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691 topics in this forum
View File Cloud File Transfer - File Share and File Transfer Service as SaaS Download free Cloud File Transfer - File Share and File Transfer Service as SaaS Cloud File Transfer is a powerful SaaS platform that allows your users to share files across the world easily. You can store all transfer files in Amazon S3 | Wasabi Bucket | GCP Bucket | Storj Bucket | Dropbox cloud platforms. Regardless which storage platform you choose for storing all your files, you can provide password protection, custom link expiration features to all your customers. All files transfers can be done either by generating a standalone link or by sending an emai…
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View File CMS pro - Content Management System Download CMS pro v6.20 - Content Management System NULLED, CMS Pro is a highly intuitive CMS (Content Management System) that web agencies can seamlessly integrate into their clients' websites. It is particularly well-suited for small businesses and offers a user-friendly experience for both implementation and usage. The true essence of CMS Pro lies in its intuitive nature. By utilizing CMS Pro, managing content becomes as effortless as desktop publishing. The true value for customers does not lie in an overwhelming number of features that they may never utilize. Instead, it lies in th…
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View File CMSLooks | Laravel CMS With OpenAI Powered Blog, News & Magazines Script CMSlooks adalah sistem manajemen konten (CMS) canggih yang dirancang khusus untuk individu dan organisasi yang ingin memulai portal blog, berita, dan majalah online mereka sendiri. Didukung oleh OpenAI dan dibangun di atas kerangka Laravel, CMSlooks menawarkan serangkaian fitur dan alat yang komprehensif untuk membuat, mengelola, dan mempublikasikan konten yang menarik. Fitur Utama: 1. Manajemen Konten Intuitif: CMSlooks menyediakan antarmuka ramah pengguna yang memungkinkan Anda membuat, mengedit, dan mengatur konten dengan mudah. Baik Anda menu…
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View File CodeCloud v5.4.0 + All Plugins (Latest version) CodeCloud File Hosting adalah sistem yang kuat untuk mengatur penyimpanan file di server atau hosting. Pengunduh HTML5, sistem keamanan, pemuatan massal. Ini memiliki area administrasi untuk mengelola situs, antarmuka modern untuk mengunggah banyak file, pendaftaran pengguna, sistem pembayaran PayPal, integrasi mudah dengan iklan, dan banyak lagi. Review script bisa kalian kunjungi di : Unggah Multi-File Dengan persentase kemajuan, kecepatan dan waktu tersisa. HTML5 murni dengan dukungan Drag & …
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Lihat file CodyChat Addon Group Broadcast CodyChat v3.6 Siaran Grup Addon Penggunaan Video dan Mikrofon di CodyChat v3.6 Bekerja Penuh Tempatkan ANO_broadcast_group di kode root/addons Dan instal ini di panel addons *Jika belum diinstal, buka browser Anda ke* browser Anda harus mengatakan menginstalnya menyegarkan codychat Anda *Standar Siaran Grup Cody Chat di server 8x8 di ANO_broadcast_group\system\box edit show_live.php dan new_live.php ke domain jitsi Anda sendiri, cari var domain = "" dan edit sebagai var …
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Lihat file Colour Prediction Game Source Code - Gambling Script Tujuan utama dari aplikasi web adalah menghasilkan uang. Anda bisa membuatnya sendiri. Masuk Admin Admin dapat Mengelola semua pengguna terdaftar (edit, hapus, perbarui). Admin dapat Memantau semua catatan taruhan permainan. Admin dapat Memantau semua catatan Deposit pengguna Admin dapat Mengelola semua catatan bank pengguna yang disediakan untuk penarikan. Admin dapat Memantau pengguna formulir permintaan penarikan. Admin dapat mengirimkan pembayaran kepada pengguna. Admin dapat memperbarui permintaan penarikan pembayaran…
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View File Connect - Video Conference, Online Meetings, Live Class & Webinar, Whiteboard, Live Chat Download Connect - Video Conference, Online Meetings, Live Class & Webinar, Whiteboard, Live Chat NULLED free Connect is a Web Application offering Real-Time Communication with Video & Audio Communication, File Sharing, Screen Sharing, Whiteboard and Live P2P & Group Chat Messaging. Built using secure and efficient WebRTC, which is an open source framework to enable real-time communication of audio, video and data in Web and native apps. It enables users to communicate with others via Video & Audio Conference, Webinar,…
