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  1. Hello, thanks for this file !. Unfortunately, it seems not working. In the settings of the plugin, we can see the key is activated... But when we put a caroussel on the website, this error message is appearing : Do you know if we can fix this ? For now it make the plugin unusable.
  2. Hello, thanks for this file !. Unfortunately, it seems not working. In the settings of the plugin, we can see the key is activated... But when we put a caroussel on the website, this error message is appearing : Do you know if we can fix this ? For now it make the plugin unusable.
  3. Hello, thanks for this file !. Unfortunately, it seems not working. In the settings of the plugin, we can see the key is activated... But when we put a caroussel on the website, this error message is appearing : Do you know if we can fix this ? For now it make the plugin unusable.
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