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About Me

  1. Version 2.9.3 NULLED


    Download free latest update Dooo - Movie & Web Series Portal App. Dooo is Android Movie & WebSeries Application, that runs with a fast and lightweight admin panel. The android app builds with native java, admin panel builds with PHP, JS, and Html (CodeIgniter). Organizing Dooo from admin panel, and Movie or WebSeries or Live TV, also available Custom User Login System, Add To Favourite and many more. We build this item with very detailed parts, well-structured code, and neat and good design is our priority. Feature Implement Material Design for Android Auto Next Episode Play Add To Favourite Saves On Account So User Can Access From Anywhere Supported Video Formats- mp4, mkv, m3u8, mpd, Youtube, Embed Saved Content Register User Login User Profile User with Avatar Forgot Password Suport Notification With Image Notification Badge Beatifull Home Screen Search All Contents Powerfull Search System Trailer About Us Page Privacy Policy Page Toasts & Alerts – Added ability to display alerts, Toasts, success, errors, loadings, and more. Webview Page Search Page Login Page Beauty Splash Screen Register Page Light Server Request Powerful UI Live TV Subscription System Cupon Code System App Version Control StartApp Ads Admob Ads All Ad Data Can Be set From Admin Panal Auto Import Movie & WebSeries DATA From TMDB Material Drawer #WEB ADMIN : Implement Material Design Web Admin Material Form Material dialog view Support Multi User (Comming Soon In Next Update) Support Multi ROLE User (Admin & Writer) (Comming Soon In Next Update) Responsive Web Admin Responsive Drawer Menu Add,Edit,Update,Delete Movie Add,Edit,Update,Delete WebSeries Search Content Responsive Table Web Admin Using Php, Html, JS Easy Customize color All in one API url Users Management (Edit or Delete or Update or Upgrade User) Integrated with Onesignal push notification Notification With Image Direct Notification Rich Text Editor Manage User Account Manage App Version Ripple Effect Material Drawer Beauty Cardview Light and Clean Code Supported Content Source m3u8 mp4 mkv Animixplay Dropbox DoodStream Dailymotion Embed Fembed Facebook GoogleDrive GogoAnime MixDrop MediaShore Onedrive OKru StreamTape StreamSB Twitter VK Voesx Voot Vudeo Vimeo Yandex Youtube YoutubeLive
  2. View File eSchool - School Management System with Student | Parents | Teacher Flutter App | Laravel Admin Download free eSchool - School Management System with Student | Parents | Teacher Flutter App | Laravel Admin NULLED. eSchool App NULLED is a comprehensive solution that empowers administrators and teachers to manage their schools. An easy-to-use dashboard lets you track student attendance, assignments, vacations, and other activities. Features of eSchool Select elective subjects It allows students to select elective subjects online. The app is easy to use and ideal for all students. Select assignment It created with the purpose to help students and teachers in their daily activities. View attendance It provides parents and students a view of attendance in real-time. View Holidays It allows you to view holiday calendar, events, school information, and other necessary information for school. View Timetable It allows students and parents to view the timetable in a user-friendly way. Multi-Language It allows you to change the language of app to English, Hindi & Urdu language. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/01/23 Category Flutter App File Size 156.20 MB Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/eschool-virtual-school-management-system-flutter-app-with-laravel-admin-panel/38335673  
  3. Version 3.3.0 NULLED


