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SEOPress PRO 7.9.2 - The Best SEO Plugin for WordPress

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SEOPress PRO - Best SEO Plugin for WordPress

Download free latest update SEOPress PRO - The Best SEO Plugin for WordPress NULLEDSEOPress PRO NULLED is a Simple, fast and powerful SEO plugin for WordPress. It have All the features you need in one plugin: breadcrumbs, redirections, schemas, sitemaps, broken link checker... No footprints in the source code, no ads, no anonymous data sent, white label.

Plugin features:

Meta title / description. Manage your titles and meta description for every post, page, custom post type, archive page... globally or individually, with dozens of dynamic variables.

Open Graph. Add Open Graph meta tags to improve sharing on Facebook with custom title, description and image thumbnail. View your sharing link with our Facebook Preview.

Twitter Card. Add Twitter meta tags to improve sharing on Twitter with custom title, description and image thumbnail. View your sharing link with our Twitter Preview.

Dublin Core. Add Dublin Core meta tags recognized by governments / states and used by directories, Bing, Baidu and Yandex.

WooCommerce. Disable indexing on cart, checkout and customer account pages, remove WooCommerce meta tag generator, add currency and price Open Graph metas for better sharing on social networks, remove default WooCommerce product and breadcrumbs schema to replace them with those of SEOPress, add barcode fields to WC product metabox (product global identifiers type and product global identifiers value).

Easy Digital Downloads. Remove Easy Digital Downloads meta tag generator, add currency and price Open Graph metas for better sharing on social networks.

robots.txt / htaccess. Create a virtual robots.txt file to setup indexing for search engines. Block in 1-click SemrushBot and MajesticSEO Bot to prevent slowdowns your site.
Edit your htaccess file right in your WordPress admin. Make quick 301 redirect, prevent directory browsing...

Meta robots. Manage your meta robots: noindex, nofollow, noodp, noimageindex, noarchive, nosnippet... for every post, page, custom post type, archive page...

Canonical URL. Edit your default canonical URL for each post, page or post type.

RSS. Disable useless WordPress RSS feeds like comments, extra or posts.
Display content before / after each post.

XML sitemap. Improve Search Engines crawling by providing XML sitemaps of your posts, pages, custom post types, terms taxonomy, authors, images and more.

HTML sitemap. Improve Search Engines crawling by providing an HTML Sitemap and User Experience.

Manage 301 redirects. Create / manage unlimited 301, 302 or 307 redirections in one place. Import redirections via CSV file.

Local Business. When users search for businesses on Google Search or Maps, Search results may display a prominent Knowledge Graph card with details about a business that matched the query.

Google Analytics stats in WordPress Dashboard. Get Google Analytics stats right into your WordPress Dashboard: page views, sessions, bounce rate, average session duration and more.

404 monitoring. Each time a visitor get a 404 error on your site, we monitor it. Create 301 redirections in seconds for your 404, receive email alerts, redirect every 404 to a custom URL...


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Latest Update Version = 7.9 (18/06/2024) =

  • NEW Allow to generate alternative text with AI directly from the media modal (PRO)
  • NEW Export slug changes to a CSV file (SEO, Tools, Redirections) – PRO
  • INFO Bump required PHP version to 7.4 (recommended 8.2+)
  • INFO We no longer use the first image of your post content for social media to improve performances
  • INFO Strengthened security
  • INFO Improve UX to generate alt text for media from filename
  • FIX Remove Home item from Breadcrumbs JSON-LD
  • FIX Redirection test link in specific cases
  • FIX Compatibility issue with WP Rocket in rare cases
  • FIX Headings analysis
  • FIX Social OG and X title on default archive pages if global settings are empty
  • FIX Redirect other XML sitemap URL with WordPress subdirectory setup
  • FIX Remove help links to SEOPress if White label is enabled
  • FIX Remove a deprecated function
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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to SEOPress PRO v7.9 - The Best SEO Plugin for WordPress
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Arfiano MV changed the title to SEOPress PRO 7.9.2 - The Best SEO Plugin for WordPress

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