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View File Coupons CMS 7 by shadyro Download Free Coupons CMS 7 NULLED v7.50 + include themes and plugins is perfect for people who want to start a new coupons/deals website. Never been easier to promote coupons, deals and/or products of great stores/brands and make money from their affiliate programs. But that’s not all ! Now you can receive payments automatically from store owners. Some of Coupons CMS top features: Powerful admin panel Able to add sub administrators (administrators have full control of sub administrators options) Manage Categories Manage Stores Manage Coupons SEO Friendly Ne…
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View File Crad - PHP Coming Soon with Admin Panel Crad – adalah template segera hadir yang kreatif, unik, dan universal yang dirancang khusus untuk situs web terkait segera hadir/sedang dibangun. Ini dapat digunakan untuk segala jenis Bisnis, Agensi, Hotel, Restoran, Pribadi, Perusahaan, Gym, Kontrak, Pemeliharaan, Tur dan Perjalanan, Peluncuran Produk, Peluncuran Layanan, dll. Setiap bagian seperti Tentang Kami akan membantu Anda memberi tahu tentang perusahaan Anda dan situs web atau produk yang akan datang, juga bagian Hubungi Kami akan membantu Anda mendapatkan email dari orang-orang yang berminat bahkan sebelum Anda meluncurkan situs A…
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View File CRM News - gets news and direct messages in one page CRM News adalah sebuah aplikasi untuk Midrub CMS yang memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan berita dari situs web dan jejaring sosial. CRM News adalah sebuah aplikasi yang dapat digunakan sebagai halaman dashboard dimana pengguna akan diarahkan setelah login. Pengguna dapat mengkonfigurasinya untuk menampilkan berita dari situs web favorit dan jejaring sosial seperti Instagram dan Twitter. Selain itu, dapat menampilkan pesan langsung dari Halaman Facebook, Instagram, dan Twitter. DOKUMENTASI ONLINE: Instalasi/Konfigurasi:…
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View File CRMGo SaaS - Projects, Accounting, Leads, Deals & HRM Tool CRMGo SaaS is the most competent utility tool to help you manage every aspect of HR, Presales, Projects, Sales, and Contracts with the utmost ease. It’s difficult to manage various tools for varying business purposes. With CRM Solution, you can manage every aspect of your business under one tool. With a SaaS version, create plans using a Super Admin Login. Demo Url : Demo Link Login as Super Admin : / 1234 Login as Company : / 1234 Login as Employee : / 123456 Login as Client …
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View File Crypto Net - CoinMarketCap, Prices, Chart, Exchanges, Crypto Tracker, Calculator & Ticker PHP Script Kapitalisasi Pasar Mata Uang Kripto Real-time – LIHAT DEMO Dengan Crypto Net PHP Script, Anda dapat membuat situs web pelacak mata uang kripto yang sepenuhnya otomatis dalam 5 menit yang menampilkan ikhtisar pasar koin mata uang kripto secara real-time, harga terkini, kapitalisasi pasar, data pertukaran pasar koin, persediaan yang tersedia, data historis dalam grafik dan Volume & perubahan 24 jam untuk 2000 koin kripto bersama dengan data global, koin yang sedang tren, halaman koin pemenang teratas, dan koin lepas. Anda…
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View File Dairy Farm Management System Dairy Farm Management System is a web-based application that helps dairy farm owners and managers to efficiently and effectively manage their farm operations. With this system, users can: - Manage the staff details, such as name, role, and schedule. - Create and manage different types of colors and breeds for the cows. - Manage the cow shade details, such as number, size, and ventilation. - Manage the cow types details, such as cow, bull, calf - Manage the supplier details, such as name, contact, and products. - Manage the feed item's details, such as name, quantity, price, and nutrition…