    Download free eSchool - School Management System with Student | Parents | Teacher Flutter App | Laravel Admin NULLED. eSchool App NULLED is a comprehensive solution that empowers administrators and teachers to manage their schools. An easy-to-use dashboard lets you track student attendance, assignments, vacations, and other activities. Features of eSchool Select elective subjects It allows students to select elective subjects online. The app is easy to use and ideal for all students. Select assignment It created with the purpose to help students and teachers in their daily activities. View attendance It provides parents and students a view of attendance in real-time. View Holidays It allows you to view holiday calendar, events, school information, and other necessary information for school. View Timetable It allows students and parents to view the timetable in a user-friendly way. Multi-Language It allows you to change the language of app to English, Hindi & Urdu language.
  4. View File Dooo - Movie & Web Series Portal App Download free latest update Dooo - Movie & Web Series Portal App. Dooo is Android Movie & WebSeries Application, that runs with a fast and lightweight admin panel. The android app builds with native java, admin panel builds with PHP, JS, and Html (CodeIgniter). Organizing Dooo from admin panel, and Movie or WebSeries or Live TV, also available Custom User Login System, Add To Favourite and many more. We build this item with very detailed parts, well-structured code, and neat and good design is our priority. Feature Implement Material Design for Android Auto Next Episode Play Add To Favourite Saves On Account So User Can Access From Anywhere Supported Video Formats- mp4, mkv, m3u8, mpd, Youtube, Embed Saved Content Register User Login User Profile User with Avatar Forgot Password Suport Notification With Image Notification Badge Beatifull Home Screen Search All Contents Powerfull Search System Trailer About Us Page Privacy Policy Page Toasts & Alerts – Added ability to display alerts, Toasts, success, errors, loadings, and more. Webview Page Search Page Login Page Beauty Splash Screen Register Page Light Server Request Powerful UI Live TV Subscription System Cupon Code System App Version Control StartApp Ads Admob Ads All Ad Data Can Be set From Admin Panal Auto Import Movie & WebSeries DATA From TMDB Material Drawer #WEB ADMIN : Implement Material Design Web Admin Material Form Material dialog view Support Multi User (Comming Soon In Next Update) Support Multi ROLE User (Admin & Writer) (Comming Soon In Next Update) Responsive Web Admin Responsive Drawer Menu Add,Edit,Update,Delete Movie Add,Edit,Update,Delete WebSeries Search Content Responsive Table Web Admin Using Php, Html, JS Easy Customize color All in one API url Users Management (Edit or Delete or Update or Upgrade User) Integrated with Onesignal push notification Notification With Image Direct Notification Rich Text Editor Manage User Account Manage App Version Ripple Effect Material Drawer Beauty Cardview Light and Clean Code Supported Content Source m3u8 mp4 mkv Animixplay Dropbox DoodStream Dailymotion Embed Fembed Facebook GoogleDrive GogoAnime MixDrop MediaShore Onedrive OKru StreamTape StreamSB Twitter VK Voesx Voot Vudeo Vimeo Yandex Youtube YoutubeLive Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/04/23 Category Android File Size 46.54 MB Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/dooo-movie-web-series-portal-app/31258711  
  5. View File Shopo eCommerce - Multivendor eCommerce Flutter App with Admin Panel, Website & PWA Shopo – Sistem eCommerce Multivendor Laravel adalah solusi eCommerce lengkap untuk Bisnis eCommerce online Anda. Kami telah menghadirkan semua fungsi atau opsi yang diperlukan dalam bisnis. Sistem eCommerce Multivendor Shopo – Laravel ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai Sistem eCommerce Vendor Tunggal. Dengan panel admin yang tangguh dan fasilitasnya Shopo – Laravel Multivendor eCommerce System menjadi solusi bisnis yang lengkap Shopo – Sistem eCommerce Multivendor Laravel cocok untuk bisnis atau platform online berikut yang berurusan dengan eCommerce, eCommerce online, perdagangan Facebook, Toko online, laravel eComemrce, eCommerce Multivendor, eCommerce vendor tunggal, pasar, toko peralatan olahraga, situs web elektronik, dan banyak lagi . Shopo – Platform eCommerce Laravel Multivendor eCommerce System semakin populer saat ini dan kami terus memenuhi semua permintaan pengguna kami. Skrip memiliki kategori, merek, produk, atribut yang tidak terbatas. kupon, pesanan, opsi pembuatan kategori. Muncul dengan 9 gateway pembayaran, sistem manajemen konten lengkap, SEO, sistem pelacakan pesanan, dan banyak lagi. Demo & Admin Panles Front End: Browse Website Admin Panel: Login to Admin Panel Admin Panel Login: [email protected] | 1234 User Panel: https://shopo-ecom.vercel.app/login User Panel Login: [email protected] | 1234 Seller Panel: Login to Seller Panel Seller Panel Login: [email protected] | 1234 Delivery Man Dashboard: Login to Delliveryman Panel Seller Panel Login: [email protected] | 1234 Shopo – Fitur Aplikasi Flutter eCommerce Multivendor: 45+ Layar Berkualitas Tinggi Desain Modern Sepenuhnya Dapat Disesuaikan Kode Bersih dan proyek yang terstruktur dengan baik Kompatibel Lintas Platform Untuk Android dan iOS Dukungan 60 FPS untuk Android & iOS UI yang sepenuhnya responsif Transisi yang mulus Mudah diintegrasikan ke dalam proyek Anda Didokumentasikan dengan baik Dukungan Khusus Shopo – Fitur Utama Sistem eCommerce Multivendor Laravel: Laravel 8 digunakan sebagai bahasa Kerangka kerja NextJS Kode ramah pengguna dan mudah dinavigasi Desain yang menarik dan sepenuhnya responsif Keamanan kode yang kuat Cari produk berdasarkan kategori, subkategori, kategori anak, merek, varian produk atau nama khusus Pemuatan produk Ajax Verifikasi langganan dengan email Pilihan varian produk Varian harga produk bijaksana analisis Google Piksel Facebook Google reCaptcha Manajemen kupon Daftar Keinginan Produk Perbandingan produk Kesepakatan kilat Tawaran kampanye Modul pengiriman Sistem pengumuman Modul pemeliharaan Sistem Multi Vendor Didukung RTL Obrolan langsung Shopo – METODE PEMBAYARAN Sistem eCommerce Multivendor Laravel: Paypal Garis pembayaran pisau cukur gelombang bergetar Mollie Tumpukan gaji Instagram Bayar di tempat Pembayaran Bank Shopo – FITUR ADMIN Sistem eCommerce Multivendor Laravel: Panel admin 100% aman Kategori, Sub-Kategori, Pengelolaan Kategori Anak Manajemen merek Manajemen Produk Manajemen Produk Penjual Manajemen varian produk Manajemen produk kampanye Manajemen produk kesepakatan kilat Manajemen ulasan produk Manajemen laporan produk Manajemen negara, negara bagian dan kota Manajemen kupon Manajemen pengiriman Manajemen metode pembayaran Manajemen periklanan Manajemen penarikan pembayaran penjual Tarik manajemen metode Manajemen pelanggan Manajemen penjual Manajemen admin Pengaturan SEO untuk semua halaman Manajemen penggeser Manajemen halaman beranda Manajemen visibilitas menu Manajemen Pelayanan Manajemen mode pemeliharaan Manajemen modal pengumuman Manajemen menu besar Footer situs web dinamis surat server SMTP Konfigurasi email dan pengaturan template Opsi Persetujuan Cookie Opsi Google Recaptcha Opsi Google Analitik Opsi Obrolan Langsung Tawk Opsi piksel Facebook Kelola Halaman Kesalahan permintaan HTTP Manajemen Pengaturan Umum Opsi Paginasi Dinamis Pembuatan multi admin dimungkinkan Semua opsi perubahan gambar Spanduk Hapus opsi basis data untuk memulai situs web sebagai instalasi baru Kelola Warna Tema FAQ membuat, mengedit, dan menghapus opsi Tentang manajemen Halaman Syarat dan Ketentuan, Kebijakan Privasi Manajemen halaman Opsi buat, edit, dan hapus halaman dinamis khusus Opsi perubahan bahasa untuk front end dan back end dengan Dukungan RTL Kelola pelanggan dengan opsi email ke pelanggan Informasi profil, foto, opsi perubahan kata sandi Opsi lupa dan setel ulang kata sandi Opsi buat, edit, dan hapus Kategori Blog Opsi buat, edit, dan hapus blog Kelola Komentar Blog Manajemen pesan kontak Dan banyak lagi… Shopo – FITUR PENJUAL Sistem eCommerce Multivendor Laravel: Kelola profil shope dan profil pengguna Ubah opsi kata sandi Catatan pesanan Manajemen Produk Manajemen varian produk Log laporan produk Log ulasan produk Kelola permintaan penarikan Tarik log Sistem obrolan waktu nyata dengan pelanggan Shopo – Persyaratan Sistem eCommerce Multivendor Laravel: Anda perlu memastikan server Anda memenuhi persyaratan berikut: PHP >= 7.3.0 Ekstensi PHP BCMath Ekstensi Ctype PHP Ekstensi fileinfo PHP Ekstensi JSON PHP Ekstensi Mbstring PHP Ekstensi OpenSSL PHP Ekstensi PDO PHP Ekstensi Tokenizer PHP Ekstensi XML PHP Shopo – Multivendor eCommerce Flutter App Screens: 01_Splash 02_Onboarding 01 03_Onboarding 02 04_Onboarding 03 05_login 06_Creat account 01 07_Creat account 02 08_Email Verify 09_Location 01 10_Location 02 11_Location confirmation 03 12_Forget password 01 13_Forget password 02 14_Forget password 03 15_Home 16_Home with manu 17_Home with search result 18_Food/Fruit 19_Food/ Vegetable 20_Orange 21_Brocoli vegetable 22_Cart 23_Cart check out 01 24_Cart check out 02 25_Cart check out 03 26_Payment Details 27_Order summery for pickup 28_Delivery process 29_Tracking map 30_Offer list 31_Offer detail 32_Setting Harap dibaca! Semua File disitus Ini Aman Dan Bersih & Telah Diperiksa Di VirusTotal. Program ini sebenarnya berbayar. Program ini sudah dimodifikasi untuk menjadikan versi berbayar seumur hidup dan gratis untuk Anda $$. Semua program di situs saya dilindungi dari modifikasi berlebih Dengan program yang didedikasikan untuk perlindungan dari gangguan. Terimakasih telah mengunjungi Codinganme.com 🙂 Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 10/18/2023 Category Flutter App
  6. View File 6valley Multi-Vendor E-commerce - Complete eCommerce Mobile App, Web, Seller and Admin Panel 6Valley is a modern and flexible multi-vendor e-commerce system where you can organize multiple shops and stores such as digital stores, fashion stores, sports stores, home & living stores, health & beauty stores, and many others in one platform. In simple words, you’ll get All Things Under One Roof! Business owners dealing with eCommerce, electronics shops, online shops, online delivery, order, and Multi-vendor/Single-vendor online business will find this package to be extremely useful. You can offer your customers the best shopping experience with its mobile-optimized design. This script is a clean and modern solution for online marketplaces. With a clean, trendy design, 6valley will make your online store more impressive and appealing. Enhance your customers’ ability to buy your products quickly by increasing your conversion rate. PHP Laravel is used to develop both the Web frontend and Admin panel for 6valley. It will also be available on iOS and Android thanks to Flutter’s cross-platform development! 15+ Reasons to Buy 6valley: A complete multi-vendor eCommerce system. Easy to organize shops and stores under one e-Commerce system. 2 SUPERB Web panels: Admin Panel & Seller panel. (Developed Using Laravel) 3 mobile applications: User app, Seller app, and Deliveryman app. (Developed using Flutter, Please note the Deliveryman app is not included you need to purchase it separately) Modern website. (Developed Using Laravel blade) Multiple themes. All the apps are available on PlayStore (Android) & AppStore (iOS). Phenomenal features to enhance the multi-vendor online ordering and delivery system. 100% responsive design to provide a great user experience. An Admin Dashboard that holds everything together. Managing customers at ease. Constant development with regular updates. Clean, well-structured and maintainable code Active customer support to help. Value for money system. Flexible prices, no surprises! Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 08/17/2023 Category Flutter App File Size 150.4 MB Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/6valley-multivendor-ecommerce-complete-ecommerce-mobile-app-web-and-admin-panel/31448597
  7. Version v14.7 NULLED


