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GPT AI Power: Complete AI Pack Pro 1.8.79 NULLED

Arfiano MV

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AI Power: Complete AI Pack - Powered by GPT-4

Download GPT AI Power: Complete AI Pack ProGPT AI Power Pro NULLED is a complete AI package for WordPress. It is the most popular, WordPress-based open-source AI solution. It utilizes GPT-3.5, GPT-4, DaVinci and more to generate content, images, and forms with customizable options. It includes AI training, Chat widget, WooCommerce integration, Embeddings and more.


  • Generate high-quality, longer articles using OpenAI’s GPT language models (text-davinci-003), GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4.
  • Support for 40 different languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Dutch, Indonesian, Turkish, Polish, Ukrainian, Arabic, Romanian, Greek, Czech, Bulgarian, Swedish and Hungarian.
  • Customize the generated content with options for temperature, maximum tokens, top p, best of, frequency penalty, and presence penalty.
  • Customize the generated content with options for writing style, including informative, descriptive, creative, narrative, persuasive, expository, reflective, argumentative, analytical, critical, evaluative, journalistic, technical and simple.
  • Adjust the tone of the generated content with options for formal, neutral, assertive, cheerful, humorous, informal, inspirational, sarcastic, professional and skeptical.
  • Automatically generate high-quality images to accompany the generated content using OpenAI’s DALL-E engine.
  • Add customizable introductions and conclusions to your generated content.
  • Add customizable heading tags (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) to your content.
  • Add customizable hyperlink and anchor text to your content.
  • Easily manage and update your OpenAI API key from within the plugin’s settings page.
  • Track logs
  • Edit, delete, sort or add new headings before generating content.
  • Add Call to Action to your content.
  • Integrated in Post and Page.
  • Playground for making tests.
  • Auto content writer.
  • With the Bulk Editor tool, you can easily generate large amounts of content at once. There are three ways to use the Bulk Editor:
  • Directly within the tool: Simply enter your desired titles and the Bulk Editor will generate content. Free plan users can generate up to 5 at a time.
  • Bulk update via CSV: If you have a large amount of text stored in a CSV file, you can upload it to the Bulk Editor and generate content. Free plan users can generate up to 5 at a time.
  • Bulk update via copy-paste: You can also use the Bulk Editor by simply copying and pasting your text into the tool, and then generate content. Free plan users can generate up to 5 at a time.
  • Embed GPT chatGPT in front-end.
  • Featured image.
  • Art Styles.
  • WooCommerce Integration: You can optimize your product title, description and short description with our plugin.
  • Train your AI. Fine-Tune and create your own model.
  • Convert your db to jsonl format for AI training.
  • Image Generator with hundreds of configuration options using DALL-E and Stable Diffusion 
  • Chatbot tone and proffesion options.
  • PromptBase – hundreds of ready to use prompts
  • AI Forms – Embed hundreds of AI forms with shortcodes
  • Embed Image Generator (both DALL-E and Stable Diffusion) in your website.
  • Embeddings! Customize your chat bot with embeddings – Integrated with Pinecone vector DB.
  • Title suggestion tool for posts, pages and products.
  • Index builder for Embeddings! Convert all your pages, posts and products to embedding format with one click.
  • GPT powered semantic search with Embeddings
  • Pexels integration for images.
  • Content Builder, you can build FAQ and Knowledgebase.
  • Audio Converter (Whisper)
  • Speech-to-Post
  • [PREMIUM] Moderation for chat bot.
  • [PREMIUM] Ability to add keywords
  • [PREMIUM] Ability to avoid certain keywords
  • [PREMIUM] Make keywords bold
  • [PREMIUM] Ability to Add Q&A
  • [PREMIUM] Ability to schedule posts.
  • [PREMIUM] Google Sheets integration.


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Latest Updated

= 1.8.60 =



- Introduced the ability to specify different embedding models for different chatbots. This final step before implementing OpenRouter allows you to select different AI engines with different embedding models, thus combining two different providers in one go.
- Added a new embedding model for Google: embedding-text-004.
- Added new Google models to chatbots and AI forms, such as Gemini 1.5 Pro Latest. Make sure to hit the sync button when using Google as a provider.
- Added dimension display in AI training. You can now specify dimensions when creating a Qdrant collection via the plugin interface. Make sure to sync your collections.
- Added an option to enable or disable past conversations in the chatbox. You can disable it from ChatGPT - Settings tab. Dont forget to clear your cache.
- Displayed vector and points count for Qdrant. Make sure to sync your collections.
- Added delete button for AI forms and image generator logs.


- Larger text fields for AI Assistant prompts.
- Proper handling for markdown format in chat response.
- Improved semantic search functionality.
- Removed deprecated syntax for embedding variables within strings in image generator logs.
- Added numeric validation for logs in the content writer.
- Removed console logs from the code.


- Restricted scrollbar styling to only affect the bot interface.
- Fixed an issue with the widget where it stopped functioning after being cleared.
- Fixed an issue in the AI Assistant where the loading spinner continued running after receiving responses in Gutenberg.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to delete conversation starters in custom chatbots.
- Fixed a permission issue in AutoGPT.
- Fixed an issue in AI forms where a quota limit notification was not displaying.
- Fixed an issue in AI forms where special characters in the notification message caused display problems.
- Fixed an issue in embedding where accessing a non-existent post ID could produce error.
- Fixed an issue in custom chatbots where tokens did not reset after a certain interval.


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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to GPT AI Power: Complete AI Pack Pro 1.8.60 NULLED
  • 4 months later...
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Latest Update Version 1.8.79 NULLED

- Added support for the o1-preview and o1-mini models. Please note that access to these models requires your organization to be at usage tier 5 or higher. See [usage tiers](https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/rate-limits/usage-tiers) for more details. If you are accessing o1-preview or o1-mini via OpenRouter, make sure to disable streaming.
- Users can now enable or disable audio directly from the chat interface. More information [here](https://docs.aipower.org/docs/ChatGPT/advanced-setup/voice-chat).
- Fixed a spacing issue in AI Form outputs for consistent formatting.
- Updated chat logs to use current_time('timestamp') instead of time() for more accurate local time records.
- Added a "Limits" button to check OpenRouter usage and credits.

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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to GPT AI Power: Complete AI Pack Pro 1.8.79 NULLED

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