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Arfiano MV

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    • Version v3.0 Free
    Jalankan bisnis penukaran mata uang elektronik Anda sendiri dalam hitungan menit! Exchangerix sejak 2017 telah menjadi perangkat lunak yang kuat dan memiliki skrip php yang kaya yang memungkinkan Anda menjalankan situs web Anda sendiri untuk menukar uang, bitcoin, atau mata uang kripto lainnya, lebih dari 2000 pelanggan kami yang puas menjamin kami dengan pembaruan dan peningkatan terus-menerus. Cukup pesan dan mulai hari ini. Ini mudah. Front-End Demo Note: this site is live, it's restored to default settings hourly. LOGIN DETAILS Login: [email protected] Password: demo123 Back-End Admin Area Exchangerix Admin panel demo. LOGIN DETAILS Login: admin Password: admin123 Fitur Unggulan Desain Responsif yang Bagus 100% sumber PHP. Tidak terenkripsi. Dapat Disesuaikan Sepenuhnya Mudah digunakan Instalasi Mudah 160+ Mata Uang Fiat 20+ Cryptocurrency Didukung 20+ Gerbang Pembayaran Terintegrasi Pembayaran Otomatis Bitcoin Mode Pertukaran Otomatis Mode Pertukaran Manual Mendukung API Konverter Mata Uang Google 100% Terjamin Banyak bahasa Bekerja dengan Mata Uang Apa Pun Verifikasi akun Sistem Rujukan Sistem Penarikan Testimonial Pengguna Logo Gerbang Sistem Penghasilan notifikasi email Pembaruan Nilai Tukar Otomatis Mata uang Mata Uang Tidak Terbatas Logo Mata Uang Jumlah Cadangan Jumlah Minimal untuk Penukaran Jumlah Maksimum untuk Penukaran Biaya Penukaran Peringatan Cadangan Min untuk Administrator Sangat Dapat Dikonfigurasi Pertukaran Arah Level dan Bidang Teks Tidak Terbatas Pengaturan Pemformatan Alamat Geokode Mendukung Wilayah Geografis mana pun Pemetaan Testimonial dan Peringkat Ulasan dan Nilai Pertukaran Ulasan Mengomentari Tinjau Persetujuan Administratif Pertukaran Perhitungan Pertukaran Jquery Harga Bitcoin Otomatis Pembaruan Nilai Tukar Langsung Cadangan blok otomatis selama beberapa menit Ulasan dan Peringkat Pelaporan Penyalahgunaan Terima Pesan Arah Perdagangan Minggu Ini Pertukaran Terbaru Program Afiliasi Nilai tukar Permintaan Jumlah Cadangan Jam kerja Penataan dan Penyortiran Umpan XML untuk nilai tukar Status operator Jam kerja operator Kotak Cadangan Mata Uang Informasi Pertukaran Negara Statistik Situs Sepanjang Waktu Harap dibaca! Semua File disitus Ini Aman Dan Bersih & Telah Diperiksa Di VirusTotal. Program ini sebenarnya berbayar. Program ini sudah dimodifikasi untuk menjadikan versi berbayar seumur hidup dan gratis untuk Anda $$. Semua program di situs saya dilindungi dari modifikasi berlebih Dengan program yang didedikasikan untuk perlindungan dari gangguan. Terimakasih telah mengunjungi Codinganme.com πŸ™‚
  1. Lihat file Exchangerix - PHP E-currency Exchange Script Jalankan bisnis penukaran mata uang elektronik Anda sendiri dalam hitungan menit! Exchangerix sejak 2017 telah menjadi perangkat lunak yang kuat dan memiliki skrip php yang kaya yang memungkinkan Anda menjalankan situs web Anda sendiri untuk menukar uang, bitcoin, atau mata uang kripto lainnya, lebih dari 2000 pelanggan kami yang puas menjamin kami dengan pembaruan dan peningkatan terus-menerus. Cukup pesan dan mulai hari ini. Ini mudah. Front-End Demo Back-End Admin Area Note: this site is live, it's restored to default settings hourly. Exchangerix Admin panel demo. LOGIN DETAILS LOGIN DETAILS Login: [email protected] Login: admin Password: demo123 Password: admin123 Fitur Unggulan Desain Responsif yang Bagus 100% sumber PHP. Tidak terenkripsi. Dapat Disesuaikan Sepenuhnya Mudah digunakan Instalasi Mudah 160+ Mata Uang Fiat 20+ Cryptocurrency Didukung 20+ Gerbang Pembayaran Terintegrasi Pembayaran Otomatis Bitcoin Mode Pertukaran Otomatis Mode Pertukaran Manual Mendukung API Konverter Mata Uang Google 100% Terjamin Banyak bahasa Bekerja dengan Mata Uang Apa Pun Verifikasi akun Sistem Rujukan Sistem Penarikan Testimonial Pengguna Logo Gerbang Sistem Penghasilan notifikasi email Pembaruan Nilai Tukar Otomatis Mata uang Mata Uang Tidak Terbatas Logo Mata Uang Jumlah Cadangan Jumlah Minimal untuk Penukaran Jumlah Maksimum untuk Penukaran Biaya Penukaran Peringatan Cadangan Min untuk Administrator Sangat Dapat Dikonfigurasi Pertukaran Arah Level dan Bidang Teks Tidak Terbatas Pengaturan Pemformatan Alamat Geokode Mendukung Wilayah Geografis mana pun Pemetaan Testimonial dan Peringkat Ulasan dan Nilai Pertukaran Ulasan Mengomentari Tinjau Persetujuan Administratif Pertukaran Perhitungan Pertukaran Jquery Harga Bitcoin Otomatis Pembaruan Nilai Tukar Langsung Cadangan blok otomatis selama beberapa menit Ulasan dan Peringkat Pelaporan Penyalahgunaan Terima Pesan Arah Perdagangan Minggu Ini Pertukaran Terbaru Program Afiliasi Nilai tukar Permintaan Jumlah Cadangan Jam kerja Penataan dan Penyortiran Umpan XML untuk nilai tukar Status operator Jam kerja operator Kotak Cadangan Mata Uang Informasi Pertukaran Negara Statistik Situs Sepanjang Waktu Harap dibaca! Semua File disitus Ini Aman Dan Bersih & Telah Diperiksa Di VirusTotal. Program ini sebenarnya berbayar. Program ini sudah dimodifikasi untuk menjadikan versi berbayar seumur hidup dan gratis untuk Anda $$. Semua program di situs saya dilindungi dari modifikasi berlebih Dengan program yang didedikasikan untuk perlindungan dari gangguan. Terimakasih telah mengunjungi Codinganme.com πŸ™‚ Pengirim Arfiano MV Dikirim 18/10/23 Kategori Scripts
    • Version 7.5.1 NULLED
    Free Download latest update JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform System NULLED. JustFans NULLED – Premium Content Creators SaaS is a fully-featured PHP platform that allows you to start your own premium content-based social media platform in no time. The experience is powered by a mobile-first, clean and easy-to-use design, with Dark and Light mode themes, RTL, and localization capabilities. It allows your creators to sell their premium content via monthly subscriptions, offers, bundles, tips, and pay-to-unlock posts. Main Features Advanced posts creation module Multiple file upload Chunked files uploads Uploaded file previews Post draft save Video conversion via ffmpeg – fallback to mp4 only uploads Watermarking for images & videos Advanced feed module Bidirectional feed module with swippable gallery and full screen view Media galleries with support for audio, video and image files Post comments, reactions & comments reactions AND MOREE..
