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Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

Download Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme Wordpress Theme NULLED - Enfold is a clean, super flexible and fully responsive WordPress Theme (try resizing your browser), suited for business websites, shop websites, and users who want to showcase their work on a neat portfolio site. The Theme is built on top of the fabulous Avia Framework and offers support for the WPML MULTI LANGUAGE plugin, just in case you need it 

It comes with a plethora of options so you can modify layout, styling, colors and fonts directly from within the backend. Build your own clean skin or use one of 18 predefined skins right out from your WordPress Admin Panel. Font, background and color options as well as the dynamic template builder will help you create the Website you need in no time. In addition to the global options you can set unique styling options for each entry as seen in the theme demo


  • Mancha changed the title to Enfold v5.6.11 - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme
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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to Enfold v5.7 - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme
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Latest Updated

May 6th, 2024 – Version 5.7.1

  • tweak: add additional parameters to filter avf_customize_heading_settings for slideshows using class avia_slideshow
  • tweak: allow to add custom Google Maps styles with filter ‘avf_gmap_vars’ (see https://kriesi.at/support/topic/change-google-maps-styling/)
  • tweak: ALB Search element add title and aria-label to link buttons
  • tweak: make the Search field required with attribute required to avoid searching with empty term and wrap in HTML "search" tag (works only in latest browser versions early 2024)
  • tweak: improve UI feedback for search form button
  • tweak: improve option page checkbox toggle UI (added check mark, moved toggle to right when checked)
  • tweak: added limitation description to theme option when Page as Footer is used
  • fixed: CSS in ALB Iconbox when empty content breaking heading
  • fixed: CSS for ALB gradient color left bottom right top and right bottom to left top
  • fixed: ALB Tab Section custom styles broken when multiple Tab Sections on a page
  • fixed: missing > in HTML p tag in contact.js
  • fixed: CSS background issue on mobile devices with the Header, Footer, Socket, Main, and Alternate background-attachment - set to "scroll" from "fixed"
  • fixed: CSS to show svg in media library list view
  • fixed: ALB columns misplaced parentheses line 2055 in empty()

accessibility: added aria-label to search fields

compatibility RankMath: Register ALB Images to RankMath Sitemap

  • updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.7.1, provided by BigBatT - [email protected])
  • updated: Croatian language files hr (version 5.7.1, provided by NUIT d.o.o. - [email protected] )
  • updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.7 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
  • updated: French language files fr_FR (version 5.7.1 provided by comkapi - Patrick)
  • updated: translations for some strings in german language files
  • updated: sync all language files (5.7.1)

Updated: LayerSlider 7.11.0


  • added: filter "avf_section_padding" - modify ALB section padding selectbox values (see https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfo.../ALB Elements/Section/avf_section_padding.php)
  • added: filter "avf_section_padding_default" - modify default value for ALB section padding selectbox
  • added: filter 'avf_post_ingnore_featured_image_link' - allows to remove featured image link in blog posts (see https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfo...yout/avf_post_ingnore_featured_image_link.php)
  • Arfiano MV changed the title to Enfold v5.7.1 - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme
  • 1 month later...
  • Administrators

Latest Update July 1st, 2024 – Version 6.0


feature: extended options for shop banner location (above or below title/breadcrumb bar) and parallax or scroll
feature: added options for responsive shop banner image
feature: ALB Accordion added option to show toggle title below content
feature: ALB Accordion added option to set slide speed of toggle content for each toggle
feature: ALB Accordion added option for an open toggle title
feature: Theme options -> Layout Builder -> Custom Page Layout And Dynamic Content
feature: Dynamic content support in TinyMCE "ALB Magic Wand Button" dropdown
feature: new ALB element "Dynamic Data" (can be used in ALB Table element)
feature: new ALB element "Custom Layout"
feature: shortcode 'av_dynamic_el' - supports output of dynamic data also in non ALB areas
feature: added theme option Layout Builder -> Show advanced options -> Activate Your Custom Post Types For ALB
feature: CPT support to select default terms when saving post (WP Dashboard -> Settings -> Writing)
feature: CPT support to extend CPT Edit Page table with taxonomy column and thumbnail colum (WP Dashboard -> Settings -> Writing)
feature: Extended ALB video for portrait videos and better lightbox CSS for portrait, landscape and also for custom ratio videos

feature: added Dynamic Content support to various elements:

Layout Elements:


Content Elements:

