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WP Migrate DB Pro v2.6.13 NULLED

Arfiano MV

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WP Migrate DB Pro

Download free latest update WP Migrate DB Pro NULLED + All AddonsWP Migrate DB Pro NULLED. Find out how WP Migrate can save you hours with 1-click migration for your database, media, themes & plugins. Watch a full demo to see how it works.

Install WP Migrate DB Pro NULLED on two or more WordPress sites and simply push/pull the database, media, themes, and plugins between those sites.

The perfect workflow tool for thousands of professional WordPress developers.

List of ADDONS:

  • WP Migrate DB Pro CLI
  • WP Migrate DB Pro Media Files
  • WP Migrate DB Pro Multisite Tools
  • WP Migrate DB Pro Theme & Plugin Files

Download WP Migrate DB Pro Addons:


Find and Replace
WordPress stores both the site URL and the site directory in the database. This is different for every site environment like local and staging sites.WP Migrate detects this data and handles the find and replace during the migration.WP Migrate replaces data in post content, pages, widgets, options and metadata. It also handles content created by the Block Editor.

Serialized Data
Why not just export the database and run a find & replace on the SQL file? Easy enough, right? Wrong.Any replacement applied to data that uses PHP serialization (e.g. widgets) will corrupt the serialization and result in an empty string when unserialized.WP Migrate detects serialized data and runs a special find & replace on it ensuring that the data is not corrupted.

Database Backups
Select the backup option before running a migration and your database will first be backed up before running the migration and replacing it.Backups provide peace of mind but also allow you to version your database, allowing you to go back in time and recover things that have changed that shouldn’t have.


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Latest Update Version 2.6.13 - May 30, 2024

  • New: Pulling a subsite from a multisite network to a single site via WP-CLI now migrates the appropriate database tables
  • Bug fix: A new filter wpmdb_check_table_column_for_reference now helps to avoid memory errors by excluding columns from the find and replace operation when a serialized reference is detected
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