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Download free PHP Form Management Using AJAX by Vishps90. Responsiveform for all screens. Form is submitted using AJAX, PHP.
Compatibleto all latest versions of PHP. It is very easy to implement.

1.Responsive design for all screen
2.Html Email after submitting a form.
3.Submitted using prepare statement in a database
4.secure and easy for implementation
5.Dashboard facility for backend users.
6.Export all the form details from database in.excel file
7.Displaying all the form data in table format.
8.Required validation for the fields

Instructions to use the php contact form samples.
1.You'll require Web Server and PHP installed to run these samples.
2.In case you don't have already, download and install wamp / xampp.
3.Copy the contents of this directory into the server's htdocsdirectory - "..\wamp\www\" in case of a wamp and"..\xampp\htdocs\" in case of xampp.
4.Enter this URL "http://localhost/index.php" in yourbrowser.
5.It's done.

Instructions for the examples related to databases.
1.Create a database with the name "yourdbname".
2.Import "/mysql-dump/contactform.sql" into the database.

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