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Download free latest update Google Tag Manager Enhanced Ecommerce (GA4 + UA) PRO. The most advanced and reliable module to work with Google Tag Manager!
Add an enhanced and customized datalayer on every page of your shop and plug every others services you like in few clicks (Analytics, Fb Pixel, Adwords...). Compatible with GA4 !

Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce (GA4 & UA) :
This module sends a lot more information than classic Google Analytics (or Universal Analytics), so you can have more accurate ecommerce reports.
Know more about your e-commerce : Shopping and purchasing behavior, Economic performance, Merchandising success, Product Attribution...

Why use Google Tag manager ?
A Tag Management System (TMS) replaces hard-coded tags that are used for marketing, analytics, and testing on a website, with dynamic tags that are easier to implement and update. A tag Management system also increases your Page speed assembling all your tags and load them asynchronously.

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