PHP script programs, Java scripts and other scripts are released here
691 topics in this forum
View File Cartify - Laravel Ecommerce Platform with Tailwind CSS Rasakan masa depan e-niaga dengan Cartify, platform canggih kami yang menggabungkan kekuatan Laravel, Livewire, Tailwind CSS, dan Alpine.js. Kuartet teknologi inovatif ini memberikan pengalaman belanja online yang lancar dan luar biasa dengan mengintegrasikan fungsionalitas backend yang kuat, interaktivitas real-time, desain antarmuka pengguna yang menakjubkan, dan perilaku frontend yang dinamis. Cartify membekali Anda dengan semua alat penting untuk meluncurkan toko online yang berkembang. Dibangun pada kerangka Laravel yang andal, ini memastikan keamanan, skalabilitas, …
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View File Pickbazar- Laravel Multivendor Ecommerce with React, Next Js, GraphQL & REST API Download free latest update Pickbazar - Multivendor Laravel Ecommerce React, Next Js, GraphQL & REST API NULLED. Pickbazar laravel ecommerce is implemented based on our popular react project pickbazar. It has both REST API & GraphQL API support. On the frontend we have used React, NextJS [ TypeScript ] & Tailwind. Full source code is available. It’s very easy to install and deploy. It’s very fast and your customer will love using it. It will help you to grow your business fast as it’s a very easy e-commerce solution. We have added good…
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Arfiano MV replied -
View File Bayanno Hospital Management System Sistem Manajemen Rumah Sakit Bayanno adalah sistem manajemen rumah sakit atau pusat kesehatan terlengkap dan multifungsi di Codecanyon. Ini berkolaborasi antara admin, pasien, dokter, perawat, laboratorium, apoteker, resepsionis, akuntan sehingga semua dokumen dan pekerjaan manual yang melelahkan dapat diotomatisasi dengan mudah dan efisien. Fitur Ratusan fitur otomatisasi 8 jenis akun pengguna Sistem pemesanan janji temu termudah Komunikasi pribadi dengan dokter Manajemen akomodasi rumah sakit yang paling mudah …
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View File Bookoe - BookStore Script System with website Free Download latest update Bookoe - BookStore Script System with website by Meteros NULLED. Bookoe is an online Discovering great books website filled with the latest and best selling Books. The BookStore script has a modern and responsive design, the homepage features a scrolling carousel showing the top selling books that you can even select a specific genre for if you want and also a featured books section, you can select which books you want to have featured in the site settings, the homepage is also being cached for faster loading. Bookoe – BookStore Script System is an onli…
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View File Typn - The Ultimate Community Platform Typn is a comprehensive community software solution that offers a wide range of features to help you build and grow your online community. With Typn, you can easily create and manage users, topics, and discussions. You can also customize your community's look and feel to match your brand. Features Typn offers a wide range of features to help you build and grow your online community. Here are just a few of the features that Typn offers: User management: Easily create and manage users, including their profiles, permissions, and settings. Topic management: Create and man…
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View File Clinic Management System - Doctor Patient Appointment Management System Laravel Ini adalah Aplikasi Manajemen Pemesanan Janji Klinik yang memungkinkan rumah sakit dan Dokter menjadwalkan waktu mereka dan membiarkan pasien memesan janji temu sesuai slot yang tersedia. Ini juga mendukung manajemen kunjungan pasien dengan menggunakan dokter yang dapat mengelola kunjungan pasiennya dan menambahkan masalah terkait dan resep obat di sana. Berikut beberapa Fitur dan Konsep Utama yang disediakan InfyCare. InfyCare- Manajemen Pemesanan Janji Klinik Laravel InfyCare situs web manajemen Klinik laravel berfitur lengkap dan…
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View File Porichoy - Multitenancy Based Portfolio Builder Platform (SAAS) Porichoy adalah platform portofolio berbasis multitenancy yang pelanggan dapat membuat situs web portofolio dalam waktu 5 menit. Skrip ini mendukung subdomain, domain khusus, dan domain berbasis jalur untuk URL portofolio. Siapa pun dapat membangun situs portofolio apa pun menggunakan skrip ini. Pelanggan dapat membuat website portofolio, CV online, VCard (Kartu Nama Online), dan QR Builder. Kami telah mengintegrasikan 4 tema portofolio, 2 tema VCard, 5 tema resume online, dan menambahkan 12 metode pembayaran. Semua Pembayaran Getaways mendukung mode sandbox dan mode …
