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Clover - Real-Time Messaging, Audio & Video Conferencing Web App - Node.js, React, WebRTC, Socket.IO

Download free latest update Clover - Real-Time Messaging, Audio & Video Conferencing Web App - Node.js, React, WebRTC, Socket.IOClover is an instant messaging & conferencing web app with audio / video capabilities, both in one-to-one calls and in group calls with multiple remote peers!


Clover requires a private server or cloud instance with (at least) 2GB of RAM.
We provide a fully automated installation script that works on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, 20.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS that will save you a lot of time and a huge headache!

Framework and Libraries

Clover is a MERN application, developed using Node.js – Express – MongoDB on the backend and React – Redux on the frontend. It also relies heavily on Socket.IO and mediasoup WebRTC. Mediasoup is more stable than standard WebRTC and does not require a STUN / TURN server.


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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to Clover v2.9.0 - Node.js, React, WebRTC, Socket.IO

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