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PHP script programs, Java scripts and other scripts are released here

  1. View File LaraBuilder - Laravel Drag&Drop SaaS HTML site builder Download free LaraBuilder - Laravel Drag&Drop SaaS HTML site builder. Powerful and easy to use website and html builder, It can be user in several differenet ways: as a personal builder, SaaS application, integrated into existing projects and more.. LaraBuilder features Built using Laravel 8.0 Use it as SaaS Easy to use drag & drop builder +400 professionally designed blocks allowing you to start building sites and pages instantly Extend LaraBuilder Lite by easily adding your own custom blocks Edit images, links, styles an…

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  2. View File Instant Blog - Fast & Simple Blog Php Script Download free latest update Instant Blog - Fast & Simple Blog Php Script NULLED. Instant Blog NULLED is a multi-purpose blog & magazine script. You can create easily Google AMP pages. Instant Blog has clean, responsive and user-friendly design. You are able to manage your posts,categories, users and settings with its powerful Admin panel. Dynamic form for creating posts. Ad management ready you can easly add ads to your posts. It is secured, seo optimized, fast and simple to use. What is Google AMP ? The AMP Project is an open-source initiative aiming to make the web be…

  3. View File Fundstarter - Smart Crowdfunding App Login URL : Demo Site Login for Admin: Username : [email protected] Password : password Login for Volunteer: Username : [email protected] Password : demo1234 Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 10/30/2023 Category Scripts

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  4. View File PHP Social Dashboard PHP Social Dashboard adalah platform manajemen media sosial yang dapat digunakan individu atau perusahaan untuk mengoordinasikan kehadiran media sosial di berbagai saluran atau akun, melalui satu antarmuka. Dengan aplikasi ini pengguna dapat memiliki aliran media sosial termasuk semua aktivitas jejaring sosial mereka dengan beberapa profil jejaring sosial yang ditampilkan dalam tata letak dinding batu yang bergaya dan dapat mengatur semuanya secara semi di satu tempat. Aplikasi ini menerima informasi melalui layanan web API yang berbeda. Pengguna mengotorisasi aplikasi di situs web mereka dan aplikasi meng…

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  5. View File PicoSMM - Social Media Marketing Script Panel Download PicoSMM – Social Media Marketing Script Panel NULLED PicoSMM is very simple, easy, and professional to use. It’s a full-featured Social Media Marketing Solution. You don’t have to pay monthly fees just download and install it on your hosting. You can use PicoSMM for personal and also for business purposes. Are you looking for a complete SMM solution system for your business, then you are in the right place. No need to pay thousands of dollars to hire developers to build your SMM Panel Website. PicoSMM may assist you to handle unlimited services, able to accept p…

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  6. View File Genius Bank - All in One Digital Banking System Download Free Genius Bank - All in One Digital Banking System GeniusBank is the Advanced Professional Banking System that has all the necessary features to start a Banking Management based on Laravel. Mainly its developed for those people who want to start their Business in Digital Banking System. It comes with DPS, FDR, Wire Transfer, and many more Standard Banking features. If you are looking for Complete Professional Banking System then it’s a great choice for you. Your GeniusBank can easily handle Unlimited Users, Transactions, Deposits, Withdraw, FDR, DPS, Money Transf…

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  7. View File BinaryEcom - Ecommerce Based MLM Platform Download free BinaryEcom - Ecommerce Based MLM Platform NULLED. BinaryEcom NULLED, a professional Ecommerce Based Multilevel Marketing Solution that comes with PHP laravel. It’s developed for those people who want to start their MLM based Shopping business website. globally, 60 million people work as network marketers & 36.6 million customers have bought products/services from the network marketing model. In 2020, over two billion people purchased goods or services online, and during the same year, e-retail sales surpassed 4.2 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide. BinaryEcom, a complete sol…

