PHP Scripts
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686 files
SumoWebTools is a web tools script that provides free internet tools useful in daily online activities. It supports multi-language, making it easy to customize the language you want with just a few taps.
This script is built on Bootstrap v5, supports Light and Dark modes, and supports LTR and RTL layouts. With more than 150 commonly used web tools on the internet, it will help you quickly get approved for Google Adsense.
Optimized for Page Speed Insights
SumoWebTools has been optimized for performance according to the standards set by Google Page Speed Insights. This specialized script targets the critical factors that affect your site’s speed and overall user experience, making it an invaluable asset for your web optimization efforts.
Homepage: Admin Dashboard: Username: [email protected] Password: password SumoWebTools Features:
Multi-language Support Bootstrap v5 Light / Dark Mode LTR / RTL Support Google Adsense Approved One Click Demo Data Import Admin Dashboard Ready Maintenance Mode Support Adblock Detection Support Automatic Language Detection Support Link Redirect Support Modern Design 100% Responsive SEO Friendly SPA (Single Page Application) GDPR Compliant Social Media Ready Unlimited Typography Options Easily Customizable from Admin Dashboard Easily Add Any New Language With One Click Automatic Sitemap Fast, Lightweight & Powerful Free Google Fonts Unlimited Font Awesome Well Commented Code Developer Friendly Browser Compatibility Easily Customizable Free Updates Premium Support Online Documentation Supported Tools:
Below are the tools that the SumoWebTools script supports, helping you to create a beautiful website and full of popular web tools, see what you missed.
Text Content Tools
A complete set of text tools is now at your fingertips. Create dummy text, count words, or change the text case.
Text to Slug Lorem Ipsum Generator Case Converter Word Counter Remove Line Breaks Random Word Generator Privacy Policy Generator Terms And Condition Generator Disclaimer Generator Text Repeater Text Sorter Comma Separator Images Editing Tools
Create a favicon, compress or resize a picture with a single click. All essentials for image editing are available in one place.
ICO to PNG ICO Converter Image to Base64 Base64 to Image Flip Image Rotate Image Image Enlarger Image Cropper Image Resizer Image Converter JPG to PNG PNG to JPG JPG Converter WebP to JPG PNG to WebP PNG to BMP PNG to GIF PNG to ICO JPG to WebP JPG to BMP JPG to GIF JPG to ICO WebP to PNG Online Calculators
Use this basic calculator online with an extensive collection of calculators on math, finance, fitness, and more.
Age Calculator Percentage Calculator Average Calculator Confidence Interval Calculator Sales Tax Calculator Margin Calculator Probability Calculator Paypal Fee Calculator Discount Calculator CPM Calculator Loan Calculator GST Calculator Days Calculator Hours Calculator Month Calculator Stripe Fee Calculator Calorie Calculator TDEE Calculator Unit Converter Tools
Access our most popular converters below to quickly convert currency rates, temperature, area, and more.
Length Converter Area Converter Weight Converter Volume Converter Temperature Converter Each Converter Time Converter Digital Converter Parts Per Converter Speed Converter Pace Converter Pressure Converter Current Converter Voltage Converter Power Converter Reactive Power Converter Apparent Power Converter Energy Converter Reactive Energy Converter Volumetric Flow Rate Converter Illuminance Converter Frequency Converter Angle Converter Currency Converter Number to Word Converter Word to Number Converter Torque Converter Charge Converter Number to Roman Numerals Roman Numerals to Number Binary Converter Tools
A collection of useful utilities for working with binary values.
Text to Binary Binary to Text HEX to Binary Binary to HEX ASCII to Binary Binary to ASCII Decimal to Binary Binary to Decimal Text to ASCII ASCII to Text HEX to Decimal Decimal to HEX Octal to Binary Binary to Octal Octal to Decimal Decimal to Octal HEX to Octal Octal to HEX Text to Octal Octal to Text Text to HEX HEX to Text Text to Decimal Decimal to Text Website Management Tools
If you are struggling to get more traffic and enhance your website performance, then use these website management tools.
HTML Decode HTML Encode URL Decode URL Encode HTML Beautifier HTML Minifier CSS Beautifier CSS Minifier JavaScript Beautifier JavaScript Minifier Javascript DeObfuscator Javascript Obfuscator QR Code Decoder QR Code Generator Find Facebook ID UUID Generator URL Parser UTM Builder Development Tools
A collection of useful online tools to clean up your JSON, remove whitespace, formatting, and more.
JSON Viewer JSON Formatter JSON Validator JSON Editor JSON Minify XML to JSON CSV to JSON TSV to JSON JSON to XML JSON to CSV JSON to Text JSON to TSV Other Tools
Other useful tools that will help you in your daily online activities.
MD5 Generator What Is My IP IP Address Lookup Base64 Decode Base64 Encode Color Converter Password Generator VTT to SRT SRT to VTT YouTube Thumbnail Downloader HEX to RGB RGB to HEX Requirements:
PHP >= 8.1.0 MariaDB (MySQL) version 10.0 or greater SSL (https://) allow_url_fopen is enabled BCMath PHP Extension Ctype PHP Extension Fileinfo PHP extension JSON PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension PHP-GD or Imagick PHP extension- Free
Full Multi Tenancy Laravel Admin Saas is a flexible multi-tenancy Laravel package that comes with lots of features out-of-the-box and doesn’t stand in your way when you need anything custom. This script support subdomain and custom domain and separate database for each admin.
Full Multi Tenancy Laravel Admin Saas is refers to the ability of a software application, typically a Software as a Service (SaaS) application, to serve multiple customers or “tenants” while ensuring data isolation and security. Here’s a brief description of implementing multi-tenancy in a Laravel-based SaaS application:
Database Structure: Create a separate database schema or database for each tenant to ensure data isolation. This allows each tenant to have their own set of tables and data without interfering with other tenants.
Tenant Identification: Implement a mechanism to identify the current tenant, such as using subdomains, domains, or tokens. This identification is crucial to route requests to the appropriate database or schema for the specific tenant.
Tenant Configuration: Maintain a configuration file or database table that maps each tenant to their respective database connection details, allowing your application to dynamically connect to the correct database for each tenant.
Tenant Onboarding and Management: Develop features to handle tenant onboarding, registration, and configuration. Provide functionality for Super Admin to manage tenants, configure their settings, and provision new tenants as needed.
Access Control and Security: Implement proper access control to ensure that tenants can only access their own data and are restricted from accessing other tenants’ data. This involves setting up roles, permissions, and ensuring data privacy.
Demo Link:
Super Admin Login Details
Username: [email protected]
Password: admin@1232
Demo Link:
Admin Login Details
Username: [email protected]
Password: admin@1232
Demo Link:
Admin Login Details
Username: [email protected]
Password: admin@1232
Multi domain & sub domain support Separate database for domain SAAS Based Admin Panel User create domain request from frontend Document builder easy create document and share Stripe, Razorpay, Paypal, Flutterwave, Paystack, Paytm, Coingate, MercadoPago, Payfast, Toyyibpay, Iyzipay, SSPay, Cashfree, Aamarpay, PayUMoney, PayTabs, BenefitPay, Mollie, Skrill, Easebuzz, Offline Payment Gateway for both Super admin & Admin Earning report for both Super admin & Admin Dynamic Frontend User Registration User Login Remember me token User Management Roles and Permissions Profile Picture Upload with Crop feature Update Application Logo and Name Multi language AWS S3 Support Chat Support RTL Support Dark mode Support Multi theme Support Two Factor Authentication CSRF Protection for all forms Responsive Dashboard Design Design Optimized for Mobile Blade Format with Master Layout Built with Laravel 9 Support Module Coupons Support- Free
The one and only fully Live Support Chat SaaS Solution
We are constantly developing the most advanced and only fully SaaS Live Support Solution which can handle a lot of customers, fully integrated client management and billing system, super easy to use and install.
