PHP script programs, Java scripts and other scripts are released here
691 topics in this forum
View File Ultimate POS - Best ERP, Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application + Addons Free Download latest update Ultimate POS - Best ERP, Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application + Addons NULLED. This product is for those who are serious and really want to grow their business. You will find yourself a bargain when you download UltimatePOS NULLED. List of UltimatePOS Addons: Download UltimatePOS Addons: Key Features: Some Businesses/Shops: Set up some business in the app. There is no limit to the number of busines…
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Arfiano MV replied -
View File WoWonder - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform Free Download latest update WoWonder - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform + Add-on NULLED. WoWonder NULLED is a PHP Social Network Script, WoWonder is the best way to start your own social network website! Our platform is fast, secured, and it is being regularly updated. WoWonder is the only social network in the market that fully support native mobile apps, thanks to our advanced API system! Download WoWonder Plugins: Requirements: PHP 5.6 or Higher. MySQLi. GD Library PHP ext…
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Arfiano MV replied -
View File Zaiproty - Property Management Laravel Script Free Download latest Update Zaiproty - Property Management Laravel Script + Addon Nulled. Zaiproty NULLED Complete Property management software streamlines the day-to-day operations of property owners and managers. With features like online rent payments, maintenance requests, and lease tracking, this software makes it easy to manage multiple properties from one centralized platform. Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to increased efficiency and profitability with our property management software. The website has three different panels – Owner, Maintainer, and Tenant. We’ll get…
- 4 replies
Arfiano MV replied -
View File WriteBot - AI Content Generator SaaS Platform WriteBot – is an innovative SaaS platform that leverages the power of OpenAI Artificial Intelligence technology to provide your users with a variety of amazing features. WriteBot , users can easily produce unique, plagiarism-free content and images, leveraging multiple languages for increased versatility. All in one SaaS platform for generating content, images and AI code. It is designed to help you produce high-quality text instantly for everyone like Marketers, Copywriters, Journalists, eCommerce Professionals, Educators, Social Media Managers, Bloggers, SEO Experts, Content W…
- 5 replies
Arfiano MV replied -
View File WASender - Whatsapp server and bulk sender (SAAS) Free Download WASender - Whatsapp server and bulk sender (SAAS) NULLED. Built with Laravel and Node Js, WASender is a powerful platform for WhatsApp marketing. With over 2 billion active users, Whatsapp is one of the most popular messaging apps worldwide- offering businesses an ideal way to connect with potential customers as well as foster existing customer relationships. By creating multiple devices through WASender, clients get access to reach out effectively to their target audience while harnessing many interactive features within this solution such as chatbots that allow auto…
- 8 replies
Arfiano MV replied -
View File Varient - News & Magazine Script Varient - News & Magazine Script adalah scripts berita & majalah serbaguna. Ini memiliki desain yang bersih, responsif, dan ramah pengguna. Anda dapat mengelola hampir semua yang ada di situs Anda dengan panel Adminnya yang kuat. Ini adalah sistem multi-penulis dan semua penulis memiliki panel sendiri untuk mengelola posting mereka. Ini memiliki sistem agregator RSS dan Anda dapat menggunakannya sebagai skrip autopilot. Ini aman, dioptimalkan untuk SEO, cepat dan mudah digunakan. Fitur Utama : Desain Bersih dan Responsif Dibangun Menggunakan Bootstrap Sistem yan…
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Kooognd replied -
View File Restaurant POS - Restaurant management system with kitchen display Sistem POS Restoran dengan tampilan dapur adalah solusi manajemen restoran komprehensif yang dirancang untuk mengoptimalkan operasi dan meningkatkan efisiensi. Berikut ringkasan lengkap dari fitur utamanya: Item dan Pengubah Makanan: Sistem ini menawarkan fitur manajemen menu yang terorganisir dengan baik, memungkinkan navigasi yang mudah dan pemesanan berbagai item makanan. Ini mendukung pengubah berdasarkan bahan, memungkinkan opsi yang dapat disesuaikan untuk mengakomodasi preferensi individu dan kebutuhan diet. Sistem Tampilan Dapur: Dengan fungsi…
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View File Prophecy - An Online Betting Platform Prophecy - An Online Betting Platform adalah sistem manajemen taruhan. Bisa digunakan untuk menebak hasil pertandingan Piala Dunia / Turnamen dalam bentuk prediksi. Para pemain berlomba menebak hasil yang benar dari suatu pertandingan. Sepak Bola, Kriket, Bisbol, Bola Basket, atau bahkan pertanyaan Ya/Tidak seperti: akankah Brasil memenangkan Piala Dunia berikutnya. Pada awalnya Pengguna perlu menyetor untuk memprediksi. Pengguna akan mendapatkan bunga diikuti dengan rasio. Admin dapat mengontrol penguncian/pembukaan pertandingan, pembaruan rasio, pertanyaan, penambahan opsi secara instan di m…
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heyzoroo replied -
View File Ekattor 8 School Management System (SAAS) Free Download latest update Ekattor 8 School Management System (SAAS) NULLED. Ekattor 8 NULLED is a collection of programs designed to assist schools in administering their executive responsibilities on a day-to-day basis. Ekattor 8 is an updated version of Ekattor ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). Also, Ekattor 8 is designed for SAAS (Software as a Service) projects. Download Ekattor 8 School Transportation Addon | 46283120 This school management system empowers schools to keep track of their daily operations while centralizing their resources and in…
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View File Dolibarr KMG ArchiGED Premium module v3.3 Modul KMGArchiGED telah dikembangkan untuk memungkinkan pengelolaan dokumen masuk dalam suatu struktur, penerimaannya dari perangkat pemindaian yang mengelola pengiriman melalui FTP, pengirimannya melalui email, tautannya dengan elemen asli Dolibarr, serta pengarsipannya. Kasus penggunaan di asal modul adalah sebagai berikut: Surat diterima oleh sekretariat yang memiliki pemindai jaringan yang pintasannya telah dikonfigurasikan : Faktur Pemasok Dokumen Bank Dokumen Sosial Iuran dan pajak Surat lainnya Ber…
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View File 6Valley e-commerce - Delivery Man flutter app Note: Download System eCommerce 6Valley if you don't have it yet. Because this is not an independent vibrating application. This flutter app only works with 6Valley eCommerce Systems. 6Valley delivery man flutter app is the most important module of 6Valley eCommerce system. Admin and Seller can assign orders to Delivery man to send orders. Delivery personnel can view delivery locations, order details, and payment details. 6valley is a complete ecommerce system and its mobile app is developed by flutter. Flutter is an open source UI software development kit created by Google.…
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