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Download Free Flexible Product Fields PRO WooCommerce NULLED - Create a product wizard to sell engravings, gift wrapping, gift messages, business cards, stamps and optionally charge for it (fixed or percentage).

The Flexible Product Fields WooCommerce plugin lets you add custom fields to each WooCommerce product. Use it to customize WooCommerce products and let customers buy personalized products with custom add-ons!

Customizable product page

 Customizing products before adding them to the cart
 Easy to use built-in editor
 Add field groups above or below the Add to cart button
 Assign field groups to all products or selected products, categories, and tags
 Required or optional fields
 Manage labels, values, placeholders, CSS classes, and tooltips
 Saving the product configuration as a URL

Multiple custom fields

 Text fields: Text, Textarea, Number, Headline, Email, URL
 Option fields: Select, Multi-select, Radio, Radio with images, Radio with colors, Checkbox, Multi-checkbox
 Other Fields: Heading, Paragraph, Image, HTML
 Picker Fields: Date, Time, File Upload, Color
 Duplicate field groups and save time
 Compatible with Flexible Checkout Fields

Pricing and conditional logic

 Price assignment to a specific field
 Fixed price
 Percentage of Total
 Extra pricing works with conditional logic
 Show or hide unnecessary fields based on conditional logic
 Conditional logic for custom fields (Select, Radio, Radio with images, Checkbox)
 Compatible with Flexible PDF Coupons

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