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Academy LMS Affiliate Addon

This addon provides affiliate earning from course selling of Academy Lms. Any user can signup for being an affiliator. An affiliator can refer a course to any number of students and from each sales he makes, he earns a certain percentage of commission. This is a gain for both the affiliator and the course instructor.

How it works

  • Academy lms should be pre-installed in your server
  • Download file only on codinganme.com
  • Download and install the addon to your academy lms portal
  • Admin configures the affiliation permission settings
  • Admin setup the affiliator commission percentage
  • Users apply for becoming an affiliator
  • The site admin can approve or delete the application form
  • Affiliators generates a dedicated link for every course
  • Students purchase courses through that affiliate link
  • The site admin can watch the affiliators commission history
  • Affiliator can watch own commission earnings and withdrawal history
  • Affiliator can request for withdrawal to the site admin
  • Admin accepts & completes the pending payout requests


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