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PHP script programs, Java scripts and other scripts are released here

  1. View File LaraBuild - Laravel Drag and Drop Page builder and Settings Builder Package A package for Laravel developers is called LaraBuild. Both the Drag and Drop Page Builder and the Settings Builder are included. Developing settings and pages in a few steps saves you months of work. Rather than requiring the developers to write a ton of code, it is meant to assist them in swiftly connecting with their Laravel project and designing the options. There are more than 16 different field kinds included. Builder for Options/Settings By defining the arrays, the settings builder will let you define the project settings. There are several…

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  2. View File Lemon - Share Whatsapp And Telegram Groups Our platform empowers users to effortlessly submit their links and select the most relevant group category, eliminating the need for cumbersome registration processes. Additionally, our intuitive admin panel enables administrators to manage group approvals, introduce new categories, handle advertisements, and process payments seamlessly via PayPal, Stripe, and Mercado Pago. We've expanded our platform to support various messaging groups beyond WhatsApp and Telegram. Now, users can share links across multiple platforms, enhancing the reach and effectiveness of their communication stra…

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  3. View File LicenseBox - PHP Licenser and Updates Manager Download free LicenseBox - PHP Licenser and Updates Manager NULLED Introducing LicenseBox – the all-in-one solution for managing licenses and updates for your PHP applications, WordPress plugins, and themes. Our easy-to-use platform offers a user-friendly interface and requires minimal server resources to run. But that’s not all – LicenseBox also comes with integration examples, sample codes, and a built-in helper file generator to make integration into your existing applications a breeze. And if you’re concerned about security, we’ve got you covered with our inbuilt PHP obfuscati…

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  4. View File LiteHYIP - Simple HYIP Investment Platform Download LiteHYIP - Simple HYIP Investment Platform NULLED LiteHYIP, a professional HYIP Investment Solution that comes with PHP laravel. It’s developed for those people who want to start their Investment business website. There are thousands of HYIP investments scripts, many of them are not useful, some of them comes with complex user and admin interface. LiteHYIP is a simple but powerful Investment system with an easy operating system, any non-technical person now able to run their investment website. Are you looking for a complete Investment solution system for your business,…

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  5. View File LiveSmart Server Video LiveSmart Server Video adalah aplikasi web mandiri tingkat lanjut dengan saluran komunikasi tatap muka video, audio, rekaman, berbagi layar, dan transfer file serta obrolan terintegrasi untuk peserta yang secara teori tidak terbatas. Produk ini tidak memerlukan instalasi tambahan atau login dan akun pihak ketiga, hanya browser desktop atau seluler. Anda dapat mengatur alat konferensi video yang sangat dapat disesuaikan dengan banyak fitur. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 11/14/2023 Ca…

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  6. View File LottoLab - Live Lottery Platform Download LottoLab - Live Lottery Platform NULLED Free LottoLab, a laravel made Live Lottery platform that enables a great opportunity to start your own lottery website. Lotto is by far the most popular draw, in 2016, Americans spent a total of $70.15 billion on lottery tickets, according to the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries. we got Severals of requests to develop such items and we collect idea’s from some popular platforms and clients. No need to pay thousands of dollars to hire developers to build your Lottery Website. LottoLab may assist you to handle unlimited…

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  7. View File MaroCMS - Business CMS Download MaroCMS - Business CMS Free MaroCMS is a simple to use, efficient content management system with an impressive features set. MaroCMS is created to help you build a 100% responsive and exclusive classified website based on latest version of the most popular PHP framework Codeigniter. DEMO Website Demo link: http://elmanawy.info/demo/marocms Admin Panel Demo link: http://elmanawy.info/demo/marocms/admin Login Details for regular member / admin : Email: [email protected] Password: 123456 Submitter Arfiano MV …

