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PHP script programs, Java scripts and other scripts are released here

  1. View File Speed Math - HTML5 Game- Construct 3 template Speed Math - HTML5 Game - Construct 3 & Construct 2 template (c3p) and (capx) How to play Speed Math : Solve the math questions as quickly as possible You will get 1-Html5 Game 2- Construct 3 file (.c3p) 3- Construct 2 file (.capx) Features . Compatible with Construct 3 and Construct 2 . Playable in all platforms (Mobile, PC, etc.) . THE GAME SCREEN AUTO RESIZE with all size .Touch and Mouse control . Easy to export to android & ios .endless game . Cute art . Easy to Reskin Instructions HOW …

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  2. View File SumoWebTools - Online Web Tools Script SumoWebTools is a web tools script that provides free internet tools useful in daily online activities. It supports multi-language, making it easy to customize the language you want with just a few taps. This script is built on Bootstrap v5, supports Light and Dark modes, and supports LTR and RTL layouts. With more than 150 commonly used web tools on the internet, it will help you quickly get approved for Google Adsense. Optimized for Page Speed Insights SumoWebTools has been optimized for performance according to the standards set by Google Page Speed Insights. This specialized…

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  3. View File Support Board: Chatbots Powered by OpenAI and Dialogflow Chatbots Didukung oleh OpenAI dan Dialogflow Mempercepat penyelesaian pelanggan dan mengotomatiskan percakapan dengan menggunakan salah satu bentuk kecerdasan buatan tercanggih di dunia. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan mudah hanya dalam beberapa menit. Demo : Chatbots Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/04/2023 Category Scripts

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  4. View File SurvLab - Online Survey Platform Download SurvLab - Online Survey Platform NULLED Free SurvLab is a very easy and simple Survey application that has dynamic frontend and backend features. The site is very secure, responsive, clean and the process is very easy to use. comes with both surveyor and user panels with different facilities. lots of payment gateways, easy to manage admin panel, SEO manager, Plugins, and more on more contextual Frontend. The application has: - Secure user registration system. - Well maintain Surveyor panel. - Automatic & Manual Payment gateway. - 100% anti-fraud system with unb…

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  5. View File Team Member Manager A ChatPion Add-On ChatPion Team Manager Add-on is an incredibly beneficial tool for individuals who struggle with self-management. It enables users to create and manage teams, designate tasks based on individual permissions granted. This strategy promotes productive platform management by assigning distinct roles and responsibilities to each team. Every member's accessibility is determined solely via their allotted permission level reinforcing a managed system where members exclusively access necessary features. In ChatPion Team Manager Add-on there are two options: A team role refers to the part…

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  6. View File TeleGroupBot Nulled v1.6 - Telegram Group Management Software (SaaS Platform) management of a Telegram group that is growing can seem like an overwhelming responsibility, but there's no need to panic! Allow us to introduce TeleGroupBot; your all-in-one solution for effortless and automated group management on Telegram. Say farewell to manual tasks and welcome a well-organized, engaged community with our smart bot technology. Our software was designed keeping efficiency and simplicity in mind. It transforms the way you manage your Telegram groups by making it easy for everyone - whether you are managing a community, running …

  7. View File TicketGo - Support Ticket System TicketGo – The Support Ticket System is an adequately designed ticket-managing PHP system that facilitates a great user experience for your Clients / Customers / End-User. Accessible by multiple Agents and Admins, this tool helps in managing tickets generated by Clients / Customers / End-User. By adequately managed support you can close the generated tickets. Demo Url : Demo Link Login as Admin : [email protected] / 1234 Login as Agent : [email protected] / 1234 Mobile Apps : Check TicketGo Native Android and iOS apps as a Premium Addon What to expect fro…

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  8. View File TikTok Video Downloader Without Watermark & Music Extractor Download TikTok Video Downloader Without Watermark & Music Extractor NULLED It is one of the best TikTok Downloaders available online to download TikTok videos without watermark. You are not required to install any software on your computer or mobile phone, all that you need is a TikTok video link, and all the processing is done on our side so you can be one click away from downloading videos to your devices. Demo TikTok Downloader Demo Admin Panel Demo Email: [email protected] Password: password Requirements Please read the whole …

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  9. View File ToolsAi - Ai Content, Image, Chatbot, Code and Speech To Text Generator SAAS Platform ToolsAi is a tool for generating AI speech to text, images, code, and content. In addition to creating custom templates according to our specifications, we have access to more than 60 build-in templates. You may quickly and simply install with One Click Installation. It's an AI tool with many capabilities that is both powerful and distinctive. Bid farewell to difficult design decisions, intricate coding, and employing a content writer. Produce high-quality pictures based on your own specialty. ToolsAi is accessible to all skill levels, from novic…

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  10. View File Tradexpro Exchange - Crypto Buy Sell and Trading platform, ERC20 and BEP20 Tokens Supported Tradexpro Exchange – platform Jual Beli dan Perdagangan Kripto lengkap, Pertukaran Kripto, Perdagangan Spot. Kami baru saja menambahkan Jaringan ERC20, Binance/BEP20, dan TRC20 sesuai permintaan pelanggan berharga kami, admin dapat menambahkan token erc20, bep20, dan trc20 mereka sendiri dan dapat memasangkannya dengan BTC, ETH, dan koin asli lainnya. Kami adalah Penulis Envato Eksklusif, dan kami tidak pernah menjual di luar Pasar Envato, waspadai versi nulled, dan harap hindari skrip nulled scammer. -User Demo url: https://tr…

