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JCH Optimize Pro v4.2.1 - acceleration plugin for WordPress

Arfiano MV

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JCH Optimize Pro - acceleration plugin for WordPress

Download free latest update JCH Optimize Pro - acceleration plugin for WordPressJCH Optimize Pro improves the performance of your website by performing several optimizations to the HTML page aimed at improving the Web Vitals measured by PageSpeed Insights, such as First Contentful Paint (FCP), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Speed Index (SI), Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), Time to Interactive (TTI), and Total Blocking Time (TBT). These metrics attempt to quantify the quality of the user experience. JCH Optimize can improve these metrics to provide a better experience for your users and improve your PageSpeed scores.

Optimizations Performed By JCH Optimize Pro

JCH Optimize optimizes your pages by automatically performing some recommended strategies offered by PageSpeed, which include:

  • Minify CSS and JavaScript files and the HTML. Unnecessary whitespaces and other characters are removed to reduce network payload sizes and script parse times.
  • Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources. Inline critical JavaScript and CSS and defer all non-critical resources to prevent resources from blocking the first paint of your page.
  • Defer offscreen images. Offscreen and hidden images are lazy-loaded after all critical resources have finished loading to lower Time To Interactive (TTI).
  • Add Width and Height attributes to images. Set an explicit width and height on image elements to reduce layout shifts and improve CLS.
  • Enable text compression. Boilerplate codes are placed in the .htaccess files at the site’s directory root to instruct the server to serve text-based resources with compression (deflate or brotli) to minimize total network bytes.
  • Preload critical resources. Automatically analyzes each page to identify critical resources to load with a high priority by HTTP/2 enabled servers to improve LCP time.
  • Reduce initial server response. A page cache feature is included in the plugin that integrates well with the other optimization features and significantly reduces time-to-first-byte.


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Latest Update Version 4.2.1

  • Fixed security vulnerability on path traversal. Unprivileged users could access directory information on the Optimize Image page
  • Bug Fix Sort Items on Page Cache tab not working
  • Use the loading attribute to lazy load images instead of JavaScript. JavaScript only used for background images and audio/video
  • Asynchronously loaded CSS in Optimize CSS Delivery feature placed at bottom of page.
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