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FlyWeb v3.0.6 - for Web to App Convertor Flutter + Admin Panel

Arfiano MV

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FlyWeb for Web to App Convertor Flutter and Admin Panel

Download free FlyWeb for Web to App Convertor Flutter and Admin Panel NULLED. 

FlyWeb for Web to App Convertor Flutter + Admin Panel NULLED

Complete solution using Flutter framework created by Google is an open-source mobile application development. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications

FlyWeb convert your Web Site to Application Mobile by just pasting your Website URL! Get your Android App & iOS App. With just a few clicks, it is fast and very easy to create your apps Now !

  • Flutter Language: This project is developed in Flutter language with Google latest version 2.0 .
  • Web View: FlyWeb is developed with the latest chromium web engine support. And with full web browsing .
  • Theme Style: To change your customize the theme you can select from our existing gradient color or single color. You can also add your color first code and second color.
  • Navigation Drawer: FlyWeb you can create the bottom navigation dynamically, and you can add / update / delete the slide menu .
  • Navigation Tab: You can add / update / delete the Tab Bar .
  • Full-Screen: If your website woth a tab navigation, then you can disable this tab-navigation from the admin panel.
  • Left & Right Menu: You can enable / remove the left or right menu or select other icon as you like.
  • Loader Style: We have a good application with multi loader library support. And you can use choose in my library your loading.
  • Splash Screen: We have already made splash screen. Just Add / update /delete your splash screen.
  • OnBoarding Screen: We have already onboarding screen. Just add / update / delete / enable your onboarding.
  • No Internet & Close Alert: When application flyweb doesn’t get any internet connection, you can show an message on application mobile screen “No Internet Connection” or other type message.
  • Ad Mob : You can monetize your app with Admob, you can add Banner Ads on the bottom of page Application, and you can enable / disable it from the admin panel
  • Media Support: FlyWeb supports video (Youtube, vimeo, HTML5 videos etc), audio(.mp3, .wav etc), all image format and animated image (.gif).
  • HTML5 Game: FleWeb app supports HTML5 games and you can play the game ( HTML5) in the application mobile.
  • File Upload/Download: FlyWeb you can to upload and download any files ( .pdf, .doc, ...).
  • Download File: you can download any file ( .pdf, .doc, .exel, ...) with our download manager.
  • Push Notification: Support One Signal, and you can send many notification.
  • JavaScript Support: FlyWeb support JavaScript ( Alert, Toast).
  • JS Alert, Toast, Snack-bar: Show a alert / toast from your application with JavaScript alert, toast, and snack bar.
  • Share: Your share your application mobile with Flyweb and rate the app in play store / Apple Store without not configuration.
  • Open External App: From your WebSite, FlyWeb can call a number, open the email app, open a ( play store / apple store ) or a viemo video , youtube etc in the native application mobile.
  • Device Responsive:The screen application will be supported from 4” to 10” devices.
  • RTL support: The application is ( left to right ) layout supported example ( english, arabic , ....).
  • Gradient Color Support:You can also change your Application Colors in the Customize Design panel of several elements. You can add any color to view the HEX or RGB.
  • Multiple Language Support: FlyWeb supported multiple language.
  • GPS Support:You can enable Location from your application FlyWeb
  • Dark & Light Mode:You can choose from a light or dark theme for your your application. It is really easy to switch the theme.
  • Floating Button:You can add / enable / remove list menu or select other icon as you like.
  • Scanner QR-Code:FlyWeb can launch http QR Codes using url.
  • Multiple icons header:You can enable / remove list icons ( 1 & 2 & 3 icons ).


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