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Download free latest update Email Protector Promail Protector cloaks email addresses in your Joomla! website, making them unreadable for spambots.
Email Protector is a replacement for the Joomla! core email cloaking plugin.
The core email cloaking plugin has a couple of issues and shortcomings. Email Protector solves these issues.

The core email cloaking plugin uses the javascript document.write method, which is outdated and can cause issues with other javascripts.
It also relies solely on javascript to cloak the email addresses, which means that if the javascript fails for whatever reason, you cannot see the email address at all.

Email Protector cloaks the email addresses in a different manner which solves this issue.
It uses both CSS and javascript to cloak the email addresses. When javascript fails to load, it will still display the email address to the visitor, but in a cloaked manner.

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