  2. View File JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform Free Download latest update JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform System NULLED. JustFans NULLED – Premium Content Creators SaaS is a fully-featured PHP platform that allows you to start your own premium content-based social media platform in no time. The experience is powered by a mobile-first, clean and easy-to-use design, with Dark and Light mode themes, RTL, and localization capabilities. It allows your creators to sell their premium content via monthly subscriptions, offers, bundles, tips, and pay-to-unlock posts. Main Features Advanced posts creation module Multiple file upload Chunked files uploads Uploaded file previews Post draft save Video conversion via ffmpeg – fallback to mp4 only uploads Watermarking for images & videos Advanced feed module Bidirectional feed module with swippable gallery and full screen view Media galleries with support for audio, video and image files Post comments, reactions & comments reactions AND MOREE.. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 10/18/23 Category PHP Scripts File Size 74.55 MB Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/justfans-premium-content-creators-saas-platform/35154898  
    • 1 download
    • Version v1.1 Free
    Finounce adalah platform pertukaran mata uang kripto peer-to-peer yang canggih dan aman yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memperdagangkan mata uang kripto secara langsung dengan pengguna lain, tanpa memerlukan otoritas atau perantara pusat. Perangkat lunak kami menyediakan antarmuka yang ramah pengguna dan fitur-fitur canggih seperti perdagangan waktu nyata. Platform kami dirancang dengan fokus pada keamanan dan keandalan, memastikan keamanan dana dan perdagangan pengguna. Kami menggunakan teknik enkripsi canggih untuk melindungi informasi pengguna, dan semua transaksi diamankan melalui dompet multi-tanda tangan. Perangkat lunak kami juga dapat diskalakan, sehingga Anda dapat dengan mudah menambahkan fitur dan fungsi baru seiring pertumbuhan bisnis Anda. Finounce menyediakan dukungan teknis dan layanan pemeliharaan yang komprehensif untuk memastikan pertukaran Anda berjalan lancar dan efisien. Dengan perangkat lunak kami, Anda dapat membuat platform pertukaran Anda sendiri, menyesuaikannya dengan kebutuhan spesifik Anda, dan siap beroperasi dalam waktu singkat. Kami memahami bahwa setiap bisnis itu unik, jadi kami menawarkan layanan pengembangan khusus untuk menyesuaikan perangkat lunak kami guna memenuhi kebutuhan spesifik Anda. Dengan Finounce, Anda dapat memberi pengguna Anda platform yang aman dan andal untuk memperdagangkan mata uang kripto, sambil tetap mempertahankan kendali penuh atas bursa Anda. Jika Anda ingin memulai platform pertukaran kripto P2P Anda sendiri, Finounce adalah solusi ideal untuk Anda. Singkatnya, Finounce kami menawarkan: Pertukaran Kripto P2p dengan obrolan Penarikan Manual dan Otomatis Didukung Termasuk Escrow dan Sengketa Pemberitahuan Aplikasi Dorong Pemberitahuan Dalam Aplikasi Kelola Pengguna Mendukung Banyak Mata Uang Kripto dan Fiat Demo Access Frontend Link: https://script.bugfinder.net/finounce User Login: https://script.bugfinder.net/finounce/login Username: demouser Password: demouser Admin Panel: https://script.bugfinder.net/finounce/admin Username: admin Password: admin
  3. Lihat file Finounce - An Advance Peer to Peer Crypto Exchange Platform Finounce adalah platform pertukaran mata uang kripto peer-to-peer yang canggih dan aman yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memperdagangkan mata uang kripto secara langsung dengan pengguna lain, tanpa memerlukan otoritas atau perantara pusat. Perangkat lunak kami menyediakan antarmuka yang ramah pengguna dan fitur-fitur canggih seperti perdagangan waktu nyata. Platform kami dirancang dengan fokus pada keamanan dan keandalan, memastikan keamanan dana dan perdagangan pengguna. Kami menggunakan teknik enkripsi canggih untuk melindungi informasi pengguna, dan semua transaksi diamankan melalui dompet multi-tanda tangan. Perangkat lunak kami juga dapat diskalakan, sehingga Anda dapat dengan mudah menambahkan fitur dan fungsi baru seiring pertumbuhan bisnis Anda. Finounce menyediakan dukungan teknis dan layanan pemeliharaan yang komprehensif untuk memastikan pertukaran Anda berjalan lancar dan efisien. Dengan perangkat lunak kami, Anda dapat membuat platform pertukaran Anda sendiri, menyesuaikannya dengan kebutuhan spesifik Anda, dan siap beroperasi dalam waktu singkat. Kami memahami bahwa setiap bisnis itu unik, jadi kami menawarkan layanan pengembangan khusus untuk menyesuaikan perangkat lunak kami guna memenuhi kebutuhan spesifik Anda. Dengan Finounce, Anda dapat memberi pengguna Anda platform yang aman dan andal untuk memperdagangkan mata uang kripto, sambil tetap mempertahankan kendali penuh atas bursa Anda. Jika Anda ingin memulai platform pertukaran kripto P2P Anda sendiri, Finounce adalah solusi ideal untuk Anda. Singkatnya, Finounce kami menawarkan: Pertukaran Kripto P2p dengan obrolan Penarikan Manual dan Otomatis Didukung Termasuk Escrow dan Sengketa Pemberitahuan Aplikasi Dorong Pemberitahuan Dalam Aplikasi Kelola Pengguna Mendukung Banyak Mata Uang Kripto dan Fiat Demo Access Frontend Link: https://script.bugfinder.net/finounce User Login: https://script.bugfinder.net/finounce/login Username: demouser Password: demouser Admin Panel: https://script.bugfinder.net/finounce/admin Username: admin Password: admin Pengirim Arfiano MV Dikirim 18/10/23 Kategori Scripts
    • Version v4.0 Free
    Arity HRM & Penggajian Akses Masuk For Admin Portal: Login URL: http://demoby.arityinfoway.com:8082 Username: [email protected] Password: admin@123 For Employee Portal: Login URL: http://demoby.arityinfoway.com:8082 Username: [email protected] Password: default@123 Check Leave Application mail. Webmail URL: http://webmail.arityinfoway.com Username: [email protected] Password: EmployeePass@123 Integrasi perangkat kehadiran biometrik akan dikenakan biaya tambahan, berdasarkan jenis perangkat. Fitur: Manajemen Karyawan Manajemen Kehadiran Jam Masuk dan Jam Keluar Berbasis Web Manajemen Departemen Manajemen Liburan Tinggalkan Manajemen Jenis Tinggalkan Manajemen Aplikasi Tinggalkan Kalender Pengaturan Umum Perusahaan Pengaturan Profil Karyawan Pengaturan Pemberitahuan Email Manajemen Gaji Slip Gaji dan Laporan Kehadiran Update Ulang Tahun di Dashboard HR Laporan Seiring Waktu Modul Wawancara Fitur Sisi SDM Admin : Dasbor : Jumlah Pegawai (Aktif, Resign, Total) Daftar Liburan. Pengaturan umum : Detail Perusahaan (Nama, Negara, Alamat, Kontak, logo) Pengaturan Email (Email, SMTP, Dari Email, Setujui Email) Tahun Anggaran : Tambahkan Tahun Finansial (Dengan Siklus Bulan Finansial) Hapus Tahun Finansial SDM & Penggajian: Master Karyawan : Karyawan – Tambah / Hapus / Perbarui – Pribadi, Resmi, Kontak, detail Bank & Dokumen. Gaji Karyawan – Tambah / Update – Gaji, Tunjangan, Pemotongan Jenis Karyawan – Kontrak atau Permanen & Cuti / Bulan Nilai Karyawan – Tambah atau Hapus Departemen – Tambah atau Hapus Penunjukan – Tambah atau Hapus Shift – Jenis dan Waktu Pergeseran Tunjangan – Tambah atau Tambah sederhana dengan pengurangan / Hapus Pengurangan – Tambah atau Tambah sederhana dengan pengurangan / Hapus Tinggalkan Kategori – Tinggalkan jenis tambah / Hapus. Liburan – Liburan dengan Tanggal dan deskripsi. Transaksi : Manajemen Cuti – Setuju, Tolak