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PHP Scripts

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686 files

  1. Ultimate SMS v3.10.0 Nulled is a powerful, flexible and easy to use Bulk SMS Marketing Application. It is also a complete solution for your SMS marketing. Very easy to use & install.
    The demo gets reset every 1 hour.
    Admin Login:
    Email: [email protected]
    Password: 12345678
    Client Login:
    Email: [email protected]
    Password: 12345678

    Client Management
    Clients are the most important people for any organization. Ultimate SMS is an application that allows you to maintain customer focus in a faster and simpler way.
    Campaign Builder
    Send your sms to customers using Contact Groups or upload CSV files. Ultimate SMS automatically queues your messages, sending them to your subscribers one by one.
    Send Schedule SMS
    With Scheduled Messages, you can contact yourself or many people at once whenever you want. Just select your client group or upload a CSV file and choose your time. Messages will be sent at the right time.
    Send Repeated SMS
    With Recurring Messages, you can contact yourself or multiple people at once whenever you want with repeat times. Just select your client group or upload a CSV file and choose your time. Messages will be sent at the right time.
    Two-way SMS
    Two-way SMS is where you can send and receive text messages so you can have a conversation with the recipient. You can send and receive text messages to your clients using Ultimate SMS.
    Clean SMS Report
    Ultimate SMS gives you a clean, minimal & attractive SMS history report. You will get your sms history like mobile inbox.
    Custom SMS Templates
    Create completely secure custom SMS templates that will help you reduce your time. Just create your template, save it in the system, and finally use it when needed.
    Contact Group/Contact List
    Contact groups are a useful feature that will help you save, search and view contacts, as well as edit and delete contact information. The main purpose of the Contact groups feature is to manage contact details efficiently using a fully automated system. You can set opt-in and opt-out keywords to save or remove phone numbers from your list.
    And More...
    • Free
  2. Free Download latest update Fundme - Crowdfunding Platform by Miguel_Vasquez NULLED. Fundme Crowdfunding Platform It is a script for fundraising for various causes, the administrator can add volunteers who can create unlimited campaigns, this script is finished create a community where different people to help those in need either your community or different places.
    Built with Laravel 8 Bootstrap 5 Font Awesome 5 IcoMoon Rewards Send mail to Organizer Members can create unlimited campaigns Updates campaigns Option Delete Account Members can change their name, email and password Members manage their campaigns and see donations Upload Avatar Change password Integration with PayPal Integration with Stripe Bank Transfer XSS: Protection from cross site scripting Secure Bcrypt password hashing SMTP Support Share social Multiple currencies Easy translation Ajax pagination in Campaigns, Donations and Updates Admin Features:
    Template AdminLTE Change the site name Change the site title welcome Statistics Set keywords for the site. (SEO) Add a description (SEO) Create/Edit pages e.g.: Help, Privacy, etc. Payments Settings. See Donations Set up social accounts Manage members. Add / Edit members. Manage campaigns. Add / Edit Campaigns Requirements:
    PHP >= 7.4.0 MySQL >= 5.7 BCMath PHP Extension OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Exten
    • Free
  3. Free Download latest Botble - Laravel CMS, CRUD generator, Modular & Theme system, Role permissions, Multilingual blog Nulled 
    Botble NULLED is a CMS based on Laravel Framework that allows you to build websites for any purpose. It has powerful tools for developers to build any kind of website.