    6Valley is a modern and flexible multi-vendor e-commerce system where you can organize multiple shops and stores such as digital stores, fashion stores, sports stores, home & living stores, health & beauty stores, and many others in one platform. In simple words, you’ll get All Things Under One Roof! Business owners dealing with eCommerce, electronics shops, online shops, online delivery, order, and Multi-vendor/Single-vendor online business will find this package to be extremely useful. You can offer your customers the best shopping experience with its mobile-optimized design. This script is a clean and modern solution for online marketplaces. With a clean, trendy design, 6valley will make your online store more impressive and appealing. Enhance your customers’ ability to buy your products quickly by increasing your conversion rate. PHP Laravel is used to develop both the Web frontend and Admin panel for 6valley. It will also be available on iOS and Android thanks to Flutter’s cross-platform development! 15+ Reasons to Buy 6valley: A complete multi-vendor eCommerce system. Easy to organize shops and stores under one e-Commerce system. 2 SUPERB Web panels: Admin Panel & Seller panel. (Developed Using Laravel) 3 mobile applications: User app, Seller app, and Deliveryman app. (Developed using Flutter, Please note the Deliveryman app is not included you need to purchase it separately) Modern website. (Developed Using Laravel blade) Multiple themes. All the apps are available on PlayStore (Android) & AppStore (iOS). Phenomenal features to enhance the multi-vendor online ordering and delivery system. 100% responsive design to provide a great user experience. An Admin Dashboard that holds everything together. Managing customers at ease. Constant development with regular updates. Clean, well-structured and maintainable code Active customer support to help. Value for money system. Flexible prices, no surprises!
  8. View File Foodyman - Multi-Restaurant Food and Grocery Ordering and Delivery Marketplace (Web & Customer Apps) Download free latest update Foodyman - Multi-Restaurant Food & Grocery Ordering and Delivery Marketplace (Web & Customer Apps) NULLED. Welcome to Foodyman NULLED: Food and Grocery Ordering and Delivery Marketplace. Download Foodyman Apps (Delivery & Vendor): https://safefileku.com/download/zYpPLEh3oDiKQmij If you are wandering what would you get in addition to our TOP-OF-THE-LINE UI and UX, please continue reading below: All-in-one: 1. Website; 2. Mobile Customer apps (Android and iOS); 3. Admin Panel (web); 4. Seller Panel (web). A Vendor app and delivery app is available but sold separately. SEO and lighting fast page loading times: If you already have or strive your E-commerce to expand beyond your neighborhood, you will need a solution that provides an excellent page load time, search engine optimization (SEO) and high-throughput readiness . Foodyman uses various technologies to offer these key features. Specifically, we built the front-end (website) with Nextjs to maximize page loading time and SEO. Our database is optimized for high throughput (no impact on performance in a live project with over 100,000 unique products). A growing list of critical features : 1. Top-notch UI design; 2. Group order; 3. Cashbacks; 4. Referral; 5. An extensive list of reports. 6. Story; 7. Subscription (as part of an extended license); 8. Multiple zone selection for deliveries and many more. Versatile: designed with a range of department stores in mind (Food, Grocery and Pharmacy.) Core technologies: Laravel (backend) Flutter (mobile apps) Reactjs (admin panels) Typescript and Nextjs (website) Rest API Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/01/2023 Category Flutter App File Size 63.41 MB Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/foodyman-food-and-grocery-ordering-and-delivery-marketplace-website-customer-app-iosandroid/43679000
  9. Version v2024-22 NULLED


