banking system for your business then you are at the right place. No need to pay thousands of dollars to hire a developer to build your Banking Website. ViserBank can help you handle unlimited users, Unlimited Transactions, Accounts, plans, can accept payments via cards, crypto and mobile money. ready-to-use solution, it only takes a few minutes to set up your website with our system. we are also here to provide you with the best support, installation and customization if you need it. hurry up, get your copy and start your Banking website. Demo Access: Frontend: https://script.viserlab.com/viserbank/ Admin Access: https://script.viserlab.com/viserbank/admin Manager and Account Officer Access: https://script.viserlab.com/viserbank/staff User Dashboard Features - Deposit Management. - Deposit history management. - Withdrawal Management. - Withdrawal history management. - FDR Management. - FDR list management. - DPS Management. - DPS list management. - Loan Management. - Plan and list of loans. - Transfer Management. - Beneficiary management. - Transfer within Viser bank. - Transfer to another bank. - Transfer history management. - Profile Management. - 2FA security management. - Password Management. - Transaction Management. - Ticket Management Support. - Extra Page Builder. - Email Notification & Verification. - SMS Notification & Verification. - GDPR Policy. - Live Chat, Including Security Captcha. - Equipped with multi language features. - Privacy & TOS. - And much more…. Admin Features - Manage Users. - Loan Management. - DPS Management. - FDR Management. - Manage Other Banks. - Manage Money Transfers. - Manage Payment Gateways. - Manage Deposits. - Manage Withdrawals. - Manage Support Tickets. - Manage Reports. - Manage Customers. - Manage General Settings. - Manage System. - Manage Logo & Favicon. - Manage Extensions. - Manage Languages. - SEO Manager. - Email Manager. - SMS Manager. - FRONT MANAGER. - Manage Templates. - Manage Pages. - Manage Sections. - Manage GDPR Cookies. - Manage Custom CSS. - Manage Clear Cache. - Manage Contact Us. - Manage FAQ Section. - Manage Footer Section. - Manage Policy Pages. - Manage Partner Section. - Manage Testimonials Section. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/07/2023 Category Scripts File Size 84.55 MB Demo https://script.viserlab.com/viserbank/
  25. Version v2.4


    ViserBank, Professional digital banking solution equipped with PHP laravel. It is developed for people who want to start their Digital Banking Wallet website. Globally, 69% of adults, or 3.8 billion people, now have an account with a bank or mobile money provider, an important step towards escaping poverty. This number has increased from 62% in 2014 and only 51% in 2011. This is an industry and today we keep our footprint in this industry with our ViserBank, a complete solution for Banking businesses. here, users can join easily, can manage profile, deposit, FDR, DPS, Loans, can choose packages, transfer to other banks, transfer to other people's accounts, Manage Beneficiaries, withdraw earnings and much more. Are you looking for a complete Digital Banking system for your business then you are at the right place. No need to pay thousands of dollars to hire a developer to build your Banking Website. ViserBank can help you handle unlimited users, Unlimited Transactions, Accounts, plans, can accept payments via cards, crypto and mobile money. ready-to-use solution, it only takes a few minutes to set up your website with our system. we are also here to provide you with the best support, installation and customization if you need it. hurry up, get your copy and start your Banking website. Demo Access: Frontend: https://script.viserlab.com/viserbank/ Admin Access: https://script.viserlab.com/viserbank/admin Manager and Account Officer Access: https://script.viserlab.com/viserbank/staff User Dashboard Features - Deposit Management. - Deposit history management. - Withdrawal Management. - Withdrawal history management. - FDR Management. - FDR list management. - DPS Management. - DPS list management. - Loan Management. - Plan and list of loans. - Transfer Management. - Beneficiary management. - Transfer within Viser bank. - Transfer to another bank. - Transfer history management. - Profile Management. - 2FA security management. - Password Management. - Transaction Management. - Ticket Management Support. - Extra Page Builder. - Email Notification & Verification. - SMS Notification & Verification. - GDPR Policy. - Live Chat, Including Security Captcha. - Equipped with multi language features. - Privacy & TOS. - And much more…. Admin Features - Manage Users. - Loan Management. - DPS Management. - FDR Management. - Manage Other Banks. - Manage Money Transfers. - Manage Payment Gateways. - Manage Deposits. - Manage Withdrawals. - Manage Support Tickets. - Manage Reports. - Manage Customers. - Manage General Settings. - Manage System. - Manage Logo & Favicon. - Manage Extensions. - Manage Languages. - SEO Manager. - Email Manager. - SMS Manager. - FRONT MANAGER. - Manage Templates. - Manage Pages. - Manage Sections. - Manage GDPR Cookies. - Manage Custom CSS. - Manage Clear Cache. - Manage Contact Us. - Manage FAQ Section. - Manage Footer Section. - Manage Policy Pages. - Manage Partner Section. - Manage Testimonials Section.
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