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  8. View File Max Profit - Online Multipurpose Investment Platform Maxprofit adalah script investasi multiguna yang dibuat untuk membantu Anda menjalankan platform investasi jenis apa pun dalam waktu singkat. Ini memiliki antarmuka pengguna dan admin yang modern dan sepenuhnya responsif. Script ini cocok untuk platform investasi bitcoin, investasi perdagangan valas, atau jenis sistem investasi lainnya Kami telah mengintegrasikan gateway pembayaran utama seperti Stripe, Paypal, Paystack, Perfect Money, Payeer, dan Coin Payments (menerima BTC, dan ETHEREUM). Opsi setoran bank langsung juga didukung. Maxprofit allows unlimited inves…

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  9. View File MegaFaucet - Crypto Faucet Script ( Only a few Bugs ) But 90% work Ekstensi PHP yang Diperlukan: Ekstensi PHP BCMath Ekstensi Ctype PHP Ekstensi Fileinfo PHP Ekstensi JSON PHP Ekstensi Mbstring PHP Ekstensi OpenSSL PHP Ekstensi PDO PHP Ekstensi Tokenizer PHP Ekstensi XML PHP Hosting yang Direkomendasikan: cPanel Hosting direkomendasikan untuk kinerja optimal dan kemudahan penggunaan. Ekstensi PHP Tambahan (untuk meningkatkan fungsionalitas dan kinerja): Ekstensi PHP MySQLi Ekstensi ikal PHP Persyaratan Server Web: Modul penulisan…

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  10. View File MoonTools - Online Web Tools Download MoonTools - Online Web Tools NULLED free MoonTools is a collection of useful tools and utilities that people often search for on the internet. It has many great tools for your users to use in their daily tasks and we will continue to add new tools in updates. PHP 7.0+ huge performance boost Built with a fully responsive design based on the Latest Twitter Bootstrap to ensure your website looks flawless and beautiful on every mobile and desktop device. It also has strong cross-browser support. You can earn by placing Google Adsense Ads or similar Advertising platforms. There is a lot more f…

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  11. View File Onlinetrader - Forex Signal Service and Investment Management Solution In less than 20 minutes, Onlinetrader will help you to create and launch your own self hosted Investment management website Signal providing website Forex education/mentorship website Copytrading website that let your followers to copy your trades to their metatrader account. You can choose how you want to use Onlinetrader by enabling the features or modules that you need and disabling what you don’t need. Onlinetrader is a full responsive & dynamic system built with Laravel Framework. You can easily use our system with your prefer…

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  12. View File Optimer Advanced Image Optimizer + Storage Platform | SAAS | PHP Download Free Nulled Optimer v1.9 – Advanced Image Optimizer + Storage Platform | SAAS | PHP #1 Fastest-growing Image Optimizer/Compressor + Storage SAAS Platform. Optimer is an online image optimization tool that allows you to reduce the size of an image file by compressing it and removing unnecessary data, all while maintaining the quality of the image. This tool is highly useful for diminishing the size of images intended for web use, as smaller image files load faster and consume less bandwidth. It typically operates by enabling you to upload an image from your c…

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  13. View File Pharmacare - Pharmacy Software Made Easy Pharmacare adalah perangkat lunak farmasi yang memiliki desain modern responsif untuk semua jenis apotek. Software apotek ini sebenarnya digunakan untuk pengelolaan data apotek. Demo links : Super admin : https://pharmacaredemo.bdtask-demo.com/pharmacare-9.4_demo Perangkat lunak sistem manajemen apotek ini dikembangkan dengan framework PHP dan Codeigniter. Ini dirancang dan dikembangkan untuk apotek, toko obat, department store dan toko obat. Tangani semua data apotek Anda dengan mudah. Di sini Anda dapat menangani semua pengelolaan akun apotek, pembuatan faktur, anali…