    Download free latest update Foodyman - Multi-Restaurant Food & Grocery Ordering and Delivery Marketplace (Web & Customer Apps) NULLED. Welcome to Foodyman NULLED: Food and Grocery Ordering and Delivery Marketplace. Download Foodyman Apps (Delivery & Vendor): https://safefileku.com/download/zYpPLEh3oDiKQmij If you are wandering what would you get in addition to our TOP-OF-THE-LINE UI and UX, please continue reading below: All-in-one: 1. Website; 2. Mobile Customer apps (Android and iOS); 3. Admin Panel (web); 4. Seller Panel (web). A Vendor app and delivery app is available but sold separately. SEO and lighting fast page loading times: If you already have or strive your E-commerce to expand beyond your neighborhood, you will need a solution that provides an excellent page load time, search engine optimization (SEO) and high-throughput readiness . Foodyman uses various technologies to offer these key features. Specifically, we built the front-end (website) with Nextjs to maximize page loading time and SEO. Our database is optimized for high throughput (no impact on performance in a live project with over 100,000 unique products). A growing list of critical features : 1. Top-notch UI design; 2. Group order; 3. Cashbacks; 4. Referral; 5. An extensive list of reports. 6. Story; 7. Subscription (as part of an extended license); 8. Multiple zone selection for deliveries and many more. Versatile: designed with a range of department stores in mind (Food, Grocery and Pharmacy.) Core technologies: Laravel (backend) Flutter (mobile apps) Reactjs (admin panels) Typescript and Nextjs (website) Rest API
  10. View File Grocery Vegetable Store Delivery Mobile App with Admin Panel - GoGrocer Download free latest update Grocery Vegetable Store Delivery Mobile App with Admin Panel - GoGrocer NULLED. GoGrocer NULLED - Grocery Vegetable Store Delivery Mobile App with Admin Panel FEATURES Admin Control Features: App User: Admin can see the total registered users on the admin panel and edit the details of user. Add Wallet Amount: Admin can add wallet amount to user’s wallet and admin can see the wallet recharge history. Categories & Sub-Categories: Admin can create unlimited categories & sub-categories with custom icons.There are different sections for parent categories and sub-categories addition in admin panel. Products: Add master products for all stores by standard prices (Stores can change the price later.) Reports: Admin can see the sales report (item sales report of 30 days, item sales report daywise, deliver boy order reports, store order reports etc.). Send Notifications:Admin can send Notification to users, stores and delivery boys. Store Management: Admin can add multiple stores. Approve Store: Admin can approve store which store is registered through app. Approve Store Products: Admin can approve products which will be added by store. Bulk Add for products: admin can add products and product varient in bulk via .csv file. Pages: Inner pages for to show on app (about us and terms & conditons). Area Management:Admin can add cities/societies/areas. Rewards System: Admin can set the per reward points on cart value and set redeem points per reward point. Order Management : Admin can check pending orders, rejected by store orders, completed orders,cancelled orders, day wise orders and missed orders. Missed Orders:Admin can cancel or assign missed order(delivery day missed) to a delivery boy for next day. Payout system:Store raise a payout request on/above certain amount(fixed by admin) of its earning and Admin can respond payout requests of store. Delivery Boy Management: Admin can add delivery boys and assign it to the store(s). Delivery boy incentive: Admin can set the incentive per order for delivery boys. Feedback/Callback: Admin can see user,store and delivery boy feedback in feedback sections and callback requests in callback sections. Msg91 and Twilio: Admin can switch on/off msg91 or twilio from admin panel settings for messages in user app. Firebase OTP: Admin can switch on/off firebase OTP from Admin panel settings. Google Map/Mapbox: Admin can switch On/off google map or mapbox(for india) for add location and map in user app and admin panel. Payment Mode:Admin can select one of the online payment mode(razorpay(for india only), paypal, stripe and paystack(for south africa, nigeria)) for app. Images store: Admin can select one of the spaces(digital ocean, aws and same server) for storing images.(admin have to create its own credentials for digital ocean and aws spaces and have to set in the project) Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 10/31/2023 Category Flutter App File Size 69.63 MB Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/supermarket-grocery-store-android-apps-complete-package-with-3-apps/22083396
  11. Version 1.11.0 NULLED