Manajemen Pinjaman – Menyetujui pinjaman dengan rincian Pinjaman, Jumlah, Tarif dan bulan. Manajemen Gaji – Tertunda & Selesai. Manajemen Shift – Ubah shift setiap karyawan Entri Kehadiran – Perbarui Kehadiran karyawan mana pun Detail Pembukaan Cuti – Daftar Perhitungan Cuti karyawan. Laporan (Semua Laporan dapat di Ekspor dalam bentuk Excel / PDF / Word) : Detail Karyawan – Ketik Karyawan secara bijaksana semua / Laporan Sekarang / Mengundurkan Diri berdasarkan tanggal bergabung. Laporan Gaji – Departemen / Karyawan / Bulanan. Laporan Pinjaman – Departemen / Karyawan / Status Bijaksana. Laporan Kehadiran – Departemen / Karyawan / Bulanan. Kehadiran Perangkat – Laporan Kehadiran Perangkat bulan / karyawan Bijaksana. Laporan Seiring Waktu – Departemen / Karyawan / Bulan Bijaksana. Laporan Cuti – Bijaksana Departemen / Karyawan. Fitur Sisi Karyawan : Dasbor : Tinggalkan Detail – Total, Bekas, Sisa. Kalender – Cuti, Hari Libur, Libur Mingguan Daftar Liburan. Bagan Gaji Grafik Kehadiran Detail Pengguna: Karyawan – Pribadi, Pejabat, Kontak, Bank, Dokumen. Kehadiran : Kehadiran Tinggalkan Detail: Bulan Bijaksana mengizinkan dan menggunakan hitungan cuti. Slip gaji : Slip gaji Tinggalkan Lamaran : Ajukan Permohonan Cuti – Jenis, Tanggal, Tujuan Status Cuti – Setuju, Tolak Kehadiran Perangkat : Bijaksana Bulan – Sekarang, Cuti, Liburan, Libur Mingguan. Tata Letak Admin: DAsbor ADMIN DAFTAR KARYAWAN GAJI KARYAWAN LAPORAN GAJI PERANGKAT Tata Letak Karyawan: DASBOR KARYAWAN DETAIL KARYAWAN KARYAWAN MENDAFTAR PERMOHONAN CUTI PERMOHONAN CUTI KARYAWAN MODUL WAWANCARA JENIS GAJI MANAJEMEN PERGESERAN Persyaratan minimal: Panel kontrol Windows Hosting (misalnya: Panel Plesk) IIS Versi 7.5 ke Atas Sistem HRM kami akan berjalan di domain Utama, juga mendukung Subdomain, sehingga Anda dapat menjalankannya misalnya http://domainanda.com atau http://hrm.domainanda.com Database MSSQL ekspres, 2008R2 atau lebih tinggi.
  4. Lihat file HRMS - Human Resource Management System, ZkTeco BioMetric Time attendance, Salary, Manage employee Arity HRM & Penggajian Akses Masuk For Admin Portal: Login URL: http://demoby.arityinfoway.com:8082 Username: [email protected] Password: admin@123 For Employee Portal: Login URL: http://demoby.arityinfoway.com:8082 Username: [email protected] Password: default@123 Check Leave Application mail. Webmail URL: http://webmail.arityinfoway.com Username: [email protected] Password: EmployeePass@123 Integrasi perangkat kehadiran biometrik akan dikenakan biaya tambahan, berdasarkan jenis perangkat. Fitur: Manajemen Karyawan Manajemen Kehadiran Jam Masuk dan Jam Keluar Berbasis Web Manajemen Departemen Manajemen Liburan Tinggalkan Manajemen Jenis Tinggalkan Manajemen Aplikasi Tinggalkan Kalender Pengaturan Umum Perusahaan Pengaturan Profil Karyawan Pengaturan Pemberitahuan Email Manajemen Gaji Slip Gaji dan Laporan Kehadiran Update Ulang Tahun di Dashboard HR Laporan Seiring Waktu Modul Wawancara Fitur Sisi SDM Admin : Dasbor : Jumlah Pegawai (Aktif, Resign, Total) Daftar Liburan. Pengaturan umum : Detail Perusahaan (Nama, Negara, Alamat, Kontak, logo) Pengaturan Email (Email, SMTP, Dari Email, Setujui Email) Tahun Anggaran : Tambahkan Tahun Finansial (Dengan Siklus Bulan Finansial) Hapus Tahun Finansial SDM & Penggajian: Master Karyawan : Karyawan – Tambah / Hapus / Perbarui – Pribadi, Resmi, Kontak, detail Bank & Dokumen. Gaji Karyawan – Tambah / Update – Gaji, Tunjangan, Pemotongan Jenis Karyawan – Kontrak atau Permanen & Cuti / Bulan Nilai Karyawan – Tambah atau Hapus Departemen – Tambah atau Hapus Penunjukan – Tambah atau Hapus Shift – Jenis dan Waktu Pergeseran Tunjangan – Tambah atau Tambah sederhana dengan pengurangan / Hapus Pengurangan – Tambah atau Tambah sederhana dengan pengurangan / Hapus Tinggalkan Kategori – Tinggalkan jenis tambah / Hapus. Liburan – Liburan dengan Tanggal dan deskripsi. Transaksi : Manajemen Cuti – Setuju, Tolak Manajemen Pinjaman – Menyetujui pinjaman dengan rincian Pinjaman, Jumlah, Tarif dan bulan. Manajemen Gaji – Tertunda & Selesai. Manajemen Shift – Ubah shift setiap karyawan Entri Kehadiran – Perbarui Kehadiran karyawan mana pun Detail Pembukaan Cuti – Daftar Perhitungan Cuti karyawan. Laporan (Semua Laporan dapat di Ekspor dalam bentuk Excel / PDF / Word) : Detail Karyawan – Ketik Karyawan secara bijaksana semua / Laporan Sekarang / Mengundurkan Diri berdasarkan tanggal bergabung. Laporan Gaji – Departemen / Karyawan / Bulanan. Laporan Pinjaman – Departemen / Karyawan / Status Bijaksana. Laporan Kehadiran – Departemen / Karyawan / Bulanan. Kehadiran Perangkat – Laporan Kehadiran Perangkat bulan / karyawan Bijaksana. Laporan Seiring Waktu – Departemen / Karyawan / Bulan Bijaksana. Laporan Cuti – Bijaksana Departemen / Karyawan. Fitur Sisi Karyawan : Dasbor : Tinggalkan Detail – Total, Bekas, Sisa. Kalender – Cuti, Hari Libur, Libur Mingguan Daftar Liburan. Bagan Gaji Grafik Kehadiran Detail Pengguna: Karyawan – Pribadi, Pejabat, Kontak, Bank, Dokumen. Kehadiran : Kehadiran Tinggalkan Detail: Bulan Bijaksana mengizinkan dan menggunakan hitungan cuti. Slip gaji : Slip gaji Tinggalkan Lamaran : Ajukan Permohonan Cuti – Jenis, Tanggal, Tujuan Status Cuti – Setuju, Tolak Kehadiran Perangkat : Bijaksana Bulan – Sekarang, Cuti, Liburan, Libur Mingguan. Tata Letak Admin: DAsbor ADMIN DAFTAR KARYAWAN GAJI KARYAWAN LAPORAN GAJI PERANGKAT Tata Letak Karyawan: DASBOR KARYAWAN DETAIL KARYAWAN KARYAWAN MENDAFTAR PERMOHONAN CUTI PERMOHONAN CUTI KARYAWAN MODUL WAWANCARA JENIS GAJI MANAJEMEN PERGESERAN Persyaratan minimal: Panel kontrol Windows Hosting (misalnya: Panel Plesk) IIS Versi 7.5 ke Atas Sistem HRM kami akan berjalan di domain Utama, juga mendukung Subdomain, sehingga Anda dapat menjalankannya misalnya http://domainanda.com atau http://hrm.domainanda.com Database MSSQL ekspres, 2008R2 atau lebih tinggi. Pengirim Arfiano MV Dikirim 18/10/23 Kategori Scripts
  5. View File LaraClassifier - Classified Ads Web Application Download free latest Update LaraClassifier - Classified Ads Web Application + Plugins NULLED. LaraClassifier NULLED is the most powerful Classified Ads Web Application in the market. An Open Source and modulable classified app having a fully responsive design. It is packed with lots of features. List of addons: Detect Ads Blocker Plugin Offline Payment Gateway Plugin Paystack Payment Gateway Plugin Reviews System Plugin Watermark Plugin Download ADDONS: https://safefileku.com/download/gsrFH4itc7SxTgZi License Information To activate license, put in form any value, (ex. xxxxxx-xxxxxx). Developer BedigitCom Features Custom Fields (Create your own Classified Ads, Auto Deals Classified, Real Estate Classified, Directory Listings or Jobs Portal websites) Based on a REST API (RESTful API) Clean and Modern Design Fully Responsive (also in Admin panel) Built with PHP/MySQL & HTML5/CSS3 Frameworks: Laravel, Bootstrap, jQuery, VueJS Geo location supported (with Maxmind free or pro database) Multi Currencies Support for RTL direction Multiple Languages Available Unlimited Colors Homepage Customization (Change and Order the Home Sections from the Admin panel) Users, Roles and Permissions System (ACL) integrated in the Admin panel PayPal Integrated Google Adsense integrated Google Maps integrated Twilio and Nexmo APIs integration Facebook comment integrated ReCaptcha integrated Turn ON/OFF Ads activation Option Turn ON/OFF User account activation Option Allow guests to post an ad without being logged Email Notifications (Using local SMTP or Amazon SES, Mailgun, Mandrill, or Sparkpost API) SMS Notifications (Using Twilio or Nexmo API) Resend Mail or SMS verification feature (Get more users with valid email or phone number) Messaging System between Sellers & Buyers integrated (NOTE: Only Buyers can start the conversation) CMS for Static pages (Create pages like: About Us, FAQ, Terms & Privacy, etc.) Contact page (Contact form & Google maps) Website Sitemap page Google XML Sitemap RSS feeds generator List of countries page (If activated, SEO supported) SEO optimized WebP image format support Website backup (Admin panel module) Blacklist (Admin panel module) Plans/Packages (for Premium Ads) Front End Listing Submission Social Networks Login (Facebook, Google) Protecting the users phone number against crawler Well commented code. Ready to use Easy to use. Only 2 minutes to install it. and much more.. