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Download free Qixer - Multi-Vendor On demand Service Marketplace and Service Finder System NULLEDQixer NULLED – On demand Service Marketplace and Service Finder Laravel Platform. it has 4 home page variant which fit anyone needs for showcase your small/medium/larage service based business website. it’s a multi vendor service script, any one can register and offer his service via your this platform. It’s highly customisable, it comes with many awesome features, like Drag & Drop Page Builder, drag & drop menu builder, drag & drop form builder, drag & drop widget builder and many more. it’s compatible with Desktop, laptop, mobile and also compatible with major browsers.

we have added all the thing required for doing seo, seecially add og meta support for all the blog with facebook/twitter support. it support 15+ payment Gateway, Paypal, Stripe, Paytm, Flutterwave Rave, Razorpay, Mollie, Paystack, Midtrans, Mercado Pago,Cashfree, Payfast,instamojo, Manual Payment Etc

Qixer - Multi-Vendor On demand Service Marketplace and Service Finder Buyer Flutter App | 38154133
Live Chat Addon - Qixer Service Marketplace and Service Finder | 38911891
Qixer - Multi-Vendor On demand Service Marketplace Seller App | 39013880
Seller Subscription Addon - Qixer Service Marketplace and Service Finder | 39634165



  1. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention
  2. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention
  3. Password Hashing
  4. Avoiding SQL Injection

System Requirement

  1. System Requirement
  2. Backend Framework: Built
  3. on Laravel 8x
  4. PHP Composer
  5. Frontend Framework: Built on Bootstrap 4x
  6. Requires PHP 7.4
  7. Supports MySQL, Mysqli.

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