    Download free latest update Grocery Vegetable Store Delivery Mobile App with Admin Panel - GoGrocer NULLED. GoGrocer NULLED - Grocery Vegetable Store Delivery Mobile App with Admin Panel FEATURES Admin Control Features: App User: Admin can see the total registered users on the admin panel and edit the details of user. Add Wallet Amount: Admin can add wallet amount to user’s wallet and admin can see the wallet recharge history. Categories & Sub-Categories: Admin can create unlimited categories & sub-categories with custom icons.There are different sections for parent categories and sub-categories addition in admin panel. Products: Add master products for all stores by standard prices (Stores can change the price later.) Reports: Admin can see the sales report (item sales report of 30 days, item sales report daywise, deliver boy order reports, store order reports etc.). Send Notifications:Admin can send Notification to users, stores and delivery boys. Store Management: Admin can add multiple stores. Approve Store: Admin can approve store which store is registered through app. Approve Store Products: Admin can approve products which will be added by store. Bulk Add for products: admin can add products and product varient in bulk via .csv file. Pages: Inner pages for to show on app (about us and terms & conditons). Area Management:Admin can add cities/societies/areas. Rewards System: Admin can set the per reward points on cart value and set redeem points per reward point. Order Management : Admin can check pending orders, rejected by store orders, completed orders,cancelled orders, day wise orders and missed orders. Missed Orders:Admin can cancel or assign missed order(delivery day missed) to a delivery boy for next day. Payout system:Store raise a payout request on/above certain amount(fixed by admin) of its earning and Admin can respond payout requests of store. Delivery Boy Management: Admin can add delivery boys and assign it to the store(s). Delivery boy incentive: Admin can set the incentive per order for delivery boys. Feedback/Callback: Admin can see user,store and delivery boy feedback in feedback sections and callback requests in callback sections. Msg91 and Twilio: Admin can switch on/off msg91 or twilio from admin panel settings for messages in user app. Firebase OTP: Admin can switch on/off firebase OTP from Admin panel settings. Google Map/Mapbox: Admin can switch On/off google map or mapbox(for india) for add location and map in user app and admin panel. Payment Mode:Admin can select one of the online payment mode(razorpay(for india only), paypal, stripe and paystack(for south africa, nigeria)) for app. Images store: Admin can select one of the spaces(digital ocean, aws and same server) for storing images.(admin have to create its own credentials for digital ocean and aws spaces and have to set in the project)
  12. Version 4.5.0 NULLED