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View File Pyple Ptc Ads Watching Website Script 2023 Skrip Situs Web Menonton Iklan Pyple Ptc Baru 2023." Skrip yang kuat ini memberdayakan Anda untuk membuat situs web menonton iklan PTC (Paid-to-Click) Anda sendiri, memungkinkan pengguna menghasilkan uang hanya dengan melihat iklan. Rangkullah masa depan periklanan online dan sediakan pengalaman berharga bagi pengguna Anda, karena mereka terlibat dengan iklan yang relevan dan menghasilkan pendapatan pasif. Dengan integrasi yang lancar dan fitur yang mudah digunakan, skrip ini adalah pilihan sempurna bagi mereka yang ingin memanfaatkan dunia pemasaran digital yang terus berkembang. Luncurk…
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View File MachForm - HTML Form Builder Online, PHP Form Creator Download latest update free MachForm NULLED - Creating forms as easy as it gets. Build professional-looking forms with no coding. Suited for Every Need Create Order Form, Booking Form, Survey Form, Contact Form, Registration Form, you name it. MachForm builds them all. Sell More. Boost Your Business Accept payments online with your form and get profit instantly. Credit cards, PayPal or Check. Generate PDF Documents Form data delivered to you or your clients as PDF document or standard email. Instantly. Analyze Results Better insights…
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Arfiano MV replied -
View File Support System-Live Web Chat & Client Desk & Ticket Help Desk Free Download latest update Support System-Live Web Chat & Client Desk & Ticket Help Desk NULLED. Best Support System NULLED is self-hosted support ticket application. It handle support ticket, manage email ticket, collect any payment by paypal. It has easy installer so you don’t need any programming skill. Features Summary Easy Web Installer: Easy to use step by step installer wizard will let you install get your service up and running within minutes. Requires no programming skills. Remote Server Login (Single sign on – SSO): It’s a s…
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View File SecureSL - Website SSL Certificate Checker Script Free Download latest update SecureSL - Website SSL Certificate Checker Script NULLED. SecureSL is an SSL Certificate Checker PHP script built with Laravel. With this script, anyone can easily built a website that can check SSL certificate or HTTPS connection of a website. There is no API required and there is no search limit. The script is super ready for ad monetization and domain-hosting affiliate system. You can place SEO meta information in all the pages of the script. Almost everything can be customized through the admin dashboard. Submitter …
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View File Bitakon - AI Prompt Buy Selling Marketplace (Multi Seller) Download free Bitakon - AI Prompt Buy Selling Marketplace (Multi Seller) NULLED. Welcome to the Bitakon AI Prompt Selling Marketplace NULLED, your premier destination for unlocking the limitless potential of artificial intelligence! Our platform is a dynamic marketplace where creative minds, developers, and AI enthusiasts converge to buy and sell AI prompts, taking innovation to new heights. Bitakon script has 11+ automatic payment gateways and unlimited offline payment gateways and it has built with the latest in web development technologies, including Laravel, Inertia.js…
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Arfiano MV replied -
View File Web-Based Community Service Digital Archives Application Aplikasi sistem pengarsipan digital ini dapat memudahkan Anda dalam pengarsipan dengan mengurangi kertas dan ruang atau ruang penyimpanan. Nah pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan source code mengenai Aplikasi Arsip Digital Pengabdian Masyarakat Berbasis Web... Berdasarkan hasil pengujian program dapat disimpulkan bahwa program ini dapat berjalan dengan baik dan telah memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna serta layak untuk diimplementasikan. Aplikasi ini dapat diakses melalui Web Browser, Dengan begitu semua orang nantinya dapat menggunakan aplikasi ini.. …
