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Gravity Perks WordPress Plugin
What are the advantages of Gravity Perks WordPress Plugin?
Perks are addons, powered by Gravity Perks,
which add new features for Gravity Forms.

nested forms 
Create forms within forms for better management of complex forms. Formception!

Fill anything from Gravity Perks WordPress Plugin
Dynamically filter and populate field options and values with Posts, Users, Taxonomies, Terms, Gravity Forms entries, and Databases. Almost everything!

Unique GP ID
Generate unique IDs (ie reference numbers, codes, invoice numbers, etc.) upon submission of your Gravity Form entries.

Gravity Perks Conditional Pricing WordPress Plugin
Create flexible and conditional pricing for your Gravity Form product fields.

limit options 
Limit the number of times an option can be selected for multiple choice fields (for example, radio buttons, dropdowns, checkboxes, etc.).

GP deadlines
Limit the days that can be selected for Gravity Forms Date Picker fields.

Gravity Perks WordPress Plugin Preview Submission
Add a simple submission preview to allow users to confirm that their submission is correct before submitting the form.

Conditional logic dates 
Allows date fields to be used in Gravity Forms conditional logic.

e-commerce fields 
Make Gravity Forms more eCommerce friendly with support for tax, discount, and subtotal fields.

limit shipments 
Limit the number of entries you can submit to almost anything (eg user, role, IP, field value).

Get Gravity Perks WordPress Plugin now.

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