    QRPay provides a comprehensive QR code-based solution that simplifies money transfers. It supports both Android and iOS platforms, as well as an easy-to-use website and efficient admin panel. The system comprises three interfaces: User Panel, Merchant Panel, and Super Admin Panel. Key features include effortless money transfer via QR codes; fast payment processing capabilities; options for mobile recharge services; functionality to pay bills with ease; streamlined solutions for sending payments efficiently ; potential virtual card opportunities;a secure checkout page payments integration through versatile gateway-payment API which is also accessible by developers.Our top priority is providing exceptional software solutions at an affordable cost so you can capitalize on the numerous opportunities in this dynamic industry . With QRPay's help , transform your ordinary operations into extraordinary achievements! Complete Documentation is in the Files Demo & how the application works: User Features Create a memorable first impression with captivating landing pages that showcase your brand and offerings. Engage visitors from the moment they arrive to make a lasting impact with Dynamic Landing Pages. Facilitate secure entry to your platform by implementing robust user authentication methods. Safeguard confidential data and instill confidence in both yourself and your users. Email Verification enhances security and validates user accounts by verifying their email addresses. It ensures that your platform is safeguarded against unauthorized access while maintaining a dependable community of users. QRPay makes money transfer hassle-free by getting rid of tedious account numbers and complicated procedures. With QRCode Money Transfer, users can conveniently scan a code to make transactions quicker than ever before. QRPay simplifies the payment process with its user-friendly interface, enabling users to pay for goods and services in a secure manner without requiring cash or physical cards. With Advanced Security Systems in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that your financial information is safeguarded by cutting-edge security measures to uphold the secrecy and accuracy of your transactions. Streamline your billing process by integrating both automated and manual payment gateways. Achieve smooth, stress-free transactions with hassle-free automation or manage payments manually as per your business requirements. Accelerate your transactions without compromising on security standards with QRPay. Our platform guarantees secure and smooth encrypted transactions that inspire confidence in users. Ensure seamless connectivity with the manual mobile recharge function, facilitating users to effortlessly add credit to their mobile accounts through the app. Stay connected at all times with our manual bill pay feature. Users can conveniently pay their utility bills straight from the app. With mobile wallet functionality, you can conveniently manage your funds and access your balance and transaction history anytime, anywhere. Experience the ease of a virtual card that enables you to make safe online transactions without requiring an actual physical card. QRPay offers integrated money transfer solutions that simplify global transactions, delivering fast and cost-effective results. Integrating with PayPal, the Paypal Payment Gateway offers a popular and recognizable payment solution to enable customers to pay seamlessly; this enhances user experience ultimately leading to higher satisfaction rates and conversion rates. Easily handle credit card transactions with the Stripe Payment Gateway integration, streamlining payment processing for your users and guaranteeing top-notch data protection. The Flutterwave Payment Gateway is an innovative and dependable system that transforms the process of adding funds and managing automated withdrawals. Featuring cutting-edge technology and a user-friendly design, users can enjoy a seamless transaction experience while businesses benefit from enhanced security measures. Improve user engagement and awareness through web-based push notifications. Disseminate critical updates, announcements, and customized messages to their gadgets. With user profiles, users can create and manage their own custom experiences. By providing personalization options, ownership of platforms is enhanced. Customizations allow for a more intuitive experience that caters to individual preferences. Enable User Account Deletion: Empower your users to exercise control over their accounts by offering them the option of deleting it. Prioritize privacy and data security measures while acknowledging users' decisions. Our Story: Craft a captivating About Us section to express the narrative, viewpoint and objectives of your brand. Foster credibility, articulate belief systems as well as associate with your audience on an intimate level. A comprehensive privacy policy demonstrates your dedication to safeguarding user data and ensuring their privacy. By establishing transparency and adhering to industry standards, it showcases compliance with regulations. The App Download section provides a user-friendly avenue to access your Android and iOS apps. Elevate the visibility of your apps, promote downloads, and guarantee frictionless interactions across various devices.
  13. View File QRPay - Money Transfer with QR Code Full Solution Web Scripts + App Include QRPay provides a comprehensive QR code-based solution that simplifies money transfers. It supports both Android and iOS platforms, as well as an easy-to-use website and efficient admin panel. The system comprises three interfaces: User Panel, Merchant Panel, and Super Admin Panel. Key features include effortless money transfer via QR codes; fast payment processing capabilities; options for mobile recharge services; functionality to pay bills with ease; streamlined solutions for sending payments efficiently ; potential virtual card opportunities;a secure checkout page payments integration through versatile gateway-payment API which is also accessible by developers.Our top priority is providing exceptional software solutions at an affordable cost so you can capitalize on the numerous opportunities in this dynamic industry . With QRPay's help , transform your ordinary operations into extraordinary achievements! Complete Documentation is in the Files Demo & how the application works: User Features Create a memorable first impression with captivating landing pages that showcase your brand and offerings. Engage visitors from the moment they arrive to make a lasting impact with Dynamic Landing Pages. Facilitate secure entry to your platform by implementing robust user authentication methods. Safeguard confidential data and instill confidence in both yourself and your users. Email Verification enhances security and validates user accounts by verifying their email addresses. It ensures that your platform is safeguarded against unauthorized access while maintaining a dependable community of users. QRPay makes money transfer hassle-free by getting rid of tedious account numbers and complicated procedures. With QRCode Money Transfer, users can conveniently scan a code to make transactions quicker than ever before. QRPay simplifies the payment process with its user-friendly interface, enabling users to pay for goods and services in a secure manner without requiring cash or physical cards. With Advanced Security Systems in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that your financial information is safeguarded by cutting-edge security measures to uphold the secrecy and accuracy of your transactions. Streamline your billing process by integrating both automated and manual payment gateways. Achieve smooth, stress-free transactions with hassle-free automation or manage payments manually as per your business requirements. Accelerate your transactions without compromising on security standards with QRPay. Our platform guarantees secure and smooth encrypted transactions that inspire confidence in users. Ensure seamless connectivity with the manual mobile recharge function, facilitating users to effortlessly add credit to their mobile accounts through the app. Stay connected at all times with our manual bill pay feature. Users can conveniently pay their utility bills straight from the app. With mobile wallet functionality, you can conveniently manage your funds and access your balance and transaction history anytime, anywhere. Experience the ease of a virtual card that enables you to make safe online transactions without requiring an actual physical card. QRPay offers integrated money transfer solutions that simplify global transactions, delivering fast and cost-effective results. Integrating with PayPal, the Paypal Payment Gateway offers a popular and recognizable payment solution to enable customers to pay seamlessly; this enhances user experience ultimately leading to higher satisfaction rates and conversion rates. Easily handle credit card transactions with the Stripe Payment Gateway integration, streamlining payment processing for your users and guaranteeing top-notch data protection. The Flutterwave Payment Gateway is an innovative and dependable system that transforms the process of adding funds and managing automated withdrawals. Featuring cutting-edge technology and a user-friendly design, users can enjoy a seamless transaction experience while businesses benefit from enhanced security measures. Improve user engagement and awareness through web-based push notifications. Disseminate critical updates, announcements, and customized messages to their gadgets. With user profiles, users can create and manage their own custom experiences. By providing personalization options, ownership of platforms is enhanced. Customizations allow for a more intuitive experience that caters to individual preferences. Enable User Account Deletion: Empower your users to exercise control over their accounts by offering them the option of deleting it. Prioritize privacy and data security measures while acknowledging users' decisions. Our Story: Craft a captivating About Us section to express the narrative, viewpoint and objectives of your brand. Foster credibility, articulate belief systems as well as associate with your audience on an intimate level. A comprehensive privacy policy demonstrates your dedication to safeguarding user data and ensuring their privacy. By establishing transparency and adhering to industry standards, it showcases compliance with regulations. The App Download section provides a user-friendly avenue to access your Android and iOS apps. Elevate the visibility of your apps, promote downloads, and guarantee frictionless interactions across various devices. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 10/20/2023 Category Flutter App File Size 90.79 MB Demo https://demo.appdevs.net/qrpay/
  14. View File Active eCommerce Flutter App Note: This is not an independent flutter app. This flutter app is only available for Active eCommerce cms. If you haven't downloaded it yet Active eCommerce CMS , click here to download. Application Demo : Demo Email Demo: [email protected] Demo Passwords: 123456 How does it work? An active eCommerce CMS must be pre-installed on your server Download Flutter ECommerce App for Active eCommerce cms from codecanyon Configure your Flutter app & upload it to play store or app store Finished! Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/02/2023 Category Flutter App File Size 25.05 MB Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/active-ecommerce-flutter-app/31466365
  15. Version v4.8.0 NULLED


    Note: This is not an independent flutter app. This flutter app is only available for Active eCommerce cms. If you haven't downloaded it yet Active eCommerce CMS , click here to download. Application Demo : Demo Email Demo: [email protected] Demo Passwords: 123456 How does it work? An active eCommerce CMS must be pre-installed on your server Download Flutter ECommerce App for Active eCommerce cms from codecanyon Configure your Flutter app & upload it to play store or app store Finished!
  16. View File 6amMart - Delivery Man App 6amMart delivery man app is the most important module of the 6amMart multi-vendor delivery system. Delivery men can accept and deliver orders using this app. Admin, stores, and users can view delivery man movement by helping this app. Delivery men can view their earnings and order history through this app. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 10/31/2023 Category Android File Size 3.67 MB Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/6ammart-delivery-man-app/36772148
  17. Version v2.6 NULLED