    All our products on Codecanyon are based on Botble CMS.
    Key Features
    Page, blog, menu, contact, gallery, statics blocks… modules are provided with the use of components to avoid boilerplate code. Multi language support. Unlimited number of languages. SEO & sitemap support: access sitemap.xml to see more Powerful media system, also support Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces RESTful API using Laravel Sanctum. Custom fields: easy to add new fields to page, post, category… Google Analytics: display analytics data in admin panel. Translation tool: easy to translate front theme and admin panel to your language. CRUD generator: easy to create new plugin/package with just one command. Theme generator: generate a new theme with just one command. Widget generator: generate theme’s widgets using command. News theme are ready to use. Powerful Permission System: Manage user, team, role by permissions. Easy to manage user by permissions. Admin template comes with color schemes to match your taste. Fully Responsive: Compatible with all screen resolutions. Coding Standard: All code follow coding standards PSR-2 and best practices.
    • Free
  4. Download free UniMatrix - Membership and MLM Script with SaaS Digital Store. UniMatrix is a standalone PHP-MySQL script to build a membership website, affiliate program, or network marketing using a Unilevel plan or Forced Matrix plan with spillover and re-entry options. The script also comes with essential features to run a successful referral system and MLM program, including membership with interval renewal, multiple commissions, rank system, genealogy view, SaaS (Software as a Service) Digital Store for secure content (articles, reports, video or audio embedding, webinar access, etc.) and digital downloads with custom pricing and commissions, referrer randomizer, member website directory, and more advanced features.
    • Free
  5. Download free latest update Font Awesome Pro - icon library + toolkit. Take the hassle out of icons in your website.
    Font Awesome Pro is the Internet's icon library and toolkit, used by millions of designers, developers, and content creators.
    Discover what's new in Font Awesome.
    More Icons
    Font Awesome 6 contains over 7,000 new icons, so you're sure to find what you need for your project. Plus, we've redesigned most of our icons from scratch, so they're more consistent and easier to use.
    More Styles
    Font Awesome 6 includes five icons styles: solid, regular, light, duotone, and the new THIN style — not to mention all of our brand icons. And coming later in 2022 is the entirely new SHARP family of styles.
    More Plugins + Packages
    Font Awesome 6 makes it even easier to use icons where you want to. More plugins and packages to match your stack. Less time wrestling browser rendering.
    • Free
  6. Free Download Veno File Manager Nulled v4.2.3 VFM is a simple and flexible plug-and-play file manager, easy to use and plenty of options. Send files to your customers, create new users with dedicated folders, or simply use it as your personal file cloud. Access from any device, manage users and general settings from an intuitive administration panel, customize it to your brand.
    - Easy installation: simply copy all VFM files to your server, do your first login and update your password. That’s it.
    - No DataBase needed
    - No coding skills required
    - Supports any language (including Right-to-Left option)
    - Easy customization
    - Chunked file uploads: with the HTML5 file api you can upload BIG files without worring about your server upload_max_filesize limit
    Folder tree navigation Rename Files and Folders Sortable items by name, date and size Pagination Download Folders Group actions Download multiple files as .zip archives * Delete files and Folders Move files through directories Copy files through directories Server side processed lists via Ajax USERS
    Multiple roles with custom permissions Assign one or more specific directories per user Optional Max available space per user User Sign Up (optional) User panel Profile picture & default avatars Password recovery Upload notifications between users E-mail notifications to new users UPLOAD
    Upload BIG files Remote uploader Pause / Resume Drag & drop uploader Multiple file uploading Upload progress FILE SHARING
    E-Mail form Link expiration time Optional password protected links MEDIA
    Quick image preview * Inline thumbnails Audio player Video player SEARCH
    Global search Quick search module Archive map navigation SECURITY
    IP blacklist / whitelist Optional CAPTCHA security code for login and shared links Google reCAPTCHA Hotlinks prenvented * STATISTICS
    Daily / Weekly / Monthly reports Trend charts for date ranges Export logs as .csv Optional E-mail notifications for any activity INTERNATIONALIZED
    Multilanguage (20+ included) RTL support Translations editor STYLE
    30+ skins included Customizable Logo, Header, Description Customizable alerts Custom E-Mail HTML templates Custom administration panel color schemes
    • Free
  7. Download free latest update HelpDesk - Online Ticketing System with Website - ticket support and management NULLED. HelpDesk NULLED is a powerful ticket management system that can manage massive data. It’s a single-page application made with Laravel, Vue.js, and InertiaJS.

    You don’t need any other website as HelpDesk has front pages supporting the blog post, FAQ, services, privacy policy, terms, knowledge base, etc.