Run your own live chat hosted server. Modern, fast and optimised for all devices. The only thing you have to do is Marketing.
Cloud Chat 3 Server comes with a Live Chat Server, Sign Up page, Administration panel and an included ticketing/news system. All you need is included. ChatGPT bot and live translations of your and your customers messages.
Fully automated process from sign up to billing. Pure vanilla Javascript on the front end, zero conflict and fast. The BEST self-hosted live chat solution on the world wide web.
Free access to our native iOS and Android apps that connect to your installation. Change login skins to suit your design, your clients receive push notifications on new clients or messages.
For a little fee we create your personal desktop apps for Windows, MacOS and Linux.
Start your own business with Cloud Chat 3.
Adminsitration panel (source code) Live Chat Software (source code) Free access to the native iOS and Android Apps on the App Stores (source code not included). If you want to charge your customers you will need an extended license. OPTIONAL
Native Desktop Apps custom made with your icon. iOS and Android source code for publishing under your company name.
- Free
In less than 20 minutes, Onlinetrader will help you to create and launch your own self hosted
Investment management website
Signal providing website
Forex education/mentorship website
Copytrading website that let your followers to copy your trades to their metatrader account.
You can choose how you want to use Onlinetrader by enabling the features or modules that you need and disabling what you don’t need.
Onlinetrader is a full responsive & dynamic system built with Laravel Framework.
You can easily use our system with your preferred wordpress frontend: We can help with the connection.
Note that some features has been disabled on demo
Test before you Download!
User login
Email: [email protected]
Password: test1234
Admin login
Super admin email: [email protected]
Password: test1234
OnlineTrader5 – Simple yet a powerful solution.
Key features
=> Signal providing module – free addon
=> LMS module to educate your clients or sell your courses – free addon
=> MAM module – Web based tradecopier included (MT copier API costs $7.99/month/account)
=> Flexible investment management system
=> API for registration (This helps in signing up leads from remote sources)
=> Crypto swapping module
=> Automated and dynamic ROI (Return on investment topup)
=> Email notification on registration, when ROI drops and at the end of investment circle.
=> Beautiful default email template for all notifications
=> CRM on admin end
=> Admin roles
=> User to user wallet transfer
=> Admin can add unlimited custom payment methods with barcodes
=> Timezone setup
=> Audit logs – View users login activities & IP blacklisting
=> Users can setup OTP for withdrawal
=> Social login (Google Auth)
=> Google 2FA
=> Google Translate
=> Recaptcha
=> 5 Levels Referral System
=> KYC (Know your customers) Compliance
=> Advance users management
=> Simple and friendly frontend content editor from admin
=> Live chat management
=> Mass email to all users
=> Logo and favicon management
Advance users management. Fully responsive design. Automatic top up to users account (Hourly, daily, weekly or monthly). As specified by admin Manual top up also included Stop ROI auto top up on users account on non working days (weekends or holidays) Customers testimonials. Withdrawal and deposit methods. Secure Database with input escaping so no SQL Injection! Protects against CSRF attacks! Standard passwords encryption. SEO friendly URLs. Informative USER Panel. Deposit history. withdrawal history. Earning history. Smooth and proper navigation. Admin specify system currency. Admin send notification to users dashboard. Advance system settings/control page. Payment methods
CoinPayments automatic methods.
Bitcoin Ethereum Litecoin Others
Credit card (Paystack) Bank deposit / transfer Credit card (stripe) PayPal Bitcoin (Manual) Ethereum (Manual) Other methods provided by admin Credit card test details
Expiry date: Any date above current date.(E.g. 07/2022) CVV: Any four digit (E.g. 7535) Email: Any email provided. Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242- Free
CodeCloud File Hosting is a powerful system for organizing file storage on a server or hosting. HTML5 downloader, security system, bulk loading. It has an administration area for managing the site, a modern interface for uploading multiple files, user registration, PayPal payment system, easy integration with advertising and much more.
You can visit the script review at:
Multi-File Upload
With progress percentage, speed and remaining time. Pure HTML5 with Drag & Drop support. Don't rely on Flash! Supported large uploads, 2GB+.
Make money
Integration to PayPal for automatic premium account upgrades. Other payment gateways like, OKPay & BitPay are also available.
Download Manager
Full support for download manager with http auth. Resume broken downloads and enable multiple connections simultaneously. Enable for all users or premium only.
Additional payment gateways, rewards program, media streamer, image viewer, FTP upload plugin and more. Create your own custom plugins using the plugin framework.
External File Server
Integrate any number of external file servers for additional storage. Any FTP server can be used.
100% Source Provided
No source code is coded, allowing you to modify file sharing scripts and change styles as needed.
Feature Rich Admin Area
Usually overlooked in other scripts, the admin area is key to managing your website. Manage files, users, site settings, plugins, even monitor file downloads as they happen.
Safe & Established
Externally checked for XSS & common SQL injection techniques before each release. If any are discovered after release, they will be assigned priority.
The plugins included in this package are:
Amazon S3 v8 File Storage Archive Manager v11 Leech v10 files Upload FTP v13 Media Converter v28 Rewards Program (PPS_PPD) v29 Upload Widget v7 Voucher Retailer v7 Access WebDav v11 Wasabi File Storage v5 Download Torrents v13 BitPay Payment Gateway v5 Coin Payment Payment Gateway v7 Stripe Payment Gateway v16 Skrill Payment Gateway v5 G2aPay Payment Gateway v5 Import Files v3 File Preview v5 Bulletin v7 Payment Gateway v2 PayPal Payment Gateway v5 Social Login v7 Please read!
All files on this site are safe and clean & have been checked on VirusTotal. This program is actually paid. This program has been modified to make the paid version for life and free for your $$. All programs on my site are protected from excessive modification By a program dedicated to protection from tampering. Thank you for visiting🙂
- Free
You can use Blogaaso to build a multitenant blog website within minutes.
The main website frontend is Multi-lingual & also RTL supported
You can create unlimited monthly / yearly / lifetime packages, control features for that packages. You can make a package Free, Trial, Premium etc…. You can set trial days for trial packages.
