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Free Download latest update Multipurpose Business Website CMS For Corporate Company, Agency And Industry NULLED

Who needs to get it?

If you are a business owner (Company, Agency, Firm, Industry, Freelancer ..) or thinking for a startup? And you are looking for a dynamic website to branding your business then this script for you. By installing this script in your business domain you can showcase your portfolios and promote your services to your targeted customers. This website also helps your customer to better understand your work process and help them to better connect with you by FAQ’s and blogs.

What does it offer for business branding?

This script is a multipurpose business website CMS (Content Management System), Which is fully customizable and 100% dynamic. By using our powerful Admin panel you can manage About Us (Inc. Mission & Vision) and Contact Page Details very easily. You can manage your website Sliders, Portfolios / Projects (Gallery), Services, Partners / Clients, Pricing Packages / Plan, Testimonials / Reviews, Team Members, FAQ’s (frequently asked questions) / Knowledge Base, Blog / News Posts, Work Process, Features / Why Choose Us, Counters, Quote Request, Estimate and Invoice , Messages / Emails, Subscribers List, Others Custom Pages, Social Profiles & More.

It has almost all the features that a business website has to offer. You can manage and change the Title of any section / feature of this website. You are also able to hide or show any section or pages of this website dynamically from the admin panel. You can active or deactivate your Quote Request page and manage invoices and payment. So you can easily and completely rearrange this website as your business structure. Also this website has a very professional looks & fully responsive design so that this website can attract your targeted visitors and display smoothly in all kinds of devices & browsers.

Which type of business can it be used?

This Website can be used for multipurpose business such as Creative Agency, Automotive, Electronics, Power, Gym, Spa, Salon, Parlour, Hotels, Restaurants, Cleaning Service, Car Painter, Servicing Center, Garments, Leather, Textile, Construction, Architecture, Interior, Chemical, Food, Personal, Freelancer Portfolio, Software, IT Company, Lawyer, Transport, Financial services, Bank, Consulting Firm and many more Industry or Factory.

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