    6amMart delivery man app is the most important module of the 6amMart multi-vendor delivery system. Delivery men can accept and deliver orders using this app. Admin, stores, and users can view delivery man movement by helping this app. Delivery men can view their earnings and order history through this app.
  18. View File 6amMart - Store App 6amMart store app is another most important module of the 6amMart multivendor delivery system. The store owners can do all operations with this app besides the store web panel. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 10/31/2023 Category Android File Size 4.10 MB Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/6ammart-store-app/36772173
  19. Version v2.6 NULLED


    6amMart store app is another most important module of the 6amMart multivendor delivery system. The store owners can do all operations with this app besides the store web panel.
  20. Version v4.3 NULLED


    Free Download latest version 6Cash - Digital Wallet Mobile App with Laravel Admin Panel. 6Cash NULLED - Digital Wallet mobile app with Admin Panel developed using Laravel and Flutter Framework. 6cash’s Powerful admin panel will help you to control your business smartly. Download App Source Code : https://ouo.io/IACvPr IMPORTANT NOTE - Please register Customers from the User app or from the Admin panel and Agents from the Admin panel for a better experience, One more thing, the demo database will reset 1 hours intervals. You can use any Customer and Agent from the Admin panel with 1234 Pin.
  21. View File 6Cash - Digital Wallet Mobile App with Laravel Admin Panel Free Download latest version 6Cash - Digital Wallet Mobile App with Laravel Admin Panel. 6Cash NULLED - Digital Wallet mobile app with Admin Panel developed using Laravel and Flutter Framework. 6cash’s Powerful admin panel will help you to control your business smartly. Download App Source Code : https://ouo.io/IACvPr IMPORTANT NOTE - Please register Customers from the User app or from the Admin panel and Agents from the Admin panel for a better experience, One more thing, the demo database will reset 1 hours intervals. You can use any Customer and Agent from the Admin panel with 1234 Pin. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 10/31/2023 Category Flutter App File Size 139.56 MB Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/6cash-digital-wallet-mobile-app-with-laravel-admin-panel/37354147
  22. Version v2.7.0 Free

    1 download

    Infix – Aplikasi Manajemen Sekolah adalah aplikasi Flutter Android dan iOS untuk mengelola institusi pendidikan mana pun. Aplikasi ini memberikan informasi tepat waktu dan membagikan informasi tertentu melalui ponsel apa pun yang dioperasikan Android dan iOS. Manajemen, Staf, Siswa, Guru, dan orang-orang yang terlibat dalam Institusi lainnya dapat mengakses dan memperbarui informasi apa pun secara instan. Tujuannya bukan hanya untuk mengumpulkan informasi; hal ini juga memberikan kesempatan untuk memantau siswa dalam memenuhi tuntutan orang tua. Aplikasi ini memerlukan Skrip Manajemen Sekolah InfixEdu – Ini bukan Aplikasi Android dan iOS yang berdiri sendiri Aplikasi ini mudah digunakan dan dapat disesuaikan sehingga Anda dapat mengubah banyak komponen sesuai keinginan. Jadi, lihatlah aplikasi Android dan iOS Manajemen Sekolah yang berfungsi penuh dan unik untuk institusi Anda. Tautan aplikasi: Demo Aplikasi Android InfixEdu https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.edu.infix.infixedu Fitur Aplikasi Fitur Admin Daftar Siswa Menyetujui/Menolak permohonan Cuti Informasi Staf Tambahkan Asrama Tambahkan Kamar Kumpulan Siswa dan Lihat Kehadiran Unggah/Hapus Materi Pelajaran Tambahkan jenis Biaya Tambahkan Buku Perpustakaan Tambahkan Anggota Perpustakaan Buat Rute Transportasi Tambahkan Kendaraan dan Tetapkan Pengemudi Perbesar rapat Fitur Guru Daftar Siswa Informasi Akademik Kumpulan Siswa dan Lihat Kehadiran Terapkan Cuti Unggah/Hapus Materi Pelajaran Pemberitahuan Sekolah Lihat buku Perpustakaan Unggah Pekerjaan Rumah untuk Siswa Evaluasi pekerjaan rumah Siswa Zoom kelas/rapat Fitur Siswa Kelas Rutin Lihat pekerjaan rumah dan kirimkan Lihat/Unduh Materi Pelajaran Lihat Garis Waktu Lihat Kehadiran Kelas Jadwal dan Hasil Ujian Jadwal dan Hasil Ujian Online Terapkan Cuti Pemberitahuan Sekolah Lihat Subjek Hubungi Guru Lihat Buku Perpustakaan dan Buku yang Ditugaskan Lihat rute Transportasi dan detail Pengemudi Detail Asrama Kelas Zoom Fitur Orang Tua Daftar Anak Dasbor Anak Perbesar Rapat Pemberitahuan Dorong Pekerjaan rumah siswa dibuat – pemberitahuan kepada siswa dan orang tua mereka Ujian siswa dibuat – pemberitahuan kepada siswa dan orang tua mereka Biaya siswa ditetapkan – pemberitahuan kepada siswa dan orang tua mereka Pekerjaan rumah guru dibuat – mengirimkan pemberitahuan ke semua siswa di bagian itu Evaluasi pekerjaan rumah guru – mengirimkan pemberitahuan kepada siswa tersebut. Biaya disetujui – pemberitahuan kepada siswa dan orang tua mereka Cuti Siswa & Guru Disetujui / Ditolak. Pemberitahuan kepada mereka. Set kehadiran siswa – pemberitahuan kepada siswa Pemberitahuan penambahan materi belajar siswa (tugas, silabus, unduhan lainnya) kepada siswa Pekerjaan rumah siswa diserahkan – pemberitahuan kepada guru itu Gerbang pembayaran Paypal Tumpukan gaji Garis Xendit Khalti Pembayaran Bank pembayaran cek
  23. Version v2.0 Free