    HelpDesk has the following features:
    Ticket Support/Assign Email Notification Front Pages with Management Ticket/Thread Discussion Live Chat Contacts/Organizations Management Notes modules Customer/User management
    • Free
  8. Download free DECENTVOTE | Ethereum Decentralized Voting Platform with Smart Contracts. DECENTVOTE | Ethereum Decentralized Voting Platform with Smart Contracts is a fully decentralized voting dApp for crypto projects that want to allow the community to make votes on the Ethereum Blockchain regarding further project development and more. It allows anyone around the world to list their vote poll and ask the community the questions (by paying some TAX in ETH to the platform itself – dApp owners can set the fee as they like). Also, all the vote participants will receive the reward token for the voting, in that way you can also populate the holder amount of your token. The project owner can also set 0 TAXES for poll creation/voting.
    • Free
  9. Download free Crypto Escrow - Decentralised Web3 Escrow Platform. This script will work like Upwork escrow. Every escrow has an expiration time. The buyer will create an escrow which will be shown in the buyer and seller dashboard as pending. The buyer can release payment anytime. If any dispute occurs then the buyer will request to admin to refund that escrow. Admin will investigate the issue and refund if needed before the expiration time. The seller can also refund. After the expiration time, if no dispute or release payment happens, the seller can claim the escrow funds by himself.
    • Free
  10. Download free Walletium - Digital Wallet and Payment Gateway Full Solution NULLED. Walletium NULLED is a cutting-edge digital wallet and payment gateway solution designed to revolutionize financial management. With a powerful web back-end built on PHP, JavaScript, and Laravel, and a sleek mobile app developed using Flutter, Dart, and either Java/Kotlin or Objective-C/Swift, Walletium offers seamless, secure transactions across platforms. Users can easily add funds using automatic or manual methods, send money to registered users, withdraw through different gateways, and manage multiple currencies without conversion hassles. The platform also supports money exchange between balances, simplifies payment collection with money requests, and enables secure transactions through a voucher system. For businesses, Walletium provides a ,developer API for easy integration and flexible automatic and manual gateways, all supported by robust admin role management for secure oversight. Walletium is your all-in-one solution for modern, streamlined financial management. With push notifications and robust web and app content management, Walletium empowers businesses to achieve extraordinary accomplishments while remaining budget-friendly. Embrace Walletium to elevate your financial operations to new heights and seize opportunities in this dynamic industry.
    • Free
  11. Download Free Concord - Deals Management CRM latest version | Concord NULLED is an affordable self-hosted CRM web-based application, with a one-time fee and can help your company to easily manage and organize deals/leads, contacts, and companies, and have a clear overview of the next actions that need to be taken to successfully close a sale.

    With its intuitive design and easy to use features crafted with care, you can organize your sales workflow as your company requires, with custom pipelines, stages that can be tailored specifically for your company needs, advanced filters that can be used to segment your data, tables that can be customized, custom fields, 2-way email synchronization, and 2-way calendar synchronization with Google Calendar and Outlook Calendar, is the perfect self-hosted CRM solution.

    In today’s time, it’s important for every company that does sales to use a CRM in order to increase its productivity, Concord CRM can help you be more productive, close deals faster, organize your sales daily tasks and increase your company revenue, with our activities feature, you can create follow-up activities, add custom reminders for you or your team members, filter deals without any activities, with upcoming or activities that are due and needs to be finished, and never forget to call the client again. Each activity can be linked to many companies, contacts, and deals, everytime you visit their profiles, you will be able to tell the next action that needs to be taken.

    With the built-in API, you can create deals, contacts, and companies from any third-party service, if you are not that techy to use an API, you can always use the CSV import feature with fields mapping, as an additional feature to create deals, you can create web forms that can be embedded on your website, the deal and the contact will be automatically created once the web form is submitted from your potential client that visited your website.