Animated Numbers
Content Slider
Fullwidth Buttons
Headline Rotator
Icon Box
Icon Circles
Icon List
Icon/Flipbox Grid
Progress Bar
Promo Box
Social Buttons
Special Heading
Team Member

Media Elements:

Before-After Images
Horizontal Gallery
Image Hotspot
Masonry Gallery

feature: ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) support with dynamic content for following ACF types:

gallery (**** pro version)

feature: Support for ACF post types and taxonomies
feature: Checkbox ACF -> Post Type -> Advanced Configuration -> Enfold Layouts to show Layout Metabox in edit screen

tweak: updated the "For Developers: Custom Tab ID" string to "Custom Toggle ID" in ALB Accordion element
tweak: moved ALB "Page Content" to Layout Element Tab

accessibility: ALB tabs added better HTML support for European Accessibility Act
accessibility: started adding html markup aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" for empty h* tags to several ALB elements
accessibility: added aria-label='...' to elements where user entered a "Custom Title Attribute" in addition to title='....'
accessibility: ALB accordion added better HTML support for European Accessibility Act

fixed: warning undefined-array-key-medium-in-class-popup-templates-responsive-php
fixed: CSS for ALB audio player in audio post format
fixed: ALB table element delete icon for rows not visible for button rows
fixed: Theme option 'Custom Post Type Screen' not hidden when theme support 'avia-custom-elements-cpt-screen' is not set
fixed: CSS for ALB table when empty cells in the pricing table are hidden when "show empty cells" is enabled
fixed: Latest News widget might break backend
fixed: ALB icon box link title displayed instead of title when link is applied to icon and title

updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 6.0 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 6.0, provided by BigBatT - [email protected])
added: Norwegian Nynorsk language files nn_NO (version 5.7.1 provided by Berntjs )
updated: French language files fr_FR (version 6.0, provided by comkapi - Patrick)
updated: Croatian language files hr (version 6.0, provided by NUIT d.o.o. - [email protected] )
fixed: translation error in all german language files

Updated: LayerSlider 7.11.1


feature: dismissible admin notice boxes with possibility to include custom HTML templates

tweak: redesign of theme options update logic with integration of dismissible admin notice boxes
tweak: wrapped functions in ..\config-woocommerce\admin-options.php in function_exits()
tweak: ALB video add custom css class option and video format to lightbox wrap container .mfp-wrap (based on solution by Guenni007)

added: classes 'avia-video-cookie-allowed' and 'avia-video-cookie-not-allowed' to HTML
added: theme support 'avia_disable_cpt_support' to disable CPT support feature (does not load class file)
added: various filters for custom page layout, dynamic content support, admin notice box:

‘avf_admin_notices_definition_files’ – add paths to custom box definition files, this allows to override previous defined boxes
‘avf_init_admin_notices’ – allows to alter the admin notice box array with definitions
‘avf_admin_notices_filtered’ – for current user filtered notice boxes to display
‘avf_skip_output_single_notice’ – skip output of notice box
'avf_admin_notices_activate_cron' - enable/disable cron job to clean up database for notice box show data and user meta
'avf_admin_notice_default_expire_time' - change the default expire time (in a context)

added: filter 'avf_alb_magic_wand_button' - allows to modify tinyMCE menu for ALB magic wand dropdown
added: filter 'avf_force_alb_usage' - allows to force ALB for a post (see https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfo... and filters/ALB core/avf_force_alb_usage.php)
added: filter 'avf_shortcode_insert_button_backend_disabled' - allows to enable/disable an ALB shortcode button in backend
added: filter 'avf_cpt_support_post_types' - allows to remove CPT's from support by this feature (e.g. like products)
added: filter 'avf_cpt_support_no_table_filters' - allows to skip adding thumbnail and taxonomy columns to CPT table screens
added: filter 'avf_cpt_wp_settings_writing' - allows to create a custom output on WP Settings Writing screen
added: filter 'avf_woocommerce_default_banner_image_size' - change shop banner image size (intended for product category thumbs )
added: filter 'avf_contact_form_datepicker_args' - change contact form datepicker aguments e.g. like date range
added: template taxonomy.php to provide basic support for ACF custom taxonomies (based on taxonomy-portfolio_entries.php)

removed: avia_backend_admin_notice()
removed: avia_backend_reset_admin_notice()


  • Arfiano MV changed the title to Download Enfold v6.0 - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

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