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  8. View File Hyip InvestPro – Advance HYIP & ICO Investment Wallet & Banking Platform Dompet Multipropose InvestPro & Platform Investasi Online Perbankan. Ini adalah Platform web yang berfungsi penuh untuk mengelola platform Dompet, Perbankan & investasi Online Anda dengan nyaman. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mendaftarkan pengguna, mengambil deposit, mengirimkan pendapatan dan memproses pendapatan ROI tunggal dan multi-level. Dengan InvestPro Anda dapat menyiapkan platform Anda sendiri secepat mungkin. Gerbang pembayaran utama dan mata uang kripto yang didukung termasuk Stripe, CoinPayment (BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, XRP, dan BCH)…

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  9. View File DallHam Ai - Ai WhatsApp, Chatbot, Ai Speech, Bard Ai SAAS System Memperkenalkan DallHam V2 , aplikasi pertama di Codecanyon dengan Google Bard AI . Ini menampilkan chatbot AI WhatsApp (Anda dapat berlatih untuk bisnis Anda) untuk interaksi pelanggan yang dipersonalisasi, generator gambar AI , kemampuan text-to-speech dan pidato-ke-teks , dan blogging otomatis AI WordPress . Tingkatkan operasi bisnis Anda dengan aplikasi canggih ini yang menggabungkan fitur AI canggih untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan keterlibatan pelanggan. Penafian :- DallHam memerlukan kunci API opeanAi dan kunci AWS Polly tanpa Kunci ini Fitur Dallham …

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  10. View File QRGen - Powerful PHP QR Code Generation Script Download free QRGen - Powerful PHP QR Code Generation Script. QRGen is a dynamic PHP-based script designed to elevate your QR code generation experience. With a suite of powerful tools at your disposal, QRGen enables seamless creation, customization, and downloading of QR codes. Our script is designed to be user-friendly and highly customizable, ensuring that you can generate QR codes that meet your specific needs. QRGen can do a lot, including: Background Color Dots Color Corners Square Color Corners Dot Color Upload Logo Logo Size Log…

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  11. View File Genius Trade - Advanced Trading Platform Download free latest update Genius Trade - Advanced Trading Platform NULLED. Genius Trade NULLED is a complete solution for an online payment gateway. Clients can use this system to make a trade and get a profit if clients win the trade. Anyone can register for trading and can win the trade. This is simple but very robust script. You can get all features to make it a fully functional script. You can use it for professional business purposes. You will get a percentage amount from user withdrawal. Also, admin will get the money whenever user loses their trade. Genius Trade comes with fea…

  12. View File Isshue - Multi Store eCommerce Shopping Cart Solution Perangkat lunak keranjang belanja eCommerce multi-toko adalah solusi lengkap untuk manajemen bisnis eCommerce. Semuanya dalam satu paket untuk manajemen situs web dengan panel admin backend untuk mengelola inventaris, pesanan, produk, faktur & sebagainya. Tidak perlu biaya berlangganan bulanan reguler, dapatkan melalui pembayaran satu kali sekarang. For Video Tutorial and installation guideline please visit our Youtube Channel Demo links : Website Demo : https://isshue.bdtask-demo.com/isshue_v5_demo/ Super admin : https://isshue.bdtask-demo.com/isshue_v5…

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  13. View File BitLab - Ultimate Bitcoin Wallet System Download free BitLab - Ultimate Bitcoin Wallet System. BitLab, a complete solution for Bitcoin Wallet business. here, users are able to register and generate their own Real bitcoin wallet address, users are able to receive and send bitcoin here to anywhere. admin will earn from fixed and percentage-based sending charges. all bitcoin wallet accounts will be generated via Block IO APIs. Something that makes purchasing Bitcoin possible, reached over 70 million wallet users at the end of March 2021. America is the undisputed champion of the world when it comes to Bitcoin specifically. More than …

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  14. View File Bus365 - Bus Reservation System with Website Bus365 : Sistem Reservasi Bus dengan Situs Web adalah Sistem Pemesanan Bus dan armada yang sangat luar biasa, Sistem reservasi Bus ini dikembangkan oleh PHP dan Code Igniter & frontend yang dikembangkan oleh React js. Ini sebagian besar berguna untuk Perusahaan Penjualan Bus, Armada, dan Tiket mana pun. memiliki beragam fitur pada Manajemen tiket Bus. Situs web: https://bus365demo.bdtask-demo.com/ Panel admin : https://bus365demo.bdtask-demo.com/backend/login Submitter Arfiano MV …