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  11. View File Translate - PHP Script Transliteration from aliweb without any API using the database is easy to install and effective in translating words into 72 languages Site Demo: http://translate.000.pe Admin Demo: http://translate.000.pe/admin Username: Amylee Password: Amylee123 Instructions PHP 7.x - Linux/unix web-server. Apache 2.4+ with mod_rewrite MySQL 5.6+ Standard cPanel with phpmyadmin MySQL -PHP Extension Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 02/05/2024 …

  12. View File Typn - The Ultimate Community Platform Typn is a comprehensive community software solution that offers a wide range of features to help you build and grow your online community. With Typn, you can easily create and manage users, topics, and discussions. You can also customize your community's look and feel to match your brand. Features Typn offers a wide range of features to help you build and grow your online community. Here are just a few of the features that Typn offers: User management: Easily create and manage users, including their profiles, permissions, and settings. Topic management: Create and man…

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  13. View File UltimateSpeed PHP Code Generator Enterprise Ultimate Speed adalah alat yang ampuh untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pengembangan web, menghemat banyak waktu, dan meningkatkan keuntungan Anda. Kode instan, CRUD, dan pembuatan laporan dengan UI yang indah Hubungkan database Anda yang sudah ada atau buat yang baru dan hasilkan model, pengontrol, rute, formulir, kisi data, file bahasa, dan tata letak. Demo site : Super Admin Username: [email protected] Password: hezecom22 Users Username: [email protected] Password: hezecom22 Fitur Detil Halaman arahan responsif Admin responsif …

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  14. View File Varient - News & Magazine Script Varient - News & Magazine Script adalah scripts berita & majalah serbaguna. Ini memiliki desain yang bersih, responsif, dan ramah pengguna. Anda dapat mengelola hampir semua yang ada di situs Anda dengan panel Adminnya yang kuat. Ini adalah sistem multi-penulis dan semua penulis memiliki panel sendiri untuk mengelola posting mereka. Ini memiliki sistem agregator RSS dan Anda dapat menggunakannya sebagai skrip autopilot. Ini aman, dioptimalkan untuk SEO, cepat dan mudah digunakan. Fitur Utama : Desain Bersih dan Responsif Dibangun Menggunakan Bootstrap Sistem yan…

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  15. Lihat file VClub Colour Prediction App - Like Gambling scripts Permainan warna adalah permainan prediksi menarik dan populer yang semakin populer dalam beberapa hari terakhir. Pemain memiliki waktu tiga menit untuk memprediksi dengan benar warna gambar tertentu, dengan prediksi yang berhasil akan menghasilkan kemenangan. Platform ini juga memberikan kesempatan kepada pengguna untuk menghasilkan uang dengan memainkan game yang menyenangkan dan menarik ini. Color Game menawarkan pemain cara menghibur untuk menghasilkan uang sambil bersenang-senang di saat yang sama!. Fitur Admin Masuk Admin Kelola semua pengguna terd…

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  16. View File ViserPlace - Digital Marketplace Platform Download ViserPlace - Digital Marketplace Platform NULLED Are you looking for a complete Digital Marketplace system for your business, then you are in the right place. No need to pay thousands of dollars to hire developers to build your Marketplace Website. ViserPlace may assist you to handle unlimited users, orders, codes, themes, plugins, templates, categories, digital items, buyers, Reviewers, able to accept payment via cards, cryptos, and mobile money. the ready-to-go solution, takes only a few minutes to set up your website with our system. we also here to provide you best suppor…

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  17. View File Warehouse Inventory Management Solution (WIMS) WIMS (Warehouse Inventory Management Solution) dikembangkan untuk memberikan solusi yang mudah dan terjangkau untuk mengelola inventaris/stok gudang/gudang. Ia memiliki opsi untuk mengkategorikan item, menetapkan unit pengukuran, dan juga mengelola inventaris untuk varian item. Ya, Anda dapat mengelola banyak gudang. Harap dibaca! Semua File disitus Ini Aman Dan Bersih & Telah Diperiksa Di VirusTotal. Program ini sebenarnya berbayar. Program ini sudah dimodifikasi untuk menjadikan versi berbayar seumur hidup dan gratis untuk Anda $$. …

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  18. View File Web-Based Community Service Digital Archives Application Aplikasi sistem pengarsipan digital ini dapat memudahkan Anda dalam pengarsipan dengan mengurangi kertas dan ruang atau ruang penyimpanan. Nah pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan source code mengenai Aplikasi Arsip Digital Pengabdian Masyarakat Berbasis Web... Berdasarkan hasil pengujian program dapat disimpulkan bahwa program ini dapat berjalan dengan baik dan telah memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna serta layak untuk diimplementasikan. Aplikasi ini dapat diakses melalui Web Browser, Dengan begitu semua orang nantinya dapat menggunakan aplikasi ini.. …

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  19. View File WhatsApp AnyForm - Submit Form as WhatsApp Message | WhatsApp Contact Form - jQuery Plugin Jika ada usaha kecil, lembaga, kantor atau organisasi apa pun, penyerahan & pengumpulan data adalah hal dasar untuk mendapatkan informasi dasar yang penting bagi bisnis atau organisasi mana pun. Biasanya banyak yang menggunakan cara mengirimkan formulir & tanggapan, simpan di lembar excel atau sumber lain sesuai kebutuhan. Namun jika skalanya kecil atau cakupannya terbatas, rasanya seperti pekerjaan yang membosankan untuk mengakses informasi dari lembaran dan sumber daya lainnya. Jadi inilah kami dengan solusi sederhana seperti …

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  20. View File WhatsApp Link Source Code Memungkinkan Anda mengirim pesan whatsapp ke nomor yang belum ditambahkan ke kontak tanpa perlu menambahkan nomor tersebut ke kontak Anda. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/10/2023 Category Scripts

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