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View File Apointer - Appointment Management System SaaS Download free Apointer - Appointment Management System SaaS NULLED. Apointer NULLED is a smart solution for rapidly building appointment management SASS applications. With Apointer, coding becomes a thing of the past as you effortlessly create custom appointment management systems in record time. Built on the latest PHP Laravel technology, We ensure reliability, security, and scalability, providing users with a seamless and intuitive experience from start to finish. With Apointer, managing appointments becomes effortless, allowing businesses to efficiently schedule, track, and org…
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Arfiano MV replied -
View File BookMySlot - Multi Vendor Appointment Booking PHP Software Free Download latest update BookMySlot - Multi Vendor Service Appointment & Event Booking PHP Software NULLED. BookMySlot is Multi Vendor booking script that enables Business owner to start their bookings/appointment online. Vendor can sell their service or event registration by BookMySlot. Vendor can easily bookmyslot in their website if they want. Features Installation: Easy Installation with stepper. Full Responsive: Our app is fully responsive and compatible with devices including mobiles and tablets. Admin Panel: Admin have control of…
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View File Genius Wallet - Advanced Wallet CMS with Payment Gateway API Mobile app is the best Way to build trust with your customers. We just released Mobile apps for this Online Digital Wallet system and you can release your apps within couple of hours. Purchase Mobile apps for Genius Wallet Here and expand your business rapidly with customers trust. Our team will assist you for your success! Demo Frontend Demo: Admin Demo: Admin Login: User: [email protected] Password:1234 Merchant Demo: https://product.geniusoc…
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View File WHMLab - Ultimate Solution For WebHosting Billing And Management Download free WHMLab - Ultimate Solution For WebHosting Billing And Management NULLED. Next Generation, Smart & Easy, WebHosting, Domains, and Digital Services Automation system. No Monthly Fees, No Hidden Charges, and No Encryptions. comes for a lifetime at an affordable price. WHMLab NULLED comes with all the essential features required to automate your WebHosting business globally. It allows creating web hosting accounts with ease and allows the management of the hosting services. comes with automated connections with groups of servers, cPanels, Namecheap, Res…
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Arfiano MV replied -
View File NFTLab - NFT Marketplace Download free NFTLab - NFT Marketplace NULLED. NFTLab NULLED is a complete NFT Marketplace system that allows you to start your own NFT marketplace platform within a very short time. One of the benefits of using our NFTLab is that it can significantly reduce the time and cost involved in developing a custom platform from scratch. Anyone can simply purchase the NFTLab and launch their NFT marketplace platform in a matter of minutes. More important things, NFTLab ensures robust security measures such as two-factor authentication, request encryption, password hashing, OTP, and Email & SMS notifications to…
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View File InvoLab - P2P Investment Platform With Recommitment InvoLab, Solusi Investasi P2P profesional yang hadir dengan PHP Laravel. Ini dikembangkan untuk orang-orang yang ingin memulai situs web bisnis investasi P2P mereka. secara global, 60 juta orang bekerja sebagai pemasar jaringan & 36,6 juta pelanggan telah membeli produk/layanan dari model bisnis P2P. Ini adalah industri yang sangat besar, dan InvoLab, solusi lengkap untuk bisnis Investasi P2P. Di sini, pengguna dapat bergabung melalui sistem rujukan, dapat berinvestasi dalam rencana apa pun untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. admin dapat membuat akun khusus untuk mendapatkan keuntu…
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View File Bid_Pin - Multivendor Auction & Bidding Platform Free Download latest update Bid_Pin - Multivendor Auction & Bidding Platform by wStacks NULLED. Bid_Pin is an advanced auction and bidding platform engineered utilizing the Laravel 10 framework, designed to facilitate global auctioneering and bidding activities. This robust platform enables users from across the world to engage in the buying and selling of items through a competitive bidding process. To ensure a secure and reliable environment, Bid_Pin incorporates a Know Your Customer (KYC) verification system, which vendors must complete before they are authorized to list …
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