Users can purchase this packages & have a user dashboard to create Multilingual Blog Website, unlimited vCards for them. User’s blog websites, vCards are also RTL supported. They will also have other cool features like – Advanced QR Builder, Drag & Drop Menu Builder, Popup Builder etc…. Users can also show their blog website, vCards in their custom domain / subdomain ({username}.your_domain_name) / path based URL (your_domain_name/{username})
Blogaaso provides 10 automated payment gateways & unlimited offline gateways to collect membership payment – Paypal, Stripe, Mollie, Razorpay, PayTm, Instamojo, Flutterwave, Paystack, Mercado Pago,
Admin can also use some more cool features like – Drag & Drop Menu Builder, Popup Banner Builder etc… for main website
Online Documentation:
Main Website & Login Links:
Main Website Link:
Admin Login (Main Website):
Tenant Login:
Tenant Blog Website:
Theme 1 (Subdomain Based URL):
Theme 1 (Custom Domain Based URL):
Theme 1 (Path Based URL):
Theme 2:
Theme 3:
Theme 4:
Theme 5:
Theme 6:
Theme 7:
vCard Demo Links:
Theme 1 (Subdomain Based URL):
Theme 1 (Custom Domain Based URL):
Theme 1 (Path Based URL):
Theme 2:
Theme 3:
Theme 4:
Business Website & Admin Panel Features
✅ Multilingual Frontend
✅ RTL Supported Frontend
✅ Unlimited Pricing Plans (Free / Trial / Premium)
✅ 10 Online Payment Gateways
✅ Unlimited offline payment gateways
✅ Custom Domains Management
✅ Subdomains Management
✅ Listings Page with Advanced Search
✅ Base Currency Setup
✅ Drag & Drop Menu Builder in Admin Dashboard
✅ Light & Dark Admin Dashboard
✅ Home Page Sections Hide / Show
✅ Base Color Settings
✅ Preloader, Logo, Favicon Upload
✅ Packages Management
✅ Package / Pricing Plan Upgrade / Downgrade
✅ Email Templates
✅ Payment Logs
✅ Popup Builder with 7 Predefined Templates
✅ SEO Info Management
✅ Blogs, FAQ etc all website content management
✅ Custom Pages
✅ Registered Users Management
✅ Maintenance mode
✅ Admin / Role / Permission Management
✅ Google Recaptcha, Disqus,, WhatsApp Chat Button, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel
✅ secret login to Tenant dashboard via Admin
Tenant Blog Website & Dashboard Features:
✅ Custom Domain
✅ Automatic Subdomain & Path Based URL
✅ Light & Dark Dashboard
✅ Advanced QR Builder to generate QR Code for any URL
✅ Saved QR Codes Management
✅ 7 Tenant Blog Templates
✅ 4 vCard Templates
✅ Multilingual vCards & RTL Support
✅ Multilingual Tenant Website Frontend
✅ RTL Supported Tenant Website Frontend
✅ Advertisements & Google Adsense
✅ Ecommerce feature for Tenant
—Categories Management
—Subcategories Management
—Items Management
—Physical Product
—Digital Product
—Orders Management
—Unlimited Vartions of Items
—Stock Management for Items
—Variation-wise stock Management
—Flash Sale
—Invoice Generate & Mail
—Product Rating
—Shipping Methods with Shipping Charges
—Rating Enable / Disable
—Shop Enable / Disable
—Products search page
✅ Package Purchase, Membership extend
✅ Announcement Popup Builder
✅ Base Color Settings
✅ Preloader, Logo, Favicon Upload
✅ SEO Info Management
✅ Hide / Show Home Sections
✅ Drag & Drop Menu Builder
✅ Posts Management
✅ Registered Users Management
✅ Custom Page Management
✅ Gallery, About, FAQ, Contact etc page management
✅ Followers / Followings
✅ Tenant’s users have their own dashboard
✅ Tenant’s users can bookmark post
✅ Google analytics, facebook pixel,, google recaptcha , Disqus, Whatsapp chat button
✅ secret login to Tenant’s customer dashboard via Tenant
Admin Workflow:
- Add Languages
- Add Packages with Features
- Setup Payment Gateways
- Upload Language wise contents (FAQ, Blogs etc…)
- Manage Users
User Workflow:
- choose a package (premium / trial / Free)
- register & checkout
- verify email & login to dashboard
- add languages
- setup color, preloader, logo etc…
- upload language wise contents (posts, images, videos, faqs etc…)
Server Requirements
Built with Laravel 9.39.0
- Free
it Is A Php Script With An Admin Panel That Is Used To Generate And Download Digital Signatures In A Variety Of Formats.
it Is A Php Script That Generates Handwritten Signatures, The Purpose Of This Php Script Is To Generate An Online Digital Signature, The Script Should Be Written In Php In Order To Create A Digital Signature With Your Name On It, An Easy-to-use Php Script For Generating Signatures,
155+ Fonts.
Admin Panel To Manage Pages And Advertisement Code.
- Free
Memperkenalkan DallHam V2 , aplikasi pertama di Codecanyon dengan Google Bard AI . Ini menampilkan chatbot AI WhatsApp (Anda dapat berlatih untuk bisnis Anda) untuk interaksi pelanggan yang dipersonalisasi, generator gambar AI , kemampuan text-to-speech dan pidato-ke-teks , dan blogging otomatis AI WordPress . Tingkatkan operasi bisnis Anda dengan aplikasi canggih ini yang menggabungkan fitur AI canggih untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan keterlibatan pelanggan.
Penafian :- DallHam memerlukan kunci API opeanAi dan kunci AWS Polly tanpa Kunci ini Fitur Dallham AI tidak akan berfungsi namun Anda tidak memerlukan kunci berbayar apa pun untuk BardAi
VPS atau hosting bersama apa pun yang mendukung Nodejs Basis Data MYSQL Domain atau Subdomain API OpenAi Kunci AWS Polly (Gratis 1 tahun) Penyair Ai (Gratis)
App Access
Video:- Click Here
Frontend:- Click Here
Admin Login:- Click Here
Admin email:- [email protected]
Admin password:- password
User Login:- Click Here
User email:- [email protected]
User password:- password
Lebih banyak fitur
Dasbor informasi WhatsApp Ai Chatbot (Dengan sistem kereta) Kemampuan untuk menangani bisnis Anda untuk Anda melalui WhatsApp Generator Gambar Ai Obrolan Ai Google Bard (API Gratis) Multi tipe dalam pembuatan gambar ai Blog WordPress Ai Otomatis Kirim SMS ke suara Ai Humon Reaksi terhadap pesan melalui WhatsApp Mengetik adalah opsional melalui WhatsApp Ai Paket berlangganan dinamis Bahasa terjemahan web tanpa batas Ping ke admin untuk dukungan Bicara Untuk Mengobrol Bot ai multi WhatsApp dapat ditambahkan Riwayat pesanan untuk admin Gerbang pembayaran Nasional dan Internasional Kelola pengguna untuk admin Tema Gelap dan Terang Pengubah tema warna situs web Admin dapat menambahkan chatbot terlatih tanpa batas Obrolan langsung Frontend Dinamis Pertanyaan Umum Kesaksian Halaman dinamis Meta SEO Deskripsi Produk Judul Produk Amazon Postingan Media Sosial (Pribadi) Postingan Media Sosial (Bisnis) Keterangan Instagram Tagar Instagram Tweet Twitter Judul YouTube Deskripsi YouTube Semua pembuat konten media sosial Sematkan Ai ChatBot Lebih banyak- Free
RaffleLab Is a Simple Lottery Platform. That will take your excitement to the next level! Get ready to experience the ultimate thrill of winning as we bring you a cutting-edge lottery experience with RaffleLab. Our platform boasts a dynamic and ever-evolving lottery system that keeps the excitement alive. Say goodbye to monotonous lotteries, as RaffleLab ensures each phase is unique and captivating, with surprises waiting at every turn. Seamlessly transition from one exciting phase to another with our innovative Auto Phase Creation System. No need to wait for the fun to begin. RaffleLab keeps the action going!
RaffleLab allows you to set specific winning parameters for each lottery, increasing your chances of hitting the jackpot! Share the excitement with friends and family and watch your rewards multiply! Our Multi-Level Referral System ensures that everyone benefits from spreading the lottery joy. Your convenience is our priority. RaffleLab’s user-friendly interface ensures easy navigation, while the responsive and elegant design guarantees a seamless experience across all devices. Safety and security are at the heart of RaffleLab. Our advanced Two-Factor Authentication System ensures your account remains protected at all times, giving you peace of mind.
Demo Access:
User Features:
- Lottery Game.
- Dynamic Phase Management.
- Auto Phase Creation System.