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  15. View File DOLIBARR - ERP & CRM Dolibarr ERP & CRM adalah paket perangkat lunak modern yang membantu mengelola aktivitas organisasi Anda (kontak, pemasok, faktur, pesanan, stok, agenda…). Ini adalah rangkaian Perangkat Lunak Sumber Terbuka (ditulis dalam PHP dengan penyempurnaan JavaScript opsional) yang dirancang untuk perusahaan kecil, menengah atau besar, yayasan, dan pekerja lepas. Anda dapat dengan bebas menggunakan, mempelajari, memodifikasi atau mendistribusikannya sesuai dengan lisensinya. Anda dapat menggunakannya sebagai aplikasi mandiri atau sebagai aplikasi web untuk mengaksesnya dari Internet atau LAN. Dolibarr memiliki …

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  16. View File Bespoke - Financial solution platform Download free Bespoke - Financial solution platform. Bespoke offers a comprehensive financial solution platform that has Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL), a variety of savings schemes, an advanced loan system and much more. Within the savings system, you’ll find Regular Savings, Emergency Savings, Duo Savings, and Saving Circles. Loan System Bespoke’s advanced loan system requires users to provide recent financial statements and guarantor information. Admins review this data to determine loan eligibility. Admins can establish loan plans, including suggested amounts, interest rates, failed in…

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  17. View File RateLab - Business Review Platform Download free RateLab - Business Review Platform NULLED. RateLab NULLED - Business Review Platform 36626680 RateLab, a professional Business rating or Review Solution that comes with PHP Laravel. It’s developed for those people who want to start their Review business website. globally, there are many popular reviews websites like Yelp, Trustpilot, and google business. Almost half (47 percent) of all internet users worldwide say they post reviews about a product, company, or service each month. Here, users will join and be able to rate any company, about their service, customer support, or pr…

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  18. Lihat file Finounce - An Advance Peer to Peer Crypto Exchange Platform Finounce adalah platform pertukaran mata uang kripto peer-to-peer yang canggih dan aman yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memperdagangkan mata uang kripto secara langsung dengan pengguna lain, tanpa memerlukan otoritas atau perantara pusat. Perangkat lunak kami menyediakan antarmuka yang ramah pengguna dan fitur-fitur canggih seperti perdagangan waktu nyata. Platform kami dirancang dengan fokus pada keamanan dan keandalan, memastikan keamanan dana dan perdagangan pengguna. Kami menggunakan teknik enkripsi canggih untuk melindungi informasi pengguna, dan semua transak…

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  19. View File Doxe - SaaS Doctors Chamber, Prescription & Appointment Software Cara kerja konsultasi zoom live Dapatkan kunci api dari akun zoom Anda dan simpan di admin super > pengaturan > pengaturan zoom Dokter membuat pertemuan zoom untuk konsultasi langsung Dapatkan id rapat, kata sandi dan simpan di pengaturan bagian konsultasi langsung Pasien akan membuat janji temu dengan dokter tertentu dan perlu membayar konsultasi online menggunakan paypal/stripe Dokter akan memulai pertemuan mereka di aplikasi zoom sebelum waktu yang dijadwalkan Saat pasien mencoba mengikuti konsultasi langsung, Dokter…

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  20. View File WorkTick - HRM & Project Management WorkTick – Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia & Proyek Terbaik WorkTick adalah sistem Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (HRM) terbaik Anda dengan Manajemen Proyek. Ia mampu menangkap semua fungsi penting yang diperlukan untuk perusahaan mana pun dan bahkan lebih banyak lagi. Ini adalah solusi tepat waktu untuk meningkatkan tim SDM Anda dan menjadikan seluruh proses lebih efisien. Dengan WorkTick Anda dapat dengan mudah mengelola perusahaan, proyek, dan karyawan Anda. Ini memiliki sistem yang ramah pengguna dan mudah disesuaikan, serta dasbor dinamis yang dapat Anda per…

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