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View File DallHam Ai - Ai WhatsApp, Chatbot, Ai Speech, Bard Ai SAAS System Memperkenalkan DallHam V2 , aplikasi pertama di Codecanyon dengan Google Bard AI . Ini menampilkan chatbot AI WhatsApp (Anda dapat berlatih untuk bisnis Anda) untuk interaksi pelanggan yang dipersonalisasi, generator gambar AI , kemampuan text-to-speech dan pidato-ke-teks , dan blogging otomatis AI WordPress . Tingkatkan operasi bisnis Anda dengan aplikasi canggih ini yang menggabungkan fitur AI canggih untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan keterlibatan pelanggan. Penafian :- DallHam memerlukan kunci API opeanAi dan kunci AWS Polly tanpa Kunci ini Fitur Dallham …
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Dashboard Builder - CRUD, Users, Roles, Permission, Files Manager, Invoices View File App Builder is software for Creating Automated systems , you can create your own system without Writing line of code .. you have only to use the wizard step by step to build your system Modules and start using it , you can Build System Like [Library Management , School Management , HR , ERP ] System etc .. Demo Verison : user name : password :12345678 Pre-Requirements: PHP 8.1 – 8.2 BCMath PHP Extension Ctype PHP Extension Fileinfo PHP extension JSON PHP Extension Mb…
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View File DealShop - Online Ecommerce Shopping Platform DealShop is a professional E-commerce Solution that comes with PHP Laravel. It’s developed for those people who want to start their Online Shopping business website. globally, There are an estimated 12 million – 24 million eCommerce sites across the entire globe, with more and more being created every single day. If these numbers make you think it’s a competitive market — don’t worry. Here, Clients can join this website by getting registered, they can order products online, able to review items, and online payments are available. support 20 Online payment methods and more. …
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View File DeepSound - Ultimate PHP Music Sharing & Streaming Platform Download Free DeepSound - The Ultimate PHP Music Sharing Platform Nulled DeepSound is a high-quality music-sharing & streaming PHP script, DeepSound is the best way to start your music-streaming website! our platform is fast and secure, and it is being regularly updated. DeepSound is the only music platform in the market that fully supports native mobile apps, thanks to our advanced API system! Features: RTL Support DeepSound also supports right-to-left languages. Social Login With DeepSound you can log in via the most famous social m…
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View File Digiloads - Multivendor Digital Downloads Marketplace Digiloads, platform luar biasa yang mengubah cara Anda menemukan dan memperoleh produk digital. Pasar multi-vendor kami yang inovatif, dibangun secara cermat dengan kerangka Laravel yang kuat, menyiapkan panggung untuk pengalaman digital yang mulus dan mendalam yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya. Dengan Digiloads yang Anda inginkan, tidak perlu memulai dari awal. Manfaatkan toko produk digital yang lengkap, tempat pelanggan berkumpul untuk menjelajahi beragam kreasi digital yang menawan. Dari solusi perangkat lunak hingga grafis menakjubkan dan seterusnya, kemungkinannya tid…
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View File Digital Guest Book For Invitation Services Digital Guest Book For Invitation Services is an online guest book application that will provide the most complete and reliable features on your invitation service website. Maximize the Potential of Your Digital Invitation Services to Be More Special and Quality With the Addition of an Online Guest Book Application. Opportunities to Add Value to Services Imagine, now you will have "added value" that can be given to invitation website services with the best and more professional features easily and instantly! Invited Guest Data Easily organize the data of inv…
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View File Digital Signature Generator PHP Script With Admin Panel it Is A Php Script With An Admin Panel That Is Used To Generate And Download Digital Signatures In A Variety Of Formats. it Is A Php Script That Generates Handwritten Signatures, The Purpose Of This Php Script Is To Generate An Online Digital Signature, The Script Should Be Written In Php In Order To Create A Digital Signature With Your Name On It, An Easy-to-use Php Script For Generating Signatures, 155+ Fonts. Admin Panel To Manage Pages And Advertisement Code. Submitter Arfiano MV …
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