    Deals Management
    Create custom and multiple pipelines, manage deals and track the deal progress via stages with custom win probability that can be tailored to fit any company sales workflow. Includes deals kanban with drag and drop, custom card color, and advanced filters that will help you to focus on what matters next.

    Advanced Filters
    You can use advanced filters to segment your data and easily identify the next step your sales reps need to take, save filters and re-use them for later, share them with other team members or mark your favorite filter as default. And one more thing, you can filter by the custom fields you added as well.

    Customizable Fields
    The default fields are not suitable for your requirements? You can create new custom fields, and re-order the existing and hide fields as per your needs. You can tailor your Concord CRM as your business requires.

    Contacts & Companies Management
    Manage and create an unlimited number of companies and contacts, add notes, record calls and have a clear overview of all the deals, past communication, and notes. Save time and start managing your companies and contacts via Concord CRM.

    Send Emails
    Concord CRM has a built-in email client that you can use to communicate with your clients directly from the dashboard or the contact profile. Stop going forward and backward to your existing CRM and email client. Emails can be associated with contacts, companies, and deals and be available directly in their profiles.

    Activities & Reminders
    Our activities feature is crafted for your workflow and will help to increase company productivity, create follow-up activities, add custom reminder dates for you or your team members, add comments, and never forget to call the client again.

    2-way calendar synchronization
    Stop trying to sync calendar events manually, sync your Concord CRM activities to Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar automatically anytime an activity is created or updated.

    Concord is a CRM with a products management feature, create products that your company is selling to potential clients and insert the predefined products in deals so you and your sales reps can have a clear overview of what products the deal is related to and auto-update the deal total amount based on the added products.

    Roles & Permissions
    Organize your sales reps with different roles and permissions. You can choose what the sale representative can see and manage when logged-in in the Concord CRM dashboard.

    Automation Workflows
    Do you need to assign an activity when a deal enters a specific stage or when a company is created? Or make an HTTP request to an external service? This can be automated just with a few clicks.

    Embeddable Web Forms
    Stop adding contacts and deals manually, embed web forms on your websites, and let the contacts come as they visit your website. Create an unlimited number of lead web forms and integrate the form on your website or share the link directly. Once the form is filled, the deal will be created in your Concord CRM dashboard.

    @mention team members in notes, calls, comments and collaborate faster. After a team member is mentioned, he will receive an email and notification in the Concord CRM dashboard.

    1 Click Update
    Time is valuable, for this reason, we added 1 click update feature that will update your Concord CRM installation to the latest version whenever a new version with new features and bug fixes is released, no more manually copying files.

    Concord CRM consists of a patcher feature to help resolve bugs and provide small enhancements easily without releasing a new version just to fix a small bug. Providing patches to our customers when an issue exists is our top priority in order to provide you with the best experience when working with Concord CRM.

    Powerful insights
    Concord CRM dashboard allows you to see what is happening in your company and how the sales reps are handling the deals, if the default dashboard is too bloated for you, there is the ability to create separate dashboards with your favorite insights cards and mark the dashboard as default.

    Make Calls & Log Calls
    You can log and associate calls with records, for example, you can log calls on deals, contacts, and companies. Use our Twilio integration to make calls via Concord CRM, it’s that simple, just a click to make a call and take notes directly on the contact profile while talking on the phone.

    Saved Mail Templates
    Use the mail templates feature to create common answers for your frequently received emails. Answer the emails you receive blazingly fast with only few clicks.

    Multi-language support out of the box, you can translate Concord CRM and use it in different languages, with our built-in translator translate your Concord CRM installation directly via the dashboard, no more manually editing files.
    • Free
  12. Download free Restro SaaS - Multi Restaurant Online WhatsApp Food Ordering System SaaS NULLED. 
    What to expect from Restro NULLED – SaaS WhatsApp Online ordering system / Multiple Restaurants
    Restro – SaaS offers 2 dashboards, both for the back and front end. It helps in the easy understanding of useful information Easy to manage storefront by listing products and product categories Ease in creating tax and assigning rates to them Multi Theme: 2 themes with dynamic different color options Restro – SaaS offers a complete order summary and print of any given order The store view on the front end allows the users to enjoy their shopping process Full White Label Store Setting Payment gateways for secured payments Whatsapp Integration Email order notification to vendor A user-friendly RTL experience for the customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages Any of the plans payments can be done using 4 diverse payment gateways namely Stripe, Paystack, Flutterwave, Razorpay Built with Laravel 9 WhatsApp as platform to accept orders.
    Create a digital menu for your Restaurant or Bar. Share with your clients and let them order via Mobile Restaurants need modern and clean solutions for their traditional way of working.

