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Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) Pro v7.4.4 NULLED

Arfiano MV

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Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) for WordPress

Free Download latest update Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) Pro NULLED

A modular and lightweight WordPress plugin to easily enhance various admin workflows and site aspects while replacing multiple plugins doing it, and saving you time and effort along the way.

Custom Content Types

Unlock the true power of WordPress as a content management system.

Admin Columns Manager

Create insightful overviews to help you manage the growing varieties of custom content types in your website.

Admin Menu Organizer

Have more control over your admin menu items.

Media Categories

A simple and intuitive way to improve your media management workflow.

Image Upload Control WebP Conversion

Convert your uploads to WebP instead of JPEG. It's a smart and safe choice.

Code Snippets Manager

Manage CSS, JS, HTML and PHP code snippets to modify your site's content, design, behaviour and functionalities

Export / Import ASE Settings

Easily copy your preferred ASE settings to other sites. Available on the Team and Agency plans of ASE Pro.


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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) Pro v6.9.7
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Latest Updated

### 6.9.10 (2024.04.30) - ASE Free and Pro

* **[IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Disable Dashboard Widgets**: added an option to disable the Welcome to WordPress widget/panel. Props to [@tinnyfusion](https://wordpress.org/support/users/tinnyfusion/) for [suggesting this](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/feature-request-remove-welcome-panel/) and providing the snippet to base this on.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Show Custom Taxonomy Filters**: this has been disabled for ASE's Media Categories to prevent showing the filter twice on the list view of the media library.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Optimizations >> Image Upload Control**: WebP conversion now works on sites where the active editor for media handling is WP_Image_Editor_Imagick. Props to Konstantin T. for reporting the issue which prompted this improvement.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Content Management >> Custom Content Types >> Custom Field Groups**: remove irrelevant CPTs from ASE, WooCommerce and page builders from the field group's Placement >> Post Types drop down list, and sort the list alphabetically.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Menu Organizer**: when trying to hide a menu item with the "Always hide for user role(s) >> all roles except" option for a certain role, e.g. Administrator, it will not work correctly if a user has that certain role and another role (e.g. Web Designer), which can be assigned via the Utilities >> Multiple User Roles module. Previously, the menu item will also be hidden for users with multiple roles that includes that certain role. This release fixes that issue, i.e. a user with multiple roles will now see the correct behaviour. Props to Ingo R. for reporting the issue in detail and also posting the code fix!

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Content Management >> Custom Content Types >> Custom Field Groups**: fixed an issue in WYSIWYG field where inserting an image with caption will output the plain shortcode in the editor with the image placed within the shortcode. Props to Jacob O. for reporting the issue.

* **[FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Custom Content Types >> Custom Taxonomies**: fixed PHP warning in custom taxonomies list table.

* **[FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager**: fixed empty value being returned for ASE hyperlink field in certain scenarios.

* **[TRANSLATION]** ASE has now been translated into 12 languages:
* **Chinese (China)**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [@bricksvip](https://profiles.wordpress.org/bricksvip/).
* **Portuguese (Brazil)**: ASE Free and ASE Pro (completed). Props to [Dennis F.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/dnn/).
* **Hungarian**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [R. József G.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/radicsjg/).
* **Vietnamese**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [Hoang N.Q.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/nguyenquanghoang/).
* **Italian**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [Fabio P.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/fabioperri/) et. al.
* **Dutch**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Toine R](https://profiles.wordpress.org/toineenzo/) and [Peter S.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/psmits1567/) et al.
* **Polish**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Dariusz Z.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/dariobros/).
* **Portuguese (Portugal)**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Ricardo C.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/madebyuh/).
* **Ukrainian**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Irina](https://profiles.wordpress.org/irinashl/).
* **Urdu**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Ayyaz A.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/ayyazahmad/).
* **Swedish**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Robert M.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/robertmichalski/) and [Tor-Bjorn F.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/tobifjellner/).
* **Danish**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Morten E.L.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/ellegaarddk/), [Helgi P.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/helgipetersen/) and [Kurt M.A.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/moskjaer/).

* **More strings** have been internationalized. Props to [@cooper08](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/missing-translations-notices-show-all-less/) and [Hoang N.Q.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/nguyenquanghoang/) for pointing them out. @Translators, please visit the respective project pages for the Free and Pro versions to translate the new strings.
* **Interested to help translate or improve the translation?** Please go to [https://translate.wpase.com](https://translate.wpase.com) for more info.
* Note: simply change the language in your user profile editing screen to see the translations in action.

