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JobClass - Job Board Web Application System

Download free latest update JobClass - Job Board Web Application by BedigitCom NULLEDJobClass NULLED is a powerful Job Board Web Application, an Open Source and modulable job board app having a fully responsive design. It is packed with lots of features.

List of addons:

  1. Detect Ads Blocker Plugin
  2. Offline Payment Gateway Plugin
  3. Paystack Payment Gateway Plugin
  4. Reviews System Plugin
  5. Watermark Plugin

Download ADDONS:



  • Based on a REST API (RESTful API)
  • Installation module integrated
  • Clean and Modern Design
  • Fully Responsive (also in Admin panel)
  • Built with PHP/MySQL & HTML5/CSS3
  • Frameworks: Laravel, Bootstrap, jQuery, VueJS
  • Geo location supported (with Maxmind free or pro database)
  • Multi Countries (Switch to Multi Countries or Single Country)
  • Multi Currencies
  • And More...

JobClass is built on Laravel, the most modern, powerful, and secure PHP framework ever created.


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Latest Update Version 14.1.0 Jun 28, 2024 NULLED

  • Splitting of the "Single (Page & Form)" settings group to "Listing Forms Options" and "Listing Details Page Options".
  • Renaming of the "List & Search" to "Listings List Options".
  • Add a global "Type of display" option for categories in the group of settings "Listing Forms Options".
  • Resend support added (as new mail sending driver).
  • Backed enumerations implemented for the Continents, Genders, User Types entities, and removal of their DB tables.
  • Append "excerpt" column for listings collections from the API.
  • Pure JS autocomplete implemented (Replaces the version which uses jQuery).
  • Some drivers and web services validation (like: Mail, SMS, ...) options improved.
  • The pricing page will no longer force to be shown during the listing creation process when the logged in user has a valid subscription.
  • Delivery the right error message, when action cannot be done under impersonation.
  • Properly apply the "Domain Mapping" plugin middleware when the plugin is installed.
  • Minor Improvements.
  • Minor Bugs fixed.
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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to JobClass v14.1.0 - Job Board Web Application NULLED
  • 2 months later...
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Latest Update Version 14.1.4 NULLED Aug 1, 2024

  • Installation process improved.
  • Exception added to allow HTTP requests (with POST method) from the payment gateways hosts when the CSRF protection is enabled.
  • Keep the user's session for requests from allowed referrers hosts when the CSRF protection is enabled.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to JobClass v14.1.4 - Job Board Web Application NULLED

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