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Download CLEVER - HTML5 Radio Player With History WordPress Plugin Free
A smooth and efficient radio player with history support which will play ShoutCast and IceCast streams. It can be used as fixed width & centered player, as a full width player or as footer & sticky player.

Shoutcast & Icecast Support
It supports Shoutcast and Icecast radio streaming. The radio stream should be MP3 type. It will also play AAC streams but only on browsers which support AAC

Only Radio Stream Needed
Just add the radio stream and the player will get the current playing song and artist photo.

Responsive Design
The radio player can be used in websites which are responsive.

Full Width Option
The radio player width can cover the full width of the parent div.

Mobile Compatible
It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems.

Artist Image
The player will display the photo of the current playing singer, if is present in the database.

Highly Customizable
Over 35 parameters from where you can customize the player, having the possibility to integrate it in any design.

Sticky Version
Parameter to set the radio player in sticky version.

It will automatically get the history for ShoutCast streams. For IceCast streams it will generate the history as the radio plays.

Show/Hide History
Parameter to load the player with history or without history.

Multiple Instances
You can insert multiple radio players on your website or on the same page (maximum 2 on the same page). Only one can be set as ‘sticky’.

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