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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) Pro v6.9.10 Nulled
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Latest Update Version ### (2024.06.06) - ASE Free and Pro
* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Log In | Log Out >> Change Login URL**: fix attempt on an issue where frontend functionality breaks when this module is activated (since v7.0.2). Props to [@dcnz](https://wordpress.org/support/users/dcnz/), [@vanektomas](https://wordpress.org/support/users/vanektomas/) and [@okparfait](https://wordpress.org/support/users/okparfait/) for reporting the issue with some very helpful details.

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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) Pro v7.0.2.2 Nulled
  • 4 weeks later...
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Latest Update Version ### 7.1.2 (2024.07.01) - ASE Free and Pro


* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Utilities >> Email Delivery**: add option to set Bcc email address(es). Props to Gerold H. for suggesting this.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Custom Code >> Code Snippets Manager**: add description on finding the Code Snippets menu item once the module is enabled.

* **[CHANGED in Free and Pro] ASE Settings**: ASE will explicitlly autoload two of the options it creates in wp_options in anticipation of upcoming [changes in WP v6.6](https://make.wordpress.org/core/2024/06/18/options-api-disabling-autoload-for-large-options/).

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Log In | Log Out >> Change Login URL**: when failing to login on WooCommerce My Account page, you'll no longer be redirected to the custom login URL, thus revealing it's location, but will remain on the My Account page with an error message shown there. Props to Gustavo F. for reporting the issue in great detail.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Hide Admin Notices**: fixed briefly flashing notices issue that crept into v7.1.1 release. Props to Justin for noticing and taking the time to open a support ticket to quickly report it.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Menu Organizer**: fixed fatal error in a certain scenario. Props to Ralf L. for reporting the issue and proposing the code fix.

* **[FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Custom Content Types**:
* fixed an issue where on a fresh install, the **first custom field being added and saved would go missing** upon adding and saving a second one in a custom field group. Props to Michael S. for finding the bug and reporting the steps to re-create the bug reliably, which helps in troubleshooting it.
* fixed an issue with **Breakdance integration** where using the **Post Content** element in a Single Post template causes HTTP 500 error. Props to Alexandre M. for performing a thorough test to confirm the bug and recording a detailed screencast to prove it. Props to Darren L. and Henry R. for reporting a similar issue and helping with troubleshooting and testing the fix. If you've been using Template Content Area, you can now switch to Post Content if you need to.

* **[TRANSLATION in Free and Pro]** ASE is now translated into 18 languages:
* **Chinese (China)**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [@bricksvip](https://profiles.wordpress.org/bricksvip/).
* **Portuguese (Brazil)**: ASE Free and ASE Pro (completed). Props to [Dennis F.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/dnn/), [denisgomesfranco](https://profiles.wordpress.org/denisgomesfranco/), [Denison C.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/denisoncarlos/) and [@ofmarconi](https://profiles.wordpress.org/ofmarconi/).
* **Hungarian**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [R. József G.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/radicsjg/).
* **Vietnamese**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [Hoang N.Q.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/nguyenquanghoang/).
* **Italian**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [Fabio P.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/fabioperri/) et. al.
* **Dutch**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [Toine R](https://profiles.wordpress.org/toineenzo/) and [Peter S.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/psmits1567/) et al.
* **Korean**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [@chazmlab](https://profiles.wordpress.org/chazmlab/).
* **German (Formal)**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [@markussss](https://profiles.wordpress.org/markussss/), Bastian S. et al.
* **French**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [Stéphan G.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/gongonzo/), [@jeanfrancoisdelvin](https://profiles.wordpress.org/jeanfrancoisdelvin/), [@srossignol](https://profiles.wordpress.org/srossignol/), [@lucashw](https://profiles.wordpress.org/lucashw/), [@skippy43](https://profiles.wordpress.org/skippy43/), [@anlip](https://profiles.wordpress.org/anlip/), [@agencefacton](https://profiles.wordpress.org/agencefacton/), [@injsbx](https://profiles.wordpress.org/injsbx/) et al.
* **Polish**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [@kosmity](https://profiles.wordpress.org/kosmity/) and [Dariusz Z.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/dariobros/).
* **Norwegian**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [Alf O.F.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/skoen/).
* **Czech**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Jan S.
* **Spanish**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [@marcorubiol](https://profiles.wordpress.org/marcorubiol/).
* **Portuguese (Portugal)**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Ricardo C.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/madebyuh/).
* **Ukrainian**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Irina](https://profiles.wordpress.org/irinashl/).
* **Urdu**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Ayyaz A.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/ayyazahmad/).
* **Swedish**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Robert M.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/robertmichalski/) and [Tor-Bjorn F.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/tobifjellner/).
* **Danish**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Morten E.L.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/ellegaarddk/), [Helgi P.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/helgipetersen/) and [Kurt M.A.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/moskjaer/).
* **Translation updates**: added new/improved translation for:
* ASE Free: Hungarian, Dutch, Swedish, Ukrainian, Chinese
* **More strings** have been internationalized. @Translators, please visit the respective project pages for the Free and Pro versions to translate the new strings, if you havent' done so already.
* **Interested to help translate or improve the translation?** Please go to [https://translate.wpase.com](https://translate.wpase.com) for more info.