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 10/18/23 Category PHP Scripts File Size 87.10 MB Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/laraclassified-geo-classified-ads-cms/16458425  
    • Version 15.3.2 NULLED
    Download free latest Update LaraClassifier - Classified Ads Web Application + Plugins NULLED. LaraClassifier NULLED is the most powerful Classified Ads Web Application in the market. An Open Source and modulable classified app having a fully responsive design. It is packed with lots of features. List of addons: Detect Ads Blocker Plugin Offline Payment Gateway Plugin Paystack Payment Gateway Plugin Reviews System Plugin Watermark Plugin Download ADDONS: https://safefileku.com/download/gsrFH4itc7SxTgZi License Information To activate license, put in form any value, (ex. xxxxxx-xxxxxx). Developer BedigitCom Features Custom Fields (Create your own Classified Ads, Auto Deals Classified, Real Estate Classified, Directory Listings or Jobs Portal websites) Based on a REST API (RESTful API) Clean and Modern Design Fully Responsive (also in Admin panel) Built with PHP/MySQL & HTML5/CSS3 Frameworks: Laravel, Bootstrap, jQuery, VueJS Geo location supported (with Maxmind free or pro database) Multi Currencies Support for RTL direction Multiple Languages Available Unlimited Colors Homepage Customization (Change and Order the Home Sections from the Admin panel) Users, Roles and Permissions System (ACL) integrated in the Admin panel PayPal Integrated Google Adsense integrated Google Maps integrated Twilio and Nexmo APIs integration Facebook comment integrated ReCaptcha integrated Turn ON/OFF Ads activation Option Turn ON/OFF User account activation Option Allow guests to post an ad without being logged Email Notifications (Using local SMTP or Amazon SES, Mailgun, Mandrill, or Sparkpost API) SMS Notifications (Using Twilio or Nexmo API) Resend Mail or SMS verification feature (Get more users with valid email or phone number) Messaging System between Sellers & Buyers integrated (NOTE: Only Buyers can start the conversation) CMS for Static pages (Create pages like: About Us, FAQ, Terms & Privacy, etc.) Contact page (Contact form & Google maps) Website Sitemap page Google XML Sitemap RSS feeds generator List of countries page (If activated, SEO supported) SEO optimized WebP image format support Website backup (Admin panel module) Blacklist (Admin panel module) Plans/Packages (for Premium Ads) Front End Listing Submission Social Networks Login (Facebook, Google) Protecting the users phone number against crawler Well commented code. Ready to use Easy to use. Only 2 minutes to install it. and much more..
    • Version 3.9.0 NULLED
    Download free latest update HelpDesk - Online Ticketing System with Website - ticket support and management NULLED. HelpDesk NULLED is a powerful ticket management system that can manage massive data. It’s a single-page application made with Laravel, Vue.js, and InertiaJS. You don’t need any other website as HelpDesk has front pages supporting the blog post, FAQ, services, privacy policy, terms, knowledge base, etc. HelpDesk has the following features: Ticket Support/Assign Email Notification Front Pages with Management Ticket/Thread Discussion Live Chat Contacts/Organizations Management Notes modules Customer/User management
  6. View File HelpDesk - Online Ticketing System with Website - ticket support and management Download free latest update HelpDesk - Online Ticketing System with Website - ticket support and management NULLED. HelpDesk NULLED is a powerful ticket management system that can manage massive data. It’s a single-page application made with Laravel, Vue.js, and InertiaJS. You don’t need any other website as HelpDesk has front pages supporting the blog post, FAQ, services, privacy policy, terms, knowledge base, etc. HelpDesk has the following features: Ticket Support/Assign Email Notification Front Pages with Management Ticket/Thread Discussion Live Chat Contacts/Organizations Management Notes modules Customer/User management Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 10/18/2023 Category PHP Scripts File Size 31.40 MB Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/helpdesk-online-ticket-support-and-management-including-front-pages/40309046  
  7. View File HMS (Hotel Management System) module for UltimatePOS Features inside HMS Module: Define Room Types Effortlessly Manage Your Rooms Room Pricing: Default, Day-wise & Seasonal Seamless Bookings Offer Extra Services (like Airport Pickup, Breakfast etc) Coupons for Guest Delight Dive into Data with Detailed Reports Showcase Your Irresistible Amenities Keep Booking & Availability at Your Fingertips Many more features with regular updates Demo site : Documentation site : Use Cases: Hotel Management Use the module to manage room types, bookings, and pricing for a traditional hotel. Track reservations, guest check-ins, and check-outs with ease. Offer additional services like spa treatments, room service, and more. Access detailed reports to optimize revenue and guest satisfaction. Vacation Rentals Guest House Management Conference Hall & Booking Management Define Room Types: Categorizing your rooms into different types, single double, executive, suites, or something else. Define the unique charm of each room, from cozy comforts to grandeur. Room Pricing: Maximize Revenue, Anytime! The β€œRoom Pricing” feature empowers you to set the perfect price for every stay. With options for Default pricing Day-wise rates Seasonal pricing you’re in control of your revenue like never before. Boost profitability by adjusting prices dynamically, attracting more guests, and ensuring each stay is a win for your business. Profit Maximization: Adapt pricing to demand, boosting your bottom line. Competitive Edge: Stay ahead in the market with dynamic pricing strategies. Seasonal Success: Tailor rates to capitalize on high-demand seasons. Seamless Bookings Streamlined Booking Excellence! Simplify the booking process and elevate guest satisfaction with the β€œBookings” feature! The β€˜Bookings’ feature simplifies the reservation process, making guest check-ins and check-outs a breeze. Manage it all effortlessly. Efficient Operations: Streamline booking management for smoother hotel operations. Guest Satisfaction: Quick check-ins and check-outs mean happier guests. Reduced Errors: Minimize booking mistakes with a well-organized system. Offer Extra Services Guests Deserve the Best! Elevate the guest experience with β€˜Extras Services Bookings.’ From airport pickups, cab services to delicious breakfasts, guests can customize their stay. Choose pricing options per day, per booking, per person, or any option that suits your guests best. Guest Personalization: Tailor every stay to the guest’s preferences. Revenue Boost: Additional services mean extra revenue streams. Competitive Appeal: Stand out with customizable offerings. Coupons Loyalty, Redefined! Build customer loyalty with the β€œCoupons” feature. Create and distribute special coupons to attract more bookings and reward loyal guests. Turn occasional guests into devoted patrons, while your revenue soars. Customer Loyalty: Coupons make guests feel special and valued. Increased Bookings: Attract more bookings with exclusive discounts. Marketing Powerhouse: Coupons are a marketing tool that boosts your brand. Detailed Reports Smart Decision-Making Starts Here! Harness the power of data with the β€œReports” feature. Access insightful reports to analyze occupancy rates, revenue, and guest preferences. Your decisions will be data-driven, leading to a more profitable and guest-centric business. Informed Choices: Make decisions based on real data, not guesswork. Business Growth: Identify areas for improvement and capitalize on strengths. Proactive Strategy: Stay ahead in the competitive hotel industry Amenities Showcase Your Distinction! Highlight the offerings that make your hotel a stand-out choice for guests. It’s the perfect way to set your hotel apart in a competitive market. Guest Attraction: Displaying amenities entices potential guests. Memorable Stays: Elevate the guest experience with standout services. Brand Image: Create a strong brand identity by showcasing what sets you apart. Rooms Bookings & Availabilities Calendar Effortless Organization! The β€œRooms Bookings & Availabilities Calendar” feature is your secret weapon for keeping everything organized. Monitor room bookings and availability through a user-friendly calendar interface, ensuring that you never overbook and your guests always find their home away from home. Efficiency: Keep bookings organized and avoid overbooking. Enhanced Customer Experience: Provide quick and accurate booking responses. Peace of Mind: Avoid booking mishaps and reduce stress. With the UltimatePOS HMS Module, these features will revolutionize your hotel management, providing better guest experiences and higher revenue. Elevate your hotel’s operations and guest experience, and watch your business thrive like never before! Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 10/18/2023 Category Scripts File Size 157.28 MB Demo https://ultimatefosters.com/product/hms-hotel-management-system-module-for-ultimatepos/
    • Version v1.0 Free
    Features inside HMS Module: Define Room Types Effortlessly Manage Your Rooms Room Pricing: Default, Day-wise & Seasonal Seamless Bookings Offer Extra Services (like Airport Pickup, Breakfast etc) Coupons for Guest Delight Dive into Data with Detailed Reports Showcase Your Irresistible Amenities Keep Booking & Availability at Your Fingertips Many more features with regular updates Demo site : Documentation site : Use Cases: Hotel Management Use the module to manage room types, bookings, and pricing for a traditional hotel. Track reservations, guest check-ins, and check-outs with ease. Offer additional services like spa treatments, room service, and more. Access detailed reports to optimize revenue and guest satisfaction. Vacation Rentals Guest House Management Conference Hall & Booking Management Define Room Types: Categorizing your rooms into different types, single double, executive, suites, or something else. Define the unique charm of each room, from cozy comforts to grandeur. Room Pricing: Maximize Revenue, Anytime! The β€œRoom Pricing” feature empowers you to set the perfect price for every stay. With options for Default pricing Day-wise rates Seasonal pricing you’re in control of your revenue like never before. Boost profitability by adjusting prices dynamically, attracting more guests, and ensuring each stay is a win for your business. Profit Maximization: Adapt pricing to demand, boosting your bottom line. Competitive Edge: Stay ahead in the market with dynamic pricing strategies. Seasonal Success: Tailor rates to capitalize on high-demand seasons. Seamless Bookings Streamlined Booking Excellence! Simplify the booking process and elevate guest satisfaction with the β€œBookings” feature! The β€˜Bookings’ feature simplifies the reservation process, making guest check-ins and check-outs a breeze. Manage it all effortlessly. Efficient Operations: Streamline booking management for smoother hotel operations. Guest Satisfaction: Quick check-ins and check-outs mean happier guests. Reduced Errors: Minimize booking mistakes with a well-organized system. Offer Extra Services Guests Deserve the Best! Elevate the guest experience with β€˜Extras Services Bookings.’ From airport pickups, cab services to delicious breakfasts, guests can customize their stay. Choose pricing options per day, per booking, per person, or any option that suits your guests best. Guest Personalization: Tailor every stay to the guest’s preferences. Revenue Boost: Additional services mean extra revenue streams. Competitive Appeal: Stand out with customizable offerings. Coupons Loyalty, Redefined! Build customer loyalty with the β€œCoupons” feature. Create and distribute special coupons to attract more bookings and reward loyal guests. Turn occasional guests into devoted patrons, while your revenue soars. Customer Loyalty: Coupons make guests feel special and valued. Increased Bookings: Attract more bookings with exclusive discounts. Marketing Powerhouse: Coupons are a marketing tool that boosts your brand. Detailed Reports Smart Decision-Making Starts Here! Harness the power of data with the β€œReports” feature. Access insightful reports to analyze occupancy rates, revenue, and guest preferences. Your decisions will be data-driven, leading to a more profitable and guest-centric business. Informed Choices: Make decisions based on real data, not guesswork. Business Growth: Identify areas for improvement and capitalize on strengths. Proactive Strategy: Stay ahead in the competitive hotel industry Amenities Showcase Your Distinction! Highlight the offerings that make your hotel a stand-out choice for guests. It’s the perfect way to set your hotel apart in a competitive market. Guest Attraction: Displaying amenities entices potential guests. Memorable Stays: Elevate the guest experience with standout services. Brand Image: Create a strong brand identity by showcasing what sets you apart. Rooms Bookings & Availabilities Calendar Effortless Organization! The β€œRooms Bookings & Availabilities Calendar” feature is your secret weapon for keeping everything organized. Monitor room bookings and availability through a user-friendly calendar interface, ensuring that you never overbook and your guests always find their home away from home. Efficiency: Keep bookings organized and avoid overbooking. Enhanced Customer Experience: Provide quick and accurate booking responses. Peace of Mind: Avoid booking mishaps and reduce stress. With the UltimatePOS HMS Module, these features will revolutionize your hotel management, providing better guest experiences and higher revenue. Elevate your hotel’s operations and guest experience, and watch your business thrive like never before!
