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EZBus - Transportation Management Solution Two Flutter Apps

Download free latest update EZBus - Transportation Management Solution - Two Flutter Apps + Backend + Admin panelEZBus is a transportation service that is committed to enabling cities, individuals, and businesses to move anywhere. EzBus is tech-driven, fancy, and convenient.

EZBus consists of

  • Two Flutter apps for customers and drivers
  • Admin panel with a Laravel API system as a back-end and a Vue.js front-end system as a web interface


Please make sure that you have accounts for

  • VPS server with root credentials
  • Google Maps API with the following APIs enabled
    • Geocoding API
    • Maps JavaScript API
    • Places API
    • Directions API
    • Maps SDK for Android
    • Maps SDK for iOS
  • Firebase account
  • Braintree SDK. You can test with a sandbox account OR integrate a live account.

Technologies Used

  • Flutter – customer and driver apps
  • Laravel - backend
  • VueJS - admin panel front end
  • Socket.io – real-time bus location update for mobile apps and admin panel
  • Google Maps SDK – display maps in mobile apps and admin panels


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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to EZBus v2.0 - Two Flutter Apps + Backend + Admin panel

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