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Free Download ConsentMagic Pro v3.3.0 NULLED Plugin

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WordPress CONSENT Plugin: GDPR, CCPA

Free Download latest update ConsentMagic Pro NULLED

Persuade your visitors to agree to tracking, while respecting the legal requirements

  • Ask for consent the right way
  • Fully integrated with the PixelYourSite plugin
  • Block scripts and cookies when required
  • Multilingual support
  • Front-end text in 25 langauges
  • WordPress PRIVACY & CONSENT plugin: Cookie consent, GDPR, CCPA, Google Fonts, custom consent, and more...

Geo-Targeted Rules

Show the right consent message to each visitor. Target traffic based on their location's laws.

Automatically block scripts & cookies

Block tracking when needed. Make sure you don't break the law by tracking users that didn't express their consent.

Cookies & Script Scanner

Scan your website for tracking scripts and cookies. Inform your visitors about how you track their data.


The front-end text is translated into 25 languages. Add any extra language you need. It works with WPML or any WordPress multilingual plugin.


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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to ConsentMagic Pro v3.3.0 NULLED
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Latest Updated.

ConsentMagic 3.3.0

30 April, 2024

  • Google Consent Mode support for Google Tags inserted with various plugins (Site Kit, MonsterInsights, Google Analytics for WooCommerce, GA Google Analytics).
  • Fixing small bugs and possible issues, code improvements.
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  • 1 month later...
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Latest Update Version ConsentMagic 3.3.4

24 June, 2024

  • Subdomain consent tracking support. You can configure the plugin to track unified consent for subdomains and domains.
  • [remove_sticky] shortcode that will remove the sticky message on a page.
  • Changes to how the scripts and cookies scanner detects and updates data.
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  • Arfiano MV changed the title to Free Download ConsentMagic Pro v3.3.0 NULLED Plugin

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