    • Version v3.6 Free
    CodyChat v3.6 Siaran Grup Addon Penggunaan Video dan Mikrofon di CodyChat v3.6 Bekerja Penuh Tempatkan ANO_broadcast_group di kode root/addons Dan instal ini di panel addons *Jika belum diinstal, buka browser Anda ke youcodyurl.com/addons/ANO_broadcast_group/system/install.php* browser Anda harus mengatakan menginstalnya menyegarkan codychat Anda *Standar Siaran Grup Cody Chat di server 8x8 di ANO_broadcast_group\system\box edit show_live.php dan new_live.php ke domain jitsi Anda sendiri, cari var domain = "8x8.vc" dan edit sebagai var domain = "yourjitsivideoserver.com" *
  8. Lihat file CodyChat Addon Group Broadcast CodyChat v3.6 Siaran Grup Addon Penggunaan Video dan Mikrofon di CodyChat v3.6 Bekerja Penuh Tempatkan ANO_broadcast_group di kode root/addons Dan instal ini di panel addons *Jika belum diinstal, buka browser Anda ke youcodyurl.com/addons/ANO_broadcast_group/system/install.php* browser Anda harus mengatakan menginstalnya menyegarkan codychat Anda *Standar Siaran Grup Cody Chat di server 8x8 di ANO_broadcast_group\system\box edit show_live.php dan new_live.php ke domain jitsi Anda sendiri, cari var domain = "8x8.vc" dan edit sebagai var domain = "yourjitsivideoserver.com" * Pengirim Arfiano MV Dikirim 18/10/23 Kategori Scripts
    • Version v5.4.0 Premium Free
    CodeCloud File Hosting is a powerful system for organizing file storage on a server or hosting. HTML5 downloader, security system, bulk loading. It has an administration area for managing the site, a modern interface for uploading multiple files, user registration, PayPal payment system, easy integration with advertising and much more. You can visit the script review at: https://codinganme.cloud Multi-File Upload With progress percentage, speed and remaining time. Pure HTML5 with Drag & Drop support. Don't rely on Flash! Supported large uploads, 2GB+. Make money Integration to PayPal for automatic premium account upgrades. Other payment gateways like Authorize.net, OKPay & BitPay are also available. Download Manager Full support for download manager with http auth. Resume broken downloads and enable multiple connections simultaneously. Enable for all users or premium only. Plugins Additional payment gateways, rewards program, media streamer, image viewer, FTP upload plugin and more. Create your own custom plugins using the plugin framework. External File Server Integrate any number of external file servers for additional storage. Any FTP server can be used. 100% Source Provided No source code is coded, allowing you to modify file sharing scripts and change styles as needed. Feature Rich Admin Area Usually overlooked in other scripts, the admin area is key to managing your website. Manage files, users, site settings, plugins, even monitor file downloads as they happen. Safe & Established Externally checked for XSS & common SQL injection techniques before each release. If any are discovered after release, they will be assigned priority. The plugins included in this package are: Amazon S3 v8 File Storage Archive Manager v11 Leech v10 files Upload FTP v13 Media Converter v28 Rewards Program (PPS_PPD) v29 Upload Widget v7 Voucher Retailer v7 Access WebDav v11 Wasabi File Storage v5 Download Torrents v13 BitPay Payment Gateway v5 Coin Payment Payment Gateway v7 Stripe Payment Gateway v16 Skrill Payment Gateway v5 G2aPay Payment Gateway v5 Import Files v3 File Preview v5 Bulletin v7 Payment Gateway v2 PayPal Payment Gateway v5 Social Login v7 Please read! All files on this site are safe and clean & have been checked on VirusTotal. This program is actually paid. This program has been modified to make the paid version for life and free for your $$. All programs on my site are protected from excessive modification By a program dedicated to protection from tampering. Thank you for visiting Codinganme.comπŸ™‚
  9. View File CodeCloud v5.4.0 + All Plugins (Latest version) CodeCloud File Hosting adalah sistem yang kuat untuk mengatur penyimpanan file di server atau hosting. Pengunduh HTML5, sistem keamanan, pemuatan massal. Ini memiliki area administrasi untuk mengelola situs, antarmuka modern untuk mengunggah banyak file, pendaftaran pengguna, sistem pembayaran PayPal, integrasi mudah dengan iklan, dan banyak lagi. Review script bisa kalian kunjungi di : https://codinganme.cloud Unggah Multi-File Dengan persentase kemajuan, kecepatan dan waktu tersisa. HTML5 murni dengan dukungan Drag & Drop. Jangan bergantung pada Flash! Didukung unggahan besar, 2GB+. Menghasilkan uang Integrasi ke PayPal untuk peningkatan akun premium otomatis. Gateway pembayaran lain seperti Authorize.net, OKPay & BitPay juga tersedia. Manajer Unduhan Dukungan penuh untuk pengelola unduhan dengan http auth. Lanjutkan unduhan yang rusak dan aktifkan beberapa koneksi bersamaan. Aktifkan untuk semua pengguna atau hanya premium. Plugin Gerbang pembayaran tambahan, program hadiah, streamer media, penampil gambar, plugin unggahan FTP, dan banyak lagi. Buat plugin khusus Anda sendiri menggunakan kerangka plugin. Server File Eksternal Integrasikan sejumlah server file eksternal untuk penyimpanan tambahan. Server FTP apa pun dapat digunakan. 100% Sumber Disediakan Tidak ada kode sumber yang dikodekan, sehingga memungkinkan Anda mengubah skrip berbagi file dan mengubah gaya sesuai kebutuhan. Area Admin Kaya Fitur Biasanya diabaikan dalam skrip lain, area admin menjadi kunci untuk mengelola situs web Anda. Kelola file, pengguna, pengaturan situs, plugin, bahkan pantau pengunduhan file saat terjadi. Aman & Mapan Diperiksa secara eksternal untuk XSS & teknik injeksi SQL umum sebelum setiap rilis. Jika ada yang ditemukan setelah rilis, maka akan ditetapkan sebagai prioritas. Plugin yang termasuk dalam paket ini adalah: Penyimpanan File Amazon S3 v8 Manajer Arsip v11 File Lintah v10 Unggah FTP v13 Konverter Media v28 Program Hadiah (PPS_PPD) v29 Unggah Widget v7 Pengecer Voucher v7 Akses WebDav v11 Penyimpanan File Wasabi v5 Unduh Torrent v13 Gerbang Pembayaran BitPay v5 Gerbang Pembayaran Pembayaran Koin v7 Gerbang Pembayaran Stripe v16 Gerbang Pembayaran Skrill v5 Gerbang Pembayaran G2aPay v5 Impor File v3 Pratinjau File v5 Buletin v7 Gerbang Pembayaran v2 Gerbang Pembayaran PayPal v5 Login Sosial v7 Harap dibaca! Semua File disitus Ini Aman Dan Bersih & Telah Diperiksa Di VirusTotal. Program ini sebenarnya berbayar. Program ini sudah dimodifikasi untuk menjadikan versi berbayar seumur hidup dan gratis untuk Anda $$. Semua program di situs saya dilindungi dari modifikasi berlebih Dengan program yang didedikasikan untuk perlindungan dari gangguan. Terimakasih telah mengunjungi Codinganme.com πŸ™‚ Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 10/15/2023 Category Scripts Demo https://codinganme.cloud
    • Version 3.1.6
    Download free BeDrive - File Sharing and Cloud Storage. BeDrive allows you to create a full-featured, self-hosted hosting and file sharing website in minutes without any coding or server management knowledge. Account and Admin Panel When you access the login page on the demo site, you will get pre-filled admin account credentials. Note that destructive actions such as deleting and editing are disabled on the demo site. The admin account will be reset every hour and populated with several sample files. To test regular users, create a new account by registering on the demo site. Feature Editable Homepage – The default landing page can be easily edited via the built-in view editor with live preview and no coding knowledge. Easy Installation – Easily install BeDrive without coding or server knowledge in minutes with our easy-to-use installer and documentation. SaaS Mode – Earn money with the built-in premium subscription system. Create different plans for users to subscribe to and control how much storage space, what functions and limitations each plan has. High Performance – BeDrive is lightweight and has fast performance and page load times out of the box. Sharing – Users can share files and folders with multiple users, enabling collaboration. Upload Status – View the status, progress, estimated remaining time and more for all current uploads. Shareable Links – Create publicly shareable links for files and folders with optional expiration dates, passwords, and permissions. Translation – BeDrive is completely translation ready and can be easily translated into any language from the admin area. Responsive – BeDrive is fully responsive and will work on desktop, mobile, tablet and other devices. Dark Mode – BeDrive comes with pre-built light and dark themes. You can customize it completely or add new themes via the appearance editor. File Preview – Preview various file types including audio, video, text, pdf, zip and images directly in the browser without needing to download the file. Amazon S3, DigitalOcean, Dropbox Storage – Easily store user uploaded files across multiple services and cloud providers. Documentation – BeDrive comes with in-depth documentation that explains everything from installation to all the features. Authentication – Full-featured authentication system with social login (facebook, twitter and google), normal login, registration, password recovery, account settings and more. Permissions and Roles – Use a full-featured