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WP Grid Builder - Build advanced grid layouts (with Addons)

Download free latest update Gridbuilder WP - Create Advanced Filterable & Faceted Grids WordPress. WP Grid Builder – Create sophisticated grid layouts for your eCommerce, blog, or portfolio with real-time faceted search. With Ease, Create Grids and Carousels. Make your content stand out using Masonry, Justified, or Metro layouts. Each layout type is capable of being included in a responsive carousel. With an easy and attractive admin interface, easily query and display WordPress content based on post types, taxonomy keywords, or users:

  • eCommerce. Products from WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads are displayed and filtered.
  • Portfolio. Showcase your work by querying articles or material from your Media Library.
  • Blog. Create sophisticated queries to ensure that your blog articles are shown properly.
  • Resource. Create faceted grids for certain post kinds, taxonomy keywords, or users.

Download WP Grid Builder Addons


WP Grid Builder Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is it necessary for me to have coding skills? Certainly not! Grids, cards, and facets may all be configured completely through a simple and powerful administration interface. No prior knowledge of coding is needed.
  • Gridbuilder is compatible with any theme? Gridbuilder is compatible with any theme that adheres to WordPress's requirements.
  • Gridbuilder is compatible with Gutenberg? Certainly! Gridbuilder comes with two blocks for Gutenberg: grid and facet. Additionally, you may utilize shortcodes to add grids and facets to your sites.
  • Is Gridbuilder compatible with Page Builders? Yes, you can display grids and facets using shortcodes in your preferred page builder. Additionally, the plugin integrates with the Elementor and Oxygen plugins.


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Latest Updated

= 2.0.0 - May 13, 2024 =


* Added Revamp of the admin interface with React.
* Added Revamp dashboard to manage licence, indexer, content and add-ons.
* Added Revamp card editor based on Gutenberg (as standalone).
* Added Styles to customize the appearance of facets.
* Added Responsive controls to the card editor.
* Added Conditions to render blocks in a card.
* Added Dynamic Tags to render data in a card.
* Added Columns, Group, Row, Stack, Paragraph & Button blocks.
* Added New controls to Post Terms block.
* Added Support for custom CSS properties for cards.
* Added Support for CSS variables throughout the plugin.
* Added Child Of support for facet taxonomy source.
* Added Term Depth support for facet taxonomy source.
* Added Include/Exclude controls for custom fields as data source.
* Added Show Current Terms to display current archive terms in facets.
* Added Conditional Actions for facet (hide/reveal & disable/enable).
* Added Conditional Cards for grids (attach cards conditionally).
* Added Support for Multiple order values in grids.
* Added Support to include and exclude terms in grid.
* Added Support for GDPR friendly Bunny Fonts.
* Added Grid, Card, Facet & Style demos to the importer (Browse Demos).
* Added New setting to apply a facet style globally.
* Added New facet block control to apply a style locally.
* Added New settings API to easily add controls to the plugin.
* Added PHP filter to register custom SVGs for the card editor.
* Added Icons in several setting controls (grid, card and facet).
* Added Requires at least & Requires PHP header Requirements.
* Added CSS minifier for cards and styles.
* Added Use of CSS variables for facets, cards and lightbox in the plugin stylesheet.
* Improved Automatically adds carousel buttons and page dots in grid layout.
* Improved Rendering facet blocks in the WordPress editor.
* Improved Support for indexing with HTTP authentication.
* Improved Facets can be indexed from the facet overview table.
* Improved Facet source now combines all data sources in a single field.
* Improved Preserve imported identifiers wherever possible.
* Improved Reduce the size of frontend JS scripts by around 20%.
* Updated Google Fonts library.
* Updated French translations.
* Changed Listing, label, and counter are now styled independently for each facet.
* Changed Remove shortcode menu button for styles in admin table.
* Changed Full-width layout for admin tables and control panels.
* Changed PHP 8.0 is recommended and compatible up to version 7.x.
* Changed WordPress 6.0 or higher is required.
* Fixed CSS conflict between facet toggle and range slider.
* Fixed Card editor layout issues with WP 6.0.
* Fixed Incorrect aria-label in plugin menu.
* Fixed Typo error in aria-label of pagination facet.
* Fixed PHP 8.3 deprecation notices.
* Fixed Incorrect redirection from WordPress navigation menu.
* Fixed Minor responsive CSS issue in the admin interface.
* Fixed Issue with the layout of group block in the card editor.
* Fixed Issue with certain style settings not correctly saved.
* Fixed Duplicate CSS color declarations in dynamic stylesheets.
* Fixed Overflow issue with facet style preview iframe.
* Fixed Vertical layout issue with the buttons facet when the list is expanded.
* Fixed Prevents inserting empty metadata tags in cards.


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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to WP Grid Builder v2.0.0 + Addons nulled
  • 1 month later...
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Latest Update Version = 2.0.4 - June 14, 2024 =

* Added Beta option to change facet endpoint request (custom or Rest API).
* Improved Automatically expand advanced settings when filled.
* Fixed Issue with grid aspect ratio in case of missing value.
* Fixed Issue with card color scheme on empty blocks.
* Fixed Issue with card terms block and custom field order.

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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to Download WP Grid Builder v2.0.4 + Addons nulled
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrators

Latest Update Version = 2.0.5 - July 1, 2024 =

* Improved Handling of appending results in grids and templates.
* Fixed Incorrect lifetime license plan displayed in plugin dashboard.
* Fixed Issue with the default media overlay block in the card editor.
* Fixed Issue with Rest API facet endpoint and logged-in users.
* Fixed Missing default order (descending) for Sort facet.

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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to Download WP Grid Builder v2.0.5 + Addons nulled

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