    With this tool, they can create both a digital menu. Next, the customer goes to the menu, makes the order, and sends the order on WhatsApp.
    • Free
  13. Download free MultiSaas - Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Website Builder (Saas) [byteseed] NULLED. MultiSaas – Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Website Builder SAAS PHP Scripts. It use Separate Database for each Tenants, so that your website load fast, has option to add custom domains. automatic subdomain creations and much more. it comes with a different 5 theme with necessary inner pages, it will help your tenant to multiple type of website easily without hassle or thinking much about design. it also has 19+ payment gateway, will more than 150currency support. It’s highly customisable, it comes with many awesome features, like drag & drop menu builder, drag & drop form builder, drag & drop widget builder and many more. it’s compatible with Desktop, laptop, mobile and also compatible with major browsers.
    • Free
  14. Download free POS OS - POS Software with POS & ERP. Introducing POS OS – our state-of-the-art POS system powered by Node.js and React.js, designed to streamline your daily business operations. This all-inclusive POS software is perfect for managing your retail shop or store. It ensures efficient inventory control, sales and purchases tracking, as well as comprehensive customer and supplier data management. Furthermore, this POS system simplifies invoice handling and expedites payment transactions.

    What distinguishes our POS OS software is its advanced Progressive Web Application (PWA) feature. This allows users to install our POS system as a mobile app on both Android and iOS devices, as well as a Desktop application. With the unique Single-Page-Load feature integrated into this POS solution, there are no page-loading delays, delivering seamless navigation for a superior user experience. This enhances the versatility, control, and mobility of your POS operations.

    With POS OS, gain access to real-time business information, at any place and any time. Be it a small business or a large corporation, our POS system is your go-to solution for streamlined inventory, purchases, and sales management. This comprehensive POS solution puts all your business needs in one place.
    • Free
  15. Download free HMS Saas - Multi Hospital Management System - Appointment Booking - Smart Hospital - With Mobile App. This is Laravel Multi Hospital Management System where the Super admin can manage all the hospitals, and Hospitals can do the registration via this platform and manage their data separately.

    Its Comes up with a powerful hospital admin panel and a beautiful hospital landing page from where users can get information about the hospital.

    Here are some Key Features and Concepts that InfyHMS-Saas provides.

    InfyHMS-Saas – Laravel Multi Hospital Management System
    • Free
  16. Free Download latest update Ai Course Generator - Text To Course SaaS Ai Video & Image Content Payment Earn Gemini React Admin NULLED. Ai Text To Course Generator using Google Gemini. Users input a topic, optionally with subtopics, and the web app generates a structured list of topics and subtopics based on the input. Then web app generates a Ai course covering all the topics and subtopics. The generated courses will be offered in two formats: a theory plus image course and a theory plus video course. This web app will be a Software as a Service (SaaS) product, where generating theory plus video courses will be a paid feature, while theory plus image courses will be available for free. Paid users will also have the flexibility to select the number of topics they wish to include in their course. This web app is educational content creation, providing users with tailored courses at their convenience. For more info about the app scroll down.
    • Free
  17. Download free SMSPro - Bulk SMS Marketing Software. Introducing SMSPro – Bulk SMS marketing Software is a communication platform, the ultimate SMS solution for your communication needs. SMS Pro is a SaaS product designed to empower businesses with seamless SMS communication capabilities. With SMS Pro, software owners can offer subscription plans tailored to their users’ needs, enabling them to easily purchase plans and send messages through the user panel or via API integration.