- Multi-Draw System.
- Single Draw System.
- Lottery Wise Winning Setting.
- Multi-Level Referral system.
- User-Friendly, Responsive & Elegant Design.
- Multi-Language System.
- Users Management.
- Easy and complete project documentation.
- Regular updates facilities.
- Premium and quick support.
- And More…
Admin Features:
- 100% Secure Admin Dashboard.
- Lottery Management.
- Report Manager.
- Extension Management.
- Language Management.
- Content Management.
- SEO Manager.
- Page Builder.
- Support Ticket Management.
- System Setting.
- System Configuration.
- Email Notification System.
- SMS Notification System.
- User’s Email & SMS verification system.
- Support modern browser and cross-browser compatibility.
- Dynamic CRON setting manager.
- System Update Manager.
- And More…
- Free
App Builder is software for Creating Automated systems , you can create your own system without Writing line of code .. you have only to use the wizard step by step to build your system Modules and start using it , you can Build System Like [Library Management , School Management , HR , ERP ] System etc ..
Demo Verison :
user name : [email protected]
password :12345678
PHP 8.1 – 8.2
BCMath PHP Extension
Ctype PHP Extension
Fileinfo PHP extension
JSON PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
Valid for These Databases
MySQL(default)(No changes required)
PostgreSQL (you can use this but you have to change /config/database.php line 29 to be pgsql instead of mysql) and then install
SQLite (you can use this but you have to change /config/database.php line 29 to be sqlite instead of mysql) and then install
SQL Server (you can use this but you have to change /config/database.php line 29 to be sqlsrv instead of mysql) and then install
For More Info and Tutorial please watch this video
Tutorial Video
Features list Details
Users Module :
1.create User .
2.edit Users .
3.Delete Users .
4.Add / Edit User Role .
CRUD Module :
1.create new module .
2.add fields to module like :
text text area integer date datetime File Attachment Image one to one relationship select radio .
3.Generate module .
4.Delete module
5.Module side menu item
Permission module : can create / update / delete permission on current modules can create / update / delete permission of Generated modules
Roles module : can create / update / delete role and assign any permissions you want to this Role .
2.then you can assign Role to user .
File Manager Module :
1. User Can upload files and create , update , delete folders and manage his files and pictures and resize them .
Form Builder :
1-It Generate Add,Edit,Delete Forms in your admin
Newely added Features
1- RESTFUL API Support to use in any Mobile Apps.
2- General Settings enable/disable (Registration / CRUD Builder / File Manager).
3- RTL Support .
4- Multi-Language Support .
5- Laravel Version Update .
6-Social Login /Registeration [Facebook – Twitter – Google] 7- validation Rules on Fields .
8- Invoice Manager module .
9- Translation Manager .
10-Settings Manager .
11-Multiple admin Themes .
12- enhance styles for admin UI
13- Added Blog Module with it’s initial frontEnd .
- Free
Introducing HRM OS – the all-in-one Node.js and React.js based HR management software that revolutionizes your workforce management needs. From employee management and attendance tracking to leave applications and payroll processing, our state-of-the-art HR management solution streamlines your daily operations. Whether you oversee a small team or a large corporation, our software is designed to help you efficiently manage your core HR-related tasks like employees, payroll, leaves, holidays, payslips, and accounting.
One of the most notable features of HRM OS is its Progressive Web App (PWA) capability. This cutting-edge technology allows you to install our web application as a Mobile App (compatible with both Android and iOS) and as a Desktop Application. With lightning-fast single-page-load navigation, you can access all the features you need in the blink of an eye. Experience unparalleled freedom, control, and portability with our PWA-enabled HR Management software.
Stay informed and make data-driven decisions with real-time access to your human resource information anytime, anywhere. Our comprehensive HR Management software includes a dashboard, core HR, employee management, attendance, leave applications, holiday management, payroll, payslip generation, and accounting functionalities. Optimize your workforce processes and boost productivity with HRM OS – the ultimate solution for all your human resource (HR) management requirements.
Try Free Demo Software:
Username: admin
Password: admin
Attendance management
Self attendance & manual attendance management Attendance report generation with work hours and status Shift and employment status management for workhour calculation Payroll management
Month-wise payroll generation Payslip generation with all details including workdays, workhour, salary, bonuses and deductions Accounts and Financial management
Account creation and transaction management Salary payment transaction and expense management with account wise balance view Financial statements generation Leave management
Employee leave application and management with reason and type (paid/unpaid) Leave policy creation with paid and unpaid leave for a year Weekly holiday creation with start and end date of work week for an employee Public holiday creation and view Announcements and Awards management
Announcements creation and view for employees Awards creation and assignment to employees Login
Admin and staff login with default username and password Change username and password after login Note: The HRM OS application provides a comprehensive HR management solution for businesses with features ranging from employee management to payroll and financial management. Follow the above steps to get started with the application and efficiently manage your HR operations.
Our software is very simple and intuitive to use. You can start within a few minutes. A detailed Installation Guide is available inside the ‘Documentation’ folder you download from Codecanyon once you purchase. You will also get a Quick Start guide there. By following the quick start you will be able to use the software easily. If you face any issues at any time of installation or using the software just contact us and we will support you as soon as possible.
- Free
As businesses continue to utilize social media platforms to connect with their customers, chatbots have become a popular tool for engaging with them. However, the limitations of traditional chatbots in understanding and responding to customer inquiries have created a demand for more advanced natural language processing capabilities. This is where the AI Integration add-on for ChatPion comes in, developed using the API from Open AI GPT-3. With the AI Integration add-on, businesses using Facebook messenger and Instagram DM chatbots can take their customer service to the next level.
Improved Accuracy and Responsiveness
By establishing a connection between the chatbot and Open AI GPT-3, businesses can leverage the advanced natural language processing capabilities of AI to provide accurate and helpful responses to their customers' inquiries. This is particularly useful when customers enter queries that the chatbot cannot understand.
Handling No-Match Keywords
One of the key benefits of the AI Integration add-on is the ability to handle no-match keywords. When a customer enters a query that the chatbot cannot understand, the add-on uses AI to generate an appropriate response.
Assisting with Matching Keywords
Additionally, the AI Integration add-on can assist with matching keywords. When a customer enters a query that matches a keyword in the chatbot's database, the add-on uses AI to generate a response that provides a more complete answer to the customer's question.
Efficient Customer Inquiry Handling
To make the chatbot more efficient in understanding and responding to customer inquiries, businesses can provide some information about their business to AI. Based on this information, AI will learn about the business and respond to user queries appropriately and accurately.
Accurate and appropriate Comment Reply Automation
The AI Integration add-on for ChatPion can also reply to comments from users under Facebook and Instagram posts. By providing information about the post to AI, the add-on can learn about the post and respond to comments from users appropriately and accurately.
Overall, the AI Integration add-on represents a significant improvement in the functionality of Facebook messenger and Instagram DM chatbots. By leveraging the advanced natural language processing capabilities of AI, businesses can improve the performance of their chatbots, providing customers with more accurate and helpful responses to their inquiries. As the demand for chatbots continues to grow, we can expect to see more advanced integrations like this one in the future, helping businesses to provide even better customer service.
Add-on uses Open AI API. GPT-3 text-davinci-003 Model. Pricing of Open AI is here
- Free
DealShop is a professional E-commerce Solution that comes with PHP Laravel. It’s developed for those people who want to start their Online Shopping business website. globally, There are an estimated 12 million – 24 million eCommerce sites across the entire globe, with more and more being created every single day. If these numbers make you think it’s a competitive market — don’t worry. Here, Clients can join this website by getting registered, they can order products online, able to review items, and online payments are available. support 20 Online payment methods and more.
