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Asset CleanUp Pro: Performance WordPress Plugin

Free Download latest update WP Asset CleanUp Pro NULLED. There are a plethora of techniques that are often used to defer parsing; however, the simple and preferred technique is to simply Defer loading of JavaScript until it is needed. If this technique isn’t appropriate to use on your page, it is next suggested that you use the <script async> attribute where appropriate, which prevents parsing from blocking the initial page load by deferring it until the browser’s UI thread is not busy doing something else. All these settings can be applied with Asset CleanUp Pro NULLED without writing any code.

This allows you to optimize the website (unload useless files, set async, defer to loaded JavaScript files, clean up HTML code) without applying the changes “live” (to the regular visitor) in case you ever have any doubts that a change could break the functionality of the page/website. Any changes you’ve done will only be applied for you (the logged in administrator). Once you’re happy with how the page looks and works, you can disable “Test Mode” to push the changes live so everyone else can enjoy the faster page loads.

Plugin features:

  • Manage enqueued CSS & JavaScript files on Homepage, Posts, Pages & Custom Post Types (e.g. WooCommerce product pages, Easy Digital Downloads download items)
  • Bulk Unloads: Everywhere (Site-Wide), On Specific Pages & Post Types, Add load exceptions
  • Manage the CSS & JavaScript files within the Dashboard (default) and Front-end view (bottom of the page) if chosen
  • Enable "Test Mode" to only apply the plugin's changes for the logged-in administrator for debugging purposes
  • Minify remaining loaded CSS & JavaScript files (with option to add exceptions)
  • Combine remaining loaded CSS & JavaScript files into fewer files from each <HEAD> and <BODY> location (with option to add exceptions)
  • Remove unused elements from the <HEAD> and <BODY> including the following link tags: Really Simple Discovery (RSD), Windows Live Writer, REST API, Posts/Pages Shortlink, Post's Relational, WordPress Generators (also good for security), RSS Feed Links. Valid HTML comments are also stripped (exceptions can be added) while conditional Internet Explorer comments are preserved.
  • Site-Wide Unload For Common Elements that are often unused such as: WordPress Emojis, jQuery Migrate, Comment Reply (if not using WP as a blog)
  • Disable XML-RPC Protocol Support partially or completely
  • Inline CSS Files
  • Inline JavaScript Files
  • Instruct the browser to download a CSS/JS file based on the visitor's screen size (e.g. download it on a desktop device, but not on mobile one)
  • Defer CSS loaded in the <BODY> to reduce render-blocking resources
  • Manage CSS & JavaScript files on Categories, Tags, Custom Taxonomy pages, Date & Author Archive Pages, Search Results & 404 Not Found pages
  • Manage hardcoded (non-enqueued) CSS & JavaScript files
  • Move CSS & JavaScript files from <HEAD> to <BODY> (to reduce render-blocking) or vice-versa (for very early triggering)
  • Apply "async" and "defer" attributes to loaded JavaScript files


  • Arfiano MV changed the title to Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.5.0 - Performance WordPress Plugin
  • 2 months later...
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Latest Update Version - 15 Jun 2024
* Backend Speed Improvement: The plugin processes its PHP code faster, thus reducing the total processing time by ~40 milliseconds for non-cached pages (e.g. backend speed testing plugins such as "Query Monitor" and "Code Profiler" were used to optimize the PHP code)
* "Overview" area: Added the option to clear any rules set for plugins that are deactivated / deleted
* Fix: Sometimes rules were applied to hardcoded assets incorrectly as different tags without content were considered to be the same
* Fix: Make sure the "Update" button is disabled when submitting the form from the CSS/JS manager
* Fix in the "CSS/JS manager" area: If an attribute is set (e.g. "defer') to show "everywhere", make sure that "On this page" is not checked
* Fixes in "Overview" area: If an attribute is set (e.g. "defer") to show "everywhere", it shows multiple times (instead of just once) when WPML plugin is enabled; If the path to the site URL was e.g. domain.com/blog, the "href" value from "Overview" was not including the "blog" path, causing 404 Not fFund errors and confusing the administrator

  • Arfiano MV changed the title to Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.5.1 - Performance WordPress Plugin
  • 1 month later...
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Latest Update Version NULLED - 15 Jul 2024
* Added the option to load an asset as an exception on all taxonomy / author pages / e.g. when a site-wide unloading rule is set, you can make a load exception and load the asset on all "category" taxonomy pages
* Make sure the red background is kept whenever a load exception is unchecked if there was already an unloading rule set (this is more for aesthetics reasons)
* Prevent possible is_file() errors whenever minify CSS/JS is enabled
* Whenever the following option is enabled, the META generator tags are stripped faster after being cached: 'HTML Source CleanUp' -- 'Remove All "generator" meta tags?'
* If the menu from the sidebar is not showing up, make sure that "Asset CleanUp Pro" from "Settings" (Dashboard sidebar) is always highlighted, whenever a plugin page is visited
* Change the way the plugin submenu is created to avoid, in some environments, errors such as the following one: "NOTICE: PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key 2 in /wordpress/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 2012"
* Hardcoded assets: When altering any hardcoded asset, make sure that prior to this, only the assets that are needed are fetched to save resources (e.g. if only LINK tags have to be altered, do not fetch at all any SCRIPT tags)
* Fix: Sometimes errors were showing up related to bulk unloads whenever the CSS/JS manager was updated

  • Arfiano MV changed the title to Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.5.3 - Performance WordPress Plugin

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