    Our platform provides a user-friendly interface that allows customers to send SMS messages effortlessly. Whether it’s sending bulk SMS messages or individual messages, SMS Pro offers a versatile solution to meet all your messaging requirements.

    Additionally, SMS Pro allows superadmins to send messages using any 3rd party API or a device gateway, providing flexibility and convenience in message delivery. But that’s not all – SMS Pro also offers a convenient recharge feature, allowing users to top up their balances directly from our panel, ensuring uninterrupted communication. Experience the power of SMS Pro and revolutionize your messaging strategy today!
    • Free
  18. Free Download latest update ChawkBazar Laravel - React, Next, REST API Ecommerce With Multivendor NULLED. ChawkBazar Laravel eCommerce is implemented based on our popular react project ChawkBazar. It has REST API support. On the frontend, we have used React, NextJS [ TypeScript ] & Tailwind, and Laravel for the backend. Full source code is available. It’s very easy to install and deploy. It’s very fast and your customer will love using it. It will help you to grow your business fast as it’s a very easy e-commerce solution. We have added good documentation, tutorials and we tried to make everything extendable and reusable so you can edit as your own need. It has full admin support too to maintain and manage your order. You will get full source code, Frontend, and Backend. It has Multivendor support.
    Storefront Features:
    Complete Authentication Quick add to cart Async full text search Category based product filtering Coupons Quick Checkout page Omnipay supported [ Stripe ] Cash on delivery supported User Account settings My order React, Next & Tailwind based Next SEO supported SEO friendly url Admin Features:
    Analytics Dashboard Manage Product Manage Category Manage Product Type Manage Order Manage Order Status Manage Customers Manage Coupons Manage Taxes Manage Shipping Multi Currency Supported Store Settings Built with React, Next & Tailwind
    • Free
  19. Download free latest update BetLab - Sports Betting Platform Premium NULLED. BetLab NULLED is a professional sports betting Solution that comes with PHP laravel. It’s developed for those people who want to start their Bettings website. Sports betting makes up about 30 to 40 percent of the global gambling market, which also includes lotteries, casinos, poker, and other gaming. It’s estimated that over half a trillion (over €500 million) is wagered in bets around the world annually. BetLab is a complete solution for the Betting business. here, users join directly or by reference and are able to bet on any categories, live sports, or games. admin able to control all users, website and manage the game, live bettings and able to select a winner.

    Are you looking for a complete Betting solution system for your business, then you are in the right place. No need to pay thousands of dollars to hire developers to build your online Shopping Betting Website. BetLab may assist you to handle unlimited Users, Unlimited bets, categories, able to accept payment via cards, cryptos, and mobile money. the ready-to-go solution, it takes only a few minutes to set up your website with our system. we are also here to provide you best support, installation, and customization if you need it. hurry up, get your copy and start your products Based Sports Betting website.
    Highlighted Features
    - Support modern browser and cross-browser compatibility.
    - Strong and powerful admin interface.
    - A clean and modern user interface.
    - Multiple size ad posting forms.
    - 20+ Payment Gateway and 250+ currencies setup.
    - Functionality is Simple and all Dynamic Features.
    - Easy Documentation, GDPR Policy.
    - Regular updates facilities.
    - Premium and quick support.
    • Free
  20. Download free NPM Dependency Version Finder NodeJS. NPM Version Finder is a Node.js script automates the task of identifying versions of an npm package that contain a specified dependency at or above a given version. It streamlines the process of tracking and updating dependencies within your projects, ensuring compatibility and aiding in efficient dependency management.

    This Node.js script is designed as a utility tool for developers working with npm packages, particularly those who need to manage and track dependencies across different project environments. The primary function of the script is to automate the search for specific versions of an npm package that include a designated dependency at a certain version or higher. This is especially useful in scenarios where project compatibility with dependencies is crucial.