Demo Access:
Admin Access:
Highlighted Features
Support modern browser and cross-browser compatibility. Strong and powerful admin interface. A clean and modern user interface. Unlimited products, Reviews and more. 20+ Payment Gateway and 250+ currencies setup. Functionality is Simple and all Dynamic Features. Easy Documentation, GDPR Policy. Regular updates facilities. Premium and quick support. User Dashboard Features
- Orders Management.
- Review Products.
- Payment History.
- Support Tickets Management.
- Profile Management.
- 20+ Payment Gateway.
- Product Tracking System.
- Product Details Page.
- Micro Stock Inventory.
- Email Notification & Verification.
- SMS Notification & Verification.
- GDPR Policy.
- Livechat, Security Captcha Included.
- Comes with Multi language Features.
- Privacy & TOS.
- And more…
Admin Features
- Manage Customers.
- Categories Management.
- Sub-categories Management.
- Brands Management.
- Manage Products.
- All Products Management.
- Today Deal Products.
- Coupon Management.
- Shipping Method Management.
- Manage Orders.
- Payments Management.
- Payment Gateways Management.
- Support Ticket Management.
- Report Management.
- Subscribers Management.
- General Setting.
- Logo & Favicon Management.
- Extensions Management.
- Language Management.
- SEO Manager.
- Email Manager.
- SMS Manager.
- Manage Section.
- Policy pages Management.
- GDPR Cookie Management.
- Custom CSS Management.
- Clear Cache.
- And more….
- Free
PixaSocial is a user-friendly Social Media Posts Planner SaaS Application that leverages the power of ReactJS based NextJS framework. This versatile tool provides both admin and user dashboards, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable editing experience.
With PixaSocial, you can effortlessly create and schedule posts for various social media platforms, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest. The user-friendly dashboard simplifies the process of managing and organizing your content.
The admin dashboard offers comprehensive control over users, templates, and assets, while the built-in editor allows you to craft visually appealing images and posts. You have the flexibility to customize every aspect of your content, including text, images, freehand drawing, filters, and the addition of shapes, resulting in captivating and stunning posts.
Demo Login Details
Admin credentials
URL Email - [email protected] Password - Admin2024@#
User Credential
URL Email - [email protected] Password - TestUser2024@#
For more details, please check the Online Documentation of the script.
Product Section Categories Management Sub Categories Management Adding Products Manage Products Features of the admin
Dashboard User manage and listing User Listing Templates Management Create and customize post Create Assets Create Assets Category Post Analytics Features of the User Dashboard
Dashboard Create Post Social Media Account integration Schedule Post Post Calendar Image Creator Features of the Script
User Friendly Responsive Browser Compatible Lightweight- Free
SumoSEOTools is an SEO tool script that provides tools to analyze, measure, and monitor website performance, helping to improve website visibility in search engines. It supports multi-language, making it easy to customize the language you want with just a few taps.
SumoSEOTools also helps with search engine optimization by in-depth website content analysis to make suggestions to help you get more traffic and improve website performance.
This script is built on Bootstrap v5, supports Light and Dark modes, and supports LTR and RTL layouts. With more than 50 commonly used seo tools on the internet, it will help you quickly get approved for Google Adsense.
Frontend – Light Theme – LTR
The front end is fully responsive with a modern interface and works perfectly with the latest Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge, Electron, Brave, Vivaldi, and mobile browsers. It will provide an enjoyable experience for you as well as your customers.
Homepage: Admin Dashboard: Username: [email protected] Password: password
SumoSEOTools Features:
Multi-language Support Bootstrap v5 Light / Dark Mode LTR / RTL Support Google Adsense Approved One Click Demo Data Import Admin Dashboard Ready Maintenance Mode Support Adblock Detection Support Automatic Language Detection Support Link Redirect Support Google Adsense Approved Modern Design 100% Responsive SEO Friendly GDPR Compliant Social Media Ready Unlimited Typography Options Easily Customizable from Admin Dashboard Easily Add Any New Language With One Click Automatic Sitemap Fast, Lightweight & Powerful Free Google Fonts Unlimited Font Awesome Well Commented Code Developer Friendly Browser Compatibility Easily Customizable Free Updates Premium Support Online Documentation Supported Tools:
Below are the tools that the SumoSEOTools script supports, helping you to create a beautiful website and full of popular web tools, see what you missed.
YouTube Tools
The powerful YouTube tools you need to grow your YouTube audience.
YouTube Trend YouTube Tag Extractor YouTube Tag Generator YouTube Hashtag Extractor YouTube Hashtag Generator YouTube Title Extractor YouTube Title Generator YouTube Description Extractor YouTube Description Generator YouTube Embed Code Generator YouTube Channel ID YouTube Video Statistics YouTube Channel Statistics YouTube Money Calculator YouTube Region Restriction Checker YouTube Channel Logo Downloader YouTube Channel Banner Downloader YouTube Channel Search Text Analysis Tools
A complete set of text tools is now at your fingertips.
Article Rewriter Backlink Checker URL Rewriting Tool Backwards Text Generator Text to Hashtags Text Compare Website Tracking Tools
List of free tools in one place to measure, monitor, and track your website performance.
Google Index Checker Google Cache Checker Domain Age Checker Domain Authority Checker Page Authority Checker DA PA Checker Whois Domain Lookup Moz Rank Checker Redirect Checker Website Management Tools
Use these website management tools and in-depth web analytics to get more traffic and improve your website performance.
Keyword Density Checker Robots.txt Generator Domain to IP HTTP Status Code Checker Htaccess Redirect Generator Meta Tag Generator Meta Tags Analyzer Server Status Checker Hosting Checker What Is My Browser What Is My User Agent Open Graph Checker Open Graph Generator Get HTTP Headers Twitter Card Generator What Is My Screen Resolution Screen Resolution Simulator Page Size Checker URL Opener Credit Card Generator Credit Card Validator WordPress Theme Detector Adsense Calculator Keywords Suggestion Tool FAQ Schema Generator JSON to JSON Schema DNS Records Checker Requirements:
PHP >= 8.1.0 MariaDB (MySQL) version 10.0 or greater SSL (https://) allow_url_fopen is enabled BCMath PHP Extension Ctype PHP Extension Fileinfo PHP extension JSON PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension PHP-GD or Imagick PHP extension- Free
TicketGo – The Support Ticket System is an adequately designed ticket-managing PHP system that facilitates a great user experience for your Clients / Customers / End-User. Accessible by multiple Agents and Admins, this tool helps in managing tickets generated by Clients / Customers / End-User. By adequately managed support you can close the generated tickets.
Url : Demo Link
Login as Admin : [email protected] / 1234
Login as Agent : [email protected] / 1234
Mobile Apps : Check TicketGo Native Android and iOS apps as a Premium Addon
What to expect from Support Ticket System
An effective dashboard with a graphical representation of categories and tickets Get insight on several agents as well as open and closed tickets. Facilitates multiple admin usage Generates ease for clients in creating tickets You can add multiple agents to resolve queries End-user can chat with the agent Search tickets by a unique number Make custom your new ticket form Change the ticket status to in progress, on hold, or closed Maintaining personal notes for each ticket Create various categories for easy customer resolution Knowledge Base Module Multiple language access Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi Wizard installation An expressive, elegant syntax using Laravel A user-friendly RTL experience for customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages Built with Laravel 9 Salient Features of Support Ticket System
Ease in Ticket Generation
This tool facilitates clients to create tickets and attach files. They can select their query from a well-curated list of FAQs. On the successful generation of the ticket, the unique ticket id is created and the link is sent via mail to the client.