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  14. View File PhotoStack - Multivendor Microstock Marketplace PhotoStack is a user-friendly Multivendor Microstock Marketplace designed to simplify the setup of your stock photo business. Developed with Laravel 10, it provides a reliable platform for selling images through both individual pricing and subscription options. The system includes an efficient image review process to maintain quality standards. With support for over 10 automated payment gateways, handling transactions becomes a breeze. PhotoStack caters to photographers looking to showcase their work and buyers in search of high-quality images, offering a straightforward solution for…

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  15. View File PHP Social Dashboard PHP Social Dashboard adalah platform manajemen media sosial yang dapat digunakan individu atau perusahaan untuk mengoordinasikan kehadiran media sosial di berbagai saluran atau akun, melalui satu antarmuka. Dengan aplikasi ini pengguna dapat memiliki aliran media sosial termasuk semua aktivitas jejaring sosial mereka dengan beberapa profil jejaring sosial yang ditampilkan dalam tata letak dinding batu yang bergaya dan dapat mengatur semuanya secara semi di satu tempat. Aplikasi ini menerima informasi melalui layanan web API yang berbeda. Pengguna mengotorisasi aplikasi di situs web mereka dan aplikasi meng…

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  16. View File PHP Trusted Reviews PHP Trusted Reviews – Saas makes you money Earn by charging a subscription fee to serious companies – the monthly, 6 months or yearly packages will potentially help you gather a nice income from your website. We have added Stripe & PayPal for your convenience and ability to take either Credit Card payments or PayPal ( or even both for the sake of flexibility ) . Hasslefree reviewing experience The easiness to leave a review will let everyone share their honest feedback regarding any company listed on your trusted platform. SEO Friendly We’ve thought you might ask so our URLs are p…

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  17. View File phpFox - Powerful Platform For Niche Communities + All Plugins phpFox - Powerful Platform For Niche Communities + All Plugins Free A great way to empower your community Whether you want to build a social website for your business, organization, startup or just your common interest group, phpFox can help with lots of its built-in features. Submitter Arfiano MV Submitted 02/22/2024 Category PHP Scripts File Size 23.47 MB …

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  18. View File PicoMSG - Phone As an SMS Gateway For Bulk SMS Marketing PicoMSG sangat sederhana & mudah digunakan. Ini adalah alat pemasaran SMS massal berfitur lengkap menggunakan ponsel Android Anda. Anda tidak perlu membayar biaya bulanan, cukup download dan install di hosting Anda. Anda dapat menggunakan PicoMSG untuk keperluan pribadi dan juga bisnis. Anda tidak perlu mengintegrasikan gateway SMS pihak ketiga mana pun untuk mengirim SMS massal menggunakan PicoMSG yang akan mengurangi biaya besar untuk pemasaran Anda. Cukup gunakan ponsel Android Anda sebagai SMS gateway dan kirim sms massal menggunakan nomor ponsel Anda sendiri. …

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  19. View File PicoMSG - Phone As an SMS Gateway For Bulk SMS Marketing PicoMSG is very simple & easy to use. It’s a full-featured bulk SMS marketing tool using your android phone. You don’t have to pay monthly fees, just download and install it on your hosting. You can use PicoMSG for personal and also for business purposes. You do not have to integrate any third-party SMS gateway to send bulk SMS using PicoMSG which will reduce a huge cost for your marketing. Just use your Android phone as an SMS gateway and send bulk sms using your own mobile number. Demo : Admin Login : URL: https://gateway.picotech.app/admin/login User…

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  20. View File PicoSMM - Social Media Marketing Script Panel Download PicoSMM – Social Media Marketing Script Panel NULLED PicoSMM is very simple, easy, and professional to use. It’s a full-featured Social Media Marketing Solution. You don’t have to pay monthly fees just download and install it on your hosting. You can use PicoSMM for personal and also for business purposes. Are you looking for a complete SMM solution system for your business, then you are in the right place. No need to pay thousands of dollars to hire developers to build your SMM Panel Website. PicoSMM may assist you to handle unlimited services, able to accept p…

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