    Choose from 3000+ Advertisers from Admitad.com, Impact & Cuelinks Promote the Website and App & Earn Affiliate income Share the Cashback with Customers to boost your income Everything works in Auto-Mode Admin can also add advertisers & URLs manually One Code Base for Android, iOS & Website (Flutter) Reference links Customer App Demo Download Android App Backend Demo https://cash.codefuse.org/admin/start Website demo https://cash.codefuse.org/ Company Site https://codefuse.org/ Admin Credentials: User: [email protected] Pass: admin123 CATATAN : SILAKAN GUNAKAN NOMOR PONSEL ANDA SENDIRI UNTUK MENGUJI APLIKASI. UBAH KODE NEGARA DARI APLIKASI ITU SENDIRI. Atau jika ingin melihat akun demo gunakan ponsel 9999 9999 99 & masukkan OTP sebagai 123456. UI Menarik & Modern Kami dengan senang hati menghadirkan UI Sederhana, menampilkan tampilan yang mudah & bersih dengan visual yang bagus dan konten yang dimuat dengan cepat. Opsi Tema Warna Opsi warna memungkinkan pengguna mengatur warna favorit mereka untuk mengubah tampilan aplikasi. Tumpukan Teknologi Terbaru Kami telah mengembangkan aplikasi di flutter 3 dan backend di PHP menggunakan kerangka Laravel. Dukungan Multi-Bahasa dan RTL Mendukung berbagai bahasa dan RTL, sehingga pengguna Anda dapat berbelanja dalam bahasa pilihan mereka. Sepenuhnya Otomatis Aplikasi ini bekerja pada mode otomatis. Ini sepenuhnya terintegrasi dengan Impact.com & Cuelinks.com Sistem CashBack Otomatis Pengguna mendapatkan cashback otomatis ketika mereka berbelanja dari salah satu merek yang terdaftar di aplikasi. Anda dapat menentukan rasio penghasilan saham afiliasi yang Anda peroleh dari dampak atau tautan isyarat. Dokumentasi file aplikasi : Apa yang akan Anda dapatkan dalam paket tersebut? Item berikut termasuk dalam paket ini: Kode Sumber Aplikasi Seluler Pelanggan (berdasarkan Flutter Framework) Situs Web Sepenuhnya Responsif (berdasarkan Flutter) Kode Sumber Panel Admin Backend (berdasarkan PHP Laravel Framework) Dokumentasi Lengkap untuk instalasi & panduan Tentang Teknologi DART – BERGERAKAN Flutter adalah framework open source yang dibuat oleh Google untuk pengembangan aplikasi seluler. Dengan menggunakan kerangka kerja ini, aplikasi dapat dikembangkan untuk Perangkat Android dan iOS. PHP – LARAVEL Laravel adalah framework PHP dengan sintaksis yang ekspresif dan elegan. Kami telah meletakkan fondasinya — memberi Anda kebebasan untuk berkreasi tanpa harus memusingkan hal-hal kecil.
  24. Version v4.1.0 NULLED


    Free Download latest version AdBot - ChatGPT Open AI Android and iOS App Nulled. AdBot is a highly popular AI-based program that people use for generating dialogues. The chatbot has a language-based model that the developer fine-tunes for human interaction conversationally. It’s a simulated chatbot primarily designed for customer service; people use it for various other purposes. Using the ChatGPT chatbot is fairly simple; you only have to type in your text and receive the information. Premium features include text-to-speech multiple-language support configuration, speech-to-text multiple-language support configuration, text share, image download, and share. However, OpenAI does require an account before you can use any of its tools, so if you don’t have one, you will have to register. Q: Do you want your personal and professional openAI chatbot Android and iOS Apps? This is perfect for you. Get this software license for entrepreneurs and start-ups. Our main goal is to provide software to entrepreneurs at a low cost. Now we have used the most expected model GPT-3.5 Turbo Model in the latest version. GPT-3.5 has more five models gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-3.5-turbo-0301, text-davinci-003, text-davinci-002, code-davinci-002. Learn More About GPT-3.5 Models Highlight Features Diet Chart Option in-app purchase Static Landing Page with React JS DEMO LANDING PAGE Sign In with GOOGLE Sign In with Apple ID Chat with ChatGPT (using text and voice note) Generate Image by Using Text Subscription Plans Paypal Payment Gateway Stripe Payment Gateway SSL Commerz Payment Gateway Paystack Payment Gateway Flutterwave Payment Gateway Text to Speech Multiple Language Support Configuration Speech to Text Multiple Language Support Configuration Image Download Image Share Conversation Share Message Copy with Long Press Manage Open AI API Key Manage Payment Gateway API Key Free User Sending Text Limitation (Max 50 Messages) Free User Sending Image Limitation (Max 10 Searches) Push Notification to All Users Submit Report to Authority Chat Generating Status Enable/Disable Image Generating Status Enable/Disable Subscription Plan Status Enable/Disable Android and iOS Apps Included All Source Code Clean Code and Online Documentations No Coding Knowledge Required [N.B. Our demo application won’t provide any response right now, there is no used paid API key on the demo application.
  25. Version v1.1 Free


    onProperty adalah Kit UI untuk flutter yang membantu Anda membangun aplikasi real estate di perangkat Android dan iOS. Templat sempurna dari aplikasi yang dikembangkan pada kerangka Flutter terbaru yang berisi kisi-kisi agen penjual tempat Anda dapat membuat daftar dan mencari properti beserta spesifikasi, gambar, video, pemetaan, dan detail properti. Demo Aplikasi : Layar Lebih dari 30 Layar: Guyuran Daftar dengan email atau telepon Masuk Lupa Password Laci Navigasi Tidak ingat kata sandi Dasbor Rumah Proyek Daftar Keinginan Profil Mengobrol Panggilan Audio Panggilan video Pemberitahuan Lokasi Pengikut Properti Mengikuti Hubungi kami Tambahkan Properti Cari Properti Proyek Baru Favorit Pencarian Tersimpan Agen Berita dan Blog Tentang kami Pengaturan Syarat dan Kebijakan Detail Rumah
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