permissions and roles system to allow (or disallow) users, subscriptions, or guests to perform certain actions across the site. Disable Registration – Registration can be completely disabled from the admin panel so that only users you manually create from the admin panel can log in. Grid and List Views – Grid and list views are available and can be freely switched by users so that they can choose the one they prefer. Ads - Paste the ad code into the integrated ad slot in the admin panel and BeDrive will display it automatically. Professional Design – Professional, pixel-perfect design based on Google material design. Appearance Editor – Easily manage your site's appearance (colors, logo, landing pages, menus, etc) from the appearance editor. Settings – The admin panel has many settings that allow you to fine-tune your site to your needs. Analytics – Google Analytics is integrated directly into your admin panel so you don't have to open a separate page to see how your site is performing. Multiple Home Pages – Choose between multiple home pages including a landing page, login page or your own custom html page. Drag and Drop – Natural drag and drop feature to upload, select and move files & folders. Context Menu – A fully integrated context menu (right click on a file or folder) is available with all the actions you would expect such as delete, copy, share, move, rename, get links and more. This menu can also be accessed from the navigation bar on touch-based devices. Trash – Deleted items will first be moved to the trash so they can be returned later. Favorites – Favorite files or folders so you can easily find them from the favorites page later. Search – Powerful search will find files and folders at any depth. File Details – The sidebar on the right will show details of the selected file or folder as well as a preview (if available). Source Code – You will receive the complete, unencrypted source code upon purchase, allowing for easy custom modifications. Custom Pages – Custom pages (e.g. terms of service, about us, etc) can be created using the built-in WISIWYG editor. Menu Editor – All menus across the site can be easily edited via drag and drop without any coding knowledge. requirement PHP >= 8.0 PDO Extension (enabled by default) php_fileinfo extension (enabled by default) MySQL Database Server. Please read! All Files on This Site are Safe And Clean & Have Been Checked On VirusTotal. This program is actually paid. This program has been modified to make the paid version for life and free for your $$. All programs on my site are protected from excessive modification By a program dedicated to protection from tampering. Thank you for visiting Codinganme.com πŸ™‚
  10. View File BeDrive - File Sharing and Cloud Storage Download free BeDrive - File Sharing and Cloud Storage. BeDrive allows you to create a full-featured, self-hosted hosting and file sharing website in minutes without any coding or server management knowledge. Account and Admin Panel When you access the login page on the demo site, you will get pre-filled admin account credentials. Note that destructive actions such as deleting and editing are disabled on the demo site. The admin account will be reset every hour and populated with several sample files. To test regular users, create a new account by registering on the demo site. Feature Editable Homepage – The default landing page can be easily edited via the built-in view editor with live preview and no coding knowledge. Easy Installation – Easily install BeDrive without coding or server knowledge in minutes with our easy-to-use installer and documentation. SaaS Mode – Earn money with the built-in premium subscription system. Create different plans for users to subscribe to and control how much storage space, what functions and limitations each plan has. High Performance – BeDrive is lightweight and has fast performance and page load times out of the box. Sharing – Users can share files and folders with multiple users, enabling collaboration. Upload Status – View the status, progress, estimated remaining time and more for all current uploads. Shareable Links – Create publicly shareable links for files and folders with optional expiration dates, passwords, and permissions. Translation – BeDrive is completely translation ready and can be easily translated into any language from the admin area. Responsive – BeDrive is fully responsive and will work on desktop, mobile, tablet and other devices. Dark Mode – BeDrive comes with pre-built light and dark themes. You can customize it completely or add new themes via the appearance editor. File Preview – Preview various file types including audio, video, text, pdf, zip and images directly in the browser without needing to download the file. Amazon S3, DigitalOcean, Dropbox Storage – Easily store user uploaded files across multiple services and cloud providers. Documentation – BeDrive comes with in-depth documentation that explains everything from installation to all the features. Authentication – Full-featured authentication system with social login (facebook, twitter and google), normal login, registration, password recovery, account settings and more. Permissions and Roles – Use a full-featured permissions and roles system to allow (or disallow) users, subscriptions, or guests to perform certain actions across the site. Disable Registration – Registration can be completely disabled from the admin panel so that only users you manually create from the admin panel can log in. Grid and List Views – Grid and list views are available and can be freely switched by users so that they can choose the one they prefer. Ads - Paste the ad code into the integrated ad slot in the admin panel and BeDrive will display it automatically. Professional Design – Professional, pixel-perfect design based on Google material design. Appearance Editor – Easily manage your site's appearance (colors, logo, landing pages, menus, etc) from the appearance editor. Settings – The admin panel has many settings that allow you to fine-tune your site to your needs. Analytics – Google Analytics is integrated directly into your admin panel so you don't have to open a separate page to see how your site is performing. Multiple Home Pages – Choose between multiple home pages including a landing page, login page or your own custom html page. Drag and Drop – Natural drag and drop feature to upload, select and move files & folders. Context Menu – A fully integrated context menu (right click on a file or folder) is available with all the actions you would expect such as delete, copy, share, move, rename, get links and more. This menu can also be accessed from the navigation bar on touch-based devices. Trash – Deleted items will first be moved to the trash so they can be returned later. Favorites – Favorite files or folders so you can easily find them from the favorites page later. Search – Powerful search will find files and folders at any depth. File Details – The sidebar on the right will show details of the selected file or folder as well as a preview (if available). Source Code – You will receive the complete, unencrypted source code upon purchase, allowing for easy custom modifications. Custom Pages – Custom pages (e.g. terms of service, about us, etc) can be created using the built-in WISIWYG editor. Menu Editor – All menus across the site can be easily edited via drag and drop without any coding knowledge. requirement PHP >= 8.0 PDO Extension (enabled by default) php_fileinfo extension (enabled by default) MySQL Database Server. Please read! All Files on This Site are Safe And Clean & Have Been Checked On VirusTotal. This program is actually paid. This program has been modified to make the paid version for life and free for your $$. All programs on my site are protected from excessive modification By a program dedicated to protection from tampering. Thank you for visiting Codinganme.com πŸ™‚ Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 10/06/23 Category PHP Scripts File Size 80.18 MB Demo https://bedrive.vebto.com/login  
    • Version v1.17.0 Free
    Solusi Utama untuk Kartu Tabungan Digital Tingkatkan strategi loyalitas pelanggan Anda dengan Reward Loyalty, skrip multi-pengguna yang memungkinkan Anda membuat dan mendistribusikan kartu tabungan digital dengan mudah. Dirancang dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan bisnis Anda, Reward Loyalty menawarkan sistem manajemen pengguna manual yang kuat. Fitur ini memberi Anda kendali penuh atas basis pengguna Anda tanpa memerlukan langganan otomatis atau layanan pembayaran. Ideal Untuk Berbagai Kebutuhan Bisnis Baik Anda adalah perusahaan yang ingin memberi penghargaan kepada pelanggan setia Anda dengan kartu loyalitas, agensi yang ingin mengelola banyak bisnis dalam satu instalasi, atau perusahaan yang ingin mengintegrasikan program loyalitas komprehensif ke dalam layanan yang sudah ada, Reward Loyalty adalah pilihan tepat Anda. Arsitekturnya yang serba guna dan terukur memungkinkan Anda membangun dan menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda, menjadikannya solusi yang benar-benar dapat disesuaikan untuk merek Anda. Link DEMO : Members Members can show a QR code to a staff member to start earning points or visit the homepage to view cards that are visible by default (optional). Visit the Reward Loyalty homepage β†’ Documentation Partners Partners are businesses or entities authorized to issue savings cards. They can create clubs to assign staff members to different cards. Visit the partner dashboard β†’ Documentation Administrators and Managers Administrators have full system access and can add partners, while managers have access specific to their assigned networks. Visit the admin dashboard β†’ Documentation Staff Staff members, added by partners, are authorized to credit loyalty points and redeem rewards for members. Visit the staff dashboard β†’ Documentation Harap dibaca! Semua File disitus Ini Aman Dan Bersih & Telah Diperiksa Di VirusTotal. Program ini sebenarnya berbayar. Program ini sudah dimodifikasi untuk menjadikan versi berbayar seumur hidup dan gratis untuk Anda $$. Semua program di situs saya dilindungi dari modifikasi berlebih Dengan program yang didedikasikan untuk perlindungan dari gangguan. Terimakasih telah mengunjungi Codinganme.com πŸ™‚