An Effective Dashboard
Get easy access to open and closed ticket statistics. A visual presentation of categories and a monthly generated ticket chart are presented.
Search Tickets
Customers can search for the tickets with their unique ticket id.
Manage Tickets
Add new tickets as and when required. Get a detailed list of all the generated tickets with their respective ticket IDs, categories, subject, status, and essential information. Edit them by adding a new response or changing the status with a simple click.
Maintain a Personal Note for each ticket
You can make notes for each ticket according to the need. This makes following up on queries easier.
Managing Categories
Create categories of the color you want for the easy management of generated tickets. Clients can select from a list of categories for their concerned problems. This makes resolving tickets much easier and simpler.
Chat with Agent
End-user can chat with the agent and the agent will give a response to the user’s query. For push notifications, we have added a pusher configuration.
Add Agent
Add new agents for giving support to your customer, Agent can see all tickets and give a response to them.
- Free
- Before purchasing this script, please check that your server has the necessary requirements.
- We recommend to test your m3u lists, before buying this Script. Check that your streams are preferably m3u8 compatible.
- Please note that some streams hosted on different servers may not play due to CORS domain policies.
- We will try to answer your messages as soon as possible. *remember that we are human, sometimes it can take us a while to respond, due to personal problems.
FRE IPTV PLAYER is a responsive video script, for streaming IPTV content, anywhere in the world. It is developed with a simple interface for the administrator and the user, allowing its easy installation and use.
Most of the IPTV services do not have a web player, so this script will make it easier for you to access their content, while you enjoy your walk, trip, etc.
thanks to the fact that FRE IPTV PLAYER is written in pure php and does not require any extra plugin for its operation, implementing it on your website is very simple, since it does not require a database; and you can also generate extra income with the pre-roll ad system
the main benefits of using FRE IPTV PLAYER:
Bootstrap Responsive 5.1. Conversion from .ts url to .m3u8 url. Basic pre-roll ad system. ADSENSE compatible pre-roll ad system. Video playback from any IPTV provider. *as long as the video provider allows cross-linked playback (CORS desactive). Supports uploading M3U files or M3U links. No database required. Compatible with many browsers. Modify name, logo, description from the administration panel. Add your own CSS and JS code. Requirements
- cURL.
- Have "short tags" enabled in php
- PHP 7.4+
- Free
App Portal is an app-listing platform to create an amazing website with a few clicks. The system powered with structured markup data to get more hits from search engines.
Demo credentials
Username: [email protected]
Password: admin123456
Demo site
Auto app submission User reviews PWA Support AI Content Generator Amazon S3 CDN Support Built-in translation system Responsive design Easily search & import apps Infinite Scroll WebP Support RTL Support Optimized ad places for maximum revenue Structured markup data ( Apps star ratings Unlimited apps, categories, platforms and pages Query cache Sitemap Server Requirements
PHP 8.0 or 8.1 BCMath PHP Extension Ctype PHP Extension JSON PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension
Please double check system requirements before buying and contact your hosting provider if an upgrade is needed.- Free
iCoupon – Coupon & Product Listing Website
Mulai Bisnis Kupon Online Anda Sendiri Sekarang! Hasilkan banyak uang dari situs kupon. Daftar kupon adalah aplikasi web yang cerdik. yang membantu Anda mendapatkan penghasilan besar dari komisi situs afiliasi kupon pihak ketiga. seperti melalui kode kupon, voucher, kode promo dan penawaran. Kedua, Anda bisa mendapatkan penghasilan besar dari Google AdSense. simpan saja kode google adsensenya. Tidak perlu pemrograman & keterampilan teknis diperlukan! cukup siapkan tema kupon dan jalankan. Anda dapat menjalankan bisnis Anda di seluruh dunia atau di negara sendiri. Aplikasi web daftar kupon dikembangkan secara efisien dalam skrip PHP dan menggunakan database MYSQL.
Situs web kupon adalah platform online yang mengumpulkan dan menampilkan berbagai kode diskon, penawaran, promosi, atau voucher (secara kolektif dikenal sebagai kupon) yang ditawarkan oleh berbagai pengecer atau merek. Situs web ini berfungsi sebagai pasar bagi konsumen yang ingin menghemat uang dalam pembelian mereka. PRATINJAU LANGSUNG
Fitur Pengguna
Penghematan pembelian Berbagai diskon Kenyamanan menemukan penawaran di satu tempat Efisiensi waktu Kemampuan untuk membandingkan kesepakatan Pemberitahuan tentang penawaran baru Akses ke penawaran eksklusif Ulasan dan peringkat pengguna Pembaruan penawaran dan kupon yang sering Gratis untuk digunakan Fitur Admin
Dasbor front-end & admin yang responsif Tersedia 5+ api kupon di seluruh dunia & satu csv produk Sistem manajemen mitra/vendor lokal Aplikasi web ramah SEO dengan dapat diedit Logo perusahaan berbasis cloud Google AdSense, analitik & fungsi unggah spanduk Integrasi formulir pelanggan email hub spot Aplikasi web yang dapat diedit sepenuhnya Pendapatan dari pemasaran afiliasi Peluang kemitraan dengan pengecer Pendapatan iklan Pengumpulan data pengguna untuk wawasan dan analisis Branding dan reputasi sebagai platform penghemat uang Peluang untuk ekspansi dan diversifikasi Lalu lintas pengguna yang tinggi menghasilkan nilai situs Potensi jangkauan global Skalabilitas dengan infrastruktur digital Demo Pengguna
Demo Admin
Persyaratan sistem
PHP 8.1 | MYSQL 8
- Free
CartLooks adalah CMS eCommerce Multivendor paling canggih dan kuat yang dibangun dengan backend Laravel dan frontend Vue. Ia memiliki backend yang sangat kuat dengan beberapa fitur luar biasa. Ini adalah CMS E-niaga Laravel yang Dihosting Sendiri Alternatif Shopify.
Jika Anda mencari solusi eCommerce Vendor Tunggal atau Multivendor yang menawarkan fitur-fitur canggih, kinerja luar biasa, dan desain mobile-first dengan PWA, lihatlah CMS eCommerce CartLooks yang Kuat dengan fitur Vendor Tunggal dan Multivendor! Platform kami adalah solusi eCommerce lengkap yang memenuhi kebutuhan platform belanja paling umum. Dengan CartLooks, Anda mendapatkan semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengelola toko online Anda, mulai dari manajemen inventaris hingga pelacakan pesanan dan banyak lagi.
Namun yang membedakan CartLooks adalah teknologi Mobile First Design Responsive dengan dukungan PWA. Hal ini memastikan pelanggan Anda mendapatkan pengalaman berbelanja yang lancar dan menyenangkan, apa pun perangkat yang mereka gunakan. Ditambah lagi, dengan fitur-fitur canggih CartLooks, Anda dapat dengan mudah mengelola toko online Anda dari mana saja, kapan saja. Dan tim dukungan pelanggan kelas dunia kami selalu siap menjawab pertanyaan Anda dan memberikan panduan.
Pilih CMS eCommerce CartLooks dan Anda dapat membawa bisnis online Anda ke level berikutnya. Dengan CartLooks, Anda mendapatkan semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk sukses.
