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Download free Wholesale For WooCommerce. The best WooCommerce B2B + B2C solution for managing wholesale prices, products, and sales. Wholesale for WooCommerce is the most advanced WooCommerce B2B e-commerce solution for running a hybrid wholesale B2B + B2C store.

Why waste your time and money, creating a separate website for your wholesale customers when you can use Wholesale for WooCommerce to sign-up wholesalers on a dedicated wholesale area and still take care of your regular customers all at the same time?

The Most Advanced & Complete Wholesale Suite for Your WooCommerce B2B Website.

Wholesale for WooCommerce is the Swiss Army Knife of wholesale extensions that helps WooCommerce stores create and manage wholesale pricing plans across multiple levels – Simple, Easy & Effective.

Control everything you want to sell to your wholesale customers through an extension that lets you manage your eCommerce store’s wholesale pricing, multiple wholesale user roles, and much more.

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