  11. Arfiano MV posted a post in a topic in Scripts
    View File Reward Loyalty Solusi Utama untuk Kartu Tabungan Digital Tingkatkan strategi loyalitas pelanggan Anda dengan Reward Loyalty, skrip multi-pengguna yang memungkinkan Anda membuat dan mendistribusikan kartu tabungan digital dengan mudah. Dirancang dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan bisnis Anda, Reward Loyalty menawarkan sistem manajemen pengguna manual yang kuat. Fitur ini memberi Anda kendali penuh atas basis pengguna Anda tanpa memerlukan langganan otomatis atau layanan pembayaran. Ideal Untuk Berbagai Kebutuhan Bisnis Baik Anda adalah perusahaan yang ingin memberi penghargaan kepada pelanggan setia Anda dengan kartu loyalitas, agensi yang ingin mengelola banyak bisnis dalam satu instalasi, atau perusahaan yang ingin mengintegrasikan program loyalitas komprehensif ke dalam layanan yang sudah ada, Reward Loyalty adalah pilihan tepat Anda. Arsitekturnya yang serba guna dan terukur memungkinkan Anda membangun dan menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda, menjadikannya solusi yang benar-benar dapat disesuaikan untuk merek Anda. Link DEMO : Members Members can show a QR code to a staff member to start earning points or visit the homepage to view cards that are visible by default (optional). Visit the Reward Loyalty homepage β†’ Documentation Partners Partners are businesses or entities authorized to issue savings cards. They can create clubs to assign staff members to different cards. Visit the partner dashboard β†’ Documentation Administrators and Managers Administrators have full system access and can add partners, while managers have access specific to their assigned networks. Visit the admin dashboard β†’ Documentation Staff Staff members, added by partners, are authorized to credit loyalty points and redeem rewards for members. Visit the staff dashboard β†’ Documentation Harap dibaca! Semua File disitus Ini Aman Dan Bersih & Telah Diperiksa Di VirusTotal. Program ini sebenarnya berbayar. Program ini sudah dimodifikasi untuk menjadikan versi berbayar seumur hidup dan gratis untuk Anda $$. Semua program di situs saya dilindungi dari modifikasi berlebih Dengan program yang didedikasikan untuk perlindungan dari gangguan. Terimakasih telah mengunjungi Codinganme.com πŸ™‚ Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 06/10/23 Category Scripts
    • Version v3.2 Free
    SMM Matrix adalah alat pemasaran media sosial. Perangkat lunak ini mencakup hampir semua yang Anda perlukan untuk melakukan bisnis pemasaran media sosial. Ini memiliki layanan yang tersedia untuk setiap platform media sosial dan karenanya merupakan platform yang sangat serbaguna. Baik itu suka, pengikut, penayangan, atau bahkan keterlibatan umum atau lalu lintas situs web, SMM Matrix bisa mendapatkan semuanya, dan itu juga dengan harga yang tidak menguras kantong Anda. Demo Links Frontend Link: https://script.bugfinder.net/smm-matrix User Login: https://script.bugfinder.net/smm-matrix/minimal/login Username: demouser Password: demouser Admin Panel : https://script.bugfinder.net/smm-matrix/minimal/admin Username: admin Password: admin Harap dibaca! Semua File disitus Ini Aman Dan Bersih & Telah Diperiksa Di VirusTotal. Program ini sebenarnya berbayar. Program ini sudah dimodifikasi untuk menjadikan versi berbayar seumur hidup dan gratis untuk Anda $$. Semua program di situs saya dilindungi dari modifikasi berlebih Dengan program yang didedikasikan untuk perlindungan dari gangguan. Terimakasih telah mengunjungi Codinganme.com πŸ™‚
  12. SMM Matrix - Social Media Marketing Tool View File SMM Matrix adalah alat pemasaran media sosial. Perangkat lunak ini mencakup hampir semua yang Anda perlukan untuk melakukan bisnis pemasaran media sosial. Ini memiliki layanan yang tersedia untuk setiap platform media sosial dan karenanya merupakan platform yang sangat serbaguna. Baik itu suka, pengikut, penayangan, atau bahkan keterlibatan umum atau lalu lintas situs web, SMM Matrix bisa mendapatkan semuanya, dan itu juga dengan harga yang tidak menguras kantong Anda. Demo Links Frontend Link: https://script.bugfinder.net/smm-matrix User Login: https://script.bugfinder.net/smm-matrix/minimal/login Username: demouser Password: demouser Admin Panel : https://script.bugfinder.net/smm-matrix/minimal/admin Username: admin Password: admin Harap dibaca! Semua File disitus Ini Aman Dan Bersih & Telah Diperiksa Di VirusTotal. Program ini sebenarnya berbayar. Program ini sudah dimodifikasi untuk menjadikan versi berbayar seumur hidup dan gratis untuk Anda $$. Semua program di situs saya dilindungi dari modifikasi berlebih Dengan program yang didedikasikan untuk perlindungan dari gangguan. Terimakasih telah mengunjungi Codinganme.com πŸ™‚ Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 06/10/23 Category Scripts
    • Version v6.5
    ERPGo SaaS is the most competent utility tool to help you manage every aspect of Account, HRM, CRM, and Project with the utmost ease. It’s difficult to manage various tools for varying business purposes. With the ERPGo SaaS version, you can manage every aspect of your business under one tool. Demo Script : Login as Super Admin : [email protected] / 1234 Login as Company : [email protected] / 1234 Login as Client : [email protected] / 1234 Login as User : [email protected] / 1234 What to expect from ERPGo SaaS – All In One Business ERP With Project, Account, POS, HRM & CRM A comprehensive dashboard with all requisite information under one tab Easy management of staff details, be it, employees or clients, with easy filter options Management of various aspects of HR. From Attendance to Resignation, from Training to Performance, everything related to employee management becomes easy with ERPGo SaaS Managing pre-sales effectively through Leads, Deals, and Estimate Management Kanban and List view for the convenience of users Manage the minutest aspects of the project for effective implementation Manage Invoices, Payments, Expenses, and Credit Notes through easy clicks. Never miss the due date from now on Inventory Management in Invoice and Bill Proposals, Invoices, and Bills details can be checked with QR codes Customer/ Vendor Statement Report Contract Module for Digital Signature Added GDPR Cookie to make the next visit easier and more useful Stock/ Inventory Management New Stock Report Image Uploaded Preview Email Templates reCaptcha in Login & Reset Password Page Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi Project Report Module Duplicate Project Module Google Calendar for Meetings, Holidays, Events, Project Tasks, Interview Schedules, Zoom Meetings Build on Offer Letter, Joining Letter, Experience Certificate, and NOC Form Builder POS Module Manage leads, and deals, and generate reports to enhance customer relationship management. Seamlessly controls warehouses, purchases, POS orders, and point-of-sale transactions. Discount on POS Products Barcode Print Module in POS System Thermal Print in POS Module Added iframe embed link in the form builder Customized settings options for RTL on/off, Primary Color, Sidebar, Layout Themes Color Setting, Transparent Layout, and Dark Layout under Theme Customizer Email Verification Security in the User Registration Slack Integration Zoom Integration Telegram Integration Twilio Integration Desktop Application to Track Project Activities/Hours Keep a tab on expiring contracts Chat with users without having to switch tools Manage your goals with ERPGo SaaS Budget Planning Feature Get a detailed report on each aspect of the Project, Sales, HR, and Pre-sales Customize your business, system, and print settings in ERPGo SaaS Available in Multiple languages A user-friendly RTL experience for customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages. Any of the plans’ payments can be done using 20+ diverse payment gateways namely Stripe, PayPal, Paystack, Flutterwave, Razorpay, Paytm, Mollie, Skrill, Mercado Pago, CoinGate, Paymentwall, toyyibPay, PayFast, SSPay, IyziPay, PayTabs, Benefits, Cashfree, aamarPay, Yookassa, Midtrans, Xendit. Built with Laravel 10

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