Demo Users:
Homepage One:
Homepage Two:
Demo Admin:
Email: [email protected]
Password: 111111
Demo Seller: URL:
Email: [email protected]
password: 111111
Multivendor Related Url:
1. Seller Login Url:
2. Seller Registration Url:
3. All Shop Page Url:
Demo Customer:
Email: [email protected]
Password: 111111
Siapa pun dapat dengan mudah menggunakan CMS eCommerce kami dengan mengikuti Dokumentasi Online Kami yang Diurutkan dengan Baik .
Kasus Penggunaan Tampilan Keranjang:
- eCommerce Vendor Tunggal
- eCommerce MultiVendor
- Marketplace
- Toko pakaian eCommerce
- Toko kecantikan eCommerce
- Toko elektronik eCommerce
- Toko obat
eCommerce - Toko Kaca Mata eCommerce
- Toko buku eCommerce
- Toko furnitur eCommerce
- B2C eCommerce
- B2B eCommerce
- B2B2c eCommerce
- Pengiriman Drop Situs web
Gerbang Pembayaran CartLooks:
- Gpay
- Paypal
- Stripe
- Mollie
- Transfer Bank
- Cash on Delivery
Lebih banyak lagi akan segera hadir…
CartLooks Tersedia Biaya Pengiriman & Jenis Pajak:
- Tarif pengiriman tetap
- Tarif pengiriman berdasarkan produk
- Tarif pengiriman berdasarkan profil pengiriman lanjutan
- Profil Pengiriman
- Zona Pengiriman
- Tarif Pengiriman
- Tarif Pengiriman Bersyarat -
Waktu Pengiriman
- Lokasi dan Tarif Pengiriman Berdasarkan Produk
- Tarif Pengiriman Operator Pihak Ketiga
- Penjemputan Poin
- Pajak Bea Cukai yang Bijaksana Produk
- Pajak Bijaksana Zona Pengiriman
- Pajak Bea Cukai Bijaksana Negara
Apa yang Membuat Keranjang Terlihat Unik:
- Termasuk PWA
- Desain Mobile First
- Kerangka & Teknologi Terbaru digunakan
- Sistem Pengiriman Tingkat Lanjut
- Sistem Pengembalian Dana Tingkat Lanjut
- Sistem Blogging Tingkat Lanjut
- Manajer Media Tingkat Lanjut
- Hasilkan label Pengiriman
- Berbagi Media Sosial
- Pembuat situs web Seret & Jatuhkan
- Pembuat toko Seret & Jatuhkan
- Pembuat Halaman Seret & Lepas
- Pembuat Menu Seret & Lepas
- Sistem Dompet
- Basis data otomatis dan sistem pencadangan file
- Sistem pembaruan sekali klik
- Semua Fitur yang Diperlukan Tersedia untuk Setiap Bisnis
Jenis Produk yang Tersedia:
- Produk Sederhana
- Produk Variabel
Lainnya akan segera hadir…
Teknologi yang Digunakan:
- Bagian Belakang: PHP, Laravel
- Bagian Depan: VueJs
Lebih banyak fitur
- Warna Tema tak terbatas untuk Etalase
- Mode Gelap
- Penjualan Flash
- Persetujuan Cookie (GDPR)
- Iklan Modal Popup Situs Web dengan Buletin
- Iklan Spanduk Bilah Atas Situs Web
- Opsi penambahan Skrip Kustom untuk obrolan langsung atau lainnya
- Basis data otomatis dan sistem pencadangan file
- Sistem pembaruan sekali klik
- Berlangganan buletin
- Merek produk
- Panel Admin Cantik & Kuat
- Banyak Bahasa + RTL
- Banyak Mata Uang
- Banyak Negara, negara bagian & Kota
- Pembuat Halaman Beranda Tingkat Lanjut
- Pencarian Tingkat Lanjut
- Opsi Produk Tingkat Lanjut
- Atribut Produk
- Pemfilteran Produk Tingkat Lanjut
- Panel Pelanggan
- Bagan Analisis Penjualan
- Laporan Sistem Tingkat Lanjut
- Halaman Statis
Khusus - Sistem Blogging Tingkat Lanjut
- Opsi Cetak Faktur
- Video Produk
- Pembuat Menu Seret & Lepas
- Manajer Media Tingkat Lanjut
- CSS Khusus
- Dioptimalkan SEO
- Dan Banyak Lagi…
- Pencegahan Pemalsuan Permintaan Lintas Situs (CSRF)
- Pencegahan Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- Hashing Kata Sandi
- Menghindari Injeksi SQL
Persyaratan Sistem
Untuk menginstal Script persyaratan server minimum adalah:
- PHP versi 8.1.0
- MySQL 5.6+
- BCmath PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- DOM PHP Extension
- FileInfo Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Ekstensi
- Ekstensi JSON PHP
- Ekstensi CURL PHP
- Ekstensi PCRE PHP
- Ekstensi XML PHP
- Ekstensi GD PHP
- Mod_rewrite Ekstensi PHP
- Silakan periksa apakah fungsi "symlink" tersedia di lingkungan PHP atau tidak, jika tidak, harap perbarui lingkungan PHP Anda atau kontak dengan administrator server
- Free
Perangkat lunak keranjang belanja eCommerce multi-toko adalah solusi lengkap untuk manajemen bisnis eCommerce. Semuanya dalam satu paket untuk manajemen situs web dengan panel admin backend untuk mengelola inventaris, pesanan, produk, faktur & sebagainya. Tidak perlu biaya berlangganan bulanan reguler, dapatkan melalui pembayaran satu kali sekarang.
For Video Tutorial and installation guideline please visit our Youtube Channel
Demo links :
Website Demo :
Super admin :
5 Modul Utama :
Memiliki “Isshue”, perangkat lunak keranjang belanja eCommerce multi-toko akan memberikan kekuatan supersonik kepada Anda untuk menjalankan bisnis Anda dengan baik & lancar. Panel Admin Super: Anda dapat mengelola seluruh eCommerce dengan kekuatan supersonik melalui panel admin ini. Admin dapat membuat akun pengguna & toko & dengan mudah mengontrol total bisnis dan beberapa toko juga.
Manajemen Banyak Toko: Akun Toko Adalah untuk mengelola beberapa cabang & Toko dari perusahaan eCommerce Besar. Terdapat sistem transaksi produk antar cabang atau toko
Integrasi Situs Web: Situs web yang sepenuhnya responsif dan ramah SEO memastikan Anda memiliki fasilitas manajemen toko depan secara online. Ini akan memastikan kehadiran online yang kuat.
Manajemen Pesanan Online: Pesanan online secara sistematis menambah fungsi manajemen pesanan Anda. Anda tidak perlu melakukan pekerjaan lagi, cukup klik, buat faktur & kirim produk.
Akun Pengguna Tidak Terbatas: Admin dapat membuat akun pengguna tanpa batas dan menentukan peran karyawannya. Selain itu, dia dapat membuat akun toko sesuai keinginan Anda.
- Free
FastAI adalah platform SaaS luar biasa yang memberdayakan pengguna untuk memanfaatkan kekuatan teknologi Kecerdasan Buatan OpenAI untuk menghasilkan berbagai konten tekstual. Dari artikel dan blog hingga iklan dan media, kemungkinannya tidak terbatas dalam berbagai bahasa. Selain itu, pengguna dapat dengan mudah membuat gambar menakjubkan yang dihasilkan AI hanya dengan mendeskripsikan visual yang mereka inginkan menggunakan OpenAI DALL-E-2 yang luar biasa. Dengan panel admin backend FastAI yang komprehensif, Anda memiliki kendali penuh atas fitur dan fungsi aplikasi Anda.