    When dealing with numerous packages and dependencies, it can be challenging to manually check which versions of a package are compatible with a particular version of a dependency. This script simplifies this process by programmatically scanning through the versions of a specified npm package and identifying the ones that meet or exceed the version requirements of a given dependency.

    Ideal for use in continuous integration pipelines, or as part of a larger dependency management strategy, this script offers a time-efficient and reliable way to maintain up-to-date and compatible dependencies within your npm-based projects. It's a practical solution for developers looking to streamline their dependency update process and ensure project integrity with minimal manual intervention.
    • Free
  21. Download free Salon Management Software PHP NodeJS. An end-to-end solution to manage your Salon business. It provides a fully functional web application. The codebase contains a Slim framework(PHP) supported backend and a user interface to interact with the backend APIs. UI is developed on Angular 8, and backend on the SLIM framework. DB used is MySql.
    The most amazing feature of this application is, it can be installed on both the platforms, i.e. Desktop and Web. It is well supported by ElectronJs. It is a very lightweight application and both UI and APIs are managed separately.
    Top feature highlights -
    A lightweight application Client Management (Create, Update, Delete) Staff Management (Create, Update, Delete) Inventory Management (Create, Update, Delete, Auto managed) Billing (Create, Update, Delete) Thermal printer support (When asked exclusively) Monthly revenue summary (Staff wise distribution, refer screenshots)
    • Free
  22. Awesome Features:
    Today Sales & Income & Expenses & Profit This Week Sales & Purchases Top Selling Products This Month & Year Top five Customers Payment Sent & Received Recent Sales EASY POS :
    Best POS system Gorgeous invoice design Discount & Tax Option & Shipping Search Item By Code & Name Filter by Category , Brand PRODUCTS :
    Add, edit, delete & view Products Export Products as Pdf & Excel Import Products by csv Adjustment Quantity Transfer Stock Print Barcode Products QUOTATIONS :
    Add, edit, delete & view Quotations Generate sale from quotation Export Quotations as Pdf & Excel Download as pdf Send Quotation Pdf on mail SALES :
    Add, edit, delete & view sales add, edit, delete Payments Export Sales as Pdf & Excel Download as pdf Send Sale Pdf on mail
    • Free
  23. Download free CastLab - Live Radio Broadcasting Platform. Nowadays online radio getting more popular day by day. lots of young artists and generation wants to start their own online radio. lots of RJs have personal radio or channels where they broadcast as they want. CastLab is a simple and easy way to reach a mass audience by broadcasting or streaming audio, live programs, interviews, TVC, and what you want. our system works with Icecast, sonic, Shoutcast, broadcast, and others. its supports mp3, acc, and live ports. no need to spend thousands of dollars to get your own radio website, it’s here now, and the price is lower than lower as you think.
    Highlighted Features
    Easy to play & Broadcast. A clean and modern user interface. Dynamic Admin pannel. Latest and Updated Event Functionality is Simple and all Dynamic. Easy Documentation. Support modern browsers. Premium and quick support.
    • Free
  24. Download free Rifa em Laravel – Sistema completo com fazendinha, 1 Milhão de Números, Afiliados. If you are ready to take a leap in your raffles online, our Laravel raffle site templates are here to offer the ultimate solution. Take advantage of the functionality of an incredibly robust and efficient raffle system designed to facilitate the creation, participation and administration of raffles in an exceptional way.
    Using the Laravel PHP framework, you will have access to a development platform known for its elegance, advanced features and solid security. Imagine the possibilities of a system that incorporates every crucial aspect you look for for the success of your online raffles.
    Highlights of Our Rifas Site Templates in open source PHP Laravel:
    Simplified User Registration: We offer a simplified user registration process, allowing its participants to register easily and safely.
    Intuitive Rifa Creation: Organizers will have an authentication-protected admin panel to create raffles, specify details, and set custom conditions.
    Purchase Safe Tickets: Our models include integration with reliable payment systems, ensuring secure transactions for the purchase of tickets.
    Fair Automated Smile: With a system that guarantees impartiality, draws are held automatically, choosing a winner among the participants.
    History and Tracking: Keep a complete record of all activities, ensuring transparency and easy reference for future raffles.
