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Download free latest update Ultimate Membership Pro - WordPress Membership Plugin NULLEDUltimate Membership Pro NULLED is the well known and the best WordPress Membership Plugin for 8 years in a row that allow you to create and work with multi-level exclusive access for your Members based on simple Free Memberships or Payed recurring Subscriptions.

Unlike many other membership plugins, Ultimate Membership Pro is powerful, properly built and packed with everything you need. More than 33.000 membership websites are based on Ultimate Membership Pro with over $2 Billion Membership revenue generated making it the best wordpress membership plugin.

Ultimate Membership PRO has multiple options on Level Access:

LiveTime – users will have a long term access without an end time. Very useful for basic Levels or Standard Levels

Limited – users will have a fixed time based on Days/Weeks/Months/Years before the Access will expire. The Limited period will start once the User receives the Level Access. Very useful for Trial Levels or small fee Levels

Date Rage – users will have access only on a certain Period of Time, no matter when is Registered. Very useful for Promotional Levels like into Holiday period.

Regular Period – users will have access based on regular time as Days/Weeks/Months/Years when the Access requests to be renewed. Very useful for Recurring Subscription Levels.

After Expire Level – the current Level may be replaced with another Level automatically if that’s is required.

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