Salah satu fitur menonjol dari FastAI adalah kemampuan pembuatan Kode AI. Pengguna dapat dengan mudah membuat kode dalam bahasa pemrograman apa pun dengan bantuan AI kami. Fitur yang sangat berguna ini menyederhanakan proses pengembangan dan meningkatkan produktivitas bagi pengguna di berbagai domain.
Sistem Obrolan AI interaktif FastAI dirancang untuk memberikan respons yang cepat dan akurat terhadap pertanyaan pengguna. Dengan beragam 16 Asisten Bot Obrolan AI yang dimuat sebelumnya, mirip dengan platform ChatGPT yang terkenal, pengguna dapat memperoleh hasil yang mereka inginkan sambil menikmati pengalaman obrolan yang dipersonalisasi.
Platform ini juga menyertakan model OpenAI Whisper mutakhir yang memungkinkan pengguna menyalin file audio menjadi teks dengan akurasi luar biasa menggunakan fitur Speech to Text. Selain itu, fitur Text to Speech memanfaatkan AWS Poly untuk mengonversi teks menjadi file audio berkualitas tinggi dengan lancar, memberdayakan pengguna untuk membuat konten audio yang menarik dengan mudah.
FastAI memberikan fleksibilitas untuk membuat paket berlangganan yang disesuaikan , memungkinkan Anda menawarkan banyak fitur tambahan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan spesifik pengguna Anda. Kemampuan asisten menulisnya sangat berharga untuk bisnis apa pun, menghemat banyak waktu dan meningkatkan produktivitas secara keseluruhan.
Demo : Demo Site
Manfaatkan peluang FastAI hari ini dan luncurkan bisnis SaaS pribadi Anda dalam hitungan menit. Rasakan kekuatan pembuatan konten berbasis AI dan buka dimensi baru efisiensi dan kreativitas.
Templat Kategori templat Pemfilteran templat Pembuatan Templat Kustom Buat kategori Templat Pengeditan templat Batas pembuatan template bergantung pada per hari atau paket AI-Gambar Pembuatan gambar dengan banyak pilihan Batas pembuatan gambar bergantung pada per hari atau paket Obrolan AI Tambahkan beberapa chatbot Tambahkan batas akses tergantung pada paketnya Kode AI Tambahkan pembuat kode Tambahkan batas akses tergantung pada paketnya Teks pidato Pembuatan ucapan dengan banyak pilihan Batas pembuatan ucapan bergantung pada per hari atau paket Pidato ke Teks Pembuatan teks dari ucapan Batas pembuatan teks bergantung pada per hari atau paket- Free
LiveSmart Server Video adalah aplikasi web mandiri tingkat lanjut dengan saluran komunikasi tatap muka video, audio, rekaman, berbagi layar, dan transfer file serta obrolan terintegrasi untuk peserta yang secara teori tidak terbatas. Produk ini tidak memerlukan instalasi tambahan atau login dan akun pihak ketiga, hanya browser desktop atau seluler. Anda dapat mengatur alat konferensi video yang sangat dapat disesuaikan dengan banyak fitur.
- Free
Atrium adalah skrip canggih, responsif, dan modern untuk manajemen properti dan bisnis real estat. Ini mudah disesuaikan dengan pembuat halaman dan widget. Setting seo tiap halaman bisa disesuaikan. Semua kode PHP ditulis sesuai dengan standar PSR. Kode HTML telah diuji di validator W3C. File CSS dibuat dengan SASS.
Ini memiliki banyak fitur seperti pengajuan properti, pencarian properti geolokasi, riwayat harga, janji temu dengan agen, kalkulator hipotek, konverter mata uang, berita dengan komentar dan banyak lagi.
Skrip mendukung RTL dengan versi 1.1.3.
Halaman masuk
Email Akun Admin
: [email protected] Kata Sandi: 12345678
Email Akun Agen
: [email protected] Kata sandi: 12345678
Berdasarkan Bootstrap 5 dan SASS Gerbang pembayaran (Paypal, Stripe, Razorpay) Paket keanggotaan berbayar Promosi daftar berbayar 3 plugin peta (Leaflet, Google Maps, Mapbox) Pencarian geolokasi REST API (Dengan Token Web JSON) Filter keamanan untuk REST API Manajer tema (Tema baru dapat ditambahkan) Pengoptimalan gambar (Dengan dukungan tanda air) Google Analytics terintegrasi Otentikasi sosial (Google, Facebook, Twitter) Pemberitahuan push Banyak bahasa Manajer bahasa Multi-mata uang (16 Mata Uang) Mata uang khusus beban malas peta situs XML Pengaturan SEO untuk setiap halaman Dukungan tag meta grafik terbuka Google reCAPTCHA V3 Pemberitahuan GDPR Halaman blog (Dengan komentar) Kalkulator hipotek Manajer file (Foto & video) Pemuat halaman (12 pemuat berbeda) Notifikasi email Blok HTML yang dapat disesuaikan Konten email yang dapat disesuaikan Cadangan situs web Berlangganan Buletin Modus pemeliharaan Pengiriman email dengan SMTP Menunda file JS&CSS Distributor plugin (Untuk file JS&CSS) Pengecil HTML Generator file manifes Penampil log kesalahan Pembersih file sementara
PHP >= 8.0 Server basis data MySQL (5.1+). Ekstensi JSON Ekstensi Mbstring Ekstensi Internasional Ekstensi XML Ekstensi CURL Ekstensi ZIP Pengemudi Mysqlnd Ekstensi Imagick (Opsional, disarankan)
Anda dapat menginstal Atrium menggunakan penginstal. Masukkan informasi yang diperlukan dan pilih opsi gaya, selesaikan instalasi dalam hitungan detik. Atrium juga dapat diinstal secara manual dengan mengimpor file database.
Ada dokumentasi pdf di file yang Anda unduh. Anda juga dapat mengakses dokumentasi online dengan mengklik di sini .
- Free
Aplikasi sistem pengarsipan digital ini dapat memudahkan Anda dalam pengarsipan dengan mengurangi kertas dan ruang atau ruang penyimpanan.
Nah pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan source code mengenai Aplikasi Arsip Digital Pengabdian Masyarakat Berbasis Web...
Berdasarkan hasil pengujian program dapat disimpulkan bahwa program ini dapat berjalan dengan baik dan telah memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna serta layak untuk diimplementasikan.
Aplikasi ini dapat diakses melalui Web Browser, Dengan begitu semua orang nantinya dapat menggunakan aplikasi ini..
Fitur/komponen yang terdapat pada APLIKASI ARSIP DIGITAL PELAYANAN MASYARAKAT BERBASIS WEB adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Aplikasi Data Induk
Termasuk: Kelola Data Operator, Kelola Data Kategori Layanan, Kelola Data Sub Kategori Layanan, Kelola Data Ketentuan Layanan
2. Pengelolaan Arsip
Meliputi : Kelola Proses Pelayanan, Kelola Upload File Arsip, Kelola Daftar Arsip, Kelola Status Arsip
3. Laporan
Meliputi : Laporan Harian, Rekapitulasi Bulanan, Grafik Bulanan, Grafik Tahunan
APLIKASI ARSIP DIGITAL PELAYANAN MASYARAKAT BERBASIS WEB ini siap digunakan atau dikembangkan sesuai keinginan anda.
Demikian uraian/penjelasan aplikasi/fitur diatas merupakan bagian dari aplikasi ini,
Dan masih banyak lagi kelebihan dari aplikasi ini, untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang APLIKASI ARSIP DIGITAL PELAYANAN MASYARAKAT BERBASIS WEB,
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