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Sendy v6.1.1 - Send newsletters, 100x cheaper

Arfiano MV

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Sendy - Send newsletters, 100x cheaper

Stuck between a rock and a hard place

Your customer base grows and so do your monthly costs. You waste more money if you don't send newsletters often enough.

You're trapped. The larger your customer base, the more you will have to pay each month. What if you could relieve that pressure?

Meet Sendy

Sendy is a self-hosted email newsletter application that allows you to send bulk emails via the Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) . No monthly fees. You only pay for what you send.

How much can you save?

Stacks! How much do you usually send? Pull the slider down:


email serviceCost per 10,000 emails

Letter Chimp$ 200

Campaign Monitor$ 105

Amazon SES$ 1

A penny saved is a penny earned.


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v6.1 latest updated

  • When using the [Name] or [Name,fallback=] tag, Sendy now capitalizes the first character of the subscriber’s name if the name is in all lowercase.
  • When updating a subscriber's email in the 'Subscriber info' modal, any previous bounce, marked as spam, or unsubscribe status will reset as the subscriber becomes new.
  • When hitting ‘Enter’ to change a subscriber’s email address in the ‘Subscriber info’ modal, the ‘Email already exist in this list’ JS alert will no longer show up
  • Support ‘eventType’ in addition to ‘notificationType’ when handling JSON payload from SNS notifications. This is to ensure bounces and complaints are handled when using configuration sets to send emails in Amazon SES. (Thanks Chris Denning for the heads up)
  • Google no longer supports QR code generation, this causes QR code images to be broken when enabling 2 Factor Authentication. This update fixes that.
  • Fixed broken link for attachments when editing Autoresponder emails
  • Resolved an issue where attachments were not included in the autoresponder email when sending a 'test' autoresponder email.
  • Updated geolocation database
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  • 3 months later...
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Latest Update Version 6.1.1 NULLED

  • Scheduled campaigns now displays their scheduled dates in the 'Sent' column of the campaign item in 'All campaigns'. If you have a bunch of campaigns scheduled for sending later, you can see all scheduled dates at a glance without having to mouse over each campaign's title.
  • The unsubscribe link in the ‘List-unsubscribe’ header will bypass double opt-out even if it is set in the list settings. This is to comply with RFC 8058. Unsubscribe links in the email body will still respect double opt-out if it is set as such. (Thanks James Cridland for the tip)
  • Signing up to a list via the API will no longer update segments to prevent overwhelming the server for users with a large volume of subscribers. Segments should be updated exclusively using a cron job or manually at the segments section.
  • If an email address ‘Bounced’, their subscription status will display as 'Bounced' in the ‘Search all lists’ page regardless of whether they confirmed their subscription previously. This follows the same display behaviour as the subscriber list page.
  • Fixed deprecation warning in the header.php script
  • Fixed fatal error for uncaught type error for some users in tracking script. (Hat tip Mathieu Landry)
  • Fixed deprecation errors in PHP 8.1+ for AbstractModel.php and AbstractRecord.php
  • Updated geolocation database
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