    Flexible Personalization: Adapt your raffles according to your specific needs, setting custom rules, dates and conditions.
    Valuable Analytics: Gain crucial insights through admin panels that display sales, share and results statistics.
    Integrated Customer Support: Offer exceptional support to participants, resolving questions and issues quickly.
    Integration with WhatsApp: Stay connected with your participant
    • Free
  25. Download BeMusic - Music Streaming Engine NULLED
    BeMusic is a multi-purpose music sharing and streaming platform. It can be used to create many different types of music related sites, including sites similar to soundcloud, mixcloud, spotify and more.
    Automation – BeMusic can be set to “automated” mode which will automatically import and update artists, albums, tracks, channels and other information from 3rd party sites as well as stream music and video using youtube API. Content Management – All automation functionality can be disabled, which allows BeMusic to be used as a content management system. Control what content appears on the site by creating and managing it from admin area. This includes artists, albums, tracks, channels, videos and more. User Artists – Allow users to set up their profile and upload and share their music with others. Waveforms – Uploaded songs will get auto-generated realtime waveform. Sharing – Users can comment, repost, like, embed and playlist their favorite tracks and albums as well as easily share them via social media. User & artist profiles – Users can personalize their profile pages with custom avatar, background image, description, social links, location and more. Follower System – Users can stay up to date with other user and artist activities by following them. Easy Installation – Install BeMusic easily with no coding or server knowledge in a few minutes with our easy to use installer and documentation. Editable Landing Page – Default landing page can be easily edited via built-in appearance editor with live preview and no coding knowledge. SaaS mode – Earn money with built in premium subscription system. Create different plans for users to subscribe to and control what functionality and limitations each plan has. High Performance – BeMusic is lightweight and has lighting fast performance and page load time out of the box. User Libraries – Users can add songs, albums and artists to their library on BeMusic in addition to playlists. Playlists – Users can create, share and follow playlists. Player – Fully-featured player including shuffle, repeat, lyrics, queue and more. Dark Mode – BeMusic comes with pre-built light and dark themes. You can fully customize them or add new themes via appearance editor. Channels – Create automated or manually managed channels to display content matching specific criteria or ordered by a particular value. For example: top 50 tracks by plays, newly released albums, popular genres, albums ordered by plays and more. Search – When “automated” mode is enabled, virtually any artist, album or track can be found via search. Custom Pages – Custom pages (for example terms of service, about us etc) can be created using built-in WISIWYG editor. Menu Editor – All the menus across the site can be easily edited and reordered via drag and drop without any coding knowledge. Appearance Editor – Easily manage your site appearance (colors, logo, landing page, menus etc) via built-in appearance editor. Ads – Paste ad codes into integrated ad slots in admin panel and BeMusic will display them automatically. Roles & Permissions – Assign roles and permissions to users to give or restrict access to specific functionality on the site. Analytics – Google analytics are integrated right into admin panel so you don’t need to open a separate page to see how your site is doing. Translatable – Site can be easily translated from admin panel, it also has multi-language suport. Responsive – BeMusic is fully responsive and will work on desktop, mobile, tablet and other devices. Documentation – BeMusic comes with in depth documentation that explains everything from installation to all the features. SEO Editor – SEO tags for all pages can be modified directly from appearance editor in admin area. Authentication – Fully featured authentication system with social login (facebook, twitter and google), normal login, registration, password recovery, account settings and more. Disable Registration – Registration can be fully disabled from admin panel so only users you create manually from admin panel will be able to login. Professional Design – Pixel-perfect professional design based on google’s material design. Settings – Admin panel has many settings that allow you to fine-tune the site to your needs. Multiple Homepages – Choose between multiple homepages including channels, landing page, login page or your own custom html page. Source Code – You will receive full, unencrypted source code upon purchase, allowing easy custom modifications.
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