Posted April 16, 2024Apr 16 Administrators comment_1087 View File HMS - Hospital Management System - Appointment Booking Free Download latest update Hospital - HMS - Hospital Management System - Appointment Booking - Smart Hospital NULLED. InfyHMS is a fully-featured all in one Hospital Management System with 65+ modules to manage hospital’s day to day operations digitally and easily. InfyHMS comes with 60+ features with 9 different kinds of User types who can do login to the system and access their data based on their roles. 8+ User Types: Doctors: Can create and manage their appointments Can manage Patients Admissions Can Manage bed Assigns Can create prescriptions for their patients Can manage Reports Access their Payroll Data Can set their Schedules Can see the latest notice Can create documents Patients: Can book a new appointment Can see their appointments Can see their prescriptions Can see details of his doctor Can see their Admin and Operation History Can see their Invoices + Bills Can see list of documents Can see the latest notice Can create documents Nurses: Can see all patients Can manage Beds Can allocate Beds Can see Reports Can see Payrolls Can see the latest notice Receptionists: Can create and manage all appointments Can see all requested appointments by patients Can access all patients Can access their payrolls Can manage mail service Can see all patient cases Can manage all services (Ambulance, insurance, Packages ..) Can create noticeboards Case Manager: Can manage Patient Admissions Can Manage patient Cases Can Add Ambulance and assign it to patient Can manage mail service Can see the latest notice Laboratorists: Manage Blood Bank Can see their payrolls Manage Reports Can see the latest notice Pharmacists: Can manage Medicine categories Can manage Medicines Can manage Medicine Bills Can access their payrolls Can see the latest notice Accountants: Can manage invoices Can Manage Payments Can access their payrolls Can Access Bills Can Manage Accounts Can see the latest notice Admin: Can manage all the departments + Users Can manage Departments + Roles Can see visual Dashboard Can access Hospital Monitoring Can access appointments Can access Bills Can access Medicines Can access invoices Can access all Payrolls Can access settings Can create Notice boards Can create documents/document types Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 04/17/24 Category PHP Scripts File Size 64.10 MB Demo
September 15, 2024Sep 15 Author Administrators comment_4395 Latest Update v14.7.0 (2024-7-22) Enhancements Set expiry date of medicines at medicines bill Add Dynamic Google Json File in Doctor login Integrate Open AI at Prescription Module Store price amount with point value Fixes Responsive and other minor Bugs fixes.
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