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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) Pro v7.1.2 NULLED
  • 2 weeks later...
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Latest Update Version ### 7.1.4 (2024.07.15) - ASE Free and Pro NULLED

* **[MILESTONE] ASE Free just reached [100,000 active installs](https://wordpress.org/plugins/admin-site-enhancements/advanced/)!** If you've been enjoying using ASE on your site(s), please consider writing [a quick 5-star review](https://wordpress.org/plugins/admin-site-enhancements/#reviews) or share about ASE on your WordPress-related facebook group(s). You can also [provide your feedback](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/admin-site-enhancements/) on how ASE can be improved further. Thank you!

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Utilities >> Search Engines Visibility Status**: will now automatically strip the trailing slash in the live / production site's URL added in the module's settings. This prevents "Settings >> Reading >> Discourage search engines from indexing this site" from being auto re-cchecked on the live / production site, when a trailing slash is included in the module's settings. Props to Henry R. for testing and reporting the issue in detail.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Content Management >> Media Categories**: fixed an issue where the Screen Options tab is not clickable. Props to Steven Y. for reporting the issue and suggesting a fix for it.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Utilities >> Email Delivery >> Email Delivery Log**:
* Make the Resend button / feature available for entries with 'Successful' status as well. Props to Mathijs V.D.B. for the suggestion.
* Added feature to **delete individual log entries** and to **clear the whole log**. Props to Francois G. for suggesting this feature.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] ASE Settings**: layout fixes for RTL languages, e.g. Arabic.

* **[TRANSLATION in Free and Pro]** Added Slovak translation. ASE is now translated into 20 languages:
* **Chinese (China)**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [@bricksvip](https://profiles.wordpress.org/bricksvip/).
* **Portuguese (Brazil)**: ASE Free and ASE Pro (completed). Props to [Dennis F.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/dnn/), [denisgomesfranco](https://profiles.wordpress.org/denisgomesfranco/), [Denison C.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/denisoncarlos/) and [@ofmarconi](https://profiles.wordpress.org/ofmarconi/).
* **Hungarian**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [R. József G.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/radicsjg/).
* **Vietnamese**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [Hoang N.Q.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/nguyenquanghoang/).
* **Italian**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [Fabio P.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/fabioperri/) et. al.
* **Dutch**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [Toine R](https://profiles.wordpress.org/toineenzo/) and [Peter S.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/psmits1567/) et al.
* **Korean**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [@chazmlab](https://profiles.wordpress.org/chazmlab/).
* **German (Formal)**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [@markussss](https://profiles.wordpress.org/markussss/), Bastian S. et al.
* **French**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [Stéphan G.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/gongonzo/), [@jeanfrancoisdelvin](https://profiles.wordpress.org/jeanfrancoisdelvin/), [@srossignol](https://profiles.wordpress.org/srossignol/), [@lucashw](https://profiles.wordpress.org/lucashw/), [@skippy43](https://profiles.wordpress.org/skippy43/), [@anlip](https://profiles.wordpress.org/anlip/), [@agencefacton](https://profiles.wordpress.org/agencefacton/), [@injsbx](https://profiles.wordpress.org/injsbx/) et al.
* **Polish**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [@kosmity](https://profiles.wordpress.org/kosmity/) and [Dariusz Z.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/dariobros/).
* **Norwegian**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [Alf O.F.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/skoen/).
* **Czech**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Jan S.
* **Spanish**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [@marcorubiol](https://profiles.wordpress.org/marcorubiol/).
* **Slovak**: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to [Dominik K.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/dominokozmali/).
* **Portuguese (Portugal)**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Ricardo C.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/madebyuh/).
* **Ukrainian**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Irina](https://profiles.wordpress.org/irinashl/).
* **Urdu**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Ayyaz A.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/ayyazahmad/).
* **Swedish**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Robert M.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/robertmichalski/) and [Tor-Bjorn F.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/tobifjellner/).
* **Danish**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Morten E.L.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/ellegaarddk/), [Helgi P.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/helgipetersen/) and [Kurt M.A.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/moskjaer/).
* **Arabic**: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to [Mohammed J.](https://profiles.wordpress.org/ih4xz/).
* **Translation updates**: added new/improved translation for:
* ASE Free: Arabic, Italian, Norwegian, Dutch
* ASE Pro: Vietnamese, Slovak
* **More strings** have been internationalized. @Translators, please visit the respective project pages for the Free and Pro versions to translate the new strings, if you havent' done so already.
* **Interested to help translate or improve the translation?** Please go to [https://translate.wpase.com](https://translate.wpase.com) for more info.


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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) Pro v7.1.4 NULLED
  • 3 weeks later...
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7.2.1 (2024.08.05) - ASE Free and Pro

  • [IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Utilities >> Password Protection: password-protected pages will now be marked with noindex to prevent "duplicate – from user not as canonical set up" warning in SEO reports, e.g. by google. Props to Christian S. for suggesting this.
  • [IMPROVED in Pro] Content Management >> Custom Content Types >> Custom Field Groups: the number field now supports decimal values. Props to Philippe G. for prompting the improvement.
  • [IMPROVED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Logo: enable the use of an image URL hosted on another site as the logo image. Props to Bayley S. for suggesting this improvement.
  • [FIXED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Hide Admin Notices: fix for notices coming from "Stock Sync with Google Sheet for WooCommerce" and "Stock Sync with Google Sheet for WooCommerce Ultimate"  plugins not being hidden. Props to Manish S. for reporting the issue and facilitating the troubleshooting process.
  • [FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Media Categories:
    • fix a conflict with WP to Buffer  plugin causing the plugins list page to show hidden modals. Props to Riza A. for reporting the issue in detail.
    • fix CSS layout issue with WP 6.6 and greater when viewing the media library. This happens when both "Clean Up Admin Bar >> Remove the Help tab and drawer" and "Enhance List Tables >> Show file size column in media library" are checked. Props to Marcellus J. for reporting the issue.
  • [TRANSLATION in Free and Pro]ASE is now translated into 20 languages:
  • Added new/improved translationfor:
    1. ASE Free: Hungarian, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Slovak, Vietnamese
    2. ASE Pro: Hungarian, Brazilian Portuguese, Slovak, Vietnamese, Chinese
    • Chinese (China): ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @bricksvip et al.
    • Portuguese (Brazil): ASE Free and ASE Pro (completed). Props to Dennis F., denisgomesfranco, Denison C. and @ofmarconi.
    • Hungarian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to R. József G. et al.
    • Vietnamese: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Hoang N.Q. et al.
    • Italian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Fabio P. et. al.
    • Dutch: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Toine R and Peter S. et al.
    • Korean: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @chazmlab et al.
    • German (Formal): ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @markussss, Bastian S. et al.
    • French: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Stéphan G., @jeanfrancoisdelvin, @srossignol, @lucashw, @skippy43, @anlip, @agencefacton, @injsbx et al.
    • Polish: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @kosmity and Dariusz Z. et al.
    • Norwegian: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Alf O.F. et al.
    • Czech: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Jan S. et al.
    • Spanish: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to @marcorubiol et al.
    • Slovak: ASE Free and Pro (completed). Props to Dominik K. et al.
    • Portuguese (Portugal): ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Ricardo C. et al.
    • Ukrainian: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Irina et al.
    • Urdu: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Ayyaz A. et al.
    • Swedish: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Robert M. and Tor-Bjorn F..
    • Danish: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Morten E.L., Helgi P. and Kurt M.A. et al.
    • Arabic: ASE Free (completed) | ASE Pro (partial). Props to Mohammed J. et al.
    • More strings have been internationalized. @Translators, please visit the respective project pages for the Free and Pro versions to translate the new strings, if you havent' done so already.
    • Interested to help translate or improve the translation? Please go to https://translate.wpase.com for more info.
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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) Pro v7.2.1 NULLED
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  • Administrators

Latest Update Version 7.4.4 NULLED (2024.09.23) - ASE Free and Pro

* **[IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Optimization >> Image Upload Control**:
* ASE Free and Pro: improved handling of PNG with transparency
* ASE Pro: fix for WebP conversion for certain type of PNG with transparency. Props to Aleš S. for reporting the issue.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager**: add an option to set custom formatting for number and date-time columns. This is applicable to default columns and custom field columns, including those by ASE, ACF, Meta Box.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Log In | Log Out >> Last Login Column**: fix login time not being properly logged. Props to [@pcamoz](https://wordpress.org/support/users/pcamoz/) for [reporting the issue](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/log-last-login-for-users/).

* **[FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Menu Organizer**: fix PHP warning. Props to Simon K. for reporting the issue.

* **[FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Media Categories**: fix CSS issue causing the search box position to shift